How to check the date of registration of an account in VK. How to find out the date of registration in VK

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Many of our readers asked us how to find out the date of their own or someone else’s VKontakte registration. This is really interesting question, which is worthy of being covered in such an article. The VKontakte registration date may be of interest to the user, both out of simple curiosity about his page, and, for example, to find out when his significant other registered on VKontakte.

You can find out the registration date! And there are even several ways to do this. Another thing is that this is not so simple, and not all users registered in social network VKontakte. So, you can consider that we are revealing for you another secret related to the social network.

Method 1: the wall is the answer to all questions!

Theoretically, how is the date of registration on the social network VKontakte found out? You just look at the user’s wall, scroll down, and the very first post, as a rule, is published on the day of registration. Although, not for everyone, and not a fact, but the likelihood of this is high. So, just click on the scroll with your mouse, drag it down and wait until the first post on the wall in Contact appears.

Another disadvantage of this method, which allows you to find out your own and someone else’s VKontakte registration date, is that it may require quite a lot of free time.

Method 2: VKontakte application

There is an application on the social network that will help you find out the date of registration on the VK social network. It was, of course, not created specifically for this, but it can help us in this matter.

The application is called almost the same as our website - “I am VKontakte”. Having launched it, after a small download, among other things, in the upper left corner you will see the number of days - how long have you been registered on VKontakte.

Let’s assume that the author of this article has been registered on VKontakte for 2406 days. That is, to find out the registration date of the VK, you should go back 2406 days from today’s date. Thus, you can find out exactly the registration date, but only your own. Minus this method, in addition to the fact that you need to remember mathematics, there is also the fact that you will not be able to find out the date of registration of another user in Contact. Unless, of course, he installs the “I am VKontakte” application on his page and tells you the data from it. With such a request, many users may think that you want to steal from them.

Method 3: Third party sites

There is a website where you can enter your id in a special field and then receive the day, month and year of registration. We don't know how it works, but the data appears to be correct. The author of this article checked the operation of the site on several of its pages and believes that everything is displayed accurately. What’s most important is that you don’t have to enter anything other than your id, so you don’t have to be afraid that your password for the page will be stolen. You can also enter the id of any other user there.

Method 4: does it exist?

We looked at three ways to find out the registration date on the VKontakte social network that actually work. If you have more ideas, you can leave your comments, this will add to our useful material. Some, for example, on the Internet, advise looking at the id number, and the smaller it is, the earlier the page in Contact was registered. But remember that the id number can now be changed very easily. In addition, you will thus not know the exact date, but only an approximate one.

The social network VKontakte is the largest popular resource on the Runet. It unites more than 500 million users. Every day the social network is visited by more than 100 million registered participants. Quite often, users want to know the registration date of their VKontakte page or friend. Therefore, the question arises in what ways to do this. In this material we will look at the most effective methods for finding out when a VKontakte page was registered.

A little history

The social network Vkontakte was founded in 2006 and was intended for students and graduates of Russian universities. Later, this concept was pushed aside and the network became publicly available, positioning itself as a modern and fast means of communication and finding friends.

The very first page on the VKontakte social network appeared in 2006 (the year the social network was founded), and belonged and still belongs to its creator, Pavel Durov. In the early years, it had the address Later, the identifier (id) could be replaced with a unique designation, and the address was transformed into In 2012, VKontakte moved to a new domain and the address now looks like this -

Also, the resource maintains a special database all registered accounts, which is in open access, that's where you can see first pages created and how many people are registered on VKontakte.

Unfortunately, the developers do not provide the opportunity to find out the registration date using the site’s functionality; previously this could be done through mobile version resource. Given the functional limitations, information about the registration date is stored on servers, along with other user data, and cannot be viewed as standard. Therefore, we will use third-party sites to solve this problem.

Find out the date using the “I’m online” application

This application is developed on the VKontakte API platform and is available directly on the social network. The "I'm Online" program collects information about your account, analyzes them and provides to the user. However, specific values ​​are not provided, the information is inaccurate and shows the period of time that has passed since registration. The advantage of this method is safety.


We use online services

Next, we will consider online services that allow you to obtain more accurate information about the date of creation of the VKontakte page. Online services are convenient and functional tools that work on the principle of collecting account data through an identifier (id).


This service allows get accurate information about the date of registration of the VKontakte user page. The distinctive feature is intuitive clear interface and a minimum of unnecessary data when receiving the result, only a specific date and time.


The second service is also distinguished by sufficient functionality and accuracy of data determination. Thanks to the resource, you can track the activity of friends on the social network from the moment of their registration using a graph.



One of the popular and functional services that allows you not only to obtain information about the time of page registration, but also about hidden and possible friends, saved files, black list, etc.


View page code

This method is somewhat more complicated than the previous one. If in other services it was enough to copy the link and run an automatic check, here we will perform all the actions ourselves. To do this, we need a link to your profile and an Internet browser.

