How to earn extra money for a schoolchild. eSports and tournaments

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Hello, hello, friends. I don’t know about you, but I already miss our communication a little and have prepared a rather lengthy article for you. It is designed for the youngest audience, but I am sure that it will also be useful for parents who are always driving their children away from computers and strictly limiting their time online.

On the one hand, they are right - you need to spend time in the fresh air, and not get too carried away with social networks and online toys. But, on the other hand, how can a schoolchild earn money if he is separated from the Internet? Practically - nothing.

I immediately ask parents not to be ironic or grin at the mere thought that their child will suddenly become independent and begin to earn his own pocket money - this is quite realistic, many schoolchildren provide themselves with the missing pocket money this way, and quite successfully. Take my first copywriter, although he was already in the eleventh grade. I paid him 300-400 rubles for one article, and he wrote 2-4 of them a week.

Parents are also surprised: why has their 14-year-old “kid” suddenly become completely cold about his weekly budget? Few people realize that a schoolchild can earn as much as their parents give, or even more. Representatives of the younger generation, who do not have enough parental financial assistance for all the necessary small purchases, when reading this article should find for themselves the answer to how to make money on the Internet as a schoolchild All methods described here have been tested and given the status of “quite suitable”.

I must say that the methods given below will not bring fantastically cosmic earnings, but, firstly, they will make you almost independent of your parent’s wallet, and, secondly, they will give you much more than money - experience that you can then use for yourself in good.

And one more thing: I will not offer complex methods, such as writing texts to order, for consideration. It's not time yet. Let’s focus on the simplest methods available to every teenager who loves to “disappear” on the Internet.

1. Earning money on the Internet for schoolchildren: what to do for a short time?

Children do not like to waste time on things that only bring money, but do not bring pleasure. It is very difficult for them to tear themselves away from their favorite toy for just 20 rubles. And what kind of money is this - twenty? It won’t be enough even for a first-grader, but here he is practically an adult with increased material needs.

Well, here’s how to make money for a 12-year-old schoolboy - the same, five-minute-old adult, if he doesn’t really know how to do anything and can’t find time for work - he just doesn’t know how many hours or days it will take to “earn” the required amount.

Here's a hint, young internet treasure seekers: it may take 5 hours to earn a hundred rubles. If you want, work for one day, or if you want, stretch out the pleasure throughout the whole week.

From all types of activities, choose the one that you like and does not seem difficult: you like to like photos or view news, your field of activity is clicking or surfing. You just can’t ignore it and not comment on the news - do it for money, why bother bothering the keyboard in vain? Are you surprised? Is it a discovery for you that these actions that you previously performed from the heart and just like that are a stable income on the Internet for schoolchildren, capable of providing you with a chocolate bar, a trip to the cinema, and a savings base for the necessary serious purchase?

Take note and personally test one of the methods I suggested: if everything works out, continue working. Such work will not be a burden to you, but will be a joy for your piggy bank.

2. How a schoolchild can make money on the Internet without investment - 10 ways

The advantage of a schoolchild over a student and over a busy adult is that a teenager has much more free time. With experience, teenagers, of course, have somewhat more problems, but they learn quickly - literally, they grasp everything on the fly.

2.1. Copywriting

Many children, already in their school years, are able to clearly and clearly express their thoughts on paper. Typically, such students excel in the humanities. If you have similar skills and also like to read, then the best way for you to make money is by writing various articles.

Such work can bring from 25 to 100 rubles per 1000 characters. Considering that the average article has a volume of 5000 characters, and on average it takes 2-3 hours to complete, then in the end we get quite a decent income. Do you agree? Especially when you consider that you can write about any topic close to you, for example, about games or about another favorite hobby.

2.2. Earning money on social networks

As I already said, most teenagers can earn money without leaving their usual “habitat” - social networks. That is, you just need to reconsider your attitude towards clicks, likes and additions to communities. They pay for all this, you can make money from all this. What does that require?

2.3. Administrator

2.4. Surfing

Browsing advertisers' websites for a certain fee is not a way to make money for schoolchildren on the Internet without investment? Here, however, there are some rules that cannot be circumvented - otherwise you will be left without earnings: you need to be on the site for at least 30 seconds. The time you watch an ad is counted down by a timer, and for those who are impatient, this type of income will most likely be a burden. The same type of work is also a little tiring - click on an advertisement with memorized movements, and after viewing, confirm your actions.

But you can earn money from advertising not only from views. There are also more complex tasks that advertisers classify as written and pay somewhat more generously. The essence of this task is to answer several questions after reading an advertising article. The amount of earnings from surfing is about 50 rubles for 3-4 hours.

2.5. Earning money from online games

Not long ago I devoted a separate article to this type of earnings, if you are interested, you can read it: “ “. Games are an unplowed field suitable for making money different ways and beneficial for both toy creators and ordinary users, provided that they are very passionate about the game.

How can a student who knows one or more games make money on the Internet? There are several ways:

  • start the game, develop the structure required by its conditions (farm, palace, hero’s apartment) and, ready-made and with a high rating, sell all this stuff to another player;
  • get equipment for the main character for free using points and sell it wholesale or retail;
  • obtain the necessary attributes that are valuable for a particular game (virtual pearls, gold, corn) and convert them into real money.

Statistics say that this is the most pleasant and understandable type of income for schoolchildren. Playing the game and earning money at the same time, they feel very comfortable.

