How to check if RAM sticks are working. How to find out the status of random access memory (RAM)

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Which pop up every now and then with varying frequency.

To eliminate RAM from the list of suspects, you need to carefully check it. Check RAM we will detect errors through a small programMemtest.

2 How to check RAM for errors

Unpack it and start the installationMemtest . Select your flash drive and check the box next to the selected flash drive. Let's launch. Your bootable USB flash drive is ready.

Now we reboot the computer and install the bootloader. To do this, go toBIOSpressingDelbefore booting the system. And as the initial boot we select our disk or flash drive, depending on whereMemtest recorded.

If everything is done correctly, then instead of loading operating system Windowswill loadMemtest and the RAM will begin checking for errors.

The program itself tests each block of RAM for errors.Memtest can last 6-8 hours for only one stick of RAM.

But thanks to 9 different levels of testing, it is very good at finding errors in RAM, if any.

My advice to you ifMemtest finds errors, it is better to replace such RAM with a new one, because sooner or later problems with memory will still begin.

By the way, it is very useful to conduct a similar test after purchasing a new memory stick. If errors are found, you can immediately go to the store and exchange the RAM stick for a new one.

Memtest perfect for ownersWindows XPFor those who are too lazy to bother with the bootloaderMemtest , VWindows Vistaand 7 has a built-in utility.

To start it, select start and in the run line type the command -mdsched.exe . You will be asked to reboot, to which we answer yes.

After the reboot, the RAM error checking utility will automatically launch.

By pressing F1 we ​​select scan settings. This is certainly notMemtest with 9 verification cycles, but still suitable as an alternative.
I usually choose a wide set of tests with 4 repetitions.

Now you know how to check RAM for errors, soon I will review an excellent testing program hard drive and we will also learn how to deal with dead pixels on monitors. Interesting?

Then subscribe to be among those who read the latest articles first. That's all for me and I am sincerely happy for those whose RAM passed the test without errors. Congratulations, your RAM will serve you for a long time :)

Problems with RAM are one of the most common causes of so-called blue screens death. Therefore, if your computer begins to reboot regularly and throws up a blue screen, then you should check your computer’s RAM for errors. In this material we will talk about how to perform such a check in Windows 7, Windows 8 or in using the mdsched program, as well as in any operating system using Memtest86+.

Checking your computer's RAM using mdsched

The easiest way to check your computer's RAM for errors is to use the built-in Windows program called mdsched. This program, is present in all modern versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

To run a RAM check using mdsched, press the Win+R key combination, enter “mdsched” and press the enter key.

After this, a window will appear in front of you asking you to check your computer for memory problems. In this window, you can choose one of two options: Reboot and scan (in this case, the computer will restart and immediately begin scanning) or run the scan the next time you turn on the computer (in this case, the memory check will be scheduled and will start only after you restart your computer. There is no fundamental difference between these options, choose what is convenient for you. at the moment.

After restarting, the computer will immediately begin checking the memory. By default, a basic check is performed.

In addition, the mdsched program also has more complex modes for checking RAM. In order to access them, you need to press the F1 key while the mdsched program is running and select one of three options:

  • Basic - the fastest RAM test, includes MATS+, INVC, SCHCKR tests;
  • Normal - more thorough check, including LRAND, SCHCKR3, Stride6, WMATS+ and WINVC;
  • Wide – the most complete test of computer memory, includes tests MATS+, WSCHCKR, Stride38, CHCKR4, ERAND, WSride-6, WCHCKR3, Stride6 and CHCKR8.

You can also enable or disable cache memory checking. To do this, after pressing F1, you need to press the TAB key and select one of the options: Default, enabled, disabled. The time required to check RAM using mdsched depends on the testing method you have chosen.

Checking your computer's RAM using Memtest86+

Another way to test your computer's RAM is the Memtest program. This program starts with boot disk, so you can use it no matter what operating system is installed on your computer.

The system unit has many complex components, which together enable its user to perform complex computing tasks, view graphic files and much more. If yours starts to work slower, then there is a high probability that something is wrong. Let's have a computer. This is not difficult to do, but you need to pay attention to important details.

