How to connect universal. How to connect a universal remote control to a Samsung TV

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If you lose your TV remote, you don’t have to worry about it. There are always universal remote controls on sale that, after a fairly simple procedure, can easily replace the original model. The process of connecting to the TV will take no more than 10-15 seconds. It is only important to know how to set up a universal remote control.

Device structure

Universal remote control design remote control no different from the original models. Both types of devices have buttons for selecting channels, adjusting sound, setting a timer, and others.

Typically, both devices run on the same AA or AAA batteries. If you use one remote control for a large number of devices, then the batteries will have to be changed more often than in a conventional model.

Some features of the internal device may determine which devices can be controlled and how to configure the universal remote control. Gal LM p001, for example, has the ability quick connection to TV and SAT. Some other models do not have this feature.

Comparison of the original remote control with the universal one

There is no external difference between the two types of control devices. They differ only in the set of functions.

The first and main difference is that universal remote controls can be connected to a large number of devices and devices. They can be used simultaneously. For example, using one universal remote control you can turn on a TV, air conditioner, stereo system and any other electrical unit that allows remote control. The remote control will also allow you to control home theater functions, satellite dish and cable TV.

In addition, the cost of a universal remote control is lower than the original model, and the service life is usually longer.

For owners of older TV models, such a universal device will be a lifesaver if the original controller is lost. Original remote controls for previous years' models are simply not produced.

Are they really universal?

Any remote control can be used with different models of TVs, players and air conditioners. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, what should you do if you can’t set up a universal remote control? How can I check if it fits a given device model? First, you need to look at the list of compatible models in the instructions for the remote control itself. If there are no instructions regarding this, and the connection cannot be established, the problem may be in both the remote control and the TV.

The versatility of remote controls is determined by the fact that, unlike original devices, which can be configured to work with only one device, they can simultaneously work with different devices from various manufacturers. At the same time, they do not have to be reconfigured every time.

How to set up a universal remote control

To establish a connection between your TV or other device and the universal remote control, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the remote control and point it towards the device.
  2. Simultaneously press the OK or SET button (depending on the remote control model) and hold for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Enter the code corresponding to your device model.
  4. Then press the TV button to make sure it is connected.

If for some reason the remote control does not connect to the TV, you need to do these steps again. The device code may have been entered incorrectly.

There is another way to configure the Huayu universal remote control. To connect such a device, you can use auto search:

  1. Turn on the device you want to configure.
  2. Press the SET button and then POWER.
  3. Release the buttons simultaneously.
  4. Press the POWER button again and release.
  5. Check if the sound volume indication appears on the screen.
  6. Press the SET button twice in a row.

Not all models of universal remote controls support the function automatic search. It is also possible that the auto search function is not supported by the TV model itself. Therefore, for some cases, there is only one way to configure the LM P001 universal remote control - manually.

Some brands have a quick search function. To connect in this way, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  1. Turn on the device you want to connect to.
  2. Press and hold the TV button for a while.
  3. Release the button when the power indicator lights up.
  4. Press and hold the MUTE button.
  5. When the connection occurs, release the button.
  6. It's easy to check the operation of the remote control - just change the channel or adjust the sound.

If none of the methods worked and the code specified in the instructions did not work, you can use the last method - sequentially searching through the code manually.

How to determine the TV code

Each device model has its own universal code, which allows you to connect a remote control to it. It comes in three, four and five characters.

For example, to find out how to set up a universal remote control for Samsung, you need to look at the code information in the instructions for your TV or air conditioner.

It is important to remember that you need to enter the code of the connected device, and not the universal remote control.

Smartphones with universal remote control function

Some newer brands of phones allow you to use them as a universal remote control. As a rule, they can only be connected to TVs with the SMART TV function.

To set up a universal remote control on your smartphone, you will need to download a special application and follow the installation instructions that will light up on the screen. Using the program, you can interact not only with the TV, but also with other devices that allow remote control functions.

This useful feature Available for a limited number of smartphones and TV models. To use your phone as a remote control, both devices must have a Wi-Fi module, an infrared port, or Bluetooth connectivity.