2.6. Creation of avatars, hats and designs

The work is not suitable for everyone, but only for teenagers with artistic inclinations who have the skills to work in graphics programs(Photoshop). This is a design activity that involves the creation of original illustrations, collages, advertising banners or photo retouching. The cost of one unit of created product is from $5. And judging by the trends in the increasing demand for new, off-the-cuff pictures on social networks, mastering the art of design makes sense.

Let's take my friend's younger brother for example. He makes the simplest hats for YouTube users. One job takes him a maximum of an hour, and he receives 200 rubles for it. Learning to work in Photoshop is very simple. Just google: how to make a header for YouTube. Watch 2-5 training videos, draw 5-10 hats and you can consider yourself a pro.

2.7. Transcription

Don’t be intimidated by the term - it’s decent; when translated into simple human language, it means decoding an audio file into text. I would call this position – assistant journalist. Professional journalists do not really trust paper notebooks or even electronic ones - they record all interviews and comments on a dictaphone, and then listen carefully and give the recording a literary form.

Teenagers who decide to undertake this type of activity will not be required to have a high artistic style; all that is needed is to listen to the audio and type the text verbatim in Word. By the way, this is one of the most successful ideas for how a schoolchild can make money in the summer - he received money and improved his knowledge of Russian. An hour of such work can bring you from 3 dollars.

By the way, such orders can be found on the freelance exchange. Well, or create your own service on the exchange.

2.8. Commentator

Do you already enjoy commenting on all the articles you like? But then why not turn your favorite activity into income? Site owners pay from 10 cents for one short comment. This work will take you no more than ten minutes. What if you devote an hour or two to this? Do the math.

2.9. Earning money from affiliate programs

This method is suitable for regulars of popular forums who not only read other people’s topics, but also create their own and actively participate in discussions - that is, they have gained popularity in certain circles. The essence of earning money is that you put a modified advertising link at the bottom of your message (or, more precisely, in the signature).

  • Go to the forum and actively communicate. You leave thousands of messages. Moreover, preferably useful or at least normal. Ideally, you need to leave 20-30 thousand messages. This can be done in six months if the forum is large;
  • Next, put advertising links in the signature section of your profile. These could be links to a product, service or .

As a result, it turns out that your link is seen daily by thousands of users, or even tens of thousands if the forum is large. Some of these users will click on your advertising, and you will make a profit. If it is 20-30 thousand messages, then you can expect 200-300 clicks per day. And with such a number of clicks, it’s quite possible to earn over a thousand a day.

2.10. Mining

A method for technically advanced schoolchildren who have at their disposal powerful computer. If the machine does not let you down, then consider that you have found a way to quickly make money on the Internet for a schoolchild. True, this can be called work conditionally - you just need to register on a special website and install a program on your computer that will use its resources for your own calculations. For this, the owner of the computer is entitled to a fee in bitcoins, which can be converted into the usual electronic currency on WebMoney or Yandex. Money, or any other electronic wallet and cash out.

2.11. Earn money from surveys and reviews

A method where you can get money for taking surveys, filling out questionnaires and writing reviews.

  • In the first case, everything is simple: we register on the sites and then receive invitations to fill out a form by email. On average, you can earn 30 rubles per survey. You can complete three or more of them per week.
  • Secondly, we go to special sites and write various reviews. And then, when people read these reviews, we get money. For 1000 views approximately 3 dollars. If you write a review on some popular topic, for example, now everyone is interested in learning about Pokemon GO, then in a month you can get 20-30 thousand views. In general, the main thing here is to know what interests people.

2.12. Earnings on captcha

If in all the previous methods everyone will have to strain their logic at least a little. You can make money on captcha without any effort at all: you just sit there, solve the text and enter it. For 4-6 hours of work you can earn 100 rubles, maybe even more.

2.13. Earning money by installing mobile applications

Schoolchildren spend a considerable part of their time within the walls of the school and many of them wonder: What to do if you want to be able to earn money right there?

Firstly, I recommend that you still study during classes, because all this knowledge will later be useful for earning money, even if you don’t understand it now, but all these grueling lessons make your brain smarter. And it is intelligence that will allow you to earn more in the future.

So, if you are the owner cell phone on Android or iOS, then I can congratulate you: I have a number of special articles where I talk in detail about how to make money on a mobile phone, just click here and choose the most interesting one for yourself.

3. Are you a serious student?

Guys, I’ve been working on the Internet for several days now. And what didn’t I see, or rather “who”. I have met dozens of times schoolchildren who earn more than me, more than their parents and even more than businessmen. Is it talent, or maybe they were just lucky? - The question is complex. But still, I will tell you several options that, it seems to me, can turn a student into a serious businessman.

So, probably 90% of everyone I've met got their rise through their YouTube channel. Someone there hosts their own successful show, someone just talks about their school life, someone talks about games. In general, there are many directions, you just have to go to YouTube and you will immediately be able to find real examples.

Perhaps you can do no worse? Read more about making money on YouTube.

4. Work tirelessly

I provided basic information about it for schoolchildren. It remains to consider the nuances - for example, how to distribute your working time so as not to overwork.

Opening hours for schoolchildren:

  • determine a specific time for work - it should not be before or instead of doing homework;
  • If you are busy with work, do not be distracted by addictive activities - checking email and messages on social networks, achieving a new level in your favorite game;
  • according to research, the most high level a person’s ability to work is observed during the first hour of work - take 15-minute breaks every hour to avoid overwork.

