How can you earn a large amount of money. Reselling goods on bulletin boards

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5 Steps to start making more money

This article reveals the topic of how to improve your financial situation and begin a progressive movement towards becoming rich.

The main reason that many young, bright and often talented guys cannot provide themselves with a decent existence is ignorance of strategic information. It's like physics or mathematics have their own laws. For example, if you ignore the same law of attraction, it can end in tears for the violator of the obvious. Likewise in the world of finance, it is important to adhere to certain rules if you want to not only survive, but also prosper. In this article we will analyze the foundations on which the possibility of personal financial well-being is based, which will more closely resemble direct instructions for action.

1. It is important to understand the matrix of redistribution of funds and the place and role of each person in the current system. For these purposes, read “” by Robert Kiyosaki and decide where you are in this system. I advise you to read the original, but if for some reason you are not going to do this, then I will summarize it in a nutshell.

There are hired workers, which are 90% of people, who exchange their time for money, often small. Hired workers who are not satisfied with their semi-slave position move to a higher niche - or self-employment, which is not very different from the scheme of hired workers, time for money. The only plus is freedom... freedom to work more). Freelancers who have worked hard and don’t want to exchange invaluable time for a loaf of bread, organize a business where other people or a created program, production, etc. work for them. Well, the last step is the investor, where a person hires a businessman to run his affairs or enters into shares of other businesses.

To understand who you are and how to get to the big leagues, it’s best to read a book. It is not always necessary to even quit your job; you can remain an employee, follow the principles of a businessman and feel great financially.

2. To see clearly how the principles described in the first paragraph work, play the game ‘ ‘ and feel your future development vector. This is a great simulator real life will help you realize your wrong thinking habits and look at the world with completely different eyes, noticing opportunities.

Here I won’t briefly describe the game to you, even if I do, there’s no point in it. Google “Cash flow + your city”, coordinate and play 1-2 times. In almost every city there are fans of this game who will organize it for you for 300-500 rubles. This will be your best investment in yourself.

3. Adjust your financial thermostat. The difference between the poor and the rich is only in the level of setting the financial thermostat. A poor person's brain is filled with false beliefs about money, which form a person's internal image and have a direct impact on a person's ability to earn money. This “how much are you worth” image is the financial thermostat. You can move from being poor to being rich only after eliminating limiting beliefs and resetting your financial thermostat to a higher level.

This term was introduced by Ivan Zimnitsky, the organizer of the GoldCoach training project, and he also developed recommendations on how to raise it. In simple terms, the key lies in the constant self-hypnosis that you will certainly make more money this month, and raise the bar month after month.

4. Start looking for your. They are pointlessly chasing only money. Money is, first of all, an indicator of your usefulness to people. Think bigger, set ambitious goals, become the best at what you do, become the leader in your market segment. And success depends on how hard you work on yourself and your business. And to achieve something worthwhile, you will need a lot of energy, and you will only have it when you practice. There are many videos by Alex Yanovsky on this topic on YouTube. Personally, I find them motivating.

5. Stick to a proper daily routine. I just recently published on this topic with links to related materials. I won’t repeat myself, I’ll just voice the thought in the context of the topic of the current post. A daily routine is your life program that will take you where you want it to take you. Daily steps towards success will undoubtedly lead you to it sooner or later.

To complete the article, let me give you one more piece of advice. Develop harmoniously. In pursuit of money, do not forget about health, relationships and intellectual development. Follow the general principles of self-development and then the pleasure from financial success will be much brighter. On this topic, be sure to read the book ““, where not only a structured theory with examples is presented, but also clear instructions are given on how to live further.

© Alex Baihou

First of all, I want to say that I will be talking about the money you get for your work (i.e. what your client or employer pays you). This article will not talk about investments, gambling, network marketing, etc.

This article is very suitable for those who work for hire or freelance. If you have your own business, this article will not be interesting to you.

Simple idea

If you are not going to take the money by force, then people will bring you money themselves. Therefore, all questions of earning money come down to the value that you can give to other people.

How to make a lot of money

There are several things that help you understand how to achieve high earnings.

They pay for the results you give

In a very exaggerated way, we can say that if you are a builder, then you will be paid for the number of bricks laid. If you are a dentist, you will receive money according to the number of teeth treated. And so on.