Not so long ago, people could only dream of a remote control that would allow the TV viewer to truly relax without having to get up from a warm sofa every time to change channels, adjust the volume or turn off the TV. In our time, a new problem has arisen. The modern owner of a video and audio system becomes hostage to competition between different manufacturers who use special codes in wireless systems that differ from others. Because of this, even a universal remote control, if not trained, cannot control competitive components.

So what is UPDU?

A universal remote control is a type of remote control that can be used to control several household devices at once. This product is purchased separately at varying prices depending on its functionality. It is best to buy a control panel with a touch LCD display, which is much easier to operate than an information display. Now we have already pleased ourselves by purchasing such an interesting thing, but how to set up a universal remote control?


  1. The remote control has a battery compartment, remove the cover from it and insert the batteries, observing the polarity. You will most likely need two AAA elements. You need to connect the equipment that you plan to control via a universal remote control to the power grid.
  2. To find out how to set up the remote control, you should read its instructions in more detail and find out which brands of equipment it is suitable for. In the English version, see the section called Brand. Write down the codes of the companies you need.

You have the choice to set up your remote control manually or automatically.

Manual setup

  • Turn on the device you want to control using the remote control.
  • Now you need to simultaneously press two buttons: SET and TV (AUX, DVD, if these buttons correspond to the desired technology).
  • The remote control panel should light up LED indicator, then find the three-character code that matches the brand.
  • Enter the numbers in order.
  • Follow the algorithm correctly, then the setting will end and the indicator will go out.

Automatic setup

Now let's talk about how to set up the remote control for your TV and other equipment automatically. As with manual settings, first turn on the microwave, air conditioner, stereo, etc. Any channel must be turned on on your TV, and a disc must be inserted in your stereo and DVD player.

  • Point the universal remote control at the selected equipment and press two buttons: SET, holding it for a while and the command button of the device.
  • At this time, the POWER key should light up to confirm that the remote control is configured.

Of course, the ideal option is for the universal remote control to be set up by a service technician. But, you can do it yourself if you have even the slightest skills English language. Read the instructions and follow all steps consistently!

We can conclude that universal remote controls are a great invention that allows you to remove a large number of different remote controls from your coffee table. They are suitable for absolutely any equipment that is in your home, but only after appropriate configuration.

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Today, universal remote controls are sold in almost any hardware store, as well as on the Internet. With such a variety of choices, it is quite difficult for the buyer to navigate and choose exactly the station wagon that is suitable both in terms of technical data and external appearance. Don’t rush to buy the first cute remote control you come across! Read, consult, choose thoughtfully - then you won’t regret it.

In the list with universal control, enter the appropriate code into it. Additionally, there are training controls that can copy codes from the old control. But this feature doesn't work if your control is damaged or lost. One of the problems encountered is that the phones are old or obscure.

How to set up universal control?

Using multiple controls may become a thing of the past. If you've purchased a universal control like the one we show below, you'll know how to use the control on the devices you want! It is easy to use, programs and knows that you will always have it at your fingertips. How to program your control?

The phrase “universal remote control” is too multifaceted and includes a large number of remote controls that are completely different in purpose and functionality.

I think that when choosing, you should start by defining your goals: what exactly is a universal remote control for? Usually there are two options:

First option. The remote control is purchased to replace the original remote control, which is lost/broken/gnawed. Here the person’s idea is simple: if there are universal remote controls, it means that they are suitable for any equipment and can easily be configured for anything (for acoustics, for a TV, for a fan), but this is far from the case! Universal remote controls can be configured, but not for all equipment and not for all functions, for example; A station wagon may not support the menu function and program settings for the TV, without which the control will be incomplete - do not spend extra money on such options.

The indicator light will begin to flash and then remain on. . The indicator light will stop flashing and remain on. Enter the three digits of the selected code using the control keys. . How to program your control without using codes?

How to buy universal control?

The indicator light flashes and then stays on. . On the market, universal controls are divided into conventional and programmable. The former are responsible for controlling a smaller number of audio and video devices and allow you to perform basic functions using numeric codes. But with this, not all brands are accepted and their source of energy is the generic stacks. However, be careful when replacing batteries as there are cases where the configuration is lost.

That is why purchasing a universal remote control to replace your own one is not always the most simple solution and in a short way, in this case it is better to look for a native one or, with the help of, for example, our specialists, select a universal unit that will be precisely tuned to the buyer’s equipment and can be reconfigured to something else in the future.

