Instructions for connecting mechanisms from IC2. Instructions for connecting mechanisms from IC2 How to make an insulated copper wire in minecraft

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Energy in SG2 is the main innovation. However, it will be quite difficult to use it if you do not use the wires through which this energy will flow from the source to the consumer (mechanism). In Industrial Craft 2, wires play an important role - they are the only ones that can carry electricity. Of course, you can connect a separate voltage source to each block, but in this case it will not be possible to power several blocks from one source.

Unlike reality, wires in minecraft differ in that the energy they transmit depends on the ease of extraction of the material. The easiest material to mine is tin, and the most difficult is diamond, but high voltage is transmitted through iron wires. Let's analyze all types of wires added in the IK2 mod.

1. Tin wires

This is the easiest wire. It can carry out no more than 5 eE / p.

At the same time, there are losses: no more than 1 eE for every 40 blocks. Best used in crafting or for connecting to Industrial Craft 2 solar panels with watermills.

2. Copper wires

A more powerful type of wire. The voltage cannot exceed 32 EU/p.

And the losses will be: 1eE every 3.33 block if there is no insulation; and if it is still available, then 1eE every 5th block.
A good choice for a conventional generator, or for a geothermal one.

3. Gold wires

More powerful wires are gold wires. The maximum voltage cannot exceed 128 EU/p.
In this case, the losses are: 1eE for every 2/2.22/2.5 block, the better the insulation, the farther the energy can pass without loss.
They are convenient for use in MFE, as well as in nuclear reactor designs.

4. Fiberglass

To get 6 of these wires, you need to use silver, any existing mod can work for this.

These wires are capable of carrying 512 EU/p.

In this case, there will be the following losses: 1 eE every 40 blocks.

Very expensive, but also quite effective varieties of wires. They can be used in any device, in addition, they have the lowest energy loss.

5. HV wires

Well, finally we can move on to the most powerful wires. Which conduct a voltage of no more than 2048 eE / n, however, you can hardly get more energy, because in Industrial Craft 2 wires made of iron conduct the largest amount of energy.

Losses in this case are also significant: 1eE every 1/1.05/1.11/1.25 block (uninsulated, conventionally insulated and double insulated).

Contrary to popular belief, these wires are inefficient, because they have the highest losses, so fiberglass is the most convenient option.

for Minecraft . Recipes will be grouped according to how items are crafted, starting from the easiest to the most difficult.

With it, you can quickly get necessary blocks, resembles a diamond pickaxe, it has a similar efficiency.

diamond drill

It will help to destroy blocks much faster, but it is quite resource-intensive, you will spend a lot of energy with it.


With this saw, you can cut down trees much faster.

Electro hoe

This is an analogue of the most ordinary hoe, only as you guessed from the name, it works from the mains.

Electric squeezer

Similar to a faucet, but powered by electricity.

miner's laser

A very powerful tool designed to extract various resources. Given its multitasking, it can perform several useful functions at once.

Nano saber

One of the most powerful weapons. By activating it with RMB, you can kill almost any mob with the first hit. If you hit it of course..

Craft bronze armor

Bronze helmet

Stronger than iron by about 30%

Bronze breastplate

Just like a helmet, it has 30% more durability than an iron one.

Bronze Leggings

As with the previous two, the durability is increased by 30% from Iron Leggings.

Bronze Boots

Just bronze boots, add or subtract, maybe a little stronger and more beautiful than usual ones.

Craft bronze tools

bronze pickaxe

bronze shovel

Almost complete similarity with their iron counterparts - except for one, the safety margin is increased by as much as 30%.

bronze sword

Almost complete similarity with their iron counterparts - except for one, the safety margin is increased by as much as 30%.

bronze ax

Almost complete similarity with their iron counterparts - except for one, the safety margin is increased by as much as 30%.

bronze hoe

Almost complete similarity with their iron counterparts - except for one, the safety margin is increased by as much as 30%.

Craft nano armor

Nano helmet

Nano bib

Nano Leggings

Nano boots

All nano armor is united by one thing, it is able to absorb much more damage than normal.

Craft Quantum Armor


Quantum helmet

It will allow you to breathe underwater and also prevent you from dying of hunger. He is also able to remove the poison of a cave spider.

