Where are the VKontakte notes? How to find VKontakte notes Where are the VKontakte notes now?

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If you have been an active member of VKontakte since its launch, then you know how many changes the social network has already undergone. The design was adjusted, some functions and sections appeared, others were removed. Today we will be a little nostalgic and remember such a section as VKontakte Notes. You probably think that you won’t be able to read your old posts. But we will tell you how to find them and recreate the thrilling memories.

What are Notes?

For the old-timers of VK it was a cult time. A time when users posted text publications on their pages and anxiously awaited ratings from their Friends. But among those reading this article, there are probably those who have not even seen the notes section. We will conduct a small educational program for them.

The appearance of VKontakte Notes occurred at the launch stage of the service. The section was part of the standard ones at that time, so all newcomers got acquainted with it social network. At that time, the VK Wall itself looked different, and the form of publications was different. If today you immediately post all your thoughts on the Wall, then Notes were used for these purposes. For the most part, these were sentimental texts - prosaic sketches, poems, reasoning and reflections, etc.

Contact users could read the post and add a comment to it. But there were no likes yet, so the popularity of posts was assessed by the number of comments left. By the way, it was impossible to “share” the texts you liked: the function was simply not provided.

At some point it became clear that the Notes were noticeably outdated. They were no longer so interesting to users and were updated less and less often. But the developers still tried to transform the section, adding new functions in 2011 - the ability to publish with music and photos. However, this did not save the section from “death”, and soon it ceased to exist as an independent one.

Where are Notes now?

Logical questions: where did the VKontakte Notes go and is it even possible to find them in the VKontakte space? Don't worry, all your electronic notes made in VK are saved. It’s just that the management of the social network decided to remove the section itself, and you won’t see it in the main menu of the site.

Why was this done at all? And for the reason that the social network was undergoing serious changes: it was gradually transferred to a blog format based on the template of the well-known Facebook. Hence the structural transformations within the already familiar site.

However, there is another explanation for the decision taken by the VC leadership. In the Help Desk, where many users contacted, they talked about the need to change the format of Notes in order to protect personal data. According to representatives of the social network, users often used notes in “contact” in order to save passwords, codes and other important information. At the same time, security and privacy settings often failed, risking revealing confidential data to third parties. To avoid such situations, it was decided to transfer all previously written Notes to the Wall, where to this day you can find your old publications. And for storage important information The support service suggests creating posts in a private group.

And, of course, now we’ll tell you how to look at those treasured notes you left on the “contact” pages. We proceed as follows:
1. Go to your VK profile (My Page);

2.Go to the “My Posts” tab on the Wall;

3.Click on “My Records” again;

4.Go to the “My Notes” section.

Voila! 4 simple steps - and you can go down the waves of your memory. What a blessing that the notes function is gone, but they themselves are not.

By the way, there is an alternative option for moving to a long-forgotten section. You can simply enter a direct link into the address bar of your browser: http://vk.com/notes. This will probably be even easier.

There is, of course, a BUT. In this case, it hides the impossibility of searching for your old records through an application for iPhone or Android smartphones. However, you can go to Safari or any other browser you use and type the above link into the address bar.

It’s difficult to say how correct the management’s decision to delete VKontakte notes was. But today few people remember them, and the new format of the site seems quite harmonious and understandable. Well, you can always indulge in nostalgia using the methods we told you about above.

Owners of most modern smartphones have at least once encountered the need to record useful information using a mobile gadget as a high-tech digital notepad.

For most models on Android application Notes need to be additionally downloaded from Play Market. However, phones of the Chinese brand Xiaomi are already equipped with a built-in program where the recordings themselves and the photos attached to them can and are stored. Using the same application, you can make a checklist (a list of household chores, work tasks or purchases) and even use this method to view hidden Xiaomi notes in the device’s memory.

Hiding recorded information is often required because it is confidential and should not be accessible to outsiders. For this purpose Xiaomi smartphones There is a special function that allows, if necessary, to first hide and then restore the normal display of entries. You can prevent viewing hidden data by following a few simple steps:

After this, the entries will disappear from the main list that is open to everyone. And before you read them, you will have to perform certain actions. In addition, to gain access to records, you will need to enter a password or verify the user using a fingerprint sensor, which makes the protection more reliable.

How to open hidden notes

To find records in Xiaomi that are hidden from outsiders, you need to:

Now hidden information can be seen and even changed. Changes are saved as easily as in notes, which are open to public access. The only option not available when using hidden entries– taking a screenshot of the screen.