Start earning money during the summer holidays so that by September you will understand how much time you need to complete this or that task, and whether part-time work will interfere with your studies, because, as almost all parents like to repeat to their school-aged children: “Study is your job.” "

Far-sighted parents will never forbid their child to devote some time to earning money - they understand that it is at this age that the basis for success is laid. If now a student is ready to achieve his small goals and fight small difficulties, then in adult life, in real business, he will be able to overcome serious obstacles, achieving high goals.

I wish all schoolchildren and their parents to find mutual understanding and come to a compromise on the issue of study and the Internet, even if children use the network only to earn money. And I would especially like to wish teenagers not just to spend time at the computer, but with maximum benefit - after all, these twelve ways of earning money are not all that you can use to replenish your pocket money.

I think you yourself will have more interesting ideas. Share with your peers, tell us in the comments.

Best regards, Sergey Ivanisov.

A wonderful life begins with wonderful thoughts!

In this article we will look at 5 the best ways, how to make money as a schoolboy on the Internet without investments for 11,12,13,14 and 15 year olds.

Some are given little pocket money, others simply want to achieve financial independence. Therefore, we will consider the most profitable methods that do not require identification confirmation and have no age restrictions!

How to make money for a schoolchild without investment

There are more than a hundred different ones, but most of them are scams and will only cause schoolchildren to waste time.

If you know of a more profitable job on the Internet, be sure to write about it in the comments.

1. Surfing websites and reading emails

Surfing sites- this is viewing various advertising projects for 15-60 seconds on special exchanges, where you are paid 1-5 kopecks for each click.

But now it’s quite rare for someone to order surfing, so additional types of work have appeared on task exchanges for 1-10 rubles:

  1. Registration on sites;
  2. Subscribe to in social networks;
  3. Watching videos;
  4. Reading letters.

In 8 hours of work you can collect up to 500 rubles if you register on 5-6 exchanges. This is because the tasks end quickly and you have to move from one place to another.

2. Freelance exchanges with tasks for schoolchildren

There are special sites on the Internet where they post work that you simply don’t want to do yourself, and at the same time they pay good money.

And we are not talking about Avito, but about freelance exchanges, where there is a lot of manual labor for schoolchildren. But the main thing is to find a good exchange where they don’t impose any conditions on you!

Kwork - offers to post what you can do for 500 rubles. True, the service takes a commission of 100 rubles, so you get 400 rubles in your hands.

What is suitable for a schoolchild:

  • Transcription (typing text with audio and video);
  • Translation of text from foreign languages;
  • Testing websites and applications.

- works on the opposite principle. Customers post tasks, and you can respond to them. At the same time, they themselves set the price for which they are willing to give you the work.

What kind of tasks do you come across for schoolchildren?:

  • Maintaining groups and accounts on social networks;
  • Sending a message on social networks;
  • Reprinting text from photographs;
  • Writing paid reviews about the company;
  • Search for a person by photo.

3. Earn money on your phone | Installing applications

In the last few years, among the creators mobile applications It has become popular to buy positive reviews and increase the download counter in the AppStore and Google Play.

Well, users are offered to earn from 3-50 rubles on their phone for one task that requires 5 minutes of free time.

  1. — is the leader in Russia in terms of prices and at the same time offers downloads of unique applications (new products).
  2. AppTools - underground earnings on Android with a high price.
  3. AppBonus is the largest site in Russia in terms of the number of mobile tasks.

On this method you can earn 100-500 rubles, but after a few days all the tasks end. Therefore, also use alternative programs.

4. Content for forums and blogs

The most common job among schoolchildren involves simulating activity on various blogs and forums. At the same time, they pay 5-10 rubles per comment, if done well!

True, there are only a few sites for searching for such tasks: Forumok and QComment. The rest offer low prices or have few similar tasks.

5. Earn money by entering captcha

Captcha is a test that allows you to distinguish a computer from a person and this is done to prevent bots from performing any actions on sites.

Therefore, special exchanges have appeared on the Internet, where bots drop thousands of captchas, and people solve them for a small fee. But how much can you earn from this?

I have already tried all the sites and I can say that it is better to use only . It is capable of giving out about $1 per 1 hour of work, that is, about 480 rubles per working day.

There are many more methods that can bring a student money on the Internet, and if you want to know about them, be sure to write about it in the comments below.

Good money comes from writing texts to order. The main requirements for an employee are literacy and efficiency. For diligent middle and high school students, literacy is par for the course through school discipline. Rewriting is estimated on average at a dollar or two per hour and about 7-8 per day. You can earn more from copywriting (writing unique articles, selling texts, commercial proposals) - $1.8-2.5 per hour and up to 18-20 per day. Reliable article exchanges and forums for searching for orders:

  • Etxt ;
  • Advego;
  • Webmasters;
  • MaulTalk;
  • Searchengines ;
  • Copylancer;
  • turbotext;
  • Textsale;
  • Miratext.


Another way to make money quickly is freelancing, remote work. You can find an activity depending on your abilities and skills. For example, administer and populate web resources, process photos and videos, do design (printing, web design), programming, writing essays, drawing custom drawings. This type of work can bring good income - $6-15 per day. Convenient payment system: for each completed order or daily/weekly.

Where to look for tasks?

  1. WebLancer;
  2. Advego;
  3. Freelancer;
  4. Searchengines;

Video blogging

A great way for a teenager to pursue his passion while doing something interesting is through popular video blogs that gather hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of views. By attracting viewers with interesting content, you can earn money from advertising.

