What is better to choose: Yandex or Google mail. Which is better to choose: Yandex mail or Google Gmail - an online service that is as convenient as email programs

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Originally developed as a means of communication, email eventually lost this function to social networks. Nevertheless, business and commercial correspondence, systematization and storage of credentials, sending important documents and a number of other functions are still carried out using email services. In the vastness of the Runet, Mail.ru and Yandex.Mail were in the lead for a long time, then Gmail from Google was added to them. In recent years, Mail.ru's position as an email client has greatly weakened, leaving only two fairly large and popular resources on the market. It's time to decide which is better - Yandex.Mail or Gmail.

Choosing the best mail: comparison of services from Yandex and Google

Since competition in the software market is very high, each manufacturer tries to offer as many functions and capabilities as possible, which makes it difficult to compare resources. Both email services are cross-platform, equipped with a convenient navigation system, data protection mechanisms, and work with cloud technologies, offer a simple and user-friendly interface.

Interesting fact: most corporate email addresses also work using Yandex.Mail and Gmail services

However, the mailers offered by Yandex and Google have a number of significant differences.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of mail from Yandex and Gmail

Parameter Yandex.Mail Google Gmail
Language settingsYes, but the main emphasis is on languages ​​with Cyrillic alphabetSupports most languages ​​of the world
Interface settingsLots of bright, colorful themesThemes are strict and concise, rarely updated
Performance when navigating through the boxHigherBelow
Speed ​​when sending/receiving emailsBelowHigher
Spam detectionWorseBetter
Sorting spam and working with the basketBetterWorse
Simultaneous work from different devicesNot supportedPossible
Maximum amount of attachments to a letter30 MB25 MB
Maximum cloud investment10 GB15 GB
Export and import contactsComfortablePoorly designed
Viewing and editing documentsPossibleNot supported
Collection of personal dataMinimumConstant, obsessive

In most aspects, Yandex.Mail is the leader. It works faster, offers more features, and does not collect or process personal data. However, Gmail should not be written off either - it is more convenient for corporate mailboxes and is better integrated with cloud technologies. In addition, Google services do not suffer from blocking, unlike Yandex, which is especially important for residents of Ukraine.

We hope our article helped you choose a convenient and effective email service. May all the letters you receive be pleasant!

If you access Gmail through search engines, you may lose access to your mailbox. A user going to sites from a search runs the risk of ending up on phishing (fishing) sites. These sites are visually indistinguishable from email services and are created with only one purpose - to find out the login and password for the victim’s account and gain access to his mail.

By going to such a site, you will see an interface familiar to you and, without suspecting a trick, enter your account data into the fields of the authorization form (login form). After entering, you will see a notification - “the service is temporarily unavailable, try again” and will be redirected to the official website mail.google.com, where when you re-enter the data you will be safely logged into your mailbox. Unfortunately, Internet scammers have already obtained your username and password the first time you try to log in to the “fake” site.

Having access to your Gmail mail, an attacker can use the password recovery functions for social networks, cloud storage and even find your credit card information.

Registering a new Google Mail mailbox

Google mail has a number of advantages compared to other email services. For postal owners Gmail account, all become available online services and Google tools, the so-called all-in-one (all in one).

To register in Google mail, it will take about 5 minutes and a minimum set of data: First name, Last name, come up with your unique login (mailbox name like [email protected]) and a password convenient for you (8 characters: letters, numbers and special characters). To ensure additional security, you will be asked to link your phone number and additional email address.

Login to Gmail

It is best to enter your Google mail mailbox from the start pages that are available in any browser. If you are unable to access from home page or you need to log into Gmail on someone else's computer, the best solution will use the "Incognito" mode in the browser (called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N). In this mode, your authorization is not saved and when you close the browser window, access to Google mail will be interrupted.

The second correct solution for logging into Gmail

To log into your Gmail or Google account, you must enter the authorization data that was specified during registration: Phone number (if it was specified and confirmed) or login from your email address.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about a free service Gmail.com email. The main feature of this mailbox is its incredibly convenient and functional web interface.

It is, perhaps, in no way inferior to stationary mail programs, but will be accessible from absolutely any device capable of accessing the Internet. Therefore, using the Gmail box, you can safely forget about such a thing as synchronization.

Besides this, Google mail has one of the best (if not the best) spam cutter in the world (it is because of it that I collect correspondence in this mailbox with, and other services that do not fight spam in any way), allows you to automatically sort correspondence by dozens different ways, mark letters, import them from any , and also knows how to remove and send correspondence from dozens of mailboxes you already have, and in such a way that your opponent will not suspect a substitution.

Plus, working using a secure protocol and warnings about access to your mailbox from other IPs - what could be cooler. Probably nothing, so in this article I will try to take Gmail apart and show all its capabilities with examples. Don't switch.

By the way, quite recently it came out on top in the world, overtaking another popular email service called . However, in Russia the undisputed leader is, although it does not have any outstanding functionality (it just appeared earlier).

Registering and creating a mailbox in Gmail

Let's start with the trivial, but in need of some comments, registering a mailbox on Gmail. Addresses must be distinguished Gmail.com and Gmail.ru. Historically, the s.ru service at the end appeared before the Jimail mail service, and Google could not get this domain (although last year they seemed to succeed). For example, about ten years ago I almost fell for this incident, because gmail.ru also had a free email service.