Monochrome or even color screen, motion illumination and compatibility with various equipment. With the old device's infrared learning function, save the code in your flash memory. Just bring the remote control to the universal control, press the keys and start using it.

First, you need to know how many phones you want to monitor. After that, think about how much you will save by purchasing a universal control. A control that suits your needs and that has capacity can be replaced with a more advanced one. So don't go overboard while shopping.

Second option. The remote control is purchased as one remote control for all equipment, for many devices at once, and all original remote controls are available. It is precisely in this situation that you can already “take a walk” with the choice. And it’s best to pay attention to models of universal remote controls with a learning function.

Since we’ve already talked about the learning function, it’s worth pointing out in more detail what the fundamental difference in settings between the remote controls is:

After that, pay attention to whether the shape, weight, buttons or control suits you. When you go to stores, try experimenting with the control before you buy it. Some of them, when touched or moved, light up their display through sensors so you don't have to constantly change the channel in the dark.

Infrared light is used by most controls to communicate through line of sight between equipment and control, or even via radio frequency signals. The simplicity that this application offers to its users has been recognized and widely accepted throughout the world.

Remote controls come with presets - this is when the manufacturer reads signals from native remote controls into its database, numbers these readings for certain codes, and the user enters a code corresponding to his brand into the remote control and tries to control the equipment, first with one code, then with another, etc. .d. (unless, of course, the code is clearly written instead of a specific native remote control, but just a list of codes for a given brand is indicated).

So, get rid of the annoying temperamental regular problems caused by. Lose the remote control, Batteries are spent, Knock down your little brother to break the remote control. No configuration required. It's always good and easy to use one remote control Universal device to control all electronic equipment. Your patience and positive feedback will be highly appreciated.

Sometimes pressing a key on the original remote for a longer time can help. This can happen differently: pressing and releasing improves quickly, it varies from control to control. If the batteries of the original remote control are weak, they may also cause signal failure. Use new batteries if necessary. . What are the advantages of universal control?

Remote controls can be configured via a computer using special software. The point is that there are a lot of settings on the manufacturer’s server, and having selected these devices in the program, then just click the “update remote control” button and all the necessary information will be “poured” into this “smart” station wagon. Compatibility with the buyer’s specific equipment in this option can be checked in advance on the manufacturer’s website. A prominent representative with a very rich base of settings for various equipment is Logitech.

When programming an audio hardware control, on-screen instructions will show you how to do it. Is your model not in the table above? Universal remote controls are ideal for replacing lost or damaged original controls. You only need to program them using the correct button sequence. The whole process takes just a few minutes.

  • Enter the code on the remote control using the number buttons.
  • Keep entering codes until you find one that works.
Are you looking for a universal remote control with a big button? Please view our wide range of products: easy online comparison.

Remote controls come with a learning function. The point is that for each button of the new remote control you can learn a signal from any button on your original remote control. That is, these are remote controls that are capable of receiving, remembering and then reproducing signals from native remote controls. Training is usually carried out by placing remote controls opposite each other at a distance of 5-10 cm. Depending on the number of devices provided in the universal device and the number of buttons on each layout, the total number of buttons that can be trained is added up. There is also an important point: if the buyer has rare brands of devices with initially “non-standard IR signals according to the protocol,” then not every universal remote control can learn from the native remote control (for example, the remote control from the Motorola VIP-1200 satellite receiver). Therefore, if a person has such rare non-standard native remote controls, then it is worth paying attention to ensuring that the remote control is as “omnivorous” as possible, that is, so that the learning remote control has a sufficiently large range of supported signals. This information is not indicated on the remote control and is acquired only with experience in setting up training programs, so for information about the omnivorousness of a particular model of a universal remote control, it is better for the client to read the descriptions on our website or check with our store operators when calling.

What to look for before purchasing

Browse our products in this section of our website. Are you in in the right place. Indeed, we are inventors! Why choose one for everyone?

  • They are practical.
  • We take on all brands.
  • Their configuration is particularly simple.
Our code database is the most comprehensive in the world and is constantly updated to reflect new products brought to market. You can program your remote control the way you want by selecting the brand and device of your choice.