What to film about? On absolutely any topic: from traveling to unusual places to experimenting with making your own bath bombs. For boys great option– game reviews and “let’s plays” – walkthroughs with commentary. A lot of people are going to look at the interesting commentator. A favorite topic for girls is fashion and beauty. Beauty blogs are very popular among schoolgirls. They can tell you how to make a beautiful make-up, experiment with clothes, cosmetics, etc. The main thing is to do it in an original way and find your “trick” in order to stand out among the huge number of bloggers.

Examples of successful video blogs– “+100500”, “This is Good”, blogs by Katya Klap and Ivan Rudsky. Bloggers also make money by promoting various products or websites in their videos.

The more popular the channel, the more potential advertisers there are. Daily income ranges around $4-10 for beginning bloggers and can reach several hundred for well-promoted projects.

Website creation

Create your own website from scratch and make money by advertising. To attract visitors (and, accordingly, advertisers), you need to regularly fill the site with relevant content using popular search queries.

Popular topics: computers, business, medicine, real estate, cars, beauty(how to care for your hair, how to lose weight, etc.) But the competition here is higher. It takes at least 4-5 months to fill out and optimize, so it will take time before the portal starts making a profit.

Methods of making a profit

  • Contextual advertising of Yandex and GoogleAdsense;
  • Banner (RotaBan, AdHub);
  • Affiliate programs and teaser (services TeaserNet, Oblivki).

You can count on profit when the daily traffic of the resource exceeds 200-300 visitors. A small resource gives 1.5-2 $ per day. A portal with a traffic of 1000 people – from 6-10 $.

Earning money on social networks

Let's look at the most common ones for teenagers on social media. media.

Creation and promotion of communities

To get people to know about you, try ordering inexpensive posts in other groups ($20-30) 2-3 times. This way you will quickly gain an active audience. If you have 20 thousand subscribers or more, you can earn money by publishing advertising posts - from about $6 per day.

Cost of posts in advanced communities(a million readers or more) can reach $100-150 per publication.

Selling groups

If you are interested in profit right now, and not in the future, the group can be sold at a profit. Prices:

With creator account

  1. 20,000 subscribers – 90-120 $;
  2. 40000 — 170-200 $;
  3. 50000 – 180-250 $.

Without creator account

  1. 40000 – 100-130 $;
  2. 50000 – 140-170 $;
  3. 100,000 – about $300.

They willingly buy Instagram accounts. On average, for 10 thousand subscribers they pay 60-70 $, for 50 thousand - 140-200 $. To adequately assess the value of your community, account, or sell it, take a look at trade-groups.

Earning money on YouTube

In addition to video blogging, there is a great option for making a profit from using other people's videos. You create a channel on YouTube, upload interesting content, format it correctly and sign it, monetize it on YouTube or enter into an agreement with a partner media network. The second method is better, since you will use other people's materials, risking getting banned and blocked.

It is popular to post films, TV series, trailers, and videos from social media. networks, dubbing foreign videos, making thematic collections.

By the way, the voice-over of foreign materials or their arrangement (collections, reviews) will make the content of the channel more unique. Reliable affiliate programs for YouTube - AIR, Quiz Group, ATG Media, VSP.

A student with basic video editing skills and a creative streak. The profit of a channel with 1000 or more views per month starts at $150-200 per month and $5-6 per day.

Posting, publication of articles Easy work without investment

. Poster responsibilities include publishing articles on a website or blog, posting posts and pictures in accounts and communities on social media according to a given schedule. The task with all conditions and materials for posting is issued by the customer. Sometimes information must first be selected and processed, then published. This type of work pays better. Payment is usually daily: from 2 to 10 $ per day. Posters are also people who leave reviews and comments on customer sites and review portals, publishing hidden advertising and links to the customer on other resources and forums. average price

short post – 0.4-0.5 $. Not all comments are moderated; only published ones are paid. In an hour, taking into account possible registration on the portal, you can earn an income of 1-2 $, per day - 7-15 $. You should look for a vacancy on freelancing sites.

If you want to fill a group on a social network, you can contact its leader directly, search for advertisements online using thematic hashtags, and pay attention to vacancies related to smm and smo (social media promotion).

Administrator and moderator You can moderate websites, forums, and communities on social media. The role of the moderator is to monitor the performance of the resource; this often includes posting news, tracking reviews and comments, communicating with readers, and answering questions. You can actually earn about $150 per month with this

, payments are usually made every week or 1-2 times a month.

Advertisements for administrator searches often appear on forums and freelance exchanges (MaulTalk, Searchengines), take a look at copywriting exchanges (, search on social media. networks using hashtags like #vacancy #moderator.

Earning money from online games

  1. It’s possible to earn extra money. All you need is perseverance and interest in this pastime. Ways to make a profit:
  2. Online games that allow you to withdraw money;
  3. Leveling up a character and selling it to another player;
  4. Sale of game currency.

For example: a well-leveled character in ArcheAge costs on average $150-200, the price sometimes reaches $500 or more. A World of Tanks account with several objects and a good win rate is offered for about $40-$80. It is possible to earn $100-350 per month by selling game currency and weapons.

Keep in mind that to make a good profit in games you will have to spend at least five hours a day.

Popular games with the sale of characters and currency - MMORPG, World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, Clan Wars, Allods, LineAge, ArcheAge, TERA, Diabolo.

Places where you can sell currency or account:

  • togor;
  • money4power;
  • gamazon;
  • gzor;
  • moneyforgame.

You can search for games with money withdrawal on well-money, gamesformoney. As an example, it is worth mentioning “Neighbors Farm”, My Lands, “Flower Business”. You can get from $0.3 per hour, about $1-1.5 per day. In order for the game to bring more money, you need to spend quite a lot of time on it or invest $10-20 at first.