How to create an account in Google Mail

Actually, receiving a mailbox is a nice bonus when creating an account. If you are now go to the Jimail page If you don’t have an account in Google, you will be asked to correct this misunderstanding:

Clicking the button "Create an account", you will be taken to a page with a web form that you will need to fill out very carefully. Due to the enormous popularity of Gmail, it can be quite difficult to use it, but still, if you show your imagination, you can choose something suitable.

For example, you can insert dots in the name, which means it is acceptable to use the domain name of your site, which with a high degree of probability will not be taken:

Please note that the reliability of the information you provide must correspond to the tasks that you will assign to this particular mailbox. Of course, Gmail.com is very well protected from hacking (work is carried out through the encrypted https protocol), but no one has canceled the human factor.

For example, the simplicity of the password I once came up with for my mailbox on Gmail became the reason for its hacking and subsequent theft of money from my own electronic wallet in the WebMoney system. I registered this email in time immemorial, when I didn’t even think about it, so I chose it surprisingly complex password QWERTY. Now, which gives a certain amount of peace of mind.

You also need to understand that the unrealistic alternative Email address or the phone can play a cruel joke on you, because they could help you restore access to your account in case you lose your password or your mailbox is hacked by various g-nyuks:

IN SMS message to the one specified during registration mobile phone You will receive a confirmation code, which you will need to enter to register (unfortunately, you won’t be able to create a Zhmail.com account without a phone).

Next, fill out all the fields, click on the “I Accept” button to agree to the terms of the box and send the data. You will be asked to scroll through a small slider “Young fighter course from G Mail”, and at the last step a button will appear to enter the web interface for managing your mailbox - “Go to Gmail”.

Login and get acquainted with the Jimail interface

If you already have a Google account, then you will receive you can always log in from any page of any Google service, simply click on the button next to your name in the upper right corner:

Well, or just by typing in the address bar of your browser gmail.com and clicking on Enter.

Gmail interface quite understandable and familiar (it has not undergone significant changes for quite some time, which, in my opinion, is good, because there is no need to solve another puzzle on the topic - “where is it now?”):

It appeared quite a long time ago separation of correspondence to Unsorted, Social Media, and Promotions (at the top of your inbox). If you click on the plus sign next to it, you can also add “Alerts” and “Forums”.

If you don’t need this sorting (like me), then simply uncheck the unnecessary checkboxes on the “Inbox” tab in the settings (six in the upper right corner - “Settings”):

When you first log into G-Mail, you will immediately be told that although your account has been created, there is still something to add and configure to it. In particular, you will be offered to quickly set up the import of mail from your existing mailboxes (both in G-mail and in other similar services). We will talk about this in detail below.

You will also be prompted to quickly add a photo to your account and, if desired, choose a different design theme. You can really do this right now, because everything is implemented in literally two clicks (don’t get lost).

A new mail interface is already available in Google Mail for everyone

Lately, Google Mail has been actively promoting its new interface . You can try it by clicking on the settings button (gear in the upper right corner) and selecting the first item “Try” new version G-mail".

It is currently in testing and is not used by default. There aren’t really many striking differences, but you still have to get used to it.

If you wish, you can return back to the old interface, and you can also configure the location of letters in the new Gmail by clicking on the “Interface” button in the settings drop-down menu. Three options are offered, differing from each other mainly in compactness and clarity:

I am still using the old interface (and I will show everything using its example), but you are free to choose for yourself (I think you can figure it out by analogy in my screenshots).

When loading the mailbox web interface, your browser is checked to see if it supports all this beauty, and if a discrepancy is detected, the good old HTML version. Although you yourself, in case of a long loading of the new frame, can switch to the retro interface:

By default, you are offered a mailbox approximately 15 GB in size(although this is not only for one email, but also for yours, and), but if you wish, for a fee you can increase this limit.

The few letters that will already be present in your mailbox tell you about some of the features of Gmail (for example, importing contacts and letters from any mail service you previously used) and about the delights of .

Pros and cons of Gmail, security settings

What’s noteworthy is that by registering a mailbox on Gmail, you are not obliged to give up all the others that you have received over your long life on the Internet. It is possible to configure the reception and sending of mail to them from the Google mail interface. This is very convenient, and I have been using it successfully for a long time (we’ll talk more about the necessary settings below).

Gmail is an online service that is as convenient as email programs

Also, one of the default messages will talk about the ease of using Gmail on mobile phones using a proprietary application. In general, use for working with mail using the web interface, rather than a desktop program, has one huge advantage - you no longer need to synchronize your different email programs on various devices(desktop PC, laptop, phone, tablet, etc.).

A web interface will be an excellent universal solution, but only if it allows you to implement all the goodies that abound in email programs. Well, of course, Google, together with its wonderful Jimail, is striving with all its might to become this ideal option, and, frankly speaking, they are doing it very well.

At the beginning of its journey, Google Mail found itself at the epicenter of a scandal precisely because of the ads that appeared with contextual advertising (by the way, if you have your own website, you can too) and not because of the irritation caused by its display. No. It’s just that the theme of contextual ads in its ideology corresponds to the text that takes place in this message. This meant that the system was reading our letters, which caused a storm of indignation.

But over time, all the goodies that Google threw at users of its free email outweighed the negative from the invasion of their personal space. In short, we were bought. Sometimes the thought still comes to mind that this corporation is gradually becoming an “empire of good”, and besides, how beautifully it all began (read in my account). However, let's return to our sheep.