To find out when a VKontakte page was created, you must follow the following procedure:

Find out when the group was created

You can find out when a VKontakte community/group was created in several ways:

Instructions for using the “HelpInWeb” service:

Important! The service does not work entirely correctly; often when you enter a link, there is no information about the date of creation of the group. In some cases, instead of the result, an error about incorrect data entry appears.

Most effective way Find out the approximate time of creation of the group:

In general, I will tell you that there are many answers to this question on the Internet, and there are many ways too. I decided to use one service to see when Pavel Durov was registered, who doesn’t know, this is the creator of the social network VK. So Pavel was the very first to be registered and his registration date is: September 23, 2006 at 8:27 pm .


Using this service you can find out the age of your VKontakte page. To do this you need to go to this link and enter your page ID or your first and last name in the box.

As you can see, just enter your name, or ID or a link to your VKontakte page and you will find out its age. Let me enter the very first user as an example and see what happens.

As you can see, Pavel is not on the list of scammers. Yes, this site has its own list of bad people, and if there are any, you can find out about it. In general, no matter what, let's look at another option.

How to find out when a contact page was created using code

This option will be a little more complicated because you will have to dig deeper into the source code of the page. First, open any browser and follow the following steps.

Friends, if you know any more simple options— write to me in the comments and I will add your text to the article. Thank you all in advance for reading the article and sharing it on social media. Peace and goodness to everyone!

All data on the date of creation of social network user pages " VKontakte» are stored on the official website of the network. This is accurate data and cannot be wrong. Thanks to them, you can quickly find out the date the page was created VK. You can do this either independently or with the help of third-party services. It is possible to determine the number of creations even of those pages that were blocked or deleted.

Third party services

Social network " VKontakte» does not provide its clients with the opportunity to see the registration date of their page or friends’ profiles. However, this information is stored on network servers. This has allowed people to create a variety of third-party services to determine the exact number and timing of profile creation." VKontakte" The operation of these services is based on determining a unique client id number.

Today on the Internet there are many different services for determining the date of user registration VK. They differ from each other in the set of additional features, but the principle of their operation is the same, and it is closely related to the client identification number. Basically, such services do not allow you to determine the date of registration of various publics and groups on a social network “ VKontakte».

Services allow the user to find out the number of profile creations " VKontakte»both by its original id link containing a unique number, and by a modified profile address, which a person can assign to himself independently.

Let's look at the two most popular services for checking the number of registrations in VK.


This service returns only the date of creation of the page as a result of the user’s request “ VKontakte». Appearance The resource and its use algorithm are very simple and accessible to a person with any level of knowledge of computer applications.

To use the service, you must perform the following steps:

After completing these steps, you will be provided with some information about the requested profile, including the exact date it was created.

This service allows you to determine the registration date of any social network account " VKontakte" To do this, just copy the link to the home page of any user.

Service Shostak

This service is popular because it has additional features. When determining the date of registration on a social network " VKontakte»You can also view your friends’ registration activity in the form of a convenient chart. To do this, follow these steps:

It's worth noting that the friend registration graph feature does not work with some pages.

You can use two services at once and compare the results of their work. Regardless of the circumstances, the date of creation of the user page " VKontakte" obtained using these applications must match.

How to independently determine the registration date

There is an option with which the user can independently determine the date and time of registration on the social network " VKontakte", without resorting to third-party services. This method may require additional knowledge and time as it is more labor intensive.

All resources determine the date of page creation through a special file with personal information about the account owner. This document is located on the official website of the XML file with FOAF information. In order to view the registration date, you must indicate the ID number of the account owner in the appropriate place. Let's look at how to do this:

There are situations in which it is not possible to determine the number of creation account by this method. For example, this is not possible if the person deleted the account. However, it will still be calculated based on data about neighboring user IDs whose registration date is known.


Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out the date of registration of a page on the VKontakte social network. It can be found out in several ways: through an XML file VK or using third party services. We hope this article will help you with this.

This question may arise from those users who registered on VKontakte a long time ago, and out of curiosity suddenly wanted to remember the date of registration. This function was not provided by the creators. But over time, VKontakte applications began to appear, where you can find out how long your page has already existed.

One of these applications is I'm online. You can find it through the VKontakte search or follow the link When you open the application you will see:

Application "I'm online"

The page taken as an example has been around for 6 days. In this case, it is very easy to find out the registration date: if today is Thursday, it means that the page was registered on VKontakte last Saturday.

What if the page exists for much longer?

This example shows that the page has existed for much longer, and it is more difficult to calculate the registration date.

There are specialized websites for such cases. You can go to one of them via the link To find out the registration date, you need to indicate your ID. And here's what you can see:

To verify the accuracy of the results shown, you can look at the registration date of the page from the first example:

The site counted 5 days, not 6, as indicated in the application, but in this case, the registration day is Saturday.

So in this way you can find out the exact date of registration of any VKontakte page. To do this, you only need a user ID.

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