Also, remote controls can combine possible configuration options, for example, be programmable + teachable or configured via PC + learnable.

Next, having decided on the optimal option for setting up the remote control, you can choose a universal remote control based on the number of supported devices, appearance, color, weight, price, as well as various additional options (for example, the presence of macro commands).

Why do you need a universal remote control?

You can choose from a variety of remote controls. In particular, remotely controlled controls are offered. Our remote controls support many devices and many brands. We also offer the following products.

Remote control for decoders; Many other types of remote controls. You can control many devices from different brands with one remote control. This way you no longer need to use more than one.

A separate point is the ability to control an air conditioner from a common universal remote control. This is only possible if the remote control has a display and is one of the controlled AC (air conditioner) devices. Moreover, you can configure such a remote control for an air conditioner only using preset codes (if a suitable code was not found, it means there won’t be one again...), but the learning function in the version with an air conditioning remote control no longer works. The fact is that air conditioning remote controls initially have a different control system than, for example, a TV - the degree + button at each degree gives its own signal, and not a constant one like a TV. Therefore, in one button there are already many signals “stitched” for all possible temperatures - and so on for all the buttons of the air conditioning remote control - that is, it is unrealistic to learn all these signals for training and such an option is not provided in universal models.

Find the remote control

When you lose or damage your remote control, you may want to replace the equipment as soon as possible. Refine your search using the fields located in the upper left corner of the page and find remote device, which best suits your needs, using the assistant located at the top.

You want to program your universal remote control, but you quickly realize that it doesn't have a code search button like your friends at home. Well, it's not very comfortable as a situation, but she doesn't despair. Indeed, it is entirely possible to program your universal remote control even if it is not equipped with this known button lookup code.

Another useful note: in our opinion, it is better to pay attention to those manufacturers who professionally produce remote controls, have large code bases and a good range for training; you should not be fooled by famous brands that produce remote controls only as accessories, but in fact they are beautiful remote controls - toys turn out to be quite useless in practice.

The easiest way: programming the remote control using the TV code

To program your remote control in the easiest way, follow these steps. Then, with your finger still on the TV button, enter your device's code on the remote control. When you enter the code, the little light usually turns off and turns on again as soon as you enter the last digit. At this point there will be a small light blinking and then two things should happen: either it comes out, which means the code you created is correct. Otherwise, it will flash four times and you will need to enter a new code, which should be a good one this time. Lastly, don't forget to check your remote if it works or not.

Other methods you can use

  • This will turn on the small light next to it.
  • You can now remove your finger from the TV button.
There are other methods that will allow you to program a universal remote even if it doesn't have a code search button.

In general, if a buyer is looking for a universal remote control for all the equipment in the house, then, of course, you should choose thoroughly “like a cow,” because you will have to use the remote control every day and an initially unimportant little thing, overlooked when choosing, can irritate over time. The most correct thing, in my opinion, is, of course, to consult on the forums, from the specialists of our store (for example) and read the descriptions, because a “lazy person” should please you every day and exists for convenience, and not vice versa.

In fact, you can also use programming by searching for the code by pressing the power button and the button on the remote control at the same time. But there is another method, which is to find the model of your remote control, which will allow you to know the devices it works with.

Using the universal multimedia remote control

All buttons on the remote control will flash three times to confirm your selection. All buttons on the remote control will light up within two seconds. . Your remote control works like all TV remote controls.

Not so long ago, people could only dream of a remote control that would allow the TV viewer to truly relax without having to get up from a warm sofa every time to change channels, adjust the volume or turn off the TV. In our time, a new problem has arisen. The modern owner of a video and audio system becomes hostage to competition between different manufacturers who use special codes in wireless systems that differ from others. Because of this, even a universal remote control, if not trained, cannot control competitive components.

The universal remote controls we offer are capable of taking over most of the functions of your devices, regardless of their brands. They are compatible with thousands of different brands and hundreds of thousands of different device references. To program your new universal remote, you will need to use a code. To find this code, refer to the instructions included with your remote control. Once this code is found, enter it on the remote control.

So what is updu?

