An online auction is a platform for implementing business ideas.

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Auction of business ideas

If you are an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, then an online auction of business ideas will be more understandable to you than a classic business on the Internet. This could be sales of continents or making money on the Internet by placing advertisements. Auction business ideas on the Internet will really help you sell real goods. If we take into account a regular auction, it will look more like a flea market and a notice board. But business at auctions using the Internet is completely different.

There is great democracy there, accessibility to all people who have this Internet. Such auctions can achieve success and great popularity due to democracy, low cost of goods and a huge assortment. If we talk about the largest auctions, then of course immediately comes to mind. If we talk about message boards, is clearly the leader there. Back then they were created as Internet auctions, but they cannot be classified into this category at all.

Business ideas and their essence

In general, any business is built on business ideas. Only in it the business itself is thought through, its plan is built and everything is considered possible options and the problems that such a business may face. As for resale, the idea is that you should take care of this.

Business ideas and their essence

The product must be quickly sold. The businessman himself must also know all the prices, because he will buy much lower than the prices on the market.

How can you earn money - ways?

1. Conducting speculation in goods that you bought at a foreign auction. Prices in Russian Federation for various equipment have a big difference from the prices provided by Western auctions. You can easily buy such equipment much cheaper. In general, by buying goods on eBay, Yahoo and many other auctions, you can very profitably sell goods in Russia.

  1. We sell domestic goods in foreign markets. As for nesting dolls, beautiful vases and other items in the country of Russia, they are in great demand in the West. In the Russian Federation, you won’t be able to get a lot of money for such items, but foreigners are sometimes willing to pay a lot of money for them.
  2. Conducting consultations. If you have good knowledge about Internet business at auctions, are very experienced and have earned a lot of money in such a business, then you can provide advice to beginning entrepreneurs. Such income may not be suitable for the main one, but in terms of part-time work it will be ideal.
  3. Intermediary at auctions. Such a business appeared due to the high risks of delivery abroad for Russia and the lack of desire of many foreigners to have common business with Russians. But there are many other nuances. For example, the RaiRel payment system, which has become very popular in Western countries, has minor restrictions for Russia. You can pay for goods with its help, but selling goods with its help is already prohibited. But a mediator will help you solve this problem. As for the business scheme, it is simple - the client needs to register on his website and search for the necessary goods. When choosing a product, the client sets the maximum price that he could pay for the product, and the automatic tracking program conducts the further process. The process involves placing a bid at the very end of the auction. If a purchase has taken place, the goods come first to the intermediary, and only then to the buyer.

As for the positive aspects, this includes universal accessibility, the ability to purchase goods at low prices, and the presence of serious business prospects with the help of an assortment and low prices. The negative aspects include sufficient knowledge of English and expensive delivery.

Pros and cons of online auctions

Business ideas

We think everyone knows the Tatneft auction of business ideas. With the help of Tatneft, innovative crowdsourcing is being introduced in the Internet portal “Auctions of Business Ideas”. The development of this portal using the Internet began a long time ago. One of the first participants in such crowdsourcing were employees of Tatneft. This auction of business ideas "Tatneft" became one of the best auctions.

In the first months of the portal’s operation, it has already been possible to register more than three thousand innovators. More than half of them managed to accept active participation, talk and identify common problems in production and offer ideas on how to solve them. To date, employees have managed to publish more than five hundred popular problems. With the help of high innovative activity, employees collected more than two thousand different ideas that will solve all these problems. But the workers were rewarded for their work. Awards were made in cash, and the amount depended on the complexity and popularity of the problem, the correct solution and many other indicators.

Business ideas

The responsibilities of the OAO Tatneft business ideas auction also included monitoring the implementation and promotion of the best ideas. Problems are identified promptly, and there are some factors that influence this. First of all, this cannot be done without the effective and coordinated work of more than three hundred managers and experts. In addition, the fact that new technologies are used on the Internet portal also plays a big role. In general, there are many more such factors, but these two are the main ones. But a business can not only be sold, but also bought through an auction of a ready-made business.

