How to unsubscribe from a group on facebook. How to unsubscribe from Facebook groups, news and newsletters

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If your feed is clogged with unnecessary posts or you simply don’t want to see a certain person or several friends on your list anymore, then you can unfollow them or remove them from your list. You can do this directly on your page. There are several methods that will be useful to you during this procedure. Each of them is suitable for different situations.

If you no longer want to see a particular user in your list, you can delete him. This is done very simply, in just a few steps:

Now you will not see this user in your friends list, and you will also not see his publications in your timeline. However, this person will still be able to view your personal page. If you want to protect him from this, then you need to block him.

Unfollowing a friend

This method is suitable for those who do not want to see their friend’s posts on their timeline. You can limit their appearance on your page without removing the person from your list. To do this, you need to unsubscribe from him.

Go to your personal page, after which you need to find a person in a Facebook search, as described above. Go to his profile and on the right you will see a tab "You are subscribed". Hover over it to open a menu where you need to select “Cancel subscription to updates”.

Now you will not see this person’s updates in your feed, but he will still be your friend and will be able to comment on your posts, view your page and write messages to you.

Unfollow several people at once

Let's say you have a certain number of friends who often discuss a topic that you don't like. You wouldn't want to keep track of this, so you can use mass unsubscribe. This is done like this:

On my personal page Click on the arrow that is located to the right of the quick help menu. In the list that opens, select the item "News Feed Settings".

Now you see a new menu in front of you, where you need to select the item "Unfollow people to hide their posts". Click on it to start editing.

Now you can tag all the friends you want to unfollow, then click "Ready" to confirm your actions.

This completes setting up subscriptions; unnecessary publications will no longer appear in your news feed.

Transferring a friend to your acquaintance list

IN social network Facebook has a list of people available, such as acquaintances, where you can transfer the selected friend. Transferring to this list means that the priority of displaying his publications in your feed will be lowered to the very minimum and with a very high probability you will never even notice this friend’s publications on your page. Transferring to friend status is carried out as follows:

Still go to your personal page from where you want to make settings. Use Facebook search to quickly find the friend you need, then go to his page.

Find the required icon to the right of your avatar and hover your cursor over it to open the settings menu. Select an item "Familiar" to add your friend to this list.

This completes the setup; at any time you can again transfer the person to friend status or, conversely, remove him from friends.

This is everything you need to know about deleting and unfollowing friends. Please note that you can follow a person back at any time, however, if he was removed from friends, and then you sent him a request again, then he will appear on your list only after he accepts your request.

On Facebook, as in life. We communicate with someone, exchange useful information at work, we have been friends throughout our entire existence on planet Earth. Well, alas, it happens with someone, relationships (be it love or friendship) at some point in time cease to work out. Conflict, quarrel, unfounded accusations, a triangle of three hearts and other similar problematic situations call on the user to remove the person from their Facebook profile. What's the point of supporting him? virtual communication?

However, there may be another reason to delete a friend on your personal page. Whatever the situation, this article will help you quickly cope with this task.

Removing a friend

1. On the main page of your Facebook profile, go to the “Friends” section.

2. To quickly find a friend (in case you have many friends), enter his first and last name in the “Find yours...” search line.

3. Click the “Friends” button next to your interlocutor’s avatar.

4. In the drop-down list that appears, select “Remove from friends.”

Disabling a subscription

1. In the “Friends” section, click the “You are subscribed” subsection.

2. Click the “You are subscribed” button next to the ava of the user whose subscription you want to disable.

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to the Internet and computers, or rather was dedicated to them.

It’s probably immediately obvious that no new articles have appeared on the site for many years. Yes, this is the fate of most blogs. This project was once an ambitious undertaking, and the author, like many others writing at that time, had ambitious plans to become one of the best Russian bloggers. Well, if you look now, of those blogs that were created simultaneously with mine, most have already disappeared into eternity. And I just simply didn’t have enough time to blog. So yeah, it's not updated anymore. Although we once won the “Runet Blog 2011” competition with this site.

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And yet, I hope that this is more than just a blog, but a real guide to the Internet. The site can be viewed in directory mode, where all available articles are structured by categories. And, who knows, maybe one day new high-quality articles will start appearing here.

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Quite often, many users are faced with a situation where a group or user who is your friend begins to actively repost certain posts, thereby clogging up your news feed. This question is most relevant in relation to the user, since you can unsubscribe from all his news and at the same time without ending your friendship with him on social media. Facebook networks. Please note that you can restore your subscription to group news at any time by clicking the “Like” button and user updates by clicking the “Subscribe” button. In this step-by-step instructions with photos, you will learn how to unsubscribe from news of a group and/or user on the social network Facebook.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Let's start by unsubscribing from the news of the group, the information of which for some reason has ceased to be relevant to you. To do this, go to the required group and hover your mouse over the “Like” button, then in the opened context menu select the “Don't like me anymore” line.

Step 2

You have unsubscribed from the group news.

Step 3

Now let’s figure out how to unsubscribe from updates from a user who is your friend on a social network. To do this, go to his personal page and hover your mouse over the “Subscriptions” button, then click on the “Cancel subscription to updates” line.

Recently I asked myself how to prevent complete strangers from adding me to groups. I’ll say right away that the answer to this question did not make me happy, but I found an excellent method to get rid of these annoying notifications.

Having searched for the answer to your question on official page support for Russian Facebook, I became convinced that it would not be possible to limit or completely prohibit adding me to all sorts of different groups. But the groups you are a member of by default have a notification about a new entry or other actions in this group. Most importantly, I’m already tired of clicking on the unsubscribe links in notification emails, so I decided to leave all these groups completely.

How do I find a list of groups I'm in on Facebook?

So, to find the groups from which you receive notifications, you need to go to Settings:

Click on edit Facebook notifications and find Group News:

Click Edit and see a list of these worthless groups where you have already been added.

How to unsubscribe from notifications and remove yourself from a Facebook group completely

Now that we have received the list of groups, we have to leave the groups. But simply deleting from the group will not save you from notifications and the appearance of new entries in the news. In order to completely remove yourself from a group, and the group from your news and notifications, you need to do the following:

Tell friends