How to transfer a domain from partner to partner of one registrar. How to transfer a domain name to another hosting How to transfer a domain name to another hosting

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You can find a great paid hosting for yourself, stay on it for a year or several years - and come to the conclusion that the hosting has ceased to suit you. For example, hosting raised prices and presented you with a "surprise", announcing at the last moment that you would have to pay more than 150 rubles from the next fee. per month, but 190. At the same time, there are enough hostings on the Internet and you may want to switch to another hosting, because its prices suit you more.

In what sequence should I act when moving from hosting to hosting?

What you need to know when choosing a new hosting?

1. Consult with friends.

If you have friends and acquaintances who have been using this or that hosting for a long time, consult with them about how satisfied they are with their hosting, whether technical support works quickly, how often there are interruptions, etc. Do not take the advice of friends as a guide to action, because all people are different and what one seems to be efficient and of high quality may not suit another at all. The main thing - pay attention to the facts. And even more precisely - the facts are negative. For example, your friend, who changed several hostings himself, says: "Never go to SharashkaWeb, they cheated me when switching from one tariff to another, counting a whole month in their favor." Or "MoneyWeb Hosting" answers all questions to technical support "read the instructions, but the technical support itself never helps", etc. It is better to know the specific disadvantages of hosting right away.

There is no perfect hosting, but you can figure out where you should go last.

2. How to choose hosting yourself.

If you have no one to consult with, you can do the following:

Find some hosting yourself. To do this, just type a request in any search engine: "Paid hosting" - and you will get several hostings on the first page.

Pay attention to what means of communication are available with this or that hosting: ICQ, Chat, telephone. Perhaps you can contact the hosting only by e-mail, and this is not very convenient, because it takes time until your letter reaches the hosting, and until the answer comes from the hosting - you. The most convenient means of communication is a telephone if you live in the same city where the hosting office is located. Be sure to try to contact technical support and talk with them, ask a few questions that interest you. See how they respond: how quickly and clearly. You can talk to several hosts without registering. If they are frankly rude or ignore your questions, it is better to choose another hosting.

3. How to choose a tariff plan.

Study the prices of different hosting and figure out what exactly you need. For example, if you have only two domains and two sites in html, you do not need a forum or a site engine, for which, like any "machine", you need a Database, you have enough 1 GB of space and you are satisfied with the price from 130 to 150 rubles per month - you see exactly these parameters in the hosting tariff plans.

What should you do after you have chosen the right hosting?

1. Register for hosting.

When you have chosen any hosting, have chosen the tariff you need - proceed to registration.

2. Explore the control panel.

By registering, you will receive a trial period, which is usually 10 days. During these 10 days you can study the hosting admin panel without paying any money.

Use a day or two to make sure that the admin panel is understandable to you, if you have any questions - ask them to the technical support of the hosting (if the company that holds the hosting is located in your city - you can even talk to them by phone, which is a big plus, because over the phone you can explain what you are interested in faster than through live chat or email).

3. Transfer domain names.

In the admin panel of the new hosting, find the "Domain Management" folder. Inside this folder, you need to register the domains you have by entering them in the appropriate lines. Since your domains have already been registered through the previous hosting, you simply enter their names and check the boxes where it says "Park a domain", or "Attach a domain", or "Move a domain" - it sounds different on each hosting, but the meaning is the same : you do not register new domains, but attach those that you already have to a new hosting.

4. Pay for new hosting services.

Find out how payment for hosting is accepted (usually there are several payment methods, each hosting has its own).

Choose the payment method that suits you and estimate how long the payment procedure will take. So, when paying through the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, between the moment you make the payment and the moment when this payment reaches the hosting, it may take a couple of business days. And when paying through the webmoney system, your payment can be on the hosting in a few minutes.

Why is the time it takes you to pay is important?

When transferring your sites from hosting to hosting, you need to keep the period when your sites will not be available to users as short as possible. This period can be minimized if you pay for hosting in advance. That is, after payment, you will only have to transfer domains and the content of your sites. But if you pay in advance, for example, for a week, and transfer sites and domains within the next seven days, then you will lose your weekly payment in vain. After all, until you transfer everything to a new place, your sites will not work. You need to make a payment so that you can transfer sites and detach domains from the old hosting within a day - and upload sites and attach domains to the new hosting.

How to transfer websites from hosting to hosting?

I will make a reservation right away: if you have a dynamic site that runs on an engine, or a forum, you need to consult how to transfer them in order to save the content. It's possible, but since I haven't done it myself, I can't tell you anything. I'll be talking about migrating static html sites.