Let's talk now about security of working with your mailbox. I advise you to immediately go into the settings for this purpose (find the gear in the upper right area and select Settings from its context menu):

Immediately pay attention to the link located in the footer (bottom) of the Gmail web interface called “Additional information”. There you can monitor or set up an alert for suspicious calls to your mailbox.

Protecting your email login

If the data stored or received in your mail account is extremely important, then you can sacrifice the simplicity of working with the mailbox and configure it (using a password and confirmation code sent to your mobile phone). You can do this on the page " Security and entry" your Google account:

There is never too much security, and the main thing is to take care of it before, and not after, the thunder strikes (learn from my mistakes). Well, I’ll still briefly describe all the possibilities that this double security system provides. So, two-factor authentication in Gmail allows you to do the following:

Passwords for applications to access your mail from any device

If you use any email reading apps on your desktop computer or mobile phone (tablet), then after activating two-step authentication, these same applications will not be able to access your mailbox. What to do?

There is a way out and it is quite simple. You will need in the area "Application Passwords"(see screenshot above - located on the “Security and Login” page) click on the spoiler. The page that opens will list the applications that already have access to your Gmail account (by the way, you can disable them if necessary).

And at the very bottom there will be an opportunity to set a password for any application to access Jimail mail (it doesn’t matter, mobile or desktop, for example, an email client).

First select from the drop-down list Google app, which you want to log in to (mail, YouTube or others), then from the second list, select the device from which you want to log in, and click on the “Create” button. As a result, you will receive a password for this application and instructions for using it:

All you have to do is go to the settings of the mobile or desktop application to change the Gmail access password there to the one you just generated.

In my opinion, everything is very simple and convenient. Personally, I am very happy about this opportunity make your mailbox as secure as possible from the encroachments of all sorts of radishes seeking to steal money, websites and other material and virtual values. Respect to the developers for this.

Okay, now let's understand the features of Jimail mail and configure this miracle of programming thought to suit ourselves and our habits.

Shortcuts (folders) and their configuration in Gmail

To sort correspondence in Gmail, use shortcuts and filters. The latter allow automatic mode according to given criteria, distribute letters into different folders (labels). A shortcut, in fact, is very close to the usual concept of a folder, but has more ample opportunities. By Google default offers you a specific set of shortcuts and folders, which are located in the left column. But we are free to customize everything to suit our needs.

How to create a shortcut in Google Mail

First, you will probably need to go to the settings (Gear - Settings) and on the second tab, using the “yes” or “no” activation, configure the display of left menu items (some shortcuts can not only be disabled, but also deleted).

There will also be an opportunity to create a new one using the corresponding button. Create a shortcut in Gmail you can also when viewing a letter (from the context menu of the icon called “Shortcuts” on top panel):

In general, I don’t really understand these icons, so for more information and clarity, you can check the “Text” option in the settings on the “General” tab in the “Button Labels” area.

After this, instead of mysterious icons, clear inscriptions will appear on the top panel of G-Mile:

As you can see from the above screenshot, in fact, even the Inbox folder is a shortcut. In Gmail, shortcuts can be nested (previously this required installing an add-on from the Laboratory), which gives even more opportunities for targeting.

How to customize appearance and use shortcuts

The created shortcuts should be observed in the left menu(additional directories with the names of shortcuts will appear), and their configuration or deletion can be easily done by clicking on the arrow button that appears on the right (the left arrow reveals a list of nested shortcuts, if any) when you hover the mouse cursor over any of them in your mailbox:

Will open context menu, where you will be asked to select a color for this label, as well as make a number of additional settings:

Now, after assigning a unique color, when viewing incoming messages in Jimail, you can very easily see what labels they are marked with.

Although, in my opinion, it is best to configure the filters automatic removal messages from the inbox, if they meet any condition for moving under the label (there is no need to clutter the inbox - only unfiltered messages will be there):

When viewing this letter, you will also have the opportunity, if necessary, to remove unnecessary cross labels:

Removing an Inbox shortcut sends the letter to the archive, but it will still be available in other existing shortcuts (folders, in other words). And, of course, in the “All Mail” folder you can always find them safe and sound. Okay, at first it’s difficult to figure it out, but you can imagine all this shamanism as creating the folders you need in the future. There is a possibility if necessary, but this is a last resort.

It is clear that when reading messages you will be able manually assign them to one or another shortcut (in other words, place them in folders) using the button of the same name located at the top and its context menu. In fact, in this way you can manually distribute the letters from your mailbox in Jimail into the folders you need and pre-created. However, this is a tedious task and, if possible, I would like to automate the routine.

Filters in Jimail and a detailed example of their use

How to do this? Using a second tool codenamed Google Mail filters. These wonderful filters are available in the settings (from the gear menu) on the corresponding tab. There you will see the filters you have already created (if any) and a link that allows you to create a new impeccable example of indestructible logic (called Create a new filter).

In the window that opens, you need to enable logic and try to set a unique algorithm by which Gmail will filter the correspondence you need. If someone has used desktop email programs before, then there will be no problems with this.

If the filter doesn't work, you can always correct it. You can filter, for example, by the subject of the letter, by specific terms found in it, by the address of the sender or recipient (if the message is sent to Jimail from another mailbox of yours).