It is important to understand that Only the result counts.

No one needs experience in itself. If there is a specialist with 20 years of experience and a young student, the one who produces more results will earn more. Whoever works better and faster is a great guy.

The theater does not need a brilliant ballerina with a broken leg.

Learn to present and sell yourself

The same product or service can cost differently, that's a fact. For example, the same haircut can vary in price by a factor of 10 depending on the salon. Of course, these will not be exactly the same haircuts, but the “result on the head” can be absolutely the same.

The ability to sell allows you to earn a lot of money. During an interview or conversation with a client, you can present your work in such a way and raise the value of the future result in such a way that you will be paid much more.

Of course, learning to sell is not easy, but the result justifies the means. At the same time, you don’t need to strive to become a brilliant salesman, you just need to stop doing gross mistakes when selling or negotiating salary.

What else will help increase earnings?

I have listed the most important things. There are only two of them. As you can see, everything is “very simple”. In addition to the above, you can also indicate a number of things that will help you start earning more.

Additional skills

There are many skills that are not directly related to an occupation or job. Knowledge of foreign languages, ability to speak in public, good driving skills, ability to tell jokes, travel skills, etc.

No one can tell you what you might need tomorrow. Be versatile and develop not only in a professional environment.

I want to give you one metaphor that works here. Pure metals in nature are practically not tenacious; more often they exist in oxides or alloys with other substances. The strongest steels are always alloys. In the same way, people value some kind of alloy of qualities. Such professionals are always in demand.

How to learn to earn more

The topic is too broad for an article, but I will try to answer this question. I'll try to get the point across.

+ Choose a business that you like.
In my practice, I meet many people who are tired of “normal” work. Anyone who chooses a job based on its prestige and profitability often becomes exhausted and loses interest in the matter. This happens after about 3-5 years.

If you want long-term success, choose what you love. It will motivate you and make you feel good every morning. What you love is inspiration, pleasure from work, great success and big money. This is worth living for and even waking up early.

+ Develop your inner expert.
It doesn’t matter what you decide to become an expert in - medicine, aviation, marketing or entrepreneurship. Develop and learn in your chosen direction. Once you become a professional in your field, you will understand how to make a lot of money. This will not be a question for you at all.

+ Set long-term goals and achieve them.
Long-term and large goals will attract enormous resources and enormous success to you. The same cannot be said about short-term tasks. There are very few people in the world who can clearly talk about what their plans are for 5 years. There are also few people who plan their year. But there are many who are planning the next weekend and the next vacation.

Stand out from the crowd, set long-term goals.

+ Learn to sell.
I wrote about this a few paragraphs ago, but I will briefly repeat it again. The ability to sell is the ability to sell high and earn a lot of money. If you have such an opportunity, you will certainly use it.

To learn sales skills, courses or training on sales, marketing and other related topics are suitable.

+ Develop your horizons and learn something new.
Of course, a broad outlook does not have a direct impact on earnings, but indirectly and almost imperceptibly it helps to earn money. The more a person learns new things, the more ready he is for non-standard situations and various kinds of troubles that happen quite often in our time.

+Rest well.
He who works well rests well.

Where to start

If you decide to make a lot of money, it's best to start with simple things. It’s difficult to say for sure from which things, because... It is unknown where you are now. But it is clear that the first step should be simple and effective.

For example, raise your salary by 20% or change your job to one that suits you more.

Also, an effective first step would be to draw up a career plan for 5-7 years. This will allow you to see the prospect of your development and success. Having a goal is what separates successful people from ordinary people.

Speaking of career plans, I remember one very effective recruitment advertisement:

One large construction hypermarket took up an entire newspaper spread with an advertisement for a recruitment of salespeople. The ad consisted of four pictures of a man, his job title and salary. I'll try to reproduce everything exactly.

  1. (A young man in overalls is drawn) - Vladimir, 23 years old, salesman, 22,000 rubles per month.
  2. (A young man in a red vest is depicted explaining something to a younger colleague) - Vladimir, 25 years old, senior salesman, 26,000 rubles per month.
  3. (A man is drawn in a shirt and a black vest) - Vladimir, 28 years old, department manager, 35,000 rubles per month.
  4. (A man with a paunch, in a jacket and tie is drawn) - Vladimir, 32 years old, head of department, 50,000 rubles per month.

