How to restart an iPhone if the screen does not work. How can I turn off my iPhone when the screen doesn't work?

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All equipment fails. Unfortunately, neither premium brands of devices nor budget ones are protected from breakdowns and freezes. What should you do if your iPhone suddenly freezes and the screen does not respond to touch? In this article, we will explain in detail how to turn off an iPhone if the sensor does not work.

How to turn off an iPhone if the sensor stops working

In order to bring your device back to life, you need to reboot it. If, when the sensor is working, we simply hold down the lock button and then swipe across the screen to confirm shutdown, then in this case the mechanism is different. Simultaneously (!) press the power button and the “Home” button. Below is a visual demonstration of how to restart an iPhone if the sensor does not work:

Rebooting iPhone when the sensor is not working

By the way, if you hold down both buttons for 3-4 seconds, the iPhone will simply turn off and you will have to press the lock button again to turn on the device. If you hold down the Home button and the power button for 5-7 seconds, the iPhone will completely reboot.

How to turn off your iPhone if it's frozen

Sometimes it may happen that problems arise not only with the sensor, but also with the buttons. Let's figure out how to turn off an iPhone if the screen and button don't work. Unfortunately, in such a situation, the only thing left to do is completely discharge your device and then connect it to the charger.

Usually both methods help bring the device back to life. If none of the above options helped you, we recommend contacting a service center.

Of course, the American company Apple designs, manufactures and markets mobile phones excellent devices that justify their cost due to the appropriate technical characteristics and optimized operating system. Only due to its devices can the company be called standing out from its competitors. However, these devices do not last forever. And any device can suddenly fail, and then work as if nothing had happened.

One of the most pressing questions asked by users on many forums dedicated to the works of the “bitten apple” was the question of how to turn off the iPhone if the button does not work.

Causes and consequences

Many users who ask if a button does not work do not even try to first understand what the causes of the malfunction are. And almost all owners of devices running the iOS operating system face this problem. Sooner or later, but this, unfortunately, happens in the life of each of the devices. Power button (as well as Home key) crashing software fails and stops responding to basic commands dictated, if you can call it that, by the user.

Currently, through joint efforts, we have been able to develop three methods that will help restart your device if a similar problem occurs.

Method 1: When the device is working stably

Let's assume that the device is working stably. This is the simplest situation possible. Everything reacts stably, touches are perceived, commands programmed on the “Power” button are executed. At the same time, there are no problems with the operation of the “Home” key either. So, just hold down the first indicated button and wait for the words “Turn off” or “Cancel” to appear. Next, touch the left side of the strip called “Turn off” (it is colored red). Then, without lifting your finger from the screen, we swipe across the screen. After the strip is removed, the device itself will turn off and its screen will go dark. Press and hold the power button again for a few moments. You will be able to notice the company logo, after which your device will continue to boot in normal mode. Now let's look at the question of how to turn off an iPhone if the button doesn't work.

Method 2: The software crashed

How to turn off an iPhone if the button does not work? In this case, you will have to use the so-called forced reboot method. In this case, the device may not respond at all to touches on the sensor, and not just to commands via soft keys. To force reboot your device, you will need to simultaneously press power and home screen. We keep them active for ten seconds. The device will turn off. After this, release the keys. If the logo does not appear immediately, then proceed according to the second part of the previous method, that is, press the key again. It should be noted that this method should be left as a last resort and under no circumstances should it be used regularly.

Now you know how to turn off an iPhone without a button, although this method is only suitable for emergency cases when the software malfunctions.

Method 3: special programs

Users who ask what to do if the iPhone button does not work are unlikely to realize the existence special programs, which will be very useful for the device as a whole. They make it possible to control devices without mechanical keys. The creators of the program understood better than anyone that the resources of buttons are large, but not unlimited. Actually, this led to the creation of software. One example of this is the Assistive Touch function. Activating it will automatically give you full access to your iPhone’s touch controls. The function allows you to very, very subtly, one might say, flexibly configure gesture control.

Thus, soon (after you get used to the new principles) you will abandon mechanical elements in favor of sensory methods of manipulation.

Yes, yes, iPhone smartphones can freeze too. You may never encounter this, but the fact remains. However, this is not a problem, since after a reboot the device will most likely resume operation. The problem is different - the iPhone cannot be turned off or restarted in the usual way. Accordingly, the question arises - what to do?

Indeed, if you press the POWER button, nothing will happen.

Apple has come up with a way to reboot the device for such situations. And it consists of this: you need to press not only the POWER button, but also the HOME button, and do this at the same time! Thus, you press the keys and hold them for about 10-20 seconds until the screen goes dark.

As soon as the screen goes dark, you can release the keys. If suddenly the reboot does not take place and the screen goes dark, press the POWER button to turn on your device.