At the next step of the filter creation wizard, you will be asked to assign the fate of those unfortunate letters that are filtered in accordance with the algorithm you specified. For the example given with filtering mailings coming from the left mailbox, you need to check the boxes in accordance with the screenshot:

Let's Let's look at an example of this Gmail filter:

All. Create a filter, test its suitability, correct shortcomings and enjoy cleanliness and order in your correspondence on the most wonderful web-based email client.

Importing addresses and letters into Gmail, collecting mail from other mailboxes

Now let's assume that my agitation for Soviet power had an effect and you were inspired by the idea moving to Gmail with all his belongings, i.e. with accumulated contacts and tons of letters. It won’t be that difficult to do this, although not very quickly (even with Google’s unlimited power, transferring an array of correspondence can take up to two days). However, all this will be done automatically, and you will only need a little patience in making the necessary settings.

In addition to, in fact, a complete move with all your property to Jimail, this email service will allow you to use all your mailboxes that have accumulated over a long time to the fullest, and your opponents who will send messages to them will not even notice that you are no longer there live (responses to their letters will come with the same return address to which they wrote). It's actually a wonderful thing that also works great.

Import contacts into Jmail from your other mailboxes

All settings are made on the tab "Accounts and import". In the “Import mail and contacts” area, you need to click on the link shown in the screenshot:

Import from a huge number of email services is supported, a list of which you can see on this page. In the first step, the wizard will ask you where Google will collect contacts and messages, and in the second step you will be asked to enter the password for that mailbox.

After clicking the “Import” button, you will be notified that this is not a quick process. You can verify that the process is complete in the Google mail settings using the path indicated in the screenshot:

You can teach Google to pull chestnuts out of the fire (letters to Gmail from your other mail services), but the collection will not be carried out in real time, but sporadically with an interval of one hour. If the speed of collecting correspondence is critical for you, then it’s better do the reverse operation— go to the settings of those same third-party accounts and add to them the forwarding of all mail to Google.

Forwarding mail from other mailboxes to Jemail

Well, it’s probably worth mentioning that in the Gmail settings on the tab Forwarding and POP/IMAP you can set all incoming correspondence to be forwarded from your new Google mailbox to your current main mail account.

And if you are used to using a desktop program to work with mail, you can, if necessary, disable the POP protocol and enable a more advanced one IMAP to pick up correspondence and read it on your computer.

Useful Settings and Gmail Lab

Among all the possible settings of Gmail (Gear - Settings), we have not considered the “chat” tabs (which I don’t use and don’t know what to say about them), as well as the settings for enabling the smart mode for separating inboxes into important and unimportant on the “Inbox” tab ", and a tab "Themes", where you can put the most pleasing skin on the web interface:

By and large, there is nothing interesting there.

Let's see if there's anything left that we haven't covered "General" tab of Jimail settings:

  1. The interface language - well, there’s nothing to talk about here.
  2. Maximum page size - the number of letters (chains, which, by the way, are an amazing invention of Google - all correspondence with the same user reduced into one chain, where you can remember the essence of the matter) and contacts (available from the drop-down list of the Gmail button located above the left list - I advise you to add photos to all your contacts in the settings or for chic).
  3. Chains of letters - you can disable the wonderful function described just above, but I assure you, it’s not worth it.
  4. Shortcut keys are disabled by default, but perhaps constant work with mail will become more convenient when activated. A list of hotkeys can be seen on this page.
  5. Desktop notifications - if you work with Gmail from Chrome, you can enable this function, and when new messages arrive, a pop-up window with information about this extraordinary event will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.
  6. Signature - if you don’t want to write “With respect, Dmitry Petrovich!” at the end every time, then just fill it out once in the general settings and this template will be automatically inserted into all letters you send.
  7. Autoresponder - you probably received an almost instant reply with general words in response to your letters (I’m not here right now, but I’ll definitely answer). This is what an answering machine is. This kind of stuff just pisses me off.

All other settings have either already been discussed above or do not deserve to be said anything more about them. So, trifles, which, however, may seem useful to someone.

Laboratory and advanced settings in Jmail

Let's move on to a tab that has not yet been touched upon by us, but nevertheless is probably the most interesting tab from settings – Laboratory.

It is, however, only present in the settings of the old interface, and in the new one there is a tab instead "Advanced". Some of what could be enabled in Labs is now available there (in the new interface).

But in the new interface there is also an opportunity on the “General” tab to check the “Enable access to experimental functions” field and after saving the settings, they should, in theory, appear on this very “General” tab. But I have not yet noticed any changes from checking this box.

In general, Google mail was born in 2004 and was in the beta stage until 2009. During this time, "Lab" took root and became the main source of innovation in this by far the best online email client.

I have repeatedly observed that additions from the “Lab” over time took up space in the main settings. Apparently, Gmail, therefore, tests out new features and makes a verdict on their implementation based on the collected statistics of their popularity (this is similar to a test browser, the successful developments in which are then implemented into the main project -). Well done, what can I say.

But let’s see what interesting things are being tested in the “lab” now, although if you read this article after a while, you won’t find much there. I will only review what I use in my account (please don’t kick me too hard for this). So, what useful little things can you do? attach to your Gmail.com mailbox:

  1. Icon unread messages - a small but pleasant trifle. After activating this function, the number of newly received messages will be displayed in the tab of your browser where Google mail is open. It probably won't be superfluous.