This is a good illustration of how a smart employer hires staff not for two years, but for 10-12 years at once. The employer offers a clear career path. For some people, such a picture is a balm for the soul.

You can write a “similar” career plan for yourself. This will be a very powerful step that will help you earn more.


How to earn more money: 6 lessons from an oligarch

I have always loved listening to the advice of successful people. Well, you must admit, who else can tell you how to earn more money, except for the person who has already earned it?

I tell the story of how I earned my first big amount, you can sign up for it

How to increase income with the power of thought? The answer is in this video

Lesson #2.

When I, a modest scientist, started a business in the early 90s, I very strictly followed one condition of Western social psychology: “Drive out even the most intelligent employee if he corrupts the team with pessimism and lack of faith in success.” Then I just followed the Western fashion, and didn’t understand why I was doing this?

Now I know exactly what the point is. If in that ancient tribe there had been a very smart hunter who doubted the sand drawing, then the tribe would not have caught a real deer and would have died of hunger. You can’t joke with faith: placebos (that is, the external material attributes of faith) can be anything, even on the sand, even on the silk of banners, even on the wood of icons - but faith itself moves the matter, and moves only as much as it is strong.

If you don’t believe in the success of the enterprise, it’s better not to start it at all! - They advise budding entrepreneurs everywhere. You probably think this is a metaphor? That the success of a business only indirectly depends on faith in it? No, in the most direct way.

My conclusion:

You need to believe in what you are doing, that it will lead you to your goal. You need to believe that the goal is achievable and it is real.

And don’t forget to get rid of all those who drag you down and don’t believe in your goals. At least minimize communication and don’t tell them about your plans. Surround yourself with people who believe in you.

Lesson #3.

The world depends on our ideas about it. The more a spiritually refined nature sees obstacles for itself in the world, the more of them (at its own order!) arise.

For example, if you pose a problem to a refined intellectual: “start trading”, he will come up with thousands of reasons for your failure in advance: collusion in the market, and power wholesale suppliers, and racketeering, and unstable greedy power, and many more factors. But we often see how the neighbor of this intellectual, who studied at a school for underdeveloped children (even this happens!) suddenly opens a trade and conducts it successfully, because due to his stupidity and underdeveloped imagination he does not think about the difficulties ahead.

We look at the “fool” with gloating: they say, he doesn’t see the trap, now he’ll fall into it! He passes - and the trap is not in place. We follow and find ourselves in the “long-awaited” cancan. What's the matter? We just live in different worlds.

My conclusion:

The main reason why we cannot achieve a goal is that we think too much about why it, this goal, may not come true. Isn't that right? Follow your thoughts.

Lesson No. 4.

“Never say “no” for people until they themselves have said it to you” is a wise and very practical saying. Often a person so visibly imagines the expected refusal of his request, so clearly and vividly plays out in his imagination the scene of his failure, that there is no need to go and find out anything: He asked himself and answered himself, the request died in himself - what more? ?

But we often encountered situations where such a person overcame himself and decided to go find out the real result.

He is not at all surprised when the result exactly matches his developed imagination. It would seem that he simply calculated the world correctly - but someone else suddenly achieves completely different results with the same starting indicator as our skeptic.

My conclusion:

Only you decide what you will see “around the corner”. If you believe in success, then when you turn the corner you will meet it, and if you believe in failure, you cannot avoid it.

Lesson No. 5.

I imagine the universe as an apparatus for illustrating our ideas about it. We briefly enter “Maya” (“Maya” is a universal illusion) and exist here in the world that we consider necessary to create for ourselves. It would seem like a fairy tale, a kingdom of dreams!

But the danger lies in the fact that our consciousness is capable of simulating both evil and hell on earth. It is in vain to blame the Universe for this - it only fulfilled our request. You have to blame yourself - that's why the great teachers of humanity insisted on the personal transformation of man, realizing that with old views of the universe it is useless to build a new world.

My conclusion:

Reality is malleable to our thoughts and ideas about it. Only we decide what we see in the world around us - good or bad.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Questions about how to make money while sitting at home (working on the Internet) or even doing a certain type of activity offline are asked quite often on the Internet.

In this article we will look at four main ways making money, which the American entrepreneur and business coach Robert Kiyosaki described well in his books, we will classify for adults and schoolchildren, we will remove the dark veil over moneymaking on our own website.