A few general points

To begin with, it should be noted that anyone can have problems with RAM. But this is not yet a reason to run to the store for a new one. First you need to perform testing and find out what exactly is wrong. To do this, you can either use special programs or make do with what is already in the system. But first, try opening the system unit, removing the RAM from the slot, cleaning the slot from dust, and then inserting it back. If you are the owner of an operating room Windows systems 7 or 8, then you do not need to download anything, since there are special built-in utilities that can be used to check. It should be noted that the RAM test runs quite quickly, but a lot depends on the type of RAM, for example, whether it will be DDR1 or DDR3. In the second case, the check will be carried out much faster.

How to check your computer's RAM

Let's look at how to do everything without downloading third party programs from the Internet. To do this, go to the “start” menu, and then “search”. You must write “memory” in the line. At the end of the process, you should see a positive result, that is, the line “diagnosis of computer, laptop RAM problems.” Since you cannot immediately check the RAM for problems, you will be asked to do this the next time you turn on the computer, or simply restart the device and automatically begin diagnostics. When the computer is turned on, the scan will begin itself. You will be able to observe the process and find out if there are any problems. This will be written on the screen. In principle, this will take no more than a few minutes. Since you can check your computer’s RAM directly when the OS starts, you can use this method. To do this, you need to press Tab in the task manager.

How to check RAM for errors using software

The most popular and simple program- this is memtest86 or 86+. Its peculiarity is that the utility is completely free and does not require configuration. First you need to download stable version from the official website. After that, create an ISO image. At the next stage, the disk is written to, it will be bootable. Now we restart the computer and go into the BIOS, where you need to select the drive to boot when Windows starts. We insert the disk and wait until the corresponding verification window appears. Then the verification will begin automatically, you just need to wait for the process to complete. At the bottom of the screen, in the center, the number of detected errors is displayed. The duration is affected by the frequency of the RAM; the lower it is, the longer the diagnosis will take. This process can take several minutes or about one hour.

What else do you need to know?

Most users do not pay due attention to the state of their RAM and do so in vain. Dust, for example, causes the RAM to overheat during intensive work and can simply burn out. Please note that if, when checking with the memtest86 utility, you receive one error, this indicates that a particular address is unstable. In principle, this is not critical and work can continue with such a board. However, when the RAM is completely broken, replacement is needed. You also need to understand that due to a malfunction of the operating memory, both the video card, the processor, and the motherboard suffer. Based on this, you can draw simple conclusions that you need to check not only the RAM, but also other important elements system unit. It would be useful to test the RAM on another computer, of course, if such an opportunity exists.


If you identify problems, you can try to fix them yourself, rather than taking the bar to a service center. Although if the RAM has a warranty, then it is better to use the help of professionals. To begin, swap the slats with each other and wipe them with an elastic band. It is quite possible that the error will disappear with subsequent testing. You can use a flash drive as a boot disk, which is also very convenient. In this case, a lot depends on which memory card it is from, which is why the process can take significantly longer. We looked at several ways to check your computer. You probably noticed that there are no particular difficulties, you just need to devote a few minutes of your time and figure everything out. If the condition of the RAM is critical, then there is no point in repairing it, it is easier to buy a new one, it will be cheaper.

As sad as it may sound, strips of RAM, called RAM, or, in English, RAM, can cause a huge number of problems, starting with the usual delay in loading the operating system and ending with its complete crash (especially if the most primitive conditions are not met, which you need to pay attention to). In general, a RAM test (let's take Windows 7 64 bit as an example) will have to be performed in any case when installing new modules or replacing old ones. And at the same time, it is worth taking into account several main factors that in the future may influence the identification of the causes of malfunctions or the occurrence of conflicts.

Why do you need a Windows 7 64 bit RAM test?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that not every RAM module can fit into the slot motherboard and work without problems. The motherboard itself may simply not support the installation of certain types of brackets or even similar equipment from unknown manufacturers (although it may meet all the stated criteria).

The question is different: most users try to perform a RAM test only when too obvious problems are detected in the computer. And when checking equipment, most of us do not pay any attention to parameters such as operating clock frequency, timing, operating voltage, supported bus, bandwidth (which, by the way, must be compatible with the processor), etc.