  2. View area— this cartoon seemed extremely convenient to me, because I’m slowly switching to Gmail from an email client integrated into Opera, where everything is organized exactly like this. Now the window for viewing the list of messages can be squeezed out and the contents of the selected letter can be viewed in the freed-up area. Comfortable.

    Activate, save the settings and, going to view the list of letters, cast your gaze on the top panel, see new button, which will allow you to configure the screen split vertically (shown in one of the top screenshots), horizontally, or not at all:

  3. Response templates— I use it often so as not to retype the message every time. Quite convenient, but requires a little initial setup. First, activate this cartoon, and then open the dialogue for writing and replying to a letter. Did you see the arrow at the end below?

    First, go to the only item from the context menu “Response Templates” and name the future template. Then, in the letter writing field, enter the text of the future stamp and select it completely. From the "Canned Answers" context menu, now select the name of your template, but only what is in the "Save" area:

  4. Custom shortcut keys - I haven’t used them yet, but it’s a rather interesting option that allows you to assign the most common operations to hot keys.

I also forgot to mention that in some browsers (Chrome and Firefox for sure) you will have the opportunity to make an online mail client Jimail default program on your computer, which will contain . This is very convenient if you are interested in this client and do not think about working in any email program. When you open the mail web interface in Chrome, a line will appear at the top of it asking you to commit the act of vandalism described just above:

Until you answer “Yes” or “No”, this inscription will not stop haunting you.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Gmail is email from Google. Today, this free service is most popular among ordinary users, business people and large companies. Gmail.com mail is characterized by convenient user interface and an abundance of functions and capabilities. You can access Gmail from any device connected to the Internet. If you are still using computer version mail program, it's time to register an email account and evaluate its benefits.
In addition to a convenient web interface and a number of functions, Google mail does not allow spam to pass through, and this captivates mailbox owners. Many users who have email accounts on other services set up correspondence forwarding because they are confident that Gmail.com will not let dubious emails through. Another advantage of Google's email service is working with correspondence. This includes sorting letters in all possible ways, and marking them, and importing, and moving, and sending, and receiving, and quoting, and various filters and other useful, convenient options.

Mail Google service supports a secure connection, which is very important for protecting confidential information. If someone tries to access your email from another address, you will be immediately warned about this. That's why we decided to tell you in detail everything about Gmail.com - a free email service from Google.

Foreign users give the palm to Gmail, although just recently it seemed that no one would surpass the giant Hotmail (the new name for Outlook). But domestic users prefer the mail service from Mail.ru. Maybe out of habit, because it was created much earlier. Although, recently more and more business people are moving to Gmail.com - there are more opportunities.

Registering and creating a mailbox in Gmail

So, let's start by registering in the service and creating a mailbox. Before we do this, allow ourselves a small digression. The Gmail.ru domain does not belong to Google, and it appeared long before the “birth” of mail. It is possible that at one time they tried to get it, but the attempt failed. Now the RU domain of the same name is a service that forwards email from SMS, Jabber, ICQ, etc.

And we will register on . This is Google's email service.

If you don't have account in Google, you will be asked to create it, and at the same time register your mailbox in this service. A single account is valid for all services. Click the appropriate link button and begin registration. You will be redirected to a page with web forms. It is necessary to fill out each line, and do so carefully and thoughtfully. Don’t forget to pick up an original mailbox for yourself, although, admittedly, this is not at all easy due to the enormous popularity of the postal service. But if you use your imagination, you will get a beautiful name.

Gmail allows dots in the mail name. And owners of web resources can write the name of their website.

If you're planning on using your Gmail.com inbox, be sure to fill out the information on the form seriously. But do not forget about the security of the confidential information you enter. Google's email service uses an encrypted connection and is very well protected from unauthorized entry, but there will always be resourceful attackers.

For example, if you come up with a weak or frequently repeated password, your email may be hacked. What if, for example, you use this email to withdraw money from an electronic wallet? When hacked, the attacker receives a confirmation code and easily steals your money, transferring it to his wallet or card.

Therefore, take your password creation seriously. Compose it on a piece of paper by mixing large and small letters of the English alphabet into a single phrase and adding various signs to them. If you don’t know how to come up with complex passwords, use a special utility. Not only will it generate a complex password, but it will also save it so you don't forget it. The most popular of them is, free manager passwords. Even an untrained user will find it easy to understand the program.

Another opportunity to protect your mailbox from hacking is to specify a real email. Don't ignore this point. If your email is hacked or you forget your password, an additional email account will allow you to regain access to your account. There is another way - indicate your real mobile phone, which will also help you recover if your password is lost or hacked. However, the number you indicate must already be real, since without a confirmation code you will not be able to complete the registration.

But we settled on an additional (real) mailbox. Enter its details so that if something happens, you can receive a confirmation code and solve problems with losing your password and restoring access if such a situation arises.

To continue registration, carefully fill out each field, traditionally agree to all terms of use of the service and click submit web form. You can upload the photo immediately, or you can make all the settings later. You will find yourself on a new page where you need to enter your email name and password. Now you can manage your by email: get acquainted, set up, write and receive correspondence.

Sign in and get to know the Gmail interface

If you already have an account registered, then you have mail. Log in while on any search engine service. At the top right, if you are logged in, you will see your name. Click on it and select your email service.