How you can make money according to R. Kiyosaki

Conventionally, all methods of obtaining money can be divided into four large categories, presenting them as the Cash Flow Quadrant, first described in detail by Robert Kiyosaki in the books of the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series.

The Quadrant, as we see, has two sides from the horizontal section: Left (where sectors R and C are located), Right (with sectors B and I). According to statistics, the majority of the world’s population earns money on the left side – 80-90%, but all of them are representatives of the middle class or even the poor. The biggest money earners workers on the right side - they are only 10-20 percent. All modern oligarchs, millionaires, billionaires and the richest people on the planet are located here.

Let's look at the two left sectors - what these people do who want to earn a living:

  1. The first one - "R" - is people working for hire: employed under an employment contract and receiving a salary. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that working for hire is the easiest way to earn money, since, firstly, maximum responsibility lies not with the employee, but with the manager, and secondly, you need to follow the instructions given “from above”; there is no need for your own reflection. To succeed in this sector, you need to receive a prestigious education and be a professional in your field. You should not assume that earnings in the “P” position are small: top managers in large companies They receive a lot of money, so there are definitely some prospects.
  2. "WITH" - self-sufficiency in work. This includes people who find work for themselves, as well as freelancers and small entrepreneurs (for example,). Small businesses are companies of various types that employ less than 500 people.

    “C” cannot be considered work for hire, since you do not need to hire anyone, but this activity cannot be regarded as a business either. Although, in our modern Russian realities, we are accustomed to calling even small entrepreneurs who may not have employees at all, businessmen, but from an American point of view this is not true.

    Self-sufficiency in work is the riskiest activity, according to Robert Kiyosaki, because the responsibility that a representative of this sector takes on is too high in accordance with the level of income and the prospects that open up.

General conclusion for two sectors of the left side quadrant - they can bring good money (even millions) and at the same time there are options to earn money while sitting at home. However, attempts to seriously get rich through these directions are unwise for several reasons.

  1. First, people on the left side of the quadrant pay most taxes, while true businessmen or investors receive a lot of benefits from the government.
  2. Secondly, people on the left side work to get money, and in the case of the right side, representatives of the “B” and “I” sectors make money work for themselves. The difference in income is obvious.

If you ask yourself, for example, how right now earn 100 rubles, or how to make money quickly - the left side will open up excellent opportunities for you if you want more, let’s say, you are looking for a method by which you can earn a million and more than one - you need to go to the right side.

Let us now consider the two right sectors from the quadrant of earning options:

  1. Sector "B" - entrepreneurs, which employ more than 500 people. They have big business and serious earnings in their hands.
  2. Sector “I” - investors who grow rich only through the circulation of capital (own or borrowed). Another important point: if employees spend their time to get money, then large entrepreneurs use the time of other people, investors often they invest not their own capital, but borrowed capital - the money of other people (VDL and DDL according to Kiyosaki).

If you are asking yourself what to do to make money, not just a little money, but more, your first step is reading relevant literature. The best authors who will change your worldview and help you move from the left side of the quadrant to the right are R. Kiyosaki, N. Hill (“Think and Grow Rich”), R. Gage (Why are you stupid, sick, poor, and how to become smart, healthy and rich), B. Tracy and others.

Assets and liabilities - where are earnings and where are continuous losses?

Where to make a lot of money? Everywhere. In any area. You just need to learn to distinguish liabilities from assets and buy assets, then activity in almost every area will turn into a gold mine. So what's the difference? Assets is a specific object that allows you to earn money. A liability is a similar object that brings expenses instead of income.

The reason for the poor financial situation of most people is the inability to distinguish between assets and liabilities.

Here are some examples:

  1. The house where you live(most people consider their home to be their most important asset) - a liability because it does not generate any income for you, but requires payment of utility bills, repair costs and other things. Note that the point is not to leave home, but to simply learn to distinguish a liability from an asset (we will return to this point below).
  2. House for rent for rent– an asset if the amount exceeds the amount of utility bills and property taxes.
  3. Children– liabilities. It is very important for parents to understand this, since the main reason for the breakup of most young families is financial problems after the birth of the first child. A child is a liability that requires expenses, and income does not always allow this liability to be repaid.
  4. Bank account can be either a liability or an asset. If you earn 5 percent per annum on your account, and inflation is 7 percent, you lose 2 percent of your capital annually. If the income is greater than inflation, the account can be considered to be classified as an asset (similarly, if you store capital not in foreign currency, but, for example, in precious metals, which are weakly susceptible to depreciation).