Quantum breastplate

Helps you absorb damage by 100%

Quantum Leggings

With Quantum Leggings, you can move three and a half times faster.

quantum boots

They will allow you to jump very high, up to 9 blocks at once.

Craft jetpack, rubber boots and composite

Charging backpack

The draggable energy saver has a capacity of 60,000 EU.


The draggable energy saver has a capacity of 300,000 EU.

Composite armor

Will last you much longer than a diamond breastplate. In terms of protection, it is almost identical to iron.

Electro jet pack

The backpack with which you can fly is powered by an electric charge.

jet pack

The satchel with which you can fly runs on conventional fuel.

Satchel with foam

Thanks to this satchel, you will be able to charge the atomizer.

Rubber boots

When you walk in them, you are not able to generate energy, all the energy generated while walking is stored in the chestpiece.

Craft schemes and mechanisms


It is the main component for a very large number of mechanisms.

advanced mechanism

And this is the basic component for more advanced mechanisms.

wiring diagram

Base component for various devices or items.

advanced wiring diagram

The main element for advanced devices or items.

Craft wires

Tin wire

One of the simplest and cheapest wires, it is designed to transmit a small amount of energy over fairly average distances. Voltage 5 EU / f, voltage loss is not more than -0.025 EU / f on each individual block.

Copper wire

The maximum voltage output by this wire is 32 EU/f with a loss of 0.3 EU/f.

Insulated copper wire

The maximum voltage, as in the previous wire, is 32 EU / f with a loss of 0.2 EU / f. It should also be added that this is one of the main wires in industrial craft 2. With it, you can create almost half of the blocks and objects.

golden wire

The wire conducts electricity with a maximum voltage of 128 EU/f at a loss of -0.45 EU/f.

Golden insulated wire

Voltage 128 EU / f, loss in - 0.45 EU / f.

Double insulated gold wire

Voltage 128 EU / f, loss in - 0.4 EU / f.

high voltage wire

The maximum voltage that this wire holds is from 512 to 2048 EU / f, with a loss of - 1.0 on each individual block.

Insulated high voltage wire

The maximum voltage that this wire holds is from 512 to 2048 EU / f, with losses of - 0.95 EU / f on each individual block.

Double insulated high voltage wire

The maximum voltage that this wire holds is from 512 to 2048 EU / f, with losses of - 0.9 EU / f on each individual block.

High voltage quadro insulated wire

The maximum voltage that this wire holds is from 512 to 2048 EU / f, with losses of - 0.8 EU / f on each individual block.

fiberglass wire

Voltage maximum 512 EU/F with a loss of 0.025 EU/F. This wire is one of the few that can be dyed the color you want, and the risk of it accidentally shocking you is minimal.

Energy Storage Craft

Bat box

Stores energy in the amount of 40 thousand EU. Has input and output voltage at 32 EU/f.

Stores energy in the amount of 600 thousand EU. It has an input and output voltage of 128 EU/f.

Stores energy with a volume of one million EU. It has an input and output voltage of 512 EU / f.

Craft transformers

Low voltage transformer

This transformer is capable of accepting up to 32 EU/ph. He gives 128 Ee / f.

Medium voltage transformer

This transformer is capable of accepting up to 128 EU/ph. He gives 512 Ee / f.

high voltage transformer

This transformer is capable of accepting up to 512 EU/ph. He gives 2048 EU / f.

Craft accumulators and batteries

Disposable battery

A battery with a capacity of 1000 EU, I think, is not worth explaining in detail, after use you can throw it away.


This energy carrier can be recharged, and it has a larger capacity than a disposable battery - namely 10 thousand EU.

Energy Crystal

Another energy keeper, it can be charged in the electrolyzer, it can be discharged in the same place.


Capable of storing large amounts of energy.

Craft power generators


This energy generator is quite simple, its operation is somewhat similar to an ordinary stove.

geothermal generator

Just put lava in it and it will start generating energy.

A solar panel

Everything is clear from the name, it works from the sun.

Water Mill

By placing water inside such a mill, you will begin to receive energy.


Powered by wind.

Nuclear reactor craft

Nuclear reactor

This is the most powerful generator that generates energy. It works thanks to uranium.

Nuclear reactor compartment

In addition to increasing the thermal stability of the reactor, it will also increase its core by one column.


As soon as it is inside the reactor, it will begin to absorb a large amount of heat.