Or copy gmail.com to the address bar and press enter. If you are authorized in your account, you do not need to enter any passwords or names - you will immediately find yourself on the main mail page. So what do we see in the interface? Simplicity, convenience and information content are the main features of Google mail. And the developers try not to change anything, probably guided by the saying: the best is the enemy of the good.

On the top menu bar there are sections with “Unsorted” and advertising (offering a product or service) letters and correspondence from social networks. And if you click on “Plus”, “Forum” and “Alerts” will open.

The know-how of the service from Google is chats. At the same time, the user can communicate in traditional and video chat. Users have not yet appreciated all the delights of this function, since Google has not abandoned the abundance of advertising messages. Annoying, constantly out of place and timely pop-up advertisements prevent normal communication.

Google's email service supports all browsers, but displays mail differently. At the time of downloading, the capabilities of the browser are assessed, and depending on this, the required version is enabled. If you use a modern browser, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the web interface. If you use, for example, old version Operas, mail will be loaded in HTML. And if you are not satisfied with the loading speed of interface elements, you can choose a lightweight version of the email service.

15 GB of free space - a lot or a little? Probably for letters - a huge number, and for photographs and documents stored in cloud service, - not so much. But the storage capacity can be easily increased, albeit at a reasonable cost.

When you log into your email, you will see a couple of letters. This postal service information service tells you what you get as a result of creating a mailbox, and also advertises social network Google Plus.

Pros and cons of Gmail, security settings

If you used other email services before creating an account on Gmail.com, continue to do so. Rather, the easiest way would be to use the convenient function of forwarding all correspondence. Collecting letters is an excellent opportunity not to abandon other mailboxes, but also not to have to log in to read new correspondence. We'll tell you how to collect all the letters in one box a little later.

Google mail can also be used on a smartphone that supports Android. Do you know the beauty of using Gmail rather than a program installed on your computer/phone? You will forget about synchronization between all your devices.

At the same time, it should be recognized that the mail program is still one step ahead of the web interface in terms of capabilities. But Gmail.com is catching up, offering the mailbox owner more and more opportunities. And now Jimail is an excellent alternative to non-mobile mail.

When Google first launched its email service, it caused a storm of indignation, and here's why. When a user logs into their mailbox, they see contextual ads. And each of them echoes the subject of the letters. For example, you ordered a jacket on a website with outerwear, and you received an email for payment. And then you are shown advertising blocks with jackets. It is logical that the owner of the box is outraged. But not by displaying an advertisement, but by matching it to the context of the letter. And the postal service began to be suspected of reading letters.

Time passed, and the scandalous passions subsided. Many felt that the invasion of space was disproportionate to the good that the postal service offers. In short, the good outweighed the bad.

Now we will touch on an important topic - how to work with your mail safely. All this needs to be configured, and we will do this. All settings are made in a separate section. Click on the gear and go to settings.

If you want to configure login by IP address, click on “Additional information”. It is located at the bottom of the interface. There is all the information about logging into your mailbox.

If you have nothing to fear and you receive regular letters, for example from friends, you may not worry too much about data protection. But if the correspondence you receive is very important (passwords, confidential information, documents are transmitted in it), protect your mailbox as reliably as possible. And it can be done. Jimail provides two-step authentication. Yes, it will be difficult to work with such an email service, but it is very reliable. Firstly, to access your mail, you will have to go through authorization by entering the traditional name and password, and secondly, indicate the SMS code received on your phone. Set up such authentication using " ".

Don’t ignore the opportunity to secure your work with the email service so that confidential information does not become known to attackers.

We'll cover two-step authentication. Here's what's available to you:

Shortcuts (folders) and their settings in Google mail

To sort letters in the mail service Gmail.com, you need to use filters and shortcuts (folders). Filters are configured according to different criteria and allow you to automatically sort correspondence into separate folders (labels). Unlike traditional folders that exist in various email services, shortcuts in Gmail have advanced capabilities. Each folder can be customized to suit your needs. You can, of course, not change the set of shortcuts located on the left and created by default.

To delete or change these shortcuts, go to Settings by clicking on the gear. The second tab is responsible for setting up the menu on the left. Activate or, conversely, uncheck desired shortcut, delete, move.

And by using the corresponding button, you can create a new shortcut. You can do it differently. When you read a particular email, click the shortcut and follow the instructions.

If you are confused about the interface elements, configure it so that not icons are shown, but familiar text labels.

After setup, everything fell into place, and we realized that the inbox folder in Gmail is a shortcut. This email service has an attachment option. One main shortcut can have several secondary subfolders.

For example, it will be very convenient if you create a label with advertising correspondence, and then add several folders (shortcuts) that specify advertising products.

In the menu on the left you will see all your shortcuts. And to edit, change, rename, delete them, use the arrow on the right. And the arrow on the left allows you to manage investments. When you click on it, they expand and are available for editing.

If you want to edit a shortcut, click on the right arrow and bring up the context menu. Once opened, you will be presented with a list of changes. Select the desired item and save the edited shortcut.

For example, the first thing you can do is change the colors of the labels. It's convenient. You can immediately see which letter you received from which shortcut (folder). But we recommend that you do not store such emails in your inbox, but immediately redirect them to the appropriate labels. Automatic redirection is a convenient feature. And all you need to do is set up redirection according to certain criteria. And let the inbox contain correspondence that does not fall under the filters, and you yourself will distribute it when you read it.