Programming a universal remote control is very easy! The mappings between codes and devices are specific to each brand of universal remote control, or even each model. So the codes are not the same from one universal remote control to another. Additionally, while some remote controls can update with new codes for new devices, not all of them offer this capability.

So what is UPDU?

A universal remote control is a type of remote control that can be used to control several household devices at once. This product is purchased separately at varying prices depending on its functionality. It is best to buy a control panel with a touch LCD display, which is much easier to operate than an information display. Now we have already pleased ourselves by purchasing such an interesting thing, but how to set up a universal remote control?

Another type of universal remote control will be programmed using the included cord to connect to your computer and Internet connection. This programming mode allows you to constantly update a very important database. With this type of remote control, you will almost certainly find all the functions of your original remote control.

In general, a universal remote control must be programmed before use and can only control one device. Other universal remote controls allow you to control multiple devices registered at the same time. The advantage of these remote controls is that you can limit the number of remote controls by combining them all into one. We offer 4 in 1, 3 in 1 or 2 remote controls.


  1. The remote control has a battery compartment, remove the cover from it and insert the batteries, observing the polarity. You will most likely need two AAA elements. You need to connect the equipment that you plan to control via a universal remote control to the power grid.
  2. To find out how to set up the remote control, you should read its instructions in more detail and find out which brands of equipment it is suitable for. In the English version, see the section called Brand. Write down the codes of the companies you need.

You have the choice to set up your remote control manually or automatically.

Manual setup

  • Turn on the device you want to control using the remote control.
  • Now you need to simultaneously press two buttons: SET and TV (AUX, DVD, if these buttons correspond to the desired technology).
  • The LED indicator on the remote control panel should light up, then find the three-character code that matches the brand.
  • Enter the numbers in order.
  • Follow the algorithm correctly, then the setting will end and the indicator will go out.

Automatic setup

Now let's talk about how to set up the remote control for your TV and other equipment automatically. As with manual settings, first turn on the microwave, air conditioner, stereo, etc. Any channel must be turned on on your TV, and a disc must be inserted in your stereo and DVD player.

  • Point the universal remote control at the selected equipment and press two buttons: SET, holding it for a while and the command button of the device.
  • At this time, the POWER key should light up to confirm that the remote control is configured.

Of course, the ideal option is for the universal remote control to be set up by a service technician. But, you can do it yourself if you have even the slightest English language skills. Read the instructions and follow all steps consistently!

We can conclude that universal remote controls are a great invention that allows you to remove a large number of different remote controls from your coffee table. They are suitable for absolutely any equipment that is in your home, but only after appropriate configuration.

Perhaps now you cannot find a single residential premises or office where modern household appliances are not used. When it comes to television and radio equipment, it always comes with remote controls. And such devices that make our lives interesting, comfortable and varied are constantly becoming more and more numerous.

In order not to confuse each time which remote control for which device, you can purchase one, but it can turn on and off absolutely all household appliances in your home. Such technical devices have long come into use, but many people are frightened by the fact that they do not know how to set up a universal remote control.

The difference between a regular remote control for a certain type of equipment and a universal one is that inside the small plastic box there is a certain microcircuit that allows you to expand the memory of this device and write commands not to one receiver, but to several at once. Let's figure out how this can be done.

Where to start?

If you don’t know how to set up a universal remote control for and other home gadgets, then, first of all, you should look into the box from the purchased remote control. Most often, there are specific instructions that will help you figure out how to set up this particular remote control.

On this piece of paper, which is an instruction, you can find codes with which even a person who does not know how to set up a universal remote control for a TV can music center or air conditioner, will be able to do this without problems on his own.

Codes are four-digit combinations of numbers that correspond to a specific brand of household appliance. There are several codes for each of them, and if you fail with the first set of numbers, you can try the next ones.

Active buttons

To set up a universal remote control, we only need a few of the many buttons located on the working surface. These are the TV, SET (or DVB) and POWER buttons. In addition, an important indicator when setting up the remote control will be the signal light, which is present on every universal remote control and is absent on a regular remote control.

Let's start setting up

There are several ways to configure your remote control and if you fail with the first, you should move on to the second and so on. The main thing is not to rush and understand the sequence of actions:

The same algorithm of actions should be carried out with all other household appliances, which can be controlled using a multifunctional remote control.

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