When you buy or sell a business to a company, the real cost of the business will be in the center in front of you. If we talk about the value of companies, then it must be said that the market sets at least three prices - the price that the buyer wants, the one offered by the seller and the one how much this business really costs. It would be ideal if these prices coincided at least a little or were close to the fourth - the one determined by the consultant.

We are selling a business - what is its price?

To provide an accurate guide to business prices, potential investors or sellers are provided with an overview of the market where ready-made businesses have been located in recent years. This information will be updated every month. As statistics have shown, the price offered by the seller is significantly higher than the price that the buyer is willing to pay. This speaks primarily not about his desire to earn as much as possible, but about his ignorance of the value of businesses.

Auction of business ideas - video

In addition to regular stores, there are other ways to buy the thing you need. And prices can be several times lower. We are talking about online auctions. Such sites provide anyone who wants to organize a good business on the Internet. All you need is a computer and internet access.

Millions of items are bought and sold on auction sites every day. Despite the huge range of goods, everyone will be able to find their buyer, since the demand here is no lower than the supply. There are various ways to organize a business at auctions.

  1. Regular resale of items
  2. Consulting
  3. Mediation.


The most popular way to make money on online auctions. There are many sites where buying and selling is carried out using bets. The most popular platform is, of course, Here you can buy or sell anything: from CDs to excavators. Profits on this site amount to billions of dollars. Many users come to eBay not only to sell, but also to earn money and build a business. We will tell you in more detail about earnings at the most famous auction at the end of the article.

You can resell things in various ways:

  • Buy goods inexpensively and resell them at online auctions at a premium.
  • Purchase goods at online auctions for pennies and then sell them through a store or social networks.


Such a business is based on the following nuances:

  • Reluctance of foreign sellers or buyers to deal with residents of the CIS (in particular, Russia)
  • High risks of delivery from abroad
  • Limited functionality of PayPal, the main payment system of eBay (Russians cannot receive money for sold goods to their PayPal account, only debit funds from it at the time of purchase).

The intermediary, who has all the above capabilities, solves these problems and receives a certain percentage of the sale as a reward for this.


If you are a professional in the field of selling through online auctions, you can provide consulting services to beginners. You should not consider this option as your main source of income, but as an additional one, it is an excellent way to increase your monthly earnings.

Useful tips for doing business at auctions:

  • Consider the location of the product. Sometimes the shipping cost is higher than the profit from the sale.
  • To participate in international auctions (for example,, you will need at least basic knowledge of English, since all operations and communication with buyers and sellers are conducted in this language.
  • The form of payment depends not only on your desire, but also on the preferences of the other party.

Advantages of online auctions:

  • Opportunity to buy goods significantly cheaper than market value
  • Huge assortment and price range, which gives ample opportunities for business development
  • Anyone can start their own business in this area.


  • Expensive delivery from/to Russia
  • Knowledge of English is required.

Online auctions are somewhat different from classic ones

How to make money on eBay online auction? is a huge platform that provides services as an electronic store and auction. We will tell you how to make money on this site, what needs to be done for this and what nuances should be taken into account.

Ways to make money on eBay:

  • Buying on eBay is cheaper, but selling is more expensive in your homeland.
  • Buy goods from yourself and then resell them at auction.

It has been noticed that, for example, in Russia on the same you can buy goods for pennies, which on are much cheaper. This method of earning money does not require any specific knowledge, only your time, communication skills and a small amount of money for purchases.

3 steps to start making money on eBay:

  1. Register an account. This free option. Think carefully about your nickname. It should be simple and easy to remember.
  2. Create an account with PayPal. eBay works exclusively with this payment system. Other payment options are additional.
  3. Describe the product for sale, upload its photo, set the starting price. You must also indicate your preferred delivery method.

