Beeline money transfers. How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline via phone: various ways Transferring money from Beeline to

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Your loved one or just a good friend asked to replenish his mobile account, and you want to help him? But you do not have the opportunity to put money on his balance through the terminal or transfer them from bank card ? It doesn't matter - the Beeline operator provides its subscribers with an excellent opportunity to quickly and easily transfer money from one Beeline phone to another. You can perform this operation in several ways, each of which will be convenient.

Today, you can use three main methods by which it is very easy to transfer money from one Beeline phone to another. Money transfers can be made via the Internet, SMS, as well as with a special service “ Mobile Transfer", which was created specifically for this purpose. How to transfer money to Beeline - learn more in this article.

Mobile transfer service

This service is a convenient option if you have any mobile device. In order to transfer funds from phone to Beeline phone, you can use two types of commands:

  • In full format: *145*recipient_number*amount#. The recipient's number must be indicated in ten-digit format, without the first digits +7 or 8. For example: *145*9063211223*160# .
  • You can also simply send a USSD request: *145# , and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

The cost of one operation is only 5 rubles. But the service is available only for those Beeline subscribers who have already managed to spend at least 150 rubles on paying for the operator's services. The amount of one such can vary from 10 to 200 rubles, while during the day you can send this method only up to 400 rubles. If you want to perform several operations, remember that the minimum time interval between sending a request is 2 minutes.

The service has a function of setting a ban on transferring money from phone to Beeline phone, to activate it, send the command *110*171#.

The mobile transfer service is available only to those subscribers who use prepaid tariffs.

Transfer via SMS

You can transfer from account to account using SMS. Send a message to the Beeline short number 7878, in the body of the letter indicate the subscriber's number through "7" and after the space - the amount to be sent. For example: 79066544556 1000 . In response, you will receive an SMS with a request to confirm the operation. After that, the funds will be immediately transferred.

Using the SMS service, you can transfer an amount from 10 rubles to 5000. The commission for the transfer is 3% of the transferred amount. If you want to make a transfer to the number , or Yota, the commission will be already 4.95% - keep this in mind before sending funds to another phone, since the number to which you transfer money can be transferred to one of these operators.

Internet transfer

When you have fast internet at hand, you can transfer money from phone to phone using Beeline's online service. Enter your number and the recipient's phone number, specify the payment amount from 10 to 5000 rubles and click the "Pay" button. If you want to transfer money from number to number in this way, remember that the commission for sending money to a Beeline subscriber will be 3% + 10 rubles. Please note that when transferring to numbers of other operators, the commission may change upwards.

Question: How to transfer money from Beeline to another number beeline?

Answer: In this article we will tell you how you can transfer money from a Beeline number to another Beeline number with the Mobile Transfer service. A great way to replenish the account of a loved one without leaving home at any time, although your account must also have a certain amount of money in order to be able to complete this procedure.

So, to transfer money from one Beeline number to another Beeline number, we will use the Mobile Transfer service. This service is provided without subscription fee and additional cost for connection. See below for information on how to use the "Mobile transfer" service, as well as the conditions for providing this service for beeline subscribers.

So that transfer money from your Beeline number to another number dial the following command: *145*number of the beeline subscriber to which you want to transfer money in 10-digit format (without 8 or +7)*transfer amount# and call key. This command looks like the one shown in the screenshot below.

Next, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your number.
- After the code has arrived, we need to confirm our transfer, for this we dial the following command on the phone: * 145 * confirmation code that was sent to our number # and the call key.

You can also set a ban on the transfer of money from the account of your number(sometimes it is necessary so that no one could steal money from your number to another number) to do this, dial the command *110*171# on your phone and call. To restore the possibility of transferring money to other numbers, you need to contact Beeline customer support by calling 0611 or contact through the official website of beeline.

Now let's look at the conditions for providing the "Mobile Transfer" service.

If you just bought a number, then at least 150 rubles must be spent from your account for communication services.
- The amount for one transfer of money to another Beeline number should be from 10 to 150 rubles.
- The maximum you can transfer from your number to another number is no more than 300 rubles per day.
- The maximum amount of money on the account after transfers is 3000 rubles.
- After the transfer, at least 60 rubles must remain on your account.
- The minimum time between transfers is at least 2 minutes.
- You can receive no more than 5 transfers per day.
- For Beeline subscribers who received a transfer from another number, the transfer option will be available only after 24 hours.
- Beeline can change the terms of this service at any time. You can clarify the exact rules for mobile money transfer before transferring.