Having your own home and children is what a huge number of people dream about. The thesis “These are liabilities” does not mean that you should stop striving for these values, it only encourages you to think: can the existing assets provide the content of these liabilities? If not, their acquisition will make you bankrupt and a deeply unhappy person.

How can you make money? On assets. Think about what assets you are able to acquire (buy or create) and start bringing your ideas to life.

Those people who think buying an asset is an unusually expensive investment are mistaken: posting an article earlier is also creating an asset. It won’t bring in a lot of money, but you can create it in half an hour. If you place them, there will be more assets, and earnings will accordingly increase.

The same can be said about (you first put work into attracting referrals, and then “skim off the cream” in the form of passive income). This is also an acquisition of assets, because in the future it will begin to generate income with the proper approach. In general, I am a supporter of creating assets, rather than plugging holes in the budget with one-time work for an uncle.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren and adults

The theoretical answers to the questions “How to make money” given above should have given you the correct idea of ​​successfully laying a financial foundation. Now let's turn to practice - how can you make money online, is it possible, for example, earn 100 rubles right now– after reading this article? Yes, definitely.

Where to raise money

First, you need to get comfortable with the Internet in general - to understand how and what functions here (read about this in the article “”). Acquaintance fits perfectly into the framework of the so-called simple freelancing:

  1. — they pay mainly for installing applications (programs, games). Examples: , .
  2. — monetary compensation is paid for your time spent (examples: Questionnaire, Myiyo, EM)
  3. — writing short texts (examples: , , )
  4. B - likes, reposts, subscriptions and similar actions performed for money (examples: CashBox, Smmok)
  5. On - leave a review or comment about a service, product, etc., receiving payment in return (examples:,
  6. — for lovers of solving puzzles (captchas). It's boring, but you don't have to think.
  7. - a service from Yandex with very good reviews. The tasks that need to be completed there are available to anyone (from schoolchildren to pensioners).
  8. - This is generally a background system that hangs as an application in your browser.
  9. — basically they just pay for visiting their sites. Not much, but you don’t need to do anything. Examples: , .

You can register on the site from each category right now and try your hand. The most realistic way to earn a hundred rubles within a few hours is on text exchanges, however, you will need knowledge of the Russian language and fluency in words. But using everything together, you can get much more significant amounts.

Many people, coming to the Internet, stop at this stage - they are satisfied with a small income, and moving forward causes fear and anxiety. In fact, there is no need to be afraid to move forward.

Of course, as an opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave or simple freelancing (the methods of which were described above) may be enough, but for those striving for serious money it is definitely not enough. So let's talk about it.

How to start earning more

  1. The next stage is . To begin with, you can look for a job, for example, or post a job. It is possible that you will have to take courses in a certain area or simply prove that you are a highly qualified specialist in your field, for example, you can write excellent texts on popular topics, have good programming skills, and so on. The payment, accordingly, will be ten to twenty times higher than in the case of regular freelancing.

    For example, on text exchanges the average cost of a thousand characters of an article is 15-20 rubles, while the trader portal UTMagazine (a division of United Traders) paid $2 per 1000 characters for filling a dictionary of economic terms (the minimum rate for a writer; since April the administration suspended work in this direction).

    If you want to make money at home, professional freelancing is a great solution. It will provide you with not just a penny income, but very good income, and will allow you to fulfill the dream of many people on the Internet - to earn a million and more than one.

  2. The next component is or. Robert Kiyosaki wrote: “Wealth is just an idea,” the site, in principle, is exactly that idea – a collection of texts is a generalization of thoughts on various issues. If you decide to create a website, you need to be prepared for the following:
    1. Invest money to your project: pay for a domain and hosting, promotion (approximately 2,000 - 3,000 per month will be enough in the first stages), purchase of texts if you do not plan to write yourself;
    2. Dedicate to the site time(several hours a day for content filling, optimization, internal work);
    3. Work without making a profit for a certain period of time (I don’t want to scare you in advance, but something tangible started to happen to me only, probably, after a couple of years, and before that everything was based on sheer enthusiasm, well, and also on the fact that I had a main offline job ).
    Source of income – visitors, which are not recruited immediately. For at least several months you will have to invest money in your project and receive absolutely no return (this often becomes the reason for inexperienced novice web designers to “abandon” the blog).
  3. We will talk about the main ways to make money on a blog below, but now we will mention the next possible stage - trading on the currency exchange. Its advantage is the opportunity to receive huge amounts of money in a short period of time, the disadvantage is that start-up capital is required.

