How to attach a message to an application. Deleting friend requests on VKontakte

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Program settings:
  1. If the checkbox is checked, then when minimizing the program to tray, the program will show notifications about program actions in the lower right corner
  2. When the program performs an action, it checks whether any action has already been taken for this user; if there is no checkmark, it will only check the list of the function being used (i.e. if the program wants to like, then it checks only the list of users who have already been liked). like), if the checkbox is checked, then the program will check all the lists (i.e. if the program wants to like, then it will check if there are any likes, friend requests, comments made, sent messages of this user in the lists, if so, then will pass to the next user, this will not be installed)
  3. save selected settings

Adding accounts:

  1. Write here the login of the account you want to add
  2. Write here the password for the account you want to add
  3. Click this button to add an account
  4. If you have several accounts, logins and passwords are saved in text file, then you can quickly add them, the data must be written in text form in the format login:password each pair in new line. Click the "Add from file" button and select a text file with data


  1. Enables/disables the “like” function
  2. The number of likes that will be given to one user (if the photo+post mode is selected, this number will be put on both the photo and the post); if the user has fewer photos or posts than you selected, then the maximum possible number will be put
  3. Mode: photo - puts it on the user’s latest avatars, post - puts it on the last posts on the user’s wall, photo+post - puts it on both avatars and the wall
  4. Interval between likes (the interval is approximate, the program changes it + - 20 seconds so as not to get burned as it works)
  5. Query string, similar to in the browser, where you enter a first or last name to search
  6. Sorts users: by date of registration - searches first for users who have recently registered, by popularity - searches first for popular users (with a large number of subscribers)
  7. Select the country in which you want to search for users
  8. Select the city where you want to search for users
  9. Select user gender
  10. Minimum age
  11. Maximum age
  12. Users' marital status
  13. Interests - searches for users whose interests include the selected one. Write interests separated by commas without spaces, the program will select one of them in turn
  14. The group in which the users belong, enter the group ID (open any group, if the link is then 43415607, if then open any post on the wall of this group https:// _60523)or several separated by commas without spaces, the program will search in turn from these groups. Attention! Do not use both interests and groups at the same time; if you use both, the circle of users narrows because the chance that the user is in a group and has the interest you indicated is very small
  15. Searches only for users who are currently online
  16. Searches for users who have a photo on their profile picture
  17. Saves the specified settings
  18. if the checkbox is checked, then when saving the settings, the program will save these settings to all accounts in the program, if not, then only to the selected one


Adding messages

  1. Adds a new message (add several messages, the program selects one at random). The add message window opens
  2. List of added messages
  3. Displays the selected message in step 2
  4. Changes the message selected in step 2
  5. Deletes the message selected in step 2
  6. Inserts *username* into the message text; when sending a message, *username* is replaced with the name of the user to whom it is sent
  7. Message to be sent
  8. Attached files to the message in the format photo222565581_387217455 up to 10 pieces separated by commas without spaces. Open required file in the browser %2Fphotos222565581 the required format is highlighted in red
  9. Adds a new message




  1. Off - the function is disabled, One entry - updates one entry specified in step 4 and step 5 with an interval of step 3 (a great way to notify friends and subscribers about a new offer), Repost from a group - when a new entry appears in the group step 2 program reposts to the user’s page (great function for promoting groups)
  2. ID of the group with which to repost under step 1 - Repost from the group
  3. Record update interval
  4. Message that will be published under step 1 - one entry
  5. Attached files that will be included with the message in step 4 up to 10 pieces separated by commas without spaces
  6. saves settings
  7. if the checkbox is checked, these settings will be saved for all accounts in the program

Account Settings

  1. The message and attached files that will be sent, be sure to add *username* to the message so that the message is unique
  2. If necessary, indicate the country
  3. If necessary, specify a city, the program will send a message to friends only from this city
  4. Messages - will send a message to all friends in DM, Messages online only - will send to friends who are on at the moment now online, To the wall - will send a message to the wall to all friends who have this option open, To the wall only online - Will send a message to the wall to friends who are currently online and who have this opportunity (for some users adding messages to the wall closed by privacy settings)
  5. starts sending messages

  1. User search criteria
  2. Finds users based on specified criteria
  3. How many users found
  4. Saves users in a table (you can search several times using different criteria and then save everything to a file)

As you know, in social network A VKontakte user is endowed with quite a lot of rights and can do a lot with his page. For example, if he wants, he can close messages from those users who are not his friends. The question arises - how then to write a message to this user?

The easiest way is to apply as a friend. The point is that during the application process you have the option to add a message. Yes, you will be added to the list of subscribers to this person, but he will receive your message.

This is how it is done. Go to the user’s page and click on the “Add as a friend” button.