1. How do I migrate the content of a static site?

During the test period, you will be given space for only one site and, for testing it, one third-level domain. In the File Manager of your new admin panel, the public_html folder will be formed, which will later remain the folder of your main site. During the test period, it will most likely contain the index.htm document - do not pay attention to it.

Let's say you're migrating two sites. In the public_html folder, you can immediately, even during the test period, upload all the files of only one of your sites (choose for yourself which one you want to transfer first).

Here you need to use an FTP client or a program Total Commander, which has a built-in FTP client that works as well as any other.

In order not to depend on anyone and quickly transfer the contents of your site to a new hosting, you need to upload this content from the old hosting to your computer via FTP (if possible, archive it directly on the old hosting), archive it on your computer - and already in the form download the archive directly to the public_html folder of the new hosting, either through the same FTP account, or directly through file manager.

Note: you create a new FTP account on the new hosting yourself. This can also be done during the trial period.

Please note that the weight of the archive when uploading to the hosting should not exceed 100 Mb. Therefore, if you have a large site - divide it into several archives and upload them separately to the public_html folder of the new hosting. On the new hosting, you will unzip your site files - and all the content of your site will be in public_html on the new hosting.

I repeat once again: during the test period, you can upload only one site to the new hosting at once. But in any case, you need to archive your other site (or other sites) and save it to your computer in advance. Otherwise, it may turn out, for example, that your account will already be blocked on the old hosting (you will stop paying for it if you decide to move from it), and you have not yet transferred anything to the new one.

There is a way to transfer content via FTP, from the file manager of one hosting directly to another. You can use this method and transfer the contents of sites without downloading to your computer. I do not use this method, so I will not touch it.

How is the transition carried out?

1. First of all, pay for hosting.

You have made sure that you are finally ready to move. You have already uploaded one of your sites to a new hosting. You have already attached your domains.

Pay for hosting to make your new account fully functional. As soon as the payment is accepted by the hosting, you will see in the admin panel that the amount you paid is on your account.

2. You can transfer the second site.

To do this, go to the "Site Management" folder and create a directory for your second site. To do everything right - consult with technical support, how they do it on hosting.

As a result, in the root directory of the File Manager, next to the public_html folder, in which your first site is located, a folder with the name of the second site should appear, inside which the public_html folder will lie - you upload the contents of your second site into it.

3. Now you need to transfer domains.

Why should this be done last?

As soon as you detach domains from your old hosting and transfer them to a new hosting, they will no longer be served by the old hosting. In other words, if you have not yet reloaded the content of your sites to the new hosting, there will be nothing to open at the address of your domains. So I repeat again:

Pay for hosting;

Transfer the content of the sites to the new hosting from the old one;

Now transfer domains.

What do you need to attach domains to a new hosting?

When you signed up for a new hosting, you received a confirmation email. This letter contains the following lines:

"If you are transferring a domain name to us for service, use the following DNS server addresses:"

You need to send your old hosting to the domain service email (you must have it) a letter with the following content:

"I, such and such,
Account (your account name on the old hosting), password (password from the account on the old hosting),
I ask you to transfer the domains (domain names) registered in my name to the following DNS servers:

A scanned informative spread of the passport is attached (attach to the letter a file with a scan of the second, informative spread of the domain name owner's passport)".

You send a letter. If you did this not on the eve of the weekend, then during the day your domains should be transferred to a new hosting service.

12. If you did everything right...

All files of your sites are transferred to a new hosting, uploaded to the appropriate folders, domains are attached to a new hosting - then everything should work.

If it doesn't work, delete the "stub" - the same index.htm file that was in your public_html folder before you started uploading your site files there. He lies there.

Don't confuse it with yours. main page index.htm l !

Further questions, on creating subdomains, mailboxes and other things, you will already be in the process of working with a new hosting to check with its technical support, because each hosting has its own characteristics.

If you had subdomains on the old hosting, you will have to create them again on the new one. So copy the archived content of the pages that you have on the subdomain in advance.

Different hosts have a slightly different procedure for creating subdomains, so check with your new host.

If you want to pay for domain names through a new hosting - find out in technical support or FAQ how exactly such a transfer is carried out and follow the instructions received. Or leave everything as it is and don't forget to pay your old hosting for your domain names on time.