While viewing correspondence, you can immediately delete the label by clicking on the cross.

If you delete “Incoming” correspondence, it will be archived. Messages, even deleted ones, are not lost because they are saved in the “All mail” label. If it seems to you that such an interface does not simplify, but rather complicates working with mail, this is temporary. To shortcuts, etc. you need to get used to it and adjust everything to your needs.

If you do not want to filter correspondence automatically, use the manual method. Read the letter and move it to a suitable shortcut or delete it. This can be done using a special menu button. This method is labor-intensive and is only suitable for those who do not receive many letters. And for the rest there is automatic redirection or filtering according to specified parameters.

Filters in Jimail and a detailed example of their use

So, how to use a great email service tool - filters? Go to the menu by clicking on the gear. A tab with filters will open if you have already created them. You can edit, delete, change them. If there are no filters, click the corresponding button to create them.

You will be redirected to a new window. Creating filters is not difficult, but you will have to think about it, calling on logical thinking to help. An algorithm must be specified by which the service will filter all letters that match it into one folder (shortcut). If you have an email program installed on your computer and you actively use it, you are familiar with filters.

Don't be afraid to create the wrong filter. If the system does not understand the algorithm you specify, you can change it until everything goes well. Which filters to choose? By friend's name, organization name, subject of correspondence, address, term, etc.

Once the algorithm is created, you will have to choose what the system should do with these emails that fall under it. For example, it should automatically redirect to a shortcut called "Ads" or "Friends" or "Work". Or maybe delete it or send it to another address? If you need to filter correspondence from other mailboxes collected by the system, do it as in the picture:

So what we see in this filter we created:

See how simple it is. Check the created filter. If there are errors in the algorithm, correct them. If everything works as it should, you will see how filters from Gmail.com simplify your work with mail. Most importantly, they organize correspondence.

Import contacts and letters into Gmail, work with old mailboxes via Google mail

So, you registered on Gmail.com, figured it out, liked everything and want to continue working with the service. But you also have other mailboxes where contacts, important emails, confidential information, etc. are stored. How to move to Gmail and not lose “along the way” everything that has been accumulated over time? The transition is not difficult, but it takes a long time. To transfer all letters and contacts, you will have to move for two days. And even though Google gives you a whole series opportunities. The only consolation is that the “move” is automatic. And all you need is the appropriate settings and a little patience.

Don’t be afraid to move: you won’t lose anything, but on the contrary, you will gain. Everything you used before will, firstly, be improved, plus new functionality will be added. Secondly, you will not lose old contacts, since they will not understand that you have abandoned or rarely visit old mailboxes. All correspondence that continues to arrive there will be forwarded to new box. Collecting correspondence works great and not a single letter gets lost. In this case, all contacts will remain the same.

To configure everything we described above, go to the “ Accounts and import" Click on the appropriate option to import mail and contacts. And click the link like the following picture:

You can import correspondence and contacts from anywhere, even from the oldest mailboxes. The entire list is available at this link, check it out. The Import Wizard will begin its work from the first step. Indicate which email service you want to collect mail from by entering your email address. Then you need to log in to this mailbox.

In the third step, you must decide on the content to import. You also choose further actions: continue to import all letters received subsequently and save them in a separate folder (shortcut).

When you select what suits you, click "Import". This process, we repeat, is long, so don’t be afraid to miss something and don’t be nervous. Go to Settings to see that the process is complete.

Useful Settings and Gmail Lab

So, we looked at all the features of Gmail.com with the exception of the chat function and a few others. You can try for yourself how the chat works. We don't think it's that difficult to figure out. There is one more feature in Gmail - smart mode. It can be configured in such a way that the system will filter all new correspondence in the Inbox as important and unimportant. There is also a “Themes” tab. Well, everything is clear here, and you yourself will figure out how to change appearance your mail. Design it so that the web interface is pleasing to the eye.

So, what else do we have left on the “General” tab in Settings:

These are the basic settings. What we missed is not so important or is present in other email services and does not need detailed mention. But that doesn't mean these options aren't worth considering. Study them, perhaps they will be useful and relevant for you.

So, at the final stage, we will tell you about the Gmail Laboratory.

For five years, the developers tested the email service, and it was for these innovations that the Laboratory was responsible and continues to do so.

First, a certain addition appeared in it, was tested, and then went into the settings and took a permanent place. This innovation helps the company improve its mail service, introducing only those innovations that are popular and take root among users.

So, what is useful in the Laboratory, and how can we use it:

More recently Google company complied with the requirement of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation - provided users with Android choice search engine in standard Chrome browser. Now, after installing the latest version or using a special settings menu, everyone can choose how to search for information on the Internet: Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru. Which one is better? Let's take a closer look.

Without moving on to the search itself, let’s evaluate home page convenience"The Magnificent Three" Let's start with Google:

Traditionally ascetic home page Google in the center contains only a line where you can enter your query. To get to the rest of the company’s services, you need to click the button with the grid. From there you can read news, go to mail or maps. If you want more on the main page, then you need to install either the main one for Android and iOS. There, all services mixed with a search bar are immediately displayed on the main screen.