You will see a small window to fill out. Write your message in it and click on the “Send” button.

The second option, if the first one doesn’t suit you for some reason, is to write a message to a friend of this user who has a private message open. You can write to him about your intentions, and this friend will already tell the user what you want from him. Yes, the option is not the best, but it is better than nothing.

The third option is to find groups or publics in which this user writes messages. In this case, you can ask him a question that interests you. Another thing is that the user in these communities does not unsubscribe.

How to write messages on VKontakte if you are on the blacklist?

If a user has listed you in, you will not have the opportunity to not only write to him, you will not even go to his page. Here's what you'll see:

At best, you can contact him through friends. Or personally, if you know this person.

You can be friends with users within the social network. If a person is on your friends list, then you get access to view his page (see). This is the case if it was hidden for other users. Sometimes they limit the ability to send messages to users with whom they are not friends (see).

Let's figure it out how to add as a friend on VKontakte.

How to add a person as a friend on VK?

It's very simple. Just go to the page of the desired user, and under his avatar, click on the button "Add as friend"(cm. ).

The specified user will receive a notification that you want to become friends with them. He can accept the application, reject it, or keep you as a subscriber (see).

After submitting your application, you are automatically subscribed to the page. You start receiving updates and appear in a special list.

By the way, you will also become a subscriber if the person first accepts your application and then removes you from friends (see).

If you suddenly change your mind, you can cancel your application. Go to the user’s page, click on the button "Application sent", and in the menu that appears, select the item "Cancel request".

Method 1. Open "My Messages" in the menu on the left. On the page that opens there is a “Write a message” button, click.

A window has appeared in which you can select a recipient from among your friends or (!) send a message to any person by E-mail.

When writing a message, you can use emoticons and attach files (images, music, videos, documents)

Method 2. Go to the page of the desired user. Under the avatar (main photo) there is a "Send message" button

How to write a message on VK if the user has limited the range of senders?

It happens that a person has limited the circle of users who can send him messages (that is, there is no “Write..." button under the avatar).

There is still a way out! There is also a “Add as a friend” button under the avatar. VK makes it possible to attach a message to it when sending a friend request!

Therefore, click “Add as friend” and a window appears in which you can write text.

This attached message will be sent to the user along with the application in the “My Friends” section, and will also be duplicated in “My Messages”

Friend requests on VKontakte show how many people want to become friends with you on the site. To start communicating with a specific person on VK, just send him a request.

For this purpose, the service has a special button for adding as a friend. You can see all the requests that come to you in the special “Friends” tab. When you get into this section, you can see three areas in front of you: your general , people who are online now, as well as friend requests.

By clicking on the last tab, you will see your , new requests, as well as outgoing ones. If you want any of the people who follow you to become your friend, then right under their name, tap the corresponding button. VK allows you to recruit no more than 9,000 friends per profile. You can also send no more than 40 in one day. If you have accumulated more than 1000 new friend requests, you do not check them and do not add anyone, then VKontakte will eventually stop notifying you about new people who want to make friends with you. To prevent this from happening, periodically check how many new friends you have accumulated and remove from your list those with whom you have long lost contact.

Outgoing friend requests on VKontakte

Outgoing friend requests on VKontakte notify you of how many people have not accepted your friend request. When you send your request, you subscribe to the page of the person with whom you want to start communicating. If he doesn't add you for a long time, you remain in his subscribers. Also, in outgoing requests you can see which of your friends excluded you from their friends list.

If you do not want to see the outgoing requests tab in front of you, unsubscribe from all the people who are in this section.

You cannot view the outgoing requests area from your phone; it is only accessible from your computer. If you unfollowed a person and on the same day knocked on his friend’s door again, then VK will not send him a notification about a new application. And you will simply be automatically transferred to the list of subscribers.

How to view friend requests on VKontakte

To view friend requests on VKontakte you need to go to the “Friends” tab. Click on the new area.

If someone wants to start communicating with you, and you are on the site at that moment, you will receive a sound notification. In order not to miss a single application, you can enable notifications. To do this, go to the settings section. Next:

  1. Tap the Alerts area.
  2. Mark your desire to receive news about new friends on your phone with a tick.
  3. It is also possible to configure this notification to be sent to your email. To do this, just scroll down and in the appropriate section select how often you want to receive notifications about new friends.

If you already have enough friends, and you want people who want to get to know you to be able to become only your subscribers, then you will need to go to the privacy section.

Next, move to the “Contact me” settings area. Here, opposite the inscription “What friend requests are notified about,” select “From friends.” In this case, in front of the person who visits your page, instead of the “Add to Friends” button, there will be a “Subscribe” button. Also in the settings section, you can hide your .

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