Heat distributor

A very convenient thing, once in the reactor, it will not only absorb heat, but also evenly distribute it between all functioning cells of the reactor.

Cooling rod

During the decay reaction of your reactor, it will help in absorbing heat to and from it.

Uranium enrichment

Purified uranium

Designed for crafting uranium rods.

uranium rod

capable of generating 2,000,000 - 1,000,000 EU.

depleted uranium

It will help you get the required isotopic composition.

Depleted isotopic composition

Needed to make uranium rods when they are enriched.

Re-enriched uranium

Able to generate simply enormous amounts of energy.

Craft devices

iron furnace

With its help, you can melt something faster by as much as 25%, and also, it is much more economical than a conventional stove.

electric oven

It works somewhat faster than iron, but it requires electricity to function.

Induction oven

It will help you increase the speed when smelting various materials.


Shatters ore or any metal.


It makes ordinary rubber out of latex, which can sometimes come in handy.


Will compress almost any material you put in it.


Destroys blocks.

Storage device

It fills with fuel not only canisters intended for this, but also various devices that run on fuel.

Matter generator

Generates the matter you need.

Craft upgrade module

Energy capacity module

It will help to increase the resource intensity of energy in various machines.

Process acceleration module

It will help to increase the speed of work in various machines.

In connection with the frequent undermining of farts of mechanisms, this instruction has been created for their connection.

The first thing to understand before using the mechanisms from IC2 is that they all generate or are powered by different voltages! And high or low voltage can bring the mechanism out of normal operation... In short, blow it up in SCHI, if it's easier for you. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to connect the mechanisms only to a certain voltage or lower the one that is already there. In IC2, voltage is measured in EU/t - units of energy per game tick (in one second under ideal conditions 20 game ticks).

It is conditionally possible to divide all mechanisms into several types:


Blocks generating energy for its further use. To remove energy, you must connect a wire or put a "consumer unit" close to the source. Energy is generated in the source and leaves it "under a certain voltage" or, more precisely, with a certain packet capacity.

Mechanism Name Ex. voltage EU/t Ex. power EU/t
Generator up to 32 10
Geo.generator up to 32 20
hydro generator up to 32 0 - 2
wind generator up to 32 0 - 5
Nuclear reactor Optional Optional
solar battery up to 32 day 1 / night 0
Improved SP day 8 / night 1
hybrid joint venture 128 day 32 / night 8
Super SP (Ulta) 512 day 256 / night 32
quantum generator 0 - 32.000 0 - 32.000

energy savers

To store the accumulated energy, you need to use energy storage. Each energy storage has inputs and outputs. The output is marked with a dot, all other sides of the block are inputs.

Mechanism Name Entrance. e.g. EU/t Ex. e.g. EU/t Capacity EU/t
Bat box up to 32 32 40.000
MFE up to 128 128 600.000
ECHO up to 512 512 10.000.000


Consumers have their own restrictions on the "supply voltage". If a source with a high voltage is connected to the consumer, the consumer will explode! However, for some consumers it is possible to increase their maximum supply voltage! And specifically for the electric furnace, crusher, extractor and compressor, by installing a transformer upgrade in the slot on the right. Each upgrade increases the maximum supply voltage by 4 times. Those. two upgrades are enough for mains power of 512 EU/t.

Mechanism Name Max. voltage EU/t +1 upgrade +2 upgrades
electric furnace 32 128 512
Induction bake 128 no slot no slot
Crusher 32 128 512
Extractor 32 128 512
Compressor 32 128 512
Filler 32 no slot no slot
water pump 32 no slot no slot
Gene. matter 512 no slot no slot
ME Controller >512 no slot no slot


To supply mechanisms with increased voltage, if it is impossible to install upgrades, it is necessary to use step-down transformers. The transformer, by dividing large input packets into smaller ones, provides a 4-fold decrease in output voltage. When the maximum allowable voltage at the input is exceeded, the transformer EXPLODES. Observe the correct connection - the input of the transformer is marked with three dots, the output - all other sides of the block. For the transformer to work in step-up mode (vice versa) - you need to install a redstone next to it

Mechanism Name Input eg. EU/t Output e.g. EU/t
LV transformer up to 128 4 packs of 32
CH transformer up to 512 4 packs of 128
HV transformer until 2048 4 packs of 512
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