The largest online platform for buying and selling goods

Nuances of working with

  • Before posting a product, study whether it is in demand among users.
  • If your products are priced higher than your competitors, you are unlikely to sell them.
  • The description of the product must be honest; if there are defects or other nuances, be sure to indicate. An impeccable reputation on eBay is the key to a successful business!
  • Always be available if a buyer wants to contact you.
  • Send the goods only after payment.
  • Leave customer reviews. This way you demonstrate your respect and can subtly ask for feedback.
  • Don't forget about eBay's 10% commission.

Watch the video, which demonstrates in more detail how you can make money at this famous American auction.

Bankruptcy is a sad event. Meaning the complete insolvency of the debtor. As they say in one famous TV show: - You are Bankrupt and all your points are burned! IN real life the property of the “bankrupt” is not burned, but is sold through auctions. Sometimes at minimal cost. If you have time to buy and then sell what you bought, you can make good money. A completely legal way, by the way.

The essence of this income lies in the redemption of the debtor’s property at the price of the debt, and subsequent resale at market prices. Sometimes the profit on such an operation reaches 3000%.

Bankruptcy- the inability of the debtor to satisfy the demands of creditors and to fulfill obligations to pay various payments - repayment of loans, government payments, payment of taxes, etc., recognized by a state body. According to current legislation, a procedure of the same name is applied to the debtor, and the debtor’s property is sold to pay off debts.

Dry theory of bankruptcy: official platforms for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts)

In Russia, the general bankruptcy procedure individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are regulated federal law dated October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”.

According to Order No. 54 of February 15, 2010 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting open tenders in electronic form when selling the property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, Requirements for electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms when conducting open auctions in electronic form when selling property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, and also the Procedure for confirming the compliance of electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms with the established Requirements" all procedures for the sale of property of bankruptcy debtors must be carried out electronically on electronic trading platforms (ETP).

The latest proposal opens up many opportunities for all citizens who want to earn money. After all, as you know, in order to sell something, you first need to buy something. Bankruptcy auctions provide just such an opportunity. Both individuals and legal entities.

Attention! All electronic platforms conducting the sale of bankrupt property must comply with the above-mentioned Law No. 127-FZ and Order No. 54 of February 15, 2010. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation conducts regular accreditations and inspections of ETPs for compliance with requirements. You can also trust sites included in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of electronic trading platforms (SRO ETP). Market leaders in the sale of debtors' property are Sberbank-AST, RTS-tender, Russian Auction House, Fabrikant and others.


In your region there are official electronic platforms that implement bankruptcy trading functionality. A link to them can be found on the state regional portal of local governments. Also on the Internet there are ETP aggregators - a site where information is collected from several sites.

Advantages of making money through bankruptcy auctions

Bankruptcy trading offers a number of unique advantages for any participant. Previously, such auctions were the lot of professionals - the objects of auction were the property of legal entities, as a rule, serious and expensive lots worth several tens of millions of rubles. Now, after the entry into force of the law on bankruptcy of individuals, auctions have been replenished with cheaper property - apartments, houses, land plots, cars and much more. The lots are inexpensive - the cost starts from 1 ruble, allowing you to earn money without serious expenses on a legal basis, in accordance with Law No. 127-FZ.

At auctions, the property of bankrupt persons is sold with a value equal to their debt. Often this value differs from the market value. After all, the purpose of auctions is not to make money, but to cover the debt. If a lot is not sold, its price is reduced.

Many new lots appear daily. And on a scale throughout Russia, new properties are added hourly. Land, houses, apartments, cars, financial intangible assets (shares, shares in companies, securities) - at prices below market prices.

Complete lack of competition. Despite the fact that a lot of property is being sold, there are few real buyers. Often there is a situation when one buyer participates in the auction. The debtor's property, in this case, is purchased at a nominal price. For example, quite recently, one large ETP sold 45 finished apartments in the city of Yekaterinburg for 30 million rubles. The sale of each apartment separately will bring the new owner at least 500% profit.