Completing simple tasks

On your own skills computer programs? On special portals with simple tasks. For example,,

For a small fee, it is offered to perform a wide variety of tasks: draw an icon, solve an algebra equation, post advertisements on 20 Internet sites, retouch photos, create a YouTube channel, translate a presentation into a video, etc.

There are more complex requests related to text translation, creation, layout and design of web pages, development of flash banners, etc. Feature of kwork - any task costs 500 rubles, so create an offer that fits this price.

Depending on the task and your skills, you get 1.5-4 dollars per hour, and from 6-7 $ to 40 per day.


This is a reprint of scanned text, transcription of audio recordings, translation into printed form video material. You should look for a vacancy on freelance exchanges and regular message boards, like:


Typing brings in approximately $2-6 per hour and up to $10-20 per day.

Selling your own photographs and illustrations

Post your photographs on any topic and illustrations (icons, sketches) in photo banks. A successful image brings in a little money, but it brings in a lot of money. To sell photos, register on several sites:

  • depositphotos ;
  • dreamstime;
  • 123rf;
  • shutterstock;
  • fotolia.

A beginner photographer-illustrator's database, consisting of 50-100 images, can earn from $50-100 per month.

Participation in online surveys

It's easy to make a small profit here by completing regular surveys. Common survey sites:

  1. Anketka ;
  2. Myiyo;
  3. Questions;
  4. Rublklub;
  5. Minoritypoll;
  6. Clixsense;
  7. Ibersys;
  8. Marketagent;
  9. Platnijopros;
  10. Expertnoemnenie;
  11. Opinion;
  12. moemnenie.

For completing surveys, you are awarded money or points, which can then be exchanged for prizes from project sponsors. One survey can cost from $0.2 (for a short questionnaire) to $3 (an extended survey of 30 minutes). The average price is $0.4-0.5 per questionnaire. Per hour, income from completing surveys is $0.9-2, per day – $6-10.

Internet surfing, clicks, likes

The simplest one for a schoolchild. Even elementary school students can cope with the tasks offered on such sites. To do this, you don’t need to have any special skills, just perseverance.

What are the tasks:

  • Likes and reposts on Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram;
  • Viewing advertisements, videos;
  • Voting (for photos, competition participants), downloading files;
  • Staying on the site for a certain time, clicking on images and articles;
  • Registration on web resources.

How much can you really get? An hour for surfing and simple tasks costs about $0.3-0.4; in a day you can get $3-4. Part-time work is, in fact, cheap and requires 5-6 hours daily. Where to look:

  1. Seosprint ;
  2. Plibber;
  3. Prospero;
  4. Forumok;
  5. Novobux;
  6. Profittask;
  7. SEO-Fast;
  8. Jo-bing;
  9. VKTarget;
  10. Vip-promotion;
  11. Sarafanka;
  12. P2P.BZ;
  13. Web-IP;
  14. wpcomment;
  15. Wmzona;
  16. Qcomment;
  17. Wmmail;
  18. Profit Center.

Installing applications on a smartphone or tablet

Owners of gadgets with Android and iOS can easily earn money at the age of 12, 13, 14. Services like payforinstall and advertapp pay users to download and install applications from Google Play and AppStore. It is often necessary to leave a review about a product. You can get from 0.2 to 0.4 $ for an application. It costs $2-5 per day.

Withdrawing money

All exchanges and services work with electronic payment systems, widespread Webmoney, Yandex.Money(YAD), QIWI. If you plan to work with several sites, it is better to immediately register both a Yandex and a WebMoney wallet. Both rubles and dollars can be transferred to them.

Funds from WebMoney can be transferred to a card and withdrawn from an ATM. To withdraw money from Yandex wallet, you need to get a special card. You can use it to pay in stores and withdraw funds from an ATM.

These are the most reliable methods, a schoolchild and not stumble upon numerous Internet scammers. Choose vacancies with frequent payments and withdrawals to check the customer’s honesty. Such a part-time job won’t bring you mountains of gold, but good pocket money is guaranteed. In some areas (copywriting, design, etc.) you can develop professionally and make a big profit.

Many modern schoolchildren are interested in the question of how to make money on the Internet. This is understandable: often school students do not have enough pocket money provided by their parents, so they begin to look for options for generating income on their own. Nowadays, making money using the World Wide Web is especially popular. Every student can make money on the Internet, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

The content of the article:

If you follow the successes of great entrepreneurs, you will find out that most of them began their careers as teenagers. The age of 12 is the milestone when people begin to take their first steps towards big salaries. Take, for example, John Rockefeller, American entrepreneur, the first dollar millionaire in history. As a boy, he helped his neighbors in their gardens, raised and sold turkeys and saved money, and at the age of 13 he lent his neighbor a tidy sum at 7.5% per annum.

How much can a schoolchild earn?

Making money on the Internet will not provide you with a completely independent existence - you will still depend on your parents. But to pay for the Internet, mobile communications going to the movies with friends is enough, but if you work and save, you can eventually save up an impressive amount and buy something you’ve long dreamed of. In any case, it’s worth trying to work online - perhaps this way you will acquire initial skills and in the future you will be able to fully work at home.