    Pay per click beneficial when the site has a high conversion rate. For example, if the project is dedicated to the purchase of real estate and thematic banners are placed on it, then the percentage of clicks will be high. If credits are advertised on a cooking blog, hardly anyone will click. Attendance, of course, also plays a role: the more people view pages, the greater the income.

    You can do the same create your own website for this purpose(blog, group or public in social network), establish yourself as a specialist and thus get the best clients in the world - hot ones. They will only want advice or other services from you and no one else. It really works. Look at some blogs and you will realize that they are created just for this purpose.

    Suppose, if you are a lawyer, you can start with free answers to questions from Internet users, then set a fixed price for a consultation, for example, from 800 rubles per hour or more. If you have proven that you are a professional, people will be eager to communicate with you, even if they have to pay money for it.

    The advantage of making money online through consulting: you don’t need to learn almost anything new, you feel “like a fish in water”, still working in your field. You can devote time to counseling when it is convenient for you; there is no fixed schedule.

    At first you won’t get millions, but if you want to earn money while sitting at home, then this direction will be the best. And if everything is developed correctly, then it will be possible to constantly recruit new groups for training and “raise” very serious amounts.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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When it comes to money, especially big money, it is difficult to think soberly. Rich people are perceived as a certain caste of possessors of secret knowledge that is inaccessible to others, the poor. The truth is that money really goes to some and completely ignores others. But it is also true that there is no secret here. Just a few very clear rules that we will announce to everyone today.

Big money doesn't happen by accident

There are people who “love money.” Wherever they go, whatever they do, luck favors them. There are also those who work hard all their lives, but receive mere pennies. And there are those who, at the first sign of big earnings, abruptly hide into illness and problems, and the money falls through, as if into a bottomless pit.

Outwardly, it seems that life is simply playing with us, giving gifts to those who are already wealthy and depriving those who have little. In fact, this “luck and bad luck” is saturated and fueled by behavioral programs and attitudes. We adopt both from childhood, observing our parents, relatives, and immediate environment. We unconsciously repeat their money habits, turning into the living embodiment of the rule:Your income is equal to the arithmetic average of your 5 closest friends.

Stop for a second and calculate how much you get? Does she suit you? Or do you want to double/triple it? The first and most important financial rule is:

Making big money starts in your head

And this means - we turn on and start rebooting with new installations.

Earn big moneymatter of habit

Think about your lucky and unlucky friends. You've probably noticed that each of them has their own habits.

Believe in yourself. The first gift we received from our parents. Successful, happy, harmonious people inspire children by their example. Those who never managed to realize their potential, on the contrary: either convince their children that they will not succeed, or try to recoup their failures in life with their help. This is how lawyers who dream of being artists, doctors who dream of music and economists with a secret desire to write books appear. Will they become successful?

Desire to achieve a goal. Does this star attract you so much that you are willing to spend years on the path to it? Neither wealth, nor fame, nor the fulfillment of desires fall from the sky (except for certain cases with the inheritance of an American grandfather, and even then, you need to be able to manage this very inheritance). If the answer is yes, if the desire is truly yours, go to him. Because…

Desire is given to us only along with the strength to fulfill it

Planning. Did you know that 70% of people on the planet live for today? About 20% plan not for a week, even less for a month. And only 2% plan for 5, 10, 15 years ahead? And it isOh they come to the greatest success! So, if you really want to become rich, think about exactly how you are going to achieve this, what steps you will take and how long it will take you.

Perseverance. You can once again remember Thomas Edison with his light bulb or Henry Ford and his bankruptcy, but the fact remains this: if you really want something, you need to work for it. And move towards your dream every day, at least in small steps. If you are interested,how to earn more money, there is a simple recommendation - become a professional.