The number of offers is only growing. The unstable economic situation in the country contributes to this. It's time to earn money and the government is doing its best to facilitate this.

Transparency. The offer contains all the information about the property - everything necessary is published in each lot, including important documentation and terms of the transaction. Even before bidding, based on detailed data, you can draw conclusions about the feasibility of the purchase.

Auction participants have the legal right to conduct a preliminary inspection of the tangible property. This is true when purchasing equipment, machinery, a car or real estate. Each lot contains contact details of a specialist who will organize an acquaintance with the auction object.

And when purchasing securities, all the necessary data on them is provided, allowing specialists to estimate their value.

How do bankruptcy auctions work? The most popular properties purchased through auctions

The debtors' property in the form of lots is put up for auction or sale. Anyone can take part in the open auction. In closed (private) auctions, participants are pre-selected according to specified criteria or conditions.

An auction involves selling at the offered prices - whoever offers the most buys the lot. Public offering is the sale of property at a fixed price.

If the sale does not take place, it is initiated again, reducing the price of the lot - usually by a step of 10%. And they continue to reduce until the property is sold. The total markdown can reach 90% of the original cost.

To take part in the auction, you must register on any accredited electronic trading platform. And fulfill a number of conditions necessary to submit an application to current auctions. For example, obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS) is a prerequisite for most electronic signatures. Many sites provide a “one-stop shop” option - obtaining an electronic signature, filling out the necessary papers, paying state fees, etc. — happens directly on the site itself.

The full list of conditions for making transactions on the trading platform depends on many factors. Starting from current federal legislation, ending with a number of acts and orders from local governments. Bankruptcy trading is a fully regulated area. Therefore, listing in this article all the steps necessary to work on specific ETPs may not help, but may be very misleading. The only true rule is to choose an electronic trading platform and work with it on their terms. All doubts and difficulties will certainly be resolved by technical or customer support for a specific ETP. Each site has its own conditions.

The most popular property sold through such auctions is:

  • securities;
  • real estate: commercial, residential, non-residential, industrial, etc.;
  • special equipment and trailers;
  • cars: cars and trucks;
  • equipment, household and digital appliances: machines, computers, office equipment, smartphones and laptops.

There is a targeted hunt for such lots - the property is sold for less than the resale price; more than one person wants it.

An example we found in 12 minutes without much effort. Very specific, therefore - more real, and not mythical (presented at most courses, seminars and trainings) - “an SUV worth 5 million rubles, sold for 5 thousand, because no one knew about the auction.” Our example is real, promising more than 3000% profit.

Property is sold through a bankruptcy auction - express carbon analyzer AN-8012. Lot cost - 1 ruble. Since this equipment is very professional, the auction is unlikely to have many buyers. Therefore, under an ideal set of circumstances - only 1 buyer will take part in the auction, you can buy the analyzer for a minimal cost.

But such equipment can be sold with a good margin. The price of a new express carbon analyzer reaches more than 600 thousand rubles. Used equipment will cost from 30% to 50% of the cost of new one. That is, 150-300 thousand rubles.

Do you understand? We buy for a ruble, sell for 300 thousand. Yes, even for 200 thousand. Or 10 thousand rubles. At any market price there will already be a profit. And these are real examples of bankruptcy bidding.

1. Be careful when choosing lots. You must, at a minimum, understand the specifics of the offer. The best place to start is with low-cost auctions of properties located in your home region. This way you can study the system, understand the logic of work and develop the necessary skills. Your experience will bring you profit in the future without any major costs.

2. Initially, you can purchase lots using your own funds or borrowed funds. Buy interesting property for 20-30% of the real value. And resell it. Under ideal conditions, the profit will be 70-80%. If you cannot raise the required amount or attract investments, take out a loan with a hold period. That is, credit money is not subject to interest on use if you repay the debt within the established grace period (50-100 days). You can find a loan at the loan supermarket.

