How to write a tweet on Twitter. How to tweet on Twitter What does it mean to tweet

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Twitter is a popular service for public messaging of up to 140 characters. Or, in other words, Twitter is for microblogging. Limiting the volume allows you to briefly and clearly formulate the desired idea.

We go to the site Change the language to Russian in the upper right corner. To register, fill out a form with personal data: first and last name, address email and password. By providing this information to home page, the page opens automatically If necessary, we edit the data. In the “First and last name” field, you can enter up to 20 any characters. Password – at least 6 characters. If all fields are filled in, click on the “Registration” button. In the next registration steps, select preferences, upload a photo, and look for friends. When registering, you need to confirm your email: open mailbox, select the letter and click the “Confirm” button. Registration is completed. In the upper right corner, look for your image, left-click and select “Show profile”. Now you can see your profile through the eyes of your readers. By clicking the “Edit Profile” button, we change the information about ourselves and add a picture – a profile header. By selecting “Settings” in the “Design” item – page design. Particular attention should be paid to “Security and Privacy”. In the search bar, enter the request to search for friends and select the desired person. On his page, click the “Read” button. A link to his page will appear in the “Reading” section. In the upper right corner, click the “Tweet” button and write a message. Or select “Home” in the upper left corner and write a message in the empty field. By clicking on the “Add Photo” button, the standard “File Upload” window will appear. In it we select the required image. To indicate who is depicted in it, click “Who is in this photo,” enter the name and select from the list. The tweet has been published and is available to everyone. To reply to a tweet, you need to highlight the tweet and click the Reply button. For quick view responses to a tweet, select the “Mentions” sub-item in the “Notifications” menu item. To retweet a tweet, you need to click the Retweet button. Clicking the button again deletes the retweet. The tweet can be deleted, added to favorites, or pinned/unpinned to the profile page and perform other actions that are available after clicking the “More” button. Personal messages will not be available to the public, but only to the intended reader. To send a personal message, you need to click the “Private Message” button in the menu and select the recipient or go to the recipient’s page and click the button under the profile data.

Twitter is simple and convenient way messaging and keeping in touch with friends. Using it is a pleasure. For clarity, you can watch this video.

It would seem that what could be difficult in defining the phrase “tweet on Twitter” has long been understood and studied for most modern people. But not all netizens use Twitter. This article was written for them and for a small list of erring individuals.

General information

Tweeting on Twitter is about the same as posting a post on the social network Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or any other under your own name. account. By clicking the “Twitt” button, you publish the material on your web page. It would seem that everything is clear, but here the breadth of the Russian language and the limited translation capabilities of the Russian localization of the project come into play. What does it mean to tweet on Twitter - to write something on your own behalf, express a short thought for subscribers, fitting it into 140 characters.

Localization issues

The concepts of “Twitter” and “retweet” have long been on Wikipedia, however, this respected resource also avoids the inconsistency between translation and direct action. As it is written in the same WIKI, Twitter is a system for exchanging user messages with the ability to leave entries no longer than 140 characters via a web interface or SMS messages. On third-party resources you can find information about the concept of tweeting, what it means and how to use this word correctly, but you can trust them at your own peril and risk.

Everyone decides for themselves

Do you still not use anything other than Odnoklassniki? Then where did the question come from in your head: “Tweet, what does it mean?” Most likely, the time has come to register on this social network yourself and clarify what is happening from your own experience.

The question regarding the accuracy of the wording “tweet”, what it means, has not been fully resolved. There is an assumption that this interpretation of the documented functions of this social network will be considered for a very long time.

It’s probably not worth explaining what role social networks play in modern information world. Providing Internet users with the opportunity to virtually communicate with each other, and thus find like-minded people with their passions and hobbies, provides many electronic internet platforms. Twitter- one of them. Let's take a closer look at what Twitter is and why it is needed, how to register on this popular microblogging service and become popular among network users.

What is Twitter and how to use it

Electronic Internet platform Twitter ( tweet - “tweet”, “chat”) allows users to share small, concise messages with each other. The system appeared in 2006, and is now leader among mini-blogging systems. Let us note two features that distinguish the service from its competitors:

  1. Multiplicity. The account owner can send a message not exceeding 140 characters.
  2. Relevance. Fast way receive or disseminate information of various types in real time.

How to use Twitter? First things first register in the system, and only then try to send your first tweet.