As practice shows, over time, each webmaster needs to change hosting. The reasons for this are varied, for example: the unprofitable cost of hosting services, the transition from free to paid hosting, the lack of necessary services. Or just liked another company that provides everything needed by the webmaster services and at a reasonable price.

However, simply stopping using the services of one company and starting using the services of another hoster is not enough, because in order for the Internet project to work, and it can be further filled with content and modified, it must be transferred to the servers of the new hosting company chosen. It should be noted that it is very easy to transfer a static site consisting of only HTML and CSS pages, for this you simply need to copy the files from the old server and upload them to the new hosting server.

But with dynamic sites that work on various CMS engines, or MySQL databases are used in their work, the situation is something different and more complicated. In order to transfer the site from one hosting to another, you must follow the recommendations below.

The first step is to add a domain.

First of all, after the registration on the new hosting has been carried out and the services have been paid for, it is necessary to attach the domain name of the project to the new hosting. It should be noted that depending on the hosting, the names of the tabs may differ, but the logarithm of the actions is the same.

In order to attach an old domain name to a new host, you need to go to the administrative part of the panel of the new hosting (it's Directadmin or CPanel, there may be a different platform, but they are similar), find the tab called "Domains", after that, click tab "Additional domains" and register the name of the old domain. As a result of the above actions, the domain and a message will be displayed in the administrative panel stating that in order to edit the domain, it is necessary to change the settings of the ns-server.

The second step is to change the ns-server settings.

In order to change the settings of the ns-server and the old domain was served by the new hosting, it is necessary to write to the administrators of the new hosting such a letter, - “Good afternoon .. In response, the administration will send a message with settings that look something like this: (data for clients of the UNIT-IS data center).

After that, you need to go to account administrative panel of the old hosting, click on the “Domains” tab, then on the “Domain Settings” tab and then click on “Domain DNS Settings”. In the window that appears, the current settings of the ns-servers will be visible, they must be replaced with those provided by the administration of the new host and saved. As a result, the settings will be changed within 2-48 hours and the domain will be served on the new hosting.

The third step is to download the database and files from the old server.

In order to “move” the site to a new hosting, it is necessary to remove the formed MySQL database, as well as all site files (system files, pictures, template, plugins, and others). For this task, you need to go to the admin panel of the old hosting, find and click on the "Databases" tab, click on "Manage Databases" and go to phpMyAdmin. The top part of the window that opens is the "Export" tab, make sure that the name of the required database is highlighted in the left part of the window and click "Export". As a result of the above actions, the download of the database in the *.sql file format will begin. After downloading the database, you can start downloading the site itself. To do this, in the administrative panel we find the "File Management" tab, the "File Management Manager" will open. In this manager, you need to find "Create a backup" - make it, download the files in * .rar format. Thus, the entire site migrated from the server to the local computer.

The fourth step is uploading the site to the new server.

To upload the site to new server, you need to unzip the site backup, go to the administrative part on the new hosting and open the FTP program, for example FTP FireFox. In the FTP program, enter the server address, as well as the login and password that were provided by the new hosting, and then click "Connect to the server". The root of the site will appear in the program's dialog box, where you need to copy the site itself directly.

To solve this problem, you need to go to the folder on the computer where the site files are already unzipped, press the key combination "Ctrl + A" (select all), left-click on the selected files and drag them to the FTP program. This will start uploading the site files to the new server.

While the files are being downloaded, you can export the database to the hosting. To do this, you need to go to the administrative part of the new hosting, find the "Database Management" panel, select the "Create Database" tab and click. As a result, a new clean database will be created. But, we need to export the old one, right?

To solve this problem in the administrative panel of the hosting, click on MySQL database management, select the "DB management - phpMyAdmin" tab, after that, select the newly created database and click on the "Export" tab. As a result of the above actions, a window will open where the program will ask you to specify the path to the exported database, at this stage you need to select the database that you downloaded from the old hosting, click on "Export" or "OK", and the old database will be loaded into the new one.

The fifth step is to change the configuration settings.

To complete the site migration, you need to change the settings that are specified in system file site. In the event that the site is running on the WordPress CMS engine, then this file is wp-config.php. In order to make changes to it, you need to find it in the folder of the unzipped backup, open it with a regular notepad, but better with Notepad ++, since this program does not add any hidden lines in the code after saving the file.

AT open file you need to find the lines that need to be corrected:

define("DB_NAME", "database_name_here") - specify the name of the new database;

define("DB_USER", "username_here"); - specify the name of the new user to the database;

define("DB_PASSWORD", "password_here"); - New Password to base;

define ("DB_HOST", "localhost") – path to hosting (obtained from the hosting administration or searched in the administrative panel.