3. Having “get your hands on” and having studied the cuisine of bankruptcy auctions, you can expand your activities. Reducing costs to zero. Become an intermediary agent at auctions. Agent services today are well paid. He helps to select interesting lots, prepare documentation; provides its digital signature and conducts bidding. Reward - 1-10% of the lot value. Imagine, when a lot costs 50 million rubles, even 1% is 500 thousand rubles. Solid earnings for “free”!

4. After working as a mediator, you can expand your mediation activities. Look for lots that are interesting from the point of view of market demand and look for buyers for them through traditional channels - advertising, private advertisements, and the like. Even adding 50% (your net earnings) to the auction price, we get a price around 80% of the average market price - 30% lot price + 50% your markup upon sale. Such a tasty morsel will quickly find a client. There is no need to hide from him that the property is purchased through an auction. Firstly, he still will not be able to buy the lot on his own - receiving electronic signature and searching for a lot will take time, during which time the property will already be purchased. Secondly, the client, understanding his benefit, will leave a deposit without any problems, which can be spent on purchasing the lot. Thus, the purchase is carried out without the participation of your personal money. Again - pure profit!

Bankruptcy auctions are a great way to make money

Due to the economic situation in the country, bankruptcy auctions are replenished with new lots every day. Among them you can find some pretty interesting offers. By law, both individuals and legal entities can buy property from debtors. The redemption is carried out using the Internet, therefore there are no restrictions on the place of residence of auction participants. The problem of delivering property to the new owner is solved quite simply - transport networks and passenger services operate throughout the country. And for the sake of a good object, you can travel across the whole country.

This is perhaps the ideal scheme for starting intermediary earnings - purchase and subsequent sale. Or help with such a purchase. And all that is needed for this business is registration on any officially electronic trading platform.

And please remember a simple truth. Those who know how to earn money earn in silence; those who don’t know how to earn money teach others how to earn money.. This applies to all courses and seminars on making money from bankruptcy. Most of them usually tell simple truths, available in the “Help” section of the trading platforms themselves. Secrets and proven schemes that bring in millions are exploited independently; They don’t tell everyone about them at seminars—they don’t create competition for themselves. They are not even sold for several thousand, tens of thousands of rubles. For what? If any bankruptcy auction can bring several million rubles (as they say in trainings).

The Internet is a wide field for making money. You can find many opportunities to increase your money potential through the Internet.

Business ideas for making money in the open spaces world wide web are offered in huge quantities.

Some of them have already been tested, and some are still just waiting to be implemented, some are profitable, and some are so fantastic that you can write a humorous story about them.

Business to make money on online auctions

One of the developing areas of online earnings is trading at online auctions..

The point of such a business idea is to buy cheap and sell more expensive using online platforms.

The product can be anything - from cosmetics and household appliances to celebrity concert costumes and avant-garde paintings.

In addition to trade, an online auction may be based on an order for the provision of certain services or the production of certain goods.

How to organize a business to make money from online auctions

The business idea of ​​organizing an online auction is suitable for both experienced Internet users and those who are just discovering this huge virtual world.

After all, you can start not directly by organizing your own trading platform, but by purchasing at existing auctions. Any user can buy the products offered.

The auction step and the duration of the offer are usually specified in the rules. Therefore, if you have time to make your offer on the cost of the product in time, you can purchase it at a reasonable price.

In order for any project to make a profit, it is necessary to calculate it as clearly as possible, that is, create a business plan.

After all, each project requires certain costs - material, time, and so on. It is impossible to make an honest profit without investing in the development of any business idea.

In order for an online auction to start bringing in money, you need to be sensitive to its positive aspects - to know the needs of a certain group of buyers, to be aware of the moment of purchasing and investing money, to use sales opportunities with changes in the price of the product.

You can learn this through trial and error, developing a flair for in-demand products, and studying the needs of potential buyers.

Over time you can try open your own trading auction platform, knowing all the intricacies of the life of the world of online auctions.