  • Social media. By completing tasks, you can earn approximately 100 rubles for 5 hours of work. For administration they pay from 1000 to 5000 rubles per month. Having your own group, you can easily earn more - all advertising income will go to you.
  • Surfing. By clicking on links, viewing advertisements and performing other simple tasks, you can earn from 100-150 rubles for 5-6 hours of work. It will cost about 2-6 thousand rubles per month.
  • Paid surveys– simple but unstable income. In many studies, you simply won’t fit the gender or age group, and the surveys you take won’t bring you enough income to live on. But you can and should use it as additional income - you will receive payment from 20 to 100 rubles.
  • Reviews. Earnings depend on the rating in the system, the quantity and quality of reviews and views of other users. If you work on several exchanges at the same time, you can get about 3 thousand rubles per month.
  • Games. Depends on how many items you sell or how leveled up your account is. At the initial stages, earnings will reach several thousand rubles per month.

Many schoolchildren wonder: which way to earn money is more profitable? How to make money on the Internet if you are in school and are 12 years old or younger? There are no specific recommendations here - choose what you like best. No one will forbid you to earn money in several ways at once - the more you work, the more you get. The Internet offers enormous opportunities even for schoolchildren - all that remains is to choose what to do. Let's take a closer look at each method of earning money.

How can a schoolchild make money on social networks?

In modern times, it is difficult to imagine a schoolchild who is not registered on any social network. At the same time, the majority spend a huge amount of time there: people read news, go to friends’ pages, chat in comments and put “like” marks. What if you can make money by combining business with pleasure? VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook are not just entertainment sites, they are a whole business. Social networks offer several ways to earn money without investment:

  1. Completing tasks. Register on intermediary sites that pay money for completing small tasks. Joining communities, adding as friends, reposting, liking - you can get paid for all this. The most popular sites: Vktarget, Sarafanka. You simply register for them, look for suitable tasks, complete them and get what you earn. The exchange allows you to withdraw amounts starting from 15 rubles, which will be an excellent way out of a situation when you urgently need a small amount.
  2. Administration of a group or public. The group administrator plays the role of content manager: adds interesting posts, creates templates, develops and conducts competitions, writes articles, monitors compliance with the rules. You can find a job on the same social network VKontakte (in special groups, public vacancies or using the tag #administrator required).
  3. Create your own group. Advertisers are willing to pay to place their advertising posts in groups with a large number of subscribers. In your group, you do the same administration, only all advertising revenue will go into your pocket. Of course, at first you will have to spend time promoting the group, and even spend some money on advertising - but it’s worth it.

Let’s take as an example the VKontakte public page “ Success Diary" The number of page subscribers reaches one million. The cost of an advertising post here is 1000 rubles. Approximately 5 advertising posts are posted per day, the total profit of the public is about 5 thousand rubles daily. That’s 150 thousand a month! As you can see, this is a very profitable business.

Earn money by installing applications and games, as well as by completing surveys from phones or tablets

In order for an application or game to be the first in the download rating, it is necessary that this application is in demand among users and has been installed and opened many times. And since competition in this development segment is very high, developers are increasingly turning to advertising partners in order to promote their applications and games.

– a new service where you can find lists of tasks such as: download and open the application, download and complete the game to the level specified in the task, and also take a simple survey and get real money for it.

Advantages of earning money: withdrawal of funds to any wallet (Steam, Webmoney, QIWI, Payeer, PayPal or to your phone balance ), simple and highly paid tasks, constantly adding and updating new tasks.

This type of earnings does not require any investments, but only requires the presence mobile phone or tablet, as well as the availability of free time.

On the website in the section " sample assignments» you can find tips on completing surveys or games. For each completed task, you are awarded coins that you can exchange for real money. Minimum amount for payment 100 coins=0.15$=10 rubles. From each user referred via a referral link, which can be obtained in your personal account, you receive 20% of his earnings!

Earning money for schoolchildren by surfing

In simple words, surfing is browsing websites on the Internet. This is where users who want to make money on the Internet usually begin their careers. The essence of the work is as follows: you register on special platforms, go to advertisers’ websites, view them ( 10 to 30 seconds per page) and confirm completion of the task.

Such sites allow you to easily and quickly make money not only from clicks and advertising, but also from watching videos and mailings: to your email address letters arrive that you read, and this is also paid for. Sometimes you will have to answer a few questions about an advertising article, but this should not be a problem - if you actually read the text, you will quickly pass the test. Exchanges where a 15 year old student can earn money from surfing without investment:

  • Profitcenter. An advertising agency that promotes websites. You can earn money by surfing or completing tasks. Instant payouts, no minimum withdrawal amount.
  • Wmmail. One of the most popular sites. Includes all the main ways to earn money: tasks, clicks, reading letters. The site has its own forum where newcomers can find answers to frequently asked questions and chat with other users.
  • Seosprint. Another popular site. A large number of tasks, convenient and clear interface, instant payments to wallets of all popular payment systems.
  • Seo-Fast. Browsing advertisers' websites, completing tasks, an attractive achievement system. Regular payments, fast technical support for users.
  • HitHost. Promotion system. About 500 sites per day for viewing advertising. While browsing the sites, you will earn credits, which the system will buy from you (1000 credits for 1.4 dollars).
  • Web-IP. Active advertising service. Provides access to hundreds of resources in various fields every day. There is an opportunity to make money by autosurfing (automatically browsing websites).

Paid surveys

We live in the world of marketing (an activity based on studying the market needs for goods and services). Everything we see can be sold or bought. Many companies compete with each other for customers. But how can a company understand whether you will buy this or that product, or choose a competitor? This is why there are marketing studies, for which they are willing to pay you to participate. Paid surveys include studying the opinion of a future buyer on a particular product.