This is done so that an unauthorized user cannot copy the information and save it as a picture. When you try to make a copy of an image on the smartphone display, the system should display a message stating that such an operation cannot be performed without application permission.


You can return the records - so as not to access them each time using a password - by performing the reverse procedure:

  1. Open Notes. Once you are in the application, open access to hidden entries.
  2. Mark information that is already hidden.
  3. Cancel hiding using the corresponding button.

After this, all hidden notes will again appear in the general list. And, although they will be accessible to outsiders, they will not require unnecessary user actions when reading or changing information. If the need to maintain confidentiality still remains, you can set a lock and password on your smartphone.

It is worth noting that the ability to hide entries is not available for all phone models. A relatively new feature appeared only starting from version 8 of the MIUI firmware. For example, the Redmi Note 3 Pro has it, as well as many new features for owners of Xiaomi smartphones released since 2016. On older phones with the MIUI 5, 6 or 7 launcher there is no such option - and since disable on Xiaomi Redmi 3, access to notes is not possible; the user will have to either use other security methods or update the firmware.

The Xiaomi company is a so-called first-tier manufacturer. This means that the smartphone “out of the box”, so to speak, is self-sufficient; for its full use you will need a minimum of additional software(we are not considering games now).

For example, among the standard user utilities of any modern Redmi model there is a “notes” application. This is a convenient program with many settings that allows you to use a modern phone as a notepad, but at the same time does not allow strangers to view the owner’s personal records.

Today, judging by the questions on specialized forums, not every owner knows how to hide, and even more so knows how to view hidden notes on Xiaomi - now, of course, we are talking about viewing their own notes on a personal device.

Taking notes

Finding and launching a note-taking program using the miui launcher interface is not difficult at all, and there are several ways to do this. Here, for example, are two of them:

  • Swipe left from the main (central) screen, find among the shortcuts “create a quick note”, where we write something. Everything is ready!
  • Swipe to the right from the main screen, tap on “notes” (default location). We go straight to the application.

That's all, actually. All that remains is to hide the recording from strangers.

Hiding notes

Look in the lower right corner of the open note, you can see three dots there.

If you tap on this icon, a menu will appear, one of the items of which will be “hide”. Click to make the data disappear from the screen!

Another way to transfer information to a protected memory area is to hold your finger on the note until a menu appears at the bottom of the screen and the corresponding item appears in it.

If up to this point a protected memory area has not yet been created through “settings” - “locking and protection” - “personal data protection”, the system will prompt you to do this now. Initially, the system will ask you to enter the device lock code.

You'll then be prompted to create a separate password for hidden notes, albums, and messages.

Access restriction can be done through a PIN code, secret phrase or graphic key.

Do not forget the code combination, otherwise the hidden information will be lost forever, and it will be impossible to restore access to it. As an alternative, the system will offer to reset the phone to factory settings, with the inevitable loss of all data.

If you have not added it to your device, the system will prompt you to create it or log in using your account.

How to open a hidden note

And now, the most interesting part. There is no obvious way to return information that is currently unavailable for viewing to the screen.

But there is a secret: to find hidden notes in Xiaomi, you need to directly in the application pull the edge of the image where the search bar is shown. As a result, an area with a drawn lock will be displayed on the screen. Next, you will be asked to enter the password - the one that was set earlier.

After entering the correct secret combination, the user is taken to a page of hidden notes and, thus, gives himself access to view and edit information.

Attention, you cannot take a screenshot of hidden information! This is intended for security reasons. In this way, an outsider will not be able to take a “snapshot” of currently visible information, and subsequently use such a “fingerprint” of someone else’s data for other purposes.

In conclusion - a note

Perhaps this article would be incomplete without mentioning that the ability to hide or show personal notes on the phone is available on relatively recent devices, with the eighth version of the shell. In older versions of redmi, with the MIUI 7 launcher and earlier, there is no point in looking for such an option - it is not there.

Good afternoon. In this article we will learn what VKontakte notes are, what they are needed for and where they are located, as well as what actions can be performed with notes.

What are VKontakte notes and what are they for?

A note is a kind of mini-article or short record about something, in which you can indicate important text information, as well as insert links and media files (, video and audio recordings). In fact, now notes have most likely lost their relevance and are not used often. But it’s still a pretty interesting tool with some good capabilities, and below we’ll look at how to use it.