After all the lines have been corrected in accordance with the features of the new host, we save the file and upload it to the root of the site. Thus, the configuration of the site will work in accordance with the latest changes.

Many hosting companies, for example, transfer sites for free from the servers of other hosting providers to their service when ordering, or.

It should only be added that using the above instructions and recommendations, it is easy to transfer any site to a new hosting, where it will work hard and fruitfully.

The Internet does not stand still, and those hosters who do not understand this will certainly lose their customers. If the site owner has found an offer on the Internet with more favorable conditions than those offered by the current provider, he should think about “moving”. Website owners such as WordPress technical difficulties should not be scary - in their case, the procedure for transferring a domain is not complicated. If the portal is made on a heavier CMS, you should seek help from specialists.

The problem may also lie in the fact that the user has already paid for a year of hosting - the money will not be returned to him. For this reason, it is recommended to pay the provider on a monthly basis, no matter how "goodies" and discounts he may tempt.

How to choose a provider to transfer a domain to a new hosting?

There may also be such a situation that the user decided to abandon the services of the current provider even before he decided on a new one. In this case, the question of choosing a suitable hosting comes first in importance. There are several recommendations to help avoid mistakes:

  1. Listen to opinions. Chat with friends who have been website owners for a long time and find out how happy they are with their hosting. In addition, read the reviews on the thematic forums.
  2. View the "Contacts" section on the host's website. The provider must be accessible - the more ways of contact indicated on its portal, the better.
  3. Check out the rates. There should be at least three or four of them. If the provider offers only one tariff, there is a high risk that its conditions will not suit you.

Highly good feedback experts and ordinary users has TimeWeb. Therefore, we will consider how to transfer a domain to another hosting, using her example.

How to transfer a domain from one hosting to another?

First of all, select a service on the provider's portal and enter your email address. A feature of registration on many hosting portals ( including TimeWeb ) lies in the fact that it is impossible to create an account before choosing a tariff.
Next, you need to act like this:

1. In the control panel, select the "Domains and subdomains" section.

2. Proceed to the subsection "Place a domain on NS servers".

3. Enter the site address in a special field and click "Place on NS servers".

Please note that this does not complete the transfer procedure. The described actions are just preparation for changing the hosting.

How to transfer a site after a domain?

As soon as you place the domain on the NS-servers of the new host, check out the "admin panel" of the portal - a trial (free) period is provided for this. Its duration may vary. For example, on timeweb the duration of the trial period is 10 days. From another well-known provider - SprintHost- as many as 15.

At the end of the trial period, pay for the services of a new hoster (if everything suits you). Choose a method of transferring money, guided not only by your own convenience, but also by the terms of transfer.

After making the payment, start transferring the site to a new hosting:

1. Transfer files to another server. In order to perform this operation, it is recommended to use a file manager or an FTP client. You need to copy a set of files belonging to the site and paste them into the "public_html" directory. On the TimeWeb portal, this folder is located in the "File Manager" section.

Please note: there can be quite a lot of files, so it is recommended to use a ZIP archiver. Then the transfer will take much less time.

2. Migrate the MySQL database. If your portal uses a content management system (CMS), you cannot do without this element. First you need to copy the files on the old hosting (preferably also in the archive). Then you should place the database on the portal of the new provider. On TimeWeb, this is done through the section MySQL Databases.

3. Link the site files and the MySQL database. You'll have to find the configuration document - it's usually in the public_html folder. If you are using the WordPress platform, this file will be called wp-config.php. Open it with text editor, and you will see something like this character set:

/** Database name for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'xxxxxx_xxx');
/** MySQL username */
define('DB_USER', 'xxxxxx_xxx');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxxxxx')

Replace the X characters with the data that you specified when creating the database.

4. Check how well the site works on the new hosting. Almost all providers provide such an opportunity even before the completion of the “move” procedure. As a rule, a technical level 4 domain is allocated (like Pages are available at this address, even if the main name is not yet attached to the hosting.

5. The final step is to redirect the domain. To do this, you need to go to the settings on the name registrar portal and specify other addresses of NS servers than those that are currently present there. For example, when “moving” to TimeWeb, the following entries should be made in the fields:

Usually these steps are enough to transfer the domain to another hosting. Keep in mind that name delegation does not happen immediately - you may have to wait a few hours. If the domain binding was successful, but the site still does not work, it is recommended to try to remove the so-called stub file index.htm - from a folder public_html . The main thing is not to be confused with the main page index.html ! If the removal of the stub did not help, contact the support service - it was not in vain that we advised choosing exactly the hosting provider that is always “in touch”.