It is interesting that all of the above: faith, desire, planning and perseverance only work in strong conjunction with each other. The scheme is simple: Want - Believe that it will work out (imagine what has already happened) - Plan actions - Persistently move towards the goal. Not working? Check the scheme from the very beginning - do I want enough? Because the truth of a desire is the greatest miracle that helps to cast aside any doubts.

For whom is it easy to earn money?

The phrase “Big money can only be earned through hard work” is nothing more than a myth. However, believing him, we roll up our sleeves again and again and work hard. We analyze, plan, predict... And at the same time we come up with difficulties, traps and obstacles where there were none initially. And now we are dancing on hot coals, trying to successfully overcome the obstacles that we ourselves have created.

While a relaxed person, working without tension, unexpectedly achieves success, bypassing all obstacles as if they never existed. So maybe that's why? After all, not only is the law not written for such people, but fear is also unknown. Just remember the movie “Guys with Guns” (by the way, based on real events). After all, how much can be achieved by treating the most serious undertaking as if it were a game!

Money should also be taken lightly. This doesn't mean throwing things away. Don't focus all your attention on them. Don't crave, just know that they will be there - in any case. Because they are needed for your plans and daily needs. And this is important, because...

The more value we place on something in our minds, the harder it is for us to achieve it.

This is how human nature works: valuable = difficult. This means it’s time to change your thinking. For example, to the attitude: “Everything valuable is given to me easily, because I deserve it.” Worthy of love, support, health and knowledgehow can you make a lot of money.

Rules for success in life and business

  • Everything is possible, except what is not. And what is not allowed - everyone determines for himself.

If you are looking ways to make a lot of money, you will definitely find them. Another thing is that not each of them will suit you for one reason or another: illegality, complexity, stereotypes. Decide for yourself what you can do for the sake of financial inflow, and what is taboo for you. And act within the limits of what you allow.

  • Ask and it will be given to you. Knock and it will be opened for you.

It is very difficult to succeed alone. It's like a long and difficult hike through mountains and passes. You will have a much better chance of reaching your goal alive and unharmed if you enlist support. If you accept a helping hand in time or ask for it yourself.

How often pride prevents us from moving forward! When it seems to us: he/she did not treat me with enough respect! They didn’t call me back, but I waited so long! I will never come here again! But the question is, who needs it more? If you do, then go for it again and again. The main thing is not to invent the result in advance, for “it will be done to you according to your faith.”

Patch the holes and move towards success

As we have already said, like attracts like: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This is true for everything. So what should you do if you've recently experienced a setback or a series of bad luck? Firstly, take a break and step away from work for a while. You need to lick your wounds, patch up energy holes and attract small successes to yourself in other matters.

Switch to something in which you are lucky (it could be a new hobby, meeting people, knitting, planting cucumbers in the dacha - anything), catch a wave of luck and then return to money matters. Because success or failure (including money) is a habit, like everything else.

Simple Money Exercises

1. Respect money, treat it carefully, but freely. Give easily so that new ones can come just as easily. Invest in your development (the more developed you are, the greater your self-confidence will be, as well as your belief in what you can achieve in the future).

2. Repeat daily and write in your subconscious the following attitude: “I have the right to the money of the world. I am part of the world and I am comfortable with its benefits.”

3. Change your social circle. This does not mean that you need to suddenly abandon friends and relatives. Find those whose example inspires you and try to become useful to them. Communicate, adopt their way of thinking and you will notice how your strategies towards money change.

4. Reduce the importance of money.Make big money quicklyThis is possible only if you are sure: there is a lot of money in the world and there will be enough for everyone. To do this, you need to feel the abundance around you, not be afraid to get money, stop focusing on income... Control your income in background. Just know that the money will come, but don't covet it.

5. Make plans to increase your income by exactly the amount you can believe in: 20%, 50%, twice. The main condition is that you really believe that this is possible. Each of us has our own amount, and the growth of your income is directly proportional to how much you allow yourself: first in thoughts, and then in reality.

6. Find your own “placebo” that will add confidence to you: a diploma, a beautiful athletic body, healthy eating. It can be anything, as long as the implementation of your plan depends only on you. And you will know for sure: by doing this, I become more successful. This means that my time is worth more (by the way, have you already calculated the cost of your hour?).

Prosper and be happy!

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