Creating your own online auction site requires constant work on the project - researching the supply and demand market, the price range of goods offered for sale, searching for available suppliers, and integrating an auction trading strategy.

In addition, you need to constantly remember that business is serious and constant work, which at any moment can bring not only money, but also collapse.

Although, if you clearly build a business plan, constantly develop your skills and expand your existing knowledge, an online auction business will become an impressive long-term project.

To create your own online auction business, you will need several mandatory steps:

  • auction platform ordered from a specialist;
  • concluding agreements with payment systems, the more of them, the more convenient it is for users, both sellers and buyers;
  • Providing courier service for ordered and purchased goods.

The idea of ​​an online auction is not only the purchase and sale of goods

This area of ​​activity also implies other areas of self-development and profit making.

For example, consulting or so-called consulting services. Becoming a teacher of sellers and buyers at auctions for a fee, providing support and suggesting the right decisions for a fee is also a sphere of Internet business.

Naturally, services of this kind will be in demand only if you have extensive positive experience, a huge store of knowledge and skills, and are able to sensitively sense the needs of both the seller and the buyer.

The field of consulting services is very unique, and payment will be significant only if the results are positive.

Intermediary services are a popular area of ​​activity at auctions. Representing a seller or buyer, receiving certain commissions for this, is a good income.

Naturally, this field of activity will also require certain knowledge and skills in the field of auction trading.

In addition, you need a certain acumen in promoting or purchasing a product. Finding a customer will also require some effort and advertising yourself as a knowledgeable intermediary.

A business idea for trading at an online auction is a good idea only if you acquire the necessary knowledge and use it competently in practice.

Your own experience in trading may not always become exactly the knowledge that can raise an idea from simple plan to a profitable business.

A clearly thought-out plan and the ability to implement it is the basis of a successful business.

You can get free business consultations in my VK group “New business ideas and plans.”

Is it possible to organize your own profitable business and get very rich with the help of online auctions? There is no definite answer to this, since everything depends on the luck of the trader, his ingenuity and “market instinct”. But if they wish, anyone can try their hand at such a “simple” task, and if they don’t make money, they can at least spend their free time interestingly.

Auctions first appeared several centuries ago. Perhaps the oldest auction in the world is Sotheby's, created in 1744. Initially, books were sold there, which were very popular in those days. Currently, Sotheby's is dedicated to the sale of exceptional and expensive items, where dollar billionaires can add works of art, personal belongings of celebrities and other unique items to their antique collections.

Unlike conventional auctions, online auctions are just beginning to “take root” in the mass consciousness, although it is obvious that they have their clear advantages. The most famous online auctions in Russia include and eBay.

By the way, you can save a lot by buying at online auctions. For example, there are cases when a particular product does not sell for a long time due to its high cost, but if you like the item, then you can contact directly and negotiate a lower price, in which case the sellers often meet halfway. Another way to save your savings is to buy rare items that have long been discontinued and are not sold in regular stores. You can buy such goods at low prices and later sell them at an inflated price. In addition, by sitting at home in front of your computer and ordering a particular item via the Internet, you can significantly reduce the cost of delivering goods than if you went to this auction yourself and paid for the trip from your wallet.

If you are a collector, then buy only the necessary things, before buying, slowly think about whether you really need this particular lot, limit the range of your purchases and take things only in the theme of your collection. It is better if you do not succumb to general panic and get drawn into the so-called “betting race”. Sometimes, due to excitement, the buyer pays double, triple or more than the actual cost of the item. Place your bid in the last minutes of the sale of the lot (focus on the time), so you will have time to outbid the item, raising the price.

In addition to buying the things you need at low prices, a huge advantage of online auctions is the opportunity to create your own business. You just need to carefully monitor the appearance of new things at auction, buy on time and “hold” the lot a little before selling, if necessary. Choose the online auction you like, think carefully about how you will organize your business and be careful (scammers are often found on such sites).

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