Advantages: no age restrictions. You can easily combine work with study. Registration on intermediary sites does not require investment, and you can work without any knowledge or skills. Register on special sites by entering your details, enter your email address and wait for invitation letters. Even a 10-year-old schoolboy can do this kind of work. Sites that offer to make money on paid surveys:

  • Anketka. On the site you can participate in surveys conducted by large Russian and foreign companies. Real payments, constant competitions and promotions held among users, the opportunity to spend earnings on charity. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1000 rubles.
  • Myiyo. For each survey you will be awarded points, which you can later exchange for money (1000 points - 1 euro). Various surveys, the reward for completing which depends on the length and complexity (from 500 to 10,000 points). Advantages of the site: registration bonus, fast payments, constant availability of surveys.
  • Platnijopros. Research of user opinions on the creation of goods and services. Registration bonus (10 rubles), payment from 50 to 200 rubles per survey. The average passage time is 15 minutes. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 300 rubles.
  • Questions. Bonus for registration (5 rubles), payment for a survey from 15 to 500 rubles. The opportunity to receive additional income from user searches to your questions added to the system. The site constantly holds competitions, and it is possible to withdraw funds to your mobile phone account.


  • Irecommend. The most popular site, the transitions to which are carried out most often. They pay only for views, the payment is fixed - 0.05 rubles. The minimum for withdrawal is 150 rubles.
  • Review. For viewing a review they pay from 0.03 to 0.13 kopecks. The site also awards a bonus (from 2 to 20 rubles) for adding an opinion to a product with a small number of reviews. Minimum withdrawal amount: 200 rubles for the first time, then 100 rubles.
  • ReviewPRO. Bonus upon registration, fee from 2.5 to 5 rubles for posting a review, accrual of money for views (30 kopecks). Not such a popular site, but they pay well. Withdrawal of funds from 500 rubles.
  • Tutux. Another place where you can express your opinion and get rewarded for it. The site pays 100 rubles for 1000 views. good affiliate program– for each invited participant you will receive 20% of his profit.
  • Thanks everyone. Registration bonus, constant competitions for system employees. They pay 10 kopecks per view. The first withdrawal is from 500 rubles, then from 300. You need to work constantly: if there are no new reviews for a month, payments stop.

Earnings from games

MMORPG is a type of online role-playing game that allows thousands of people to play simultaneously in an ever-changing virtual world. Examples of games: World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, DOTA. Want to ? Probably every 13-year-old schoolchild who wants to work dreams of this - to get money while doing what they love. However, not everything is so simple - in order to have pocket money using this method, you will have to try hard.

We are talking about selling items, characters or an entire game account. There are people who are willing to buy all this for real money. First, decide what you plan to sell. Weapons, armor, or in-game currency are highly valued in stores. You can make transactions using the following sites:

  • PlayerAuctions. The site is in English, but its interface is intuitive. Register on the site, add the product to the list. If it is purchased, the server will reserve the money and pay it to you after the goods are transferred.
  • Togor. A Russian site for the sale of game currency, time-tested - the system has been operating since 2007. A large number of games, the ability to buy or sell an account. Register in the system, put the product up for sale and wait for your buyer.
  • Online-torg. Club for selling game items. The system has its own forum and a blacklist of users - the so-called “scammers” who deceive sellers or buyers.
  • Kiberlot. Another game currency exchange. Convenient communication with the buyer via chat, a guarantee of transaction security, and a large selection of games are the main advantages of the resource.

Is it possible to make money by selling game items and characters to a 14-year-old schoolchild? Yes, it's absolutely real. There have been cases when characters from games were sold for huge amounts of money. For example, the elf character Zeuzo from the game World Of Warcrat was sold for 9.9 thousand dollars. Not bad, right? If someone has money and is willing to pay you, why not take advantage of this opportunity?

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren using photos

Today, many families have semi-professional or professional cameras. Making money from photography is a great idea for schoolchildren who have a sense of taste. There are a large number of websites on the Internet that provide the opportunity to sell copyright photographs.

Travel photos, step-by-step recipes, images of food or animals are in demand. For sale, you must offer photos in the highest possible resolution, high quality - photos taken from a phone will not be suitable.

Also remember about uniqueness - you won’t be able to sell someone else’s photos downloaded from the Internet, because... There are programs that make it easy to check the uniqueness of a photo.

A schoolchild compares favorably with a student or an adult working person in that he has a lot of free time, which he can spend on making easy money online. However, in order to earn money more simply, easily and more without harming your studies, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Don't forget to create email and wallet. You need an email address to register on resources (in addition, invitations to take surveys will be sent there), and an e-wallet to pay out earned funds. The most popular systems are Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI.
  2. Determine your working hours. When you come home from school, do your homework first, and then get to work. Set aside a specific time for this, such as an hour or two hours a day after school.
  3. Don't get distracted from work. There are many temptations - I received a message on a social network recently installed game sends you a notification, you remember that you urgently need to call a friend. Take a break and relax, but don’t spend too much time on unnecessary activities.
  4. Participate in the referral system. Any website dedicated to making money has its own affiliate program. You invite your acquaintances to work and receive a profit for it (on average 10% of their income). Invite your friends and classmates - this will allow you to earn extra money.

The World Wide Web offers enormous opportunities for young and ambitious people. Even if you are still in school, this does not prevent you from starting a career. All you need for this is a computer, Internet access and a great desire to develop and earn money. Earning money from clicks, viewing ads, surveys, reviews or games will not bring you the long-awaited millions, but it will help you take the first steps towards an adult, independent life.