First, it is immediately worth noting that it is necessary to separate

1. domain transfer to another registrar and
2. its transfer to another host.

These are fundamentally different things. So in the second case, it is not at all necessary to change the registrar, because the hosting company acts only as an intermediary (reseller). About what an accredited domain name registrar is and how it differs from a reseller can be found in the guide.

There are 2 more options:

3. domain transfer to a registrar from a reseller and
4. transfer to a reseller for maintenance e.g. hosting provider. This option is possible if the domain is negotiated directly with an accredited registrar without the mediation of a reseller. What's the point of moving to a reseller? The meaning is in the price. So the cost of registering and renewing a domain in the .RU zone for a year at registrars costs about 600 rubles. At the same time, you can find a reseller with prices several times lower. For example, domain maintenance from a hosting provider (1st place in ours) will cost only 150 rubles a year, and for a hosting provider (2nd place in ours) even less - 120 rubles.

You can generally get a domain in the .RU zone for free. You will receive one of these when you pay for hosting for a year, and you can get from 1 to 5 domains on the same terms, depending on the chosen tariff plan hosting.

So, let's consider the domain transfer process for all cases.

1. How to transfer a domain from one registrar to another registrar

For domains .RU, .RF, .SU:

Step 1. Notify the current registrar of the transfer and provide him with the original application and passport (if submitted in person) or a notarized application and a scan of the passport (if by mail). In the application, you will need to indicate the identifier of the new registrar - you can get it, respectively, from the new registrar.

Step 2 Contact a new registrar, conclude an agreement, pay for the service and request a domain transfer. The new registrar and the old one will do everything else without your participation.

For other domains:

Step 1. Using the Whois service, check the status of the domain. If the status is "clientTransferProhibited", contact the current domain registrar and request that the transfer ban be lifted. Often, like the next step, you can do this yourself through the registrar's control panel.

Step 2 Obtain a registry authorization code from the current registrar. If we do everything ourselves through the PU, then the authorization code comes to the mail automatically after the ban on changing the registrar is lifted. However, this is not the case for all registrars. For some, at this step, you need to contact the registrar by e-mail and get a link on which there will be an authorization form. By logging in, you confirm the right to administer the domain and only then will the registry authorization code be sent to your e-mail.

Step 3 Contact a new registrar, conclude an agreement, pay for the service and request a domain transfer by providing an authorization code. For many registrars, this can be done automatically through a special form. Including in bulk. The main thing is to have a registry authorization code obtained from the old registrar.

2. How to transfer a domain to another hosting

2.1. How to link a domain to another hosting

If it is only about changing the hosting, it is not necessary to transfer the domain to another hosting provider. It is enough just to point the DNS domain of a new hoster in the registrar's control panel. If you don't have access to it, you can get it through the password recovery form or by contacting this registrar via e-mail (you need to write from the mailbox to which you registered the domain and which is indicated by the domain in WHOIS).
In this case, you will use the new hosting and pay for the domain through the old one.

2.2. How to transfer a domain for maintenance to another hosting provider

To transfer a domain for maintenance from one hoster to another, i.e. from reseller to reseller (assuming the registrar remains the same) you can do everything yourself through the registrar's PU (if you can access it in the way described above) or request a transfer from the current reseller. The transfer process through the Registrar PU will be the same as in the first paragraph with the difference only in the transfer request forms and types of application (in this case it will be called “for changing the user account”). Another difference may be the need to provide a written application for transfer to the current registrar, regardless of the domain zone, if such a condition is specified in his contract (offer). This is how many resellers create difficulties for customers by not wanting to let them go.

3. How to transfer a domain from a reseller to a registrar

You need to apply with this wish to the registrar and confirm that you are the domain administrator. It is even easier to do this using the appropriate form in the registrar's control panel. However, it is possible that, as in the previous option, you will need to notify the reseller in writing. But, the registrar will do the rest.

4. How to transfer a domain from a registrar to a reseller

If the registrar itself does not change, everything is the same as in section 2.2. (change of reseller). Don't forget to find out the reseller's account number to assign your domain to it. As already mentioned, this number will need to be indicated in the appropriate form and application.

In general, registrars have special forms for any kind of transfers. For example, for REG.RU the type in question is called “Domain transfer within REG.RU”, for RU-CENTER it is called “From contract to contract”.