  • I hope this article has helped you how to transfer money from beeline to another number.
  • We will be glad if you add your feedback, comments, useful tips to the article, provide mutual assistance and support in solving problems, helping other users of the operator cellular communication beeline.
  • Thank you for your feedback, helpful advice, mutual help and support!

18 o'clock 17 min.
How to transfer units from Baliain to Oshka

14 o'clock 07 min.
I can’t transfer money from beeline to beeline they write SMS the tariff does not allow or the number is blocked some nonsense help figure it out

10 o'clock 43 min.
It is necessary to contact the Beeline support service, it is better through the site, otherwise you can get through the problem and find out the reason. I used to have a block on the number for the transfer, after the appeal, the ban on the transfer of money was removed.

10 o'clock 21 min.
Hello, I do everything as written above, but this is what comes to me: Unfortunately, you cannot use the Mobile transfer service. The service may not be available on your tariff plan or your number is blocked. What should I do?

20 o'clock 10 min.
Irina, if the transfer amount was large, although there is no difference, call Beeline support and explain that you accidentally made a mistake with the number when transferring, they should help return the money back. And so they usually call the number where the money was transferred by mistake and ask for a refund, if the person is normal, they will transfer it back or simply replenish your account.

19 o'clock 49 min.
if I transferred from my beeline number to the beeline number (the number indicated is incorrect) how is it returned + ut den + b + g + and back?

22 o'clock 39 min.
Hello. Please tell me if you transfer money from the account of one Beeline number to another Beeline number, the transfer fee is charged or is it a free service?

If you need to replenish the balance of your loved one's phone, and neither he nor you have the opportunity to make a payment through possible ways replenishment, for example, there is no terminal nearby, the Internet does not work and other emergency situations. But there is a way out, if there is a sufficient amount on your phone balance to make a transfer to another Beeline phone number, then use the instructions below.

The "Mobile transfer" service allows you to transfer money from your phone balance to other numbers. Account replenishment operation mobile phone from your phone balance can be carried out not only for transfer to Beeline numbers, but also to numbers of other mobile operators MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and others. In addition, the service allows you to withdraw money from the balance to your bank card.

We transfer money from Beeline to Beeline

You can make a transfer from your Beeline account using two methods: by sending an SMS message or using a USSD command. As a rule, after the transaction, the transfer arrives within a few minutes.

Method 1: send SMS

In order to make a transfer to Beeline via SMS, send a message to 7878 with the following text "phone number amount".

The phone number must be entered through 7-ku. The amount must follow a space after the phone number and be in the range from 10 rubles to 5000 rubles and be an integer.

Example: 79656674323 100
(this means that given number you need to send 100 rubles from your balance)

In response to the request, a message will be sent, by responding to which you agree to the transfer of funds from your account. After confirmation, you will receive an SMS with the transfer amount and the commission charged.

Users mobile network there are times when, for example, a relative or friend asks to transfer money to his mobile account. At the same time, there is no way to find an ATM or terminal nearby. For this, a service called "Mobile transfer" is intended, which allows you to transfer money from an account to a Beeline account. This can be done anytime and anywhere, even when roaming. So you can easily help loved ones who need money in their account.

If you are in a hurry and already have a general idea of ​​the money transfer procedure, you can simply do these two quick steps in the form of a USSD command:

  1. *145*number*amount# . As a result of executing the command, you will receive a response containing a code.
  2. *145*code#. In response, you will receive information about the successful completion of the transfer operation.

Also, this combination of transferring money from Beeline to Beeline can simply help: *145# . Dial it and focus on the menu. And for those who are still new in this regard, it is worth revealing this issue more widely.

Mobile transfer on Beeline

Let's talk in more detail about how to transfer money to a Beeline subscriber, send USSD for this operation and confirm it.

Sending an application

To send, use the following USSD service command: *145*phone_number*transfer_amount# . The number is entered here in ten-digit format. The amount is indicated in ruble currency as an integer. But it all depends on the account. So, if you have a dollar account, then, of course, a number in dollar currency is entered as the amount.

For example, your application would look like this: *145*9031234567*100# "call".

After sending it, wait for an SMS containing a three-digit code, and you should remember it for the subsequent confirmation of the operation.

Operation confirmation

To confirm the transfer of money from the phone to the phone of the Beeline operator, dial *145*confirmation_code# and press "call".