  • Sending a tweet from a mobile app. At the top of the application, you can see a small feather that opens (when you click on it) tweet send window.
  • Sending a tweet from a website. You can send in two ways: by clicking on the pen, as described for mobile applications, and directly start writing in the line located under the avatar.

One tweet can contain:

  1. Message- 140 characters.
  2. Hashtag- identify the message by type or topic.
  3. User login- mention of one or another participant in the message.
  4. Link to any site.
  5. Photo- up to four initially prepared images.

At the end, click " Send", and the message will appear not only on your page, but also on your readers’ feed.

What is Twitter for?

There is no clear answer to what Twitter is for. It all depends on what goals are set. But first of all, of course, the creation of this platform was based on simple human communication.

Let's look at the qualifications of Twitter users:

  1. Reader (follower). People who are tired of searching useful information online. Rationalism and conciseness of news allows them to save a lot of time. They are passive in their actions and only monitor the events they need. They never tweet, or it happens very rarely.
  2. Communication(tweeple). Such a tweeter not only gets the information he needs, but also communicates with other Twitter users. These are his own tweets - in which he expresses his opinions and thoughts, as well as retweets of messages left by other participants.
  3. Business. Millions of people registered in the service attract businesses to Twitter. Some tweets may be purely promotional.

What does it mean to tweet on Twitter?

Tweets on Twitter are short messages not exceeding 140 characters. Do you want to inform the whole world about an important event? We write the text and click the “” button in the lower right corner Tweet".

What Twitterers usually write:

Many websites have social media buttons on their pages. If you liked this interesting article, tell your subscribers. By clicking on the button with the image of a bird and the words “Tweet”, a link to the resource you like will appear on your feed.

What does it mean to retweet on Twitter?

Retweet- post on your feed posts taken from another tweeter. In order to do this action, you need to go to another user’s page and hover your mouse over two green arrows located below the message. By clicking on the “Retweet” button that appears, this entry will appear on your feed.

The more interesting you are to readers, the higher the number of users who retweet your page will be.

This immediately found its application in all kinds of services that track the number of retweets made by followers and create a rating of the popularity of tweeters.

Twitter Dictionary

Based on the experience of many novice Twitter users, we can conclude that before registering in this system, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with the specific terms. This will not only help you quickly adapt to a new environment, but also protect you from ridiculous mistakes.

Below full list Twitter related terms:

  • Tweet(post) - messages written by you.
  • Retweet- posts you quote from other pages.
  • Follower- a person who subscribed to updates from another Twitter user.
  • Hashtags- tags written in Latin characters that allow you to find all messages on a topic of interest.
  • Ribbon- a page where tweets and retweets are posted.
  • Twiple- an active Twitter user who leaves at least a couple of dozen tweets every day.
  • Twitterers- a general name for users who love and use Twitter.

  1. The invented tweet limit of 140 characters is explained by the ability to send one message via SMS.
  2. The idea of ​​the platform was invented by three employees of the company Odeo during lunch, which took place in the city park.
  3. The top three tweeters are the USA, Japan and Brazil. The billionth tweet was published 3 years after the launch of the service.
  4. The record, which is almost 7,000 tweets per second, was recorded on January 1, 2009 at 00:00:04 hours in Japan, during the New Year celebration.
  5. Around the world, about 1.1 million Twitter users are registered every day, which is 14 accounts per second.

Once you know what Twitter is and why it is needed, you can safely register in this popular microblogging system. Traditional social networks have long set their teeth on edge, and an unusual service for communication allows you not only to find new friends, but also to show off your conciseness when composing short messages.

The constantly growing number of registrations shows that Twitter is fashionable, fast and convenient.

Video: all about Twitter

Created: 07/14/2014 15:18

What is Twitter?

What's special about Twitter?

A special feature of Twitter is the ability to leave very short (up to 140 characters long) messages. He provides its users with a limited number of options. You can post these messages on your wall or write to someone personally.

What does "tweet" mean?

“Tweet” – write a message (tweet). You can also “tweet” an article. On many Internet sites, a special button is placed under the article. If you click on it, the link and description of this article appears on Twitter on your wall.

What does "retweet" mean?

“Retweet” means copying someone’s message onto your wall if you find someone’s thought interesting or worth your attention.

What do you need to register on Twitter?

To register you need an email address, mobile phone number your name and password. In addition, after registration, you will be able to provide additional information about yourself, insert an avatar, indicate your address, interests, etc.