If holding the HOME and POWER buttons for 10-20 seconds does not help, hold them longer. In some cases it may take a minute or more, but the device should reboot.

Please note that this method Works on all iPhones up to 5, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus. In the case of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, the process is slightly different. The fact is that Apple, starting with these models, abandoned the physical HOME button, so the forced reboot procedure has changed.

If you have an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, you need to hold down the POWER key and the Volume Down key until the device restarts.

What if the HOME or POWER key doesn't work? Forcefully rebooting a frozen device will not work. In this case, you have only one thing to do - wait until the battery in your iPhone runs out, put it on charge and turn on the device in the usual way.

Apple branded equipment is considered one of the most reliable in the world. But even it can periodically break down or malfunction, and the iPhone is no exception in this regard. For example, many people are familiar with the situation when the phone simply stops responding to the sensor. Let's look today at how to reboot an iPhone if it won't turn on and whether it can be repaired.

The first thing to do is restart the device. Almost 90% of problems are solved by a simple reboot. All that remains is to understand how to turn off the iPhone if the sensor does not work. On a regular iPhone, where touch screen not broken, you need to hold the power button for a couple of seconds. After that, pull the slider to the right - you're done. If the device is broken, the procedure will be slightly different.

You need to simultaneously press the “Home” button and the display lock key. You need to hold them for a couple of seconds.

Much will depend on exactly how long you hold these buttons:

  • 3-4 seconds - the smartphone will simply turn off;
  • 5-7 seconds - it will completely reboot.

If you are using the seventh iPhone model, then instead of the Home key it is better to use volume down. There are two ways in which a breakdown could occur: either a software failure or a hardware failure.

This method refers to forced reboot methods. It can be used in extreme cases when other methods are absolutely powerless. Advice: it is not advisable to do this more than once a week, otherwise problems with other modules may occur frequently. If the screen fails, it is better to take it to a repair service, where they will replace it with another one.

Using Hard Reset several times, nothing bad will happen and there will be no consequences. But if you constantly use this method, there is a chance that the memory modules will stop working. After which all data stored on your device will simply disappear.

There is a widespread belief among ordinary iPhone owners that each new Hard Reset increases the likelihood that the memory will eventually fail. But not a single expert confirms this.

If the buttons don't work

In some cases, the problem can become even more serious. If your iPhone's sensor doesn't work, it's pretty clear how to restart it. But it’s not clear what to do if other buttons, for example, home and power, do not respond. iPhones do not have a removable battery, so you will have to wait until the device is completely dead. After that, you can try to turn it on again. Then you won't have to resort to the aggressive reboot method.

If the phone does not respond again, you will have to take it to a service center. There is no other way to solve the problem.

There is another way to turn it off when only the lock does not respond. If the described method does not give the desired result, you need to do the following:

  • In the main settings menu, go to the “General” section.
  • Scroll down this section and find "Accessibility". Follow it.
  • In the new section you need to find the AssistiveTouc setting, which is located in the motor skills and physiology block.
  • Drag the slider to the active position to activate it.
  • Now a new active key will appear in your window, after clicking on which you can open an additional list of settings.
  • Use the Home key to go to the main menu. Click on AssistiveTouch and then on "Device".
  • In a new tab, press and hold “Lock Screen” until a menu appears.
  • This way you can turn off your device without the lock button.

However, another problem arises here. If the button doesn't work, it's unclear how to turn on the phone. After all, it is broken, and the Assistive Touch function is not active on a disabled phone. In reality, all you need to do is connect the device to a charger or to iTunes on your PC. This way you can turn it on without any problems.


The simplest and quick way restarting the device is a “Hard Reboot”. It helps to restore the functionality of the sensor in a short time. But this is not the only possibility. And even if the gadget has frozen, you can still restart it. If you don’t risk doing a Hard Reset, you can turn to iTunes – Apple’s media harvester, which can be used to restore your device. If this does not give a normal result, you can contact the service center so that the phone can be completely repaired. Then you won't have to constantly look for ways to reboot.


iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world. A huge number of the planet's inhabitants are literally raving about it. The demand for this electronic device Every year it gets higher and higher. This is what accounts for the constant record sales of iPhones.

Due to the fact that the iPhone is a technically complex device, it is prone to certain glitches. There is nothing strange about this, since difficulties occur when using almost any technique. The most common problem when using these smartphones is freezing, the causes of which are numerous.

Braking or even freezing of the product fromApplecan happen in a variety of situations:

  • during phone calls;
  • when installing applications;
  • when moving file data, etc.

Often the cause of freezes can be the replacement of firmware, which can be quite strange. Although installing the standard firmware version on this device may cause it to freeze. In short, the iPhone freezes and many of its owners simply have no idea what to do about it.