Preliminary equipment check

And when problems arise, which are most often expressed in the fact that when the operating system starts, failure messages begin to appear (most often this is a blue screen indicating an error code indicating that the failure occurred not at the software level, but at the physical level), everyone tries reboot the system, considering the error to be a temporary short-term phenomenon. This is wrong.

Thus, the RAM test (Windows 7 64 bit in our case) should initially be limited to checking the physical condition of the motherboard slots, the performance of the RAM strips and the consistency of the equipment characteristics with each other.

To begin with, really try just restarting your computer terminal or laptop. Sometimes (when too heavy load RAM) the system freezes precisely because of this. This means that at the moment there are too many applications and system processes running, which occupy the maximum amount of RAM, and additional virtual memory, for which the pagefile.sys file is responsible, which reserves free space on the system and logical disks, is also not enough.

Digressing a little, it is worth saying that even if there are logical partitions, a page file is created for each of them.

The simplest method of checking for blue screens on desktop PCs

Now let's turn to desktop computers, since in them checking the performance of any strip is completely elementary. At least the proposed RAM test on Windows 7 64 bit - or any other system - will give results immediately. The idea is to first remove all RAM modules from their respective slots while the computer is turned off, and then insert them one at a time and then reboot. If the system starts in operating mode, there are no problems with memory. Otherwise, the bar itself will have to be replaced either due to a breakdown or due to a discrepancy with the parameters of the mother chip.

Are there built-in system tools?

The Windows 7 64 bit RAM test, if anyone doesn’t know, is initially turned on when the computer itself starts. In other words, when voltage is applied to the motherboard, the primary hardware detection system, BIOS or more, comes into play. modern version UEFI, which has a graphical interface. That's not the point. Have you noticed that the stationary unit emits a signal from the system speaker when turned on? A short one-time signal just corresponds to the fact that all system components are in order.

If something is wrong, you should go into the settings of the primary I/O system and check the RAM parameters (in particular, this concerns the voltage supplied to the strips, the bridge used, etc. - overlockers understand what we are talking about).

How to use built-in diagnostics?

But self-diagnosis in the BIOS is far from the most ideal option for determining the full functionality of the RAM. The Windows 7 64 bit RAM error test itself can cause incorrect data to appear in reports. The problem is that both BIOS and Windows can perceive RAM completely differently.

Here you will have to use at least the built-in system tool. First, you need to call the “Start” menu and enter the line mdsched in it, after which the application that appears will offer two options for checking: without restart and at the next start. It is better to choose the second method, despite the system's recommendations. It will take a little longer to reboot, but the problems will be identified for sure.

Windows 7 64 bit RAM test: Memtest86+ program and AIDA64 application

But the tools of Windows systems quite often lose to third-party software. The Mentest86+ utility is recognized as one of the most powerful programs.

Its only drawback is that it only works in DOS mode and produces access errors to RAM sectors, similar to how hard drives are scanned. The average user will understand little about this, but the error addresses can tell a lot to an advanced user.

The second utility (in Russian) performs the Windows 7 64 bit RAM test in such a way that even when launched, it displays the basic characteristics of the motherboard and RAM modules compatible with it. If you use the SPD section, you can learn a lot of interesting things about your motherboard and RAM sticks. For example, it will clearly indicate what maximum volume is supported, which manufacturer is suitable, which slots with their electrical parameters can be used, etc. In general, it is generally accepted (both among users and among experts) that the “AIDA” program performs the RAM test of Windows 7 64 bit best (although none of the proposed utilities eliminates problems, since we are talking about diagnostics). But that's not all.

Checking RAM from a USB drive

Even if there are problems with the hard drive, memory or starting the PC, the Windows 7 64 bit RAM test (errors will only be detected, but not corrected) can be performed even when booting from removable media, for example, a regular flash drive.

The most important condition is to download not only the Memttest86+ utility, but also its additional installer, but not in the form of an ISO image, but in the form of a special USB installer, from which you will need to create bootable USB flash drive. After this, when you reboot the system, you will first have to enter the BIOS settings and set the USB device you are using as the first one when you start the computer, then boot and perform the appropriate test.

Burning and using an optical disc

If anyone doesn’t like this option (for example, a person is used to using CD/DVDs exclusively, or the settings of the primary system in terms of perceiving the first device with optical media look simpler), you can use the same Memtest86+ utility, launched exclusively in compatibility mode with Windows (and not DOS), after which, when specifying the media on which the main package and boot data will be recorded, the appropriate drive is selected in the menu.