How to create a note in VK

A note is essentially an attachment to a . Let's see how they are created.

1. You need to go to your wall, click on the window for creating a new post, then in the attachments select “More” - “Note”

2. Then you go to the note creation window, which looks like a simple text editor. Here you can insert or type any text and format it (bold text or italics, alignment, adding headings and quotes). You can also give a name to the note you are creating in the top field.

3. You can add a link to any note, as well as insert media files: photos or audio recordings.

4. Then you need to click on the “Save and attach a note” button. We will see that an attachment is attached to the post. Then click the “Submit” button and the post will be published on our wall.

5. To view the note, you need to click on the “View” button. In the window that opens, you can also edit the note by clicking on the button of the same name.

Where are the notes located?

But where and how to find notes without any links, just go to the desired section from your page? To do this, select “All posts” on the wall.

How to delete notes in VK

To delete, you need to go as described above to the section where the notes are stored, and opposite the one you want to get rid of, click the icon (). In the drop-down list, select “Delete entry”.

Attention! After deleting the entry containing the note, the recovery function will be available. It lasts until the page is reloaded or closed. Once you reload or close this page, it will be impossible to restore the note!

A note differs from a regular entry in being more presentable and larger in size. In a note, you can add images in the middle of text, insert quotes, center, left, or right text, and highlight quotes.

Only the title of the note will be visible on your page, but the note itself will only be shown if you click on the title.

You can add a note only from your own home page on VKontakte. To do this, click in the field to create a record. An “Attach” button appears under the post; when you hover over it with the mouse, a drop-down menu appears.

In this menu, hover your mouse over “Other” and the entire list of additional elements appears. Point to “Note” and left-click.

A window opens for creating a note, or it can also be called a text editor. If you are already familiar with text editors, it will be very easy to figure it out.

In the top field, enter the name of the note.

The “B”, “I”, “H 1”, “H 2” and “H 3” buttons are convenient to use with already written text - select the desired part of the text and press the button.

Next comes the creation of the header - for this, use the “H 1” button. The subheading is highlighted in blue and the entire line is separated by an underline. If necessary, create a subtitle (if you need to describe several topics in one note), press “H 2”. The subheading is also highlighted in blue and separated by an underline; it differs from the heading in that the font size is slightly smaller. “H 3” is a second-level subheading that differs from “H 2” in that it is not separated by underlining.

For subheadings, other text editing (alignment, making text bold or italic) is not possible.

The "B" button creates a bold font, the "I" button creates an italic font. When pressed again, the text returns to its original form.

If necessary, the text can be aligned to the right edge or in the middle of the field - text alignment buttons (left alignment occurs by default). The entire line or several lines are aligned. You can write the text first, then select and apply alignment, or set the alignment right away, and then type the text.

By the way, instead of the “H 1” button for the title, you can use bold font and center alignment.

A bulleted list is used to make a note more presentable and to highlight items in a list. Each list item is automatically preceded by a blue square. To create bulleted list, before listing, press the button, the cursor is moved to a new line, a blue square appears and behind it “List element”. Select the words “List element” and replace them with the first element of the list. After each element, press “Enter”, the cursor is moved to new line to write the next element. To finish the list, press “Enter” twice. Another option for writing a list is to create a list where each element is on a new line (via Enter), then select the entire list and press the button.

In the list, you can only change the font to italics or bold; no other actions can be applied to the list (alignment, adding photos or audio, etc.).

The quote button creates a quote. That is, not the quote itself, but highlights the desired expression in a separate block, thereby separating this expression from the main text.

In notes, unlike regular entries, photographs can be inserted in the middle of the text. We select a place for the photo, press the button with the camera icon and select the desired photo.

If the photo you need is not uploaded to the VKontakte social networking site, you can upload it from your computer or take a photo using a webcam. “Upload photo” - a window for selecting a photo to upload from the computer opens, and when you press the button with the camera icon, the video camera is turned on to create a photo.

This picture appears in the middle of the note. This is much more convenient than when all the photos are under the text.

Using the button with a videotape icon, you can add a video.

If you don’t have a single video on VKontakte, then you can download a suitable one from those that have been uploaded by other users. Enter the description or name of the entry you need into the search and select from the results obtained.

Audio recordings are added using the same principle as videos. If you don’t have your own, you can add those that are already downloaded.

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