As we can see, with almost any transfer option (except for transferring from a reseller to a registrar), our main task is to get an authorization code. The need to bother with documents is also unchanged when it comes to domains in the .RU, .РФ and.SU zones.

Domain Transfer Rules

  • Only the owner (administrator) of a domain can request a domain transfer.
  • To perform the transfer, you must have access to the e-mail to which the domain was registered (which is listed in the WHOIS database).
  • The domain name must be unlocked. In the WHOIS database, the Status line should not have "REGISTRAR-LOCK".
  • The registrar cannot be changed if:

  • 60 days have not passed since the registration of the domain;
  • 60 days have not passed since the last registrar change;
  • the domain is under investigation (for example, if someone else claims the domain);
  • if the domain delegation period ends earlier than 10 days from the moment the transfer request was submitted (this period may vary for different registrars).

What is domain delegation?

Your domain name on the web is tied to some hosting provider. The procedure that will make it so that the old site name leads visitors to the new address is called "domain delegation".
In order for your site to work on our hosting, you need to register our DNS servers in the domain settings:

At the same time, in the Control Panel, you need to add the domain that you are delegating in the section. To do this, follow the link "I already have a domain", enter the domain name and click the "Add" button.

How do I find out who my domain registrar is?

You can also find out who your registrar is using any WhoIs service (pronounced "huiz", or in Russian loosely translated "who is who"), for example, on our website in the Domain Registration section. After you have entered the name of the domain you are interested in, you will receive some information like:

Domain: BEGET.RU
org: Beget ltd.
registrar: R01-RU
created: 2007.04.04
paid-till: 2016.04.04
free-date: 2016.05.05
source: TCI

This is information about your domain. Looking for registrar:. This field contains information about the registrar. In our case, this is R01-REG-RIPN.

How can I renew a domain through you?

In order to renew a domain through us, you need to transfer your domain to our contract. The procedure for transferring a domain varies by registrar and domain zone. For a detailed domain transfer procedure, please contact our technical support.

How do I change the domain administrator?

First you need to find out from which registrar to which you are going to transfer domains.
The change of administrator is made on the basis of official letters from the current administrator and from the person to whom administration rights are transferred, received by the registrar.
All details of changing the administrator can be obtained directly on the registrar's website. Contact our technical support and we will try to help you identify the registrar and find instructions on how to change the administrator.

What is an EPP-key, why is it needed?

EPP key is The secret key, which is required when transferring to another domain registrar in the international zone.
The EPP-key is needed to transfer the domain for services to us, that is, to our agreement with the registrar. If you want to transfer the domain to us for service, you will need to provide a secret key (EPP-key).

What is needed to transfer a domain in the international zone to another registrar?

Transfer of domains in the international zone is carried out using a secret key (EPP-key). Typically, the secret key is available in Personal Account at the current registrar, - if you cannot find the secret key, send a letter from the e-mail from which this domain was registered to the current domain registrar with a request to provide the secret key. To transfer a domain for maintenance, please provide us with the key and pay for the domain renewal for one year. When transferring a domain, according to the rules of registration in the international zone, it is necessary to pay for the renewal of the domain for 1 year.
After we submit a transfer request, you email box, specified during registration, an email will be sent with a link that you will have to follow and confirm the transfer, after which the domain will be transferred within 10 days.

How to add a domain from another hosting?

Add domains in the section from the Control Panel, and then register our ns-servers with the registrar:

When adding a domain, you must enter the domain name and indicate which site the domain will be linked to.

When adding a domain, you can:
1. Create a new site for the domain. In this case, a site means a directory on a disk. For example: if we order the domain and choose to create a new site, the ~/ directory will be automatically created on the disk, and the public_html directory will be in it, where you will need to upload files for the domain.
2. Link a domain to an existing site. In this case, it will be necessary to select the site (directory) to which the subdomain will be attached from the list of existing sites.
3. Don't link the domain. In this case, the subdomain will be created, but will not be assigned to any of the sites (directory).

We also draw your attention to the fact that the domain will start working from us within 24 hours. The delay is related both to the changes themselves on the registrar server, and to the caching of DNS data all the way to end users. Failed: Missing SOA record or server not available.

We are using primary secondary DNS server system, that is, all changes are made on the primary server ( and over time, usually no more than 10 minutes, are transferred to the secondary server (

In such cases, you usually need to wait a bit. If the error still occurs after 30 minutes, contact technical support.

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