Possible problems

Sometimes you may notice that when loading the above utility from removable media, users often note that the scan runs quite quickly at first, but at some stage it simply freezes. In principle, as the developers themselves note, this is normal. The fact is that testing is carried out on the principle of several passes. In this case, one or two are enough. If there are RAM errors, they will be detected immediately. If they are not there, if the utility freezes, the testing process can be forcibly terminated.


As you can see, this is exactly what the Windows 7 64 bit RAM test looks like. What program can be used? The question is quite complex, because none of the currently created utilities can eliminate errors or problems (unlike the same testing programs, error correction, or even remagnetization of the surface of hard drives). Alas, if problems are discovered, you will have to change the memory sticks, since they can cause physical damage to the hardware and provoke hardware conflicts even at the software level of the primary BIOS/UEFI systems, not to mention the main components of the Windows OS that have access to RAM relationship only in terms system requirements and the maximum available volume for downloadable software modules in the form of heavyweight dynamic libraries which are for serious software products are required in the main set.

Modern modifications of Windows make it possible to test such an important PC component as RAM using built-in system tools, but in the case of Windows XP, you will have to use third-party software for this purpose.

However, this is even better, since, according to the vast majority of experts in the field computer equipment Thus, more reliable results are achieved.

It should be noted that the guide described below is suitable for everyone Windows versions, and not just for XP.

Why do you need RAM diagnostics?

Faulty RAM is a common cause of OS errors. For example, if the screen of death appears, it is advisable to test the RAM modules installed in the computer.

Often, the RAM in a Windows PC is not able to withstand the loads placed on it by the system; this can happen even despite the large amount of module memory declared by the manufacturer.

To check RAM, specialists mainly use the Memtest86 utility, which is good at identifying problems with RAM modules.

The main symptoms of RAM problems include the following:

  1. The PC cannot start and at the same time makes a constant squeaking sound;
  2. Display of BSOD on the computer monitor;
  3. Defects in image reproduction on the display;
  4. Crashes under RAM loads, for example, while working in resource-intensive programs, games, etc.

Of course, the listed consequences can also be caused by other problems in the system, but it is advisable to definitely rule out one of the most common causes of failures and first test the RAM modules.


Of the main advantages of the application, it should be especially noted that it performs analysis in a clean environment (without the influence of Windows XP), which in turn provides the most reliable test results.

The utility can test RAM even if there is no working Windows on the computer, since the program itself is loaded from external boot media.

Of course, you will need to write it down and work a little, but the instructions below will allow even an inexperienced user to do this quickly and correctly.

The application is distributed freely on the Internet and will not require additional financial costs from the computer owner, even if downloaded from the official resource of the utility developer: “”. The only disadvantage of this software is the lack of a Russian-language version.

Program testing procedure

You need to download the archive with the utility from the official source, where two options are available:

  1. For disk;
  2. For a flash drive.

After this, burn the application image to CD or USB. The choice of media depends on the version of the utility downloaded from the website.

The optimal way to burn an image to a CD is to create a disc using the NERO program.

And in order to create a bootable USB flash drive, there is special program. You need to extract the contents of the archive and run the tester installation. Then specify the USB drive.

Click “Create” and wait until the procedure for creating a flash drive with the program for testing RAM is completed.

Next, install the boot drive in the PC and specify in the BIOS to start the computer with external media. When exiting the BIOS and saving the entered adjustments, the PC will start from the flash drive or CD, and the “memtest” interface will be displayed on the screen.

Testing will then be performed in automatic mode, and the user will only need to wait for it to complete.

As a result, detected errors will be shown, which are recommended to be copied into a notepad in order to learn about them in more detail from the global network.

The following steps must be followed:

What to do if the RAM module is damaged and interferes with the normal functioning of the PC?

The best option is to replace it with a new one. But there are times when even wiping the contacts of the strip with an alcohol solution eliminates the problem. It is also recommended to pay attention to the integrity of the connector on the computer’s motherboard.

Are the test results reliable?

The method described above is by far the most accurate of all available memory testing methods, but it cannot guarantee one hundred percent reliability of the results.

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