As a result, you will notice on the screen a response containing the words that the application was accepted successfully. After processing, wait for an SMS response. There will be indicated the number of the person to whom you transferred the funds and the amount of the transfer. In this case, the recipient will also receive a notification about the operation.

Transfer ban

If there are concerns that someone can use your device without your knowledge, you are given the opportunity to set a transfer ban. For this you need to type *110*171# . If you want to activate the service again, call the company's call center at 0611 . You will need to voice your data from the passport or the established a codeword.

Transfer restrictions and conditions

Of course, transferring money from Beeline to Beeline is available to every subscriber free of charge. But at the same time, there are some restrictions and special conditions that each subscriber must comply with. So in case of an error when using commands or trying to request a service in violation of some rules, you will receive only an error in response.

So, to carry out the translation, keep in mind the following:

  • For new subscribers of the network, the service becomes available for use only after spending by them from 150 rubles to calls, MMS and SMS.
  • Transfer amount must not be less than 10 rubles and more 150 .
  • Maximum per day it is possible to transfer only 300 rubles .
  • On the account after the transaction must be left from 60 rubles .
  • When performing several operations, the interval between each should be from 2 minutes.

Information for Beeline subscribers who receive money by transfer:

  • Money can be received up to 3000 rubles.
  • It is only possible to receive funds via transfer up to five times per day.
  • The transfer of money, which was also received before this transfer, can be made only after a day.

It is worth mentioning that transfers can be made not only to Beeline clients, but also to other operators, such as MTS and Megafon. It is also possible to withdraw funds to the card.

If you still have questions on the topic "Mobile money transfer from Beeline to Beeline", then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

The service is available on all models of phones and smartphones. Its principle is based on a simple p2p settlement algorithm using the operator's USSD commands, which will allow any user to understand the intricacies of making payments without undue difficulty.

How to make a "Mobile transfer" to Beeline?

"Mobile Transfer" allows you to transfer funds between Beeline subscribers at any time of the day. Even while roaming, you can lend a helping hand to your loved ones, friends or benefit other network users - with the help of replenishment, you will be able to make mutual settlements, repay small debts or make other payments.
In order to transfer money from phone to Beeline phone, you need to type a digital combination on the keyboard or touchscreen of the device:

*145* subscriber number in 10-digit format * required amount # .

After sending a request for a money transfer, follow the instructions received: after receiving an SMS from unique code confirmation, you should send another USSD command in the format *145* 3 digit code # . Only after this validation, the funds from your account will go to the account of another subscriber.

The service is convenient to use to control expenses from someone else's account, which will undoubtedly come in handy for parents of the smallest subscribers. The visibility and convenience of the service will help children always stay in touch, without wasting precious time looking for a terminal/ATM for replenishment.

How to disable mobile transfer from phone?

If there are concerns or suspicions regarding the balance of payments, the Beeline Mobile Transfer service may be disabled. To limit and prohibit the transfer of funds from your mobile account, just dial a special command *110*171# .
To reactivate the service, call " hotline» Beeline by number 0611 , tell the technical support representative your passport data and / or code word (set when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services), after which the functionality of the service will become available.

Features and conditions of money transfer Beeline

Transferring significant amounts from beeline to beeline is impractical, but the internal service justifies the fact that its cost is only 5 rubles. In addition, the service imposes some restrictions on new subscribers - if you have a new SIM-card, and the cost of communication services on it did not exceed 150 rubles, then the possibility of making payments will be temporarily limited. Otherwise, when replenishing the balance of pre-paid Beeline subscribers, the following features are available:

  • You can transfer up to 200 rubles at a time.
  • The maximum payment amount for 24 hours is 400 rubles.
  • During the day, the subscriber will be able to make no more than 5 transfers, while at the time of the latter, more than 50 rubles must remain on the account.
  • The interval between subsequent applications must exceed 2 minutes.
  • Further transfer of funds is possible only 24 hours after their receipt.
  • The total amount on the recipient's account after replenishment cannot exceed 10,000 rubles.

Note! The money transfer service from Beeline is provided to all subscribers by default. If you have a contract and/or corporate rate, then the possibility of making payments using the operator will not be available.

If you have any questions or need clarification, you can contact the operator's call center for help. In addition, on the official website mobile operator there is a special service FAQ, where all explanations are presented in an accessible form. Using them, the subscriber will be able to make the necessary transfer without any difficulties.

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