It is important to know what you can do if your Apple smartphone freezes. There are several effective ways that, in most cases, will revive your favorite communicator. Failures occur in almost all operating systems, and iOS is no exception.

Basic signs of a frozen device are failure to respond to key presses, as well as touching the communicator’s sensor.

Possible reasons

There are many reasons why an iPhone freezes, and the most common reason for such a failure is a conflict between the program code of some application and part of the active code of the Apple device itself.

More than 90% of cases when the iPhone freezes is due to a software error. If the problem does not disappear for a long time, or causes you inconvenience, you should contact a specialist. Such a nuisance can be eliminated by specialists in a short time.

Video: iPhone frozen

Simple freeze

Strange cases often occur with iPhones when, which practically did not appear on other communicators: at one moment the device’s display stops responding to touches altogether, and this feature of its behavior can last up to 30 seconds.

Some owners of this smartphone claim that this problem Most often it happens when all kinds of notifications appear on the smartphone display, but you can also encounter it on the lock display. Another unpleasant feature is that while typing in programs, the keyboard “freezes” and does not respond to user actions.

Lots of active applications

Often, iPhone freezing is associated with a huge number of active applications that significantly load the processor and RAM. In this case, you need to remove the most resource-intensive applications.

To do this you need:

  • Return to the desktop by pressing the Home button, and then press the Home button twice. This will display a list of active applications;
  • press and hold the icon of the frozen program;
  • when the shaking starts, you must press the action confirmation key;
  • Double-click the Home button and re-launch the application.

Incorrect iOS update

Each iOS update, despite the manufacturers' assurances, carries certain hidden threats. Of course, the most key errors are corrected in it, and the speed of operation is also significantly higher than in the previous version.

However, despite the fact that the overall performance of iOS has remained virtually unchanged, many owners of Apple smartphones complain that it often freezes.

Jailbreak installed

Jailbreak installed on an iPhone often causes the device to freeze. Restoring your communicator after jailbreak will take place without complications. DFU assistance. In general, there is no potential danger in these actions if they are implemented correctly - the iPhone turns on normally, functions, does not slow down or crash.

Ways to get your iPhone out of a freeze

Despite all the advantages, sometimes an Apple smartphone can freeze when too many programs are running at the same time. This is a difficulty that can prevent the most powerful laptop computers from functioning properly, and even more so a smartphone.

However, even if your iPhone slows down and freezes, there is no real reason to worry. The main thing is to know what to do, since it can be easily resuscitated and returned to normal functioning.

Leave iPhone alone

In most situations with freezing, the communicator will return from the frozen state on its own and begin to work normally without delay. If this does not happen or you urgently need to use the device, move on to another method.

Reboot with Power button

If your iPhone is frozen, the easiest way to restart it is to use the Power button.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

If the communicator does not respond to commands at all, and the freeze continues for a sufficient amount of time, then you need to use alternative way reboot.

To do this you need:

  • simultaneously hold down the power and home keys for 10 seconds;
  • The appearance of the apple icon will mean that the reboot was successful.

The described method allows not only to ensure that the system hangs, but also, quite possibly, to correct certain internal errors. But you should always remember that if it is possible to successfully use the first method, which is softer, then it is recommended to use it.

The hard (alternative) method should be used only in the most extreme cases and does not need to be used constantly.

Reboot without pressing a button

This method is appropriate in a situation where a mechanical key on an apple that has a certain resource stops functioning. After this it may fail. The Apple communicator has the ability to control gestures, which will turn off the device. Its title is " Assistive Touch" and it must be turned on first.

To turn off the device using this function you must:

  • go to the main menu => “Settings” => “General” => “Universal Access” => “Assistive Touch”;
  • move the slider to the “On” position;
  • touch the button that appears, and after that a window with the “Assistive Touch” functionality will be displayed;
  • go to the “Device” item;
  • In the active window, select “Screen lock”. It must be pressed for 2-3 seconds, after which the display will switch to the locked position, in which you should “Swipe” to the right to turn off the iPhone.

Freezing of an Apple communicator is not at all a rare occurrence. The methods discussed above, if successful, allow you to get out of the situation without losses. However, there are situations when the device's operating system is so damaged that booting is impossible. In Windows, reinstalling the operating system helps; in iPhone, the approach is similar.

If successful, factory settings will be restored and current version firmware. However, all personal data such as music, videos, contact information and calendars will be lost. At the same time, if the device is synchronized with iTunes, all this can be restored in the shortest possible time.

If reinstalling the system does not solve the problem, all that remains is to contact trusted specialists and hope that they will be able to revive your favorite communicator.

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