After creating a Twitter account, it asks you to read news from different people. Agree to what he offers you or not it's your right, but in the future you can always unsubscribe from them.

How to follow messages on Twitter?

For you need to subscribe to this messages. This can be done if pressing click on the “read” button next to the person whose messages you want to read . The more interesting posts a person has, the more readers he has.

What is following and following?

"Follower" is the person receiving your messages. Mutual “following” is when two people mutually monitor messages from each other.

Modern users are offered many social networks. They can be used to spread news and simply communicate. How to use Twitter? What exactly is this page? Why is it needed? Every modern user should know the answers to all these questions. Especially those who follow fashion trends.


What is Twitter and how to use it? This is called fashionable and modern social network. In short, it resembles a microblog.

On Twitter, the user can write messages not exceeding 140 characters. Additionally, links, photos, videos and other interesting materials are attached here. Most often, Twitter is used as a news or advertising feed.


What is Twitter and how to use it? Everything starts with registration. But more about her later. First, a few words about the terms used by users in the social network under study.

A tweet is a message on Twitter. It, as already mentioned, cannot be more than 140 characters.

Retweet - repost. That is, when a user transfers (copies) a particular post to his page. This is done using a special button.

Twitterers or tweeples are users registered on Twitter.

Follower - subscriber. A person who follows a particular profile and subscribes to its news.

I guess that's all. Such terms are enough to answer how to use Twitter. But what exactly should we do? And how to work with a social network?


Let's start with registration. This is the very first step that will allow you to work with the service. Registration on Twitter is free. It only takes a few minutes.

The guide in this case will look like this:

  1. Open in your browser.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the "Registration" button.
  3. Fill out the registration form - username and surname, e-mail, password.
  4. Click on "Register".
  5. Confirm your profile.

Ready! Registration on Twitter is completed. Now you can use all the features of the social network.

Filling out the form

To fill out the form you will need:

  1. Log in to your profile on a social network.
  2. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner. It is located near the little man icon.
  3. Select the "Settings" option.
  4. Use the menu that appears to configure the display of the questionnaire.
  5. Click on "Save".

Your Twitter My Page is now ready to use. Typically, you can subscribe to profiles and publish messages immediately after registration. But usually users put off this idea.

We write messages

How to write on Twitter? This is the main and simplest task. The point is that you can bring your idea to life using different methods.

First, after logging into their page, each user will see a field called "What's new?" If you write a message here and click on “Publish”, you will get a tweet.

Thirdly, on the left side of the window (under the avatar) there is a “Write a tweet” field. It serves similar to the "What's new?" function.

Now it’s clear how to write on Twitter. This is not the most difficult task. And every user registered on a social network must cope with it.


What is Twitter and how to use it? It is worth paying attention to the interface of the social network. Unlike Facebook and VK, the microblog under study raises many questions.

We've sorted out the writing of messages. What's next?

It's very simple. We have almost completely figured out how to use Twitter. This social network is quite simple and straightforward.

About subscription

The bulk of actions on the site under study occur through writing short posts, as well as subscribing to users/pages. Everything is very easy. Usually these operations do not cause any difficulties.

How to subscribe on Twitter? You will need to write the name of the group or user in the upper right corner. There is a line "Search" (a translucent area with a magnifying glass). By clicking on "Enter", the user will process the request.

To unsubscribe from a profile, just follow the same steps. Only the “Read” button will change to “Unsubscribe”. This is quite normal. All operations can be carried out at any convenient time. Subscribing and unsubscribing from profiles and groups is completely free.

Benefits of the network

We figured out how to use Twitter. Why do this? What is the use of a social network that doesn’t even really have so-called personal messages?

The answer is simple - Twitter is used for its own promotion. First of all, tweeting is convenient. The posts are short and succinct. Secondly, Twitter is a trendy social network. Thirdly, information spreads extremely quickly using the site.

That is, Twitter is not suitable for communicating with friends. But if you want to become popular or promote your own business, the social network will greatly help with this. It is very convenient to write short messages, for example, with photographs. Such tweets are in particular demand.


How to use Twitter? All you need to do is register on this site - all other actions will be clear without any instructions or tips. Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Anyone can master Twitter. Registration takes only a few minutes. Immediately after authorization on the site, all the possibilities of the service are opened to the user!

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