Yandex did not skimp on the functionality of the main page in mobile version. The site is literally crammed with all possible services from the Russian company, and upon entering it immediately asks for access to the location. If allowed, the main page will immediately show a block with a cafe near you, and also adapt the Yandex.Traffic widget. I know many people who use Yandex solely because of its convenient home page. It is described as some kind of store where you go in for one thing, but forget about it, and at the exit you have a cart full of various goods, except for that very one.

If Google's home page is ascetic, then Mail.Ru's is simply the height of minimalism. In the bad sense of the word, since there are no information cards, interactive elements, etc. on it. If we select news in the menu, the site will kindly offer us to “search for news” in 2017. I think this is where we can finish the review of the main Mail.

We carry out further testing on two parameters: locality and convenience. Read more about each parameter in the corresponding subheadings.


This parameter determines the extent to which a particular search engine is optimized for the needs of users in the CIS region, in particular from Russia. For a more visual demonstration, many search queries were related to the provincial city of Bryansk.

First, let's look at how three search engines understand local colorful words and the context of their use. For example, the name of the city of Chelyabinsk is often abbreviated as “person”. What if you enter the query “person routes”:

Google and Yandex understood what I wanted from them, but Mail didn’t.

How well do the three search engines know the great and mighty Russian language? Let's ask them for help in resolving a popular error - theirs or theirs:

Google responds to such a request with a brief help from a third-party site, explaining that the first option makes the speech rude and low. “Search No. 1 in Russia” even when entering a query shows the correct answer, but when you go to the search engine, no help is given - we’ll take your word for it. But Mail.Ru did neither one nor the other - it simply gave Gramota.ru as the first result. It could have been worse.

Let’s add a tricky query “Europe time” to the search. It is implied that we will see the opening hours of the large shopping center "Europe". Let's see what they show us:

Quite expectedly, the more global Google produced a table of time zones in major European cities. But Yandex, in the second block, figured out to show information about the shopping center along with opening hours. The second Russian search engine disappointed with the lack of both.

Now let's move on to a purely local story - to a search with location included. Let's try to find us a place where we can have lunch:

It’s funny, but only Google managed to understand us, although the first result was an analysis of the word “lunch” itself. Immediately in second place was a map with a list of local establishments. For some reason, Yandex decided to teach us how to spell a word, just like Mail.

How about ordering some pizza?

Nothing has changed in the search for a good corporation, but Yandex has improved. It’s just a pity that the engine’s “thinking” needs to be pushed by the name of the city.

To summarize the locality parameter, we can say that Yandex often has a more modern database of organizations. For example, when searching for a cafe, Google showed me an eatery that has not existed for a couple of years - “Rise”. Yandex removed it a long time ago. In 2GIS, which is used by Mail.Ru search, this cafe also no longer exists.

The same situation applies to bank branches and other points on the map. For example, Google has no information about the branch of Eastern Express Bank, which a year ago belonged to another bank.

Moreover, on Google, even on the map, branches of this no longer existing bank “Uniastrum” are marked. In Yandex and Mail.Ru the maps are more up-to-date. In the end: Yandex is more “localized” and has up-to-date information base in the Russian Federation and CIS countries; Google is a little worse in this regard, but you can use it; Mail.Ru is in last place.


Convenience refers to the ability of a search engine to quickly provide the necessary information for trivial queries. For example, some kind of chart, company information card or built-in services for ordering some services.

Let's start with the trivial - we'll ask you to display the weekend schedule in June:

Yandex showed full list weekends for 2017, except standard Saturdays and Sundays. Google limited itself to links to sites, but Mail.Ru was a little surprising - it showed a calendar with marked weekends.

Let's compare information cards of objects like computer games, for example, the old Gothic, which came out at the beginning of the 2000s:

In all three search engines the description is completely different, but in Google the card is the most meager - only a link to Wikipedia indicating the developer and series. The most popular search engine in Russia provided a rating on Metacritic, as well as more detailed information from Wikipedia. Mail.Ru, in addition to the usual description, also provides links to descriptions of the games in the series, the engine, the role-playing system and other features - very good.

Let's move on to one of the most popular functions - calculations:

There's a lot to talk about here. In Google search, when you enter some kind of mathematical query, a small calculator with the calculated expression is shown. In addition to receiving the result, the user gets the opportunity to continue calculations or solve some other problem - very convenient. In Yandex, the approach is different, and in many ways more convenient. When you enter a query in a line, the system immediately understands it, writes it mathematically and displays the result - you don’t even need to go to the search itself. Mail.Ru traditionally disappointed with links to its own “Answers”.

Let's look at how unit converters work. Let's set a not-so-simple conversion option - micrometers to meters:

The Google conversion widget shows the number of meters in one micrometer as a formula in the format 10 to the minus X power. The “Search No. 1 in Russia” widget is more understandable - in it you can set the number of micrometers and get the usual number with zeros after the decimal point. Mail again refuses to convert and count.

Let's try another function with a verbal trick in action. Let’s enter the query “anthill calories”. It is clear that we are talking about a cake called an anthill and its calorie content:

The “good corporation” search engine correctly recognized our request and showed the calorie content of the cake in the form of a table with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But Yandex gave only a single calorie content indicator, but in the next request it showed a link with a convenient snippet where all the ingredients of the cake are indicated. Mail.Ru limited itself to links.

Let's try to order a taxi directly through the search. Let’s enter a request for Moscow, since we can’t count on advanced functionality for the regions:

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