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07/21/2018 at 14:41

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Every student wants to have stable money for personal expenses, but due to age and school commitments, working a real job is simply not an option. And it’s unlikely that a schoolchild will be hired; the employer will pay a fine if the authorities find out that he has children working for him.

But what to do in such cases, because money is simply necessary at school age; every student wants to have a good and expensive phone or, for example, a moped. Not all parents can afford such purchases for their children, then the Internet comes to the rescue.

Even a schoolchild can make money on the Internet and you won’t have to go to work at a certain time. On the Internet, your education and diplomas from completed educational institutions are not important, you do not have to be a specialist and have special knowledge, everything is much simpler.

Starting today, if you read the article to the end and do everything according to the instructions, you will start earning money from 500 rubles per day.


Every month your income will increase, as you will gain experience and skills in making money on the Internet.

Today I will tell you about 50 sites where you can make money. Even as a schoolchild, you can easily cope and today you can receive your first money in your wallet.

Before you start earning money, you need to register an electronic wallet to which you will withdraw your money. Most sites work with the Webmoney payment system, I wrote detailed instructions, how to register Webmoney, but I also advise registering wallets in services such as Yandex money and Qiwi.

Since some sites do not support all payment systems, if you have 2-3 wallets you will not have any difficulties with withdrawing money.

List of sites for making money for schoolchildren

Below you will see sites where you can earn money, I checked all the sites personally and you don’t have to worry about their solvency. I tried to make the most useful selection of sites, perhaps you are already familiar with some of them.

Earning money on social networks

I consider this method of earning money to be the easiest; every student has this moment there are accounts on social networks. So, with their help you can earn money by completing simple tasks; there are special sites on which these tasks are posted. For each completed task you will receive payment.

What tasks need to be completed?


✔Join the group

✔Write a comment


✔Add as friend

The tasks are very easy and are completed within a couple of seconds, I advise you to register new accounts specifically for earning money. Since it is possible to get a ban on your main account for suspicious activity.

Operating procedure:

1. Register on the site

3. Complete tasks

4. Withdraw money

Websites for making money

In order to earn more money, I recommend registering on all sites at once and installing all applications. You can earn money this way up to 5,000 thousand rubles per month.

We make money from reviews and surveys

This type of income is suitable for people of any age, even schoolchildren, the fact is that modern world there are a lot of companies that produce something, but in order to interact with customers they need to know the opinion about their product.

For this purpose, special websites have been created on which company managers can receive opinions from clients, and ordinary people can earn money from their opinions.

It’s very simple, you will be paid money for writing reviews about products or services, you will also receive money for completing surveys from companies, answer questions and get money.

Most sites give bonuses when registering at the stage of filling out a questionnaire. The questionnaire should be filled out in as much detail as possible. Based on your interests, you will receive surveys; if you have several accounts, fill out all the questionnaires differently.

I'm sure you spend a lot of time on the Internet, so this time can bring you money. This method of earning money can be classified as passive; once you install the extension in your browser, you will receive money throughout the entire time you spend on the Internet.

After installing the extension, advertisements will be shown in your browser and you will receive money for viewing such advertisements.

✔Register on sites

✔Install the extension

✔Go to your Personal Area and withdraw money

Just go in and check how much money you have earned, you can order payments at any time.

All boxes have a clear and user-friendly interface; registration will not take you much time. You can earn 100-200 rubles a day with this meth if you work on several axleboxes at the same time.

Earning money on YouTube

Nowadays every schoolchild watches different bloggers on YouTube, but have you ever thought that these bloggers make money from their channels?

This is a very highly profitable type of income, but its implementation requires time and imagination. Everyone can make videos; you don’t need a lot of intelligence to do it, but coming up with an interesting idea for filming is more difficult. There are a lot of different bloggers on YouTube with interesting content, but simply taking an already implemented idea won’t work.

For your channel to become popular, you just need an original idea, then you will definitely succeed, the YouTube audience is very large and news about you will spread as quickly as possible.

How do bloggers make money?

These are mostly direct advertisers, you've probably seen advertisements inserted at the beginning of the video or in the middle, and the blogger gets paid for this advertising. How much a blogger will receive depends on the popularity of his channel; for example, an academician on a blog sells advertising for 500 thousand rubles.

But the last thing you need to think about is making money; first you need to promote your channel and win the trust of your audience, and when you have at least 50-100 thousand subscribers, advertising offers will start coming to you.

Other sites for making money on the Internet for schoolchildren

The Internet is full of different sites on which schoolchildren can earn money; below I have described all the other sites on which you can earn money.

Rucaptcha is a site for making money by entering captcha, pays from 30 rubles for entering 1000 pictures, payments to all possible payment systems.

Kolotibablo is a similar service that pays for entering a captcha.

Prospero - you can earn money using your Twitter account, post paid tweets, the more followers you have, the more expensive the cost of a tweet from your account will be.

Smmok-fb - if you have a Facebook account, you can make money on it using this site.

All sites have an affiliate program, so if you want to earn more, you can take advantage of it and invite your friends first.


As you already understood, in order for schoolchildren to make money on the Internet, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, everything is very simple and clear. I advise you not to jump at all the ways to make money at once, choose the most attractive ones for yourself and do them, as they say, chasing two birds with one stone...

It will not be difficult for a student to earn 500 rubles a day, the main thing is not to be lazy and devote at least a few hours to work every day. I wish you good luck and find your passion in life!

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