How 1C server works on Linux.

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How to install 1C on Linux Mint without spending money? In the case of Windows OS, you will have to purchase an OS server, MS SQL and a server for the program itself. Installing 1C on Linux Mint is beneficial in that it allows you to avoid any financial costs. Both the operating system itself and all components of the program, including the postgres database, are free. The first ten 1C connections also do not require purchasing a key.

How to configure the operating system before installing 1C?

First you need to install a special software product Virtualbox. It is advisable to download the latest version from the manufacturer's official website. This emulator is a virtualization system necessary for the task of OS settings.

Next, two are created virtual machines(the first is for the 1C server, and the second is for databases). For ease of understanding, you can give them appropriate names. Afterwards you will need to set the necessary parameters, which depend on the resources and configuration of the computer, and set the connection settings (host adapter – “virtual”, name – “virtualbox”).

Installation of the 1C platform

To ensure full functionality of 1C, several auxiliary programs are required:

  1. "Mc" - file manager, which is available on boot disk Linux.
  2. “Ssh” is a network protocol required to access a computer.
  3. "Samba" is a software package for connecting a client to a Windows network.

To set network settings, launch the file manager and open “interfaces”. All parameters must correspond to the OS network values ​​(mask, default gateway, etc.). After setting up the 1C server, you need to install postgresql on the second virtual machine.

Now the operating system is ready to create 1C databases.

For a long time, on the Linux platform 1C:Enterprise was represented only by the server part. However, with the release of platform 8.3, the situation began to change and today we have a full-fledged client application. Despite the fact that the installation process is described in some detail in the documentation, we decided to pay attention to this issue in relation to Ubuntu 12.04.

Attention! This article is out of date. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new material:

This material assumes that the reader has basic skills in working in the Linux environment, so we will not dwell on secondary issues. We also strongly recommend using only LTS releases of the Ubuntu OS in production environments; this is primarily due to the fact that intermediate releases have a short support period and are not always stable.

This instruction is equally suitable for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the system; there are no restrictions on sharing client versions of different bit sizes.

First of all, let's download the necessary packages. Please note that for a successful installation, in addition to the client, we will also need to download the server distribution, since the dependencies require the presence of components included in the server version. Why 1C cannot assemble packages normally will be left to the developers’ conscience.

The next step is to install the necessary dependencies. Strictly speaking, not all of them are necessary for the operation of 1C:Enterprise, but are required to use all the capabilities of the system.

Sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install libgsf-1-114
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
sudo apt-get install unixodbc

Then we unpack the downloaded archives, leaving only the packages in the folder with the server distribution 1c-enterprise83-common And 1c-enterprise83-server, as well as their corresponding nls packages with additional language resources.

Let's open a terminal, go to the folder with the packages and install them:

Cd ~/Downloads/deb
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

The client folder contains packages with the client application (contains thick and thin clients) and language resources. Let’s also install them (the path to the folder is indicated for a 32-bit distribution):

Cd ~/Downloads/client.deb32
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

In principle, we can finish here, but we should remember that together with the client we installed the server package and it was registered in startup as a service. Therefore, it makes sense to disable automatic server startup:

Sudo update-rc.d -f srv1cv83 remove

Otherwise, working with the 1C client is no different from working with Windows version. We launched the configuration on a managed application in both the thick and thin clients without any problems:

There were also no difficulties when working with conventional configurations (for platform 8.2) and in configurator mode.

As you can see, there are no difficulties when installing the client part under Ubuntu, if you follow the recommendations and install the necessary dependencies in advance.

The news is a little old, but I can’t help but write about it. Now you don’t need to read, because 1C has been released 1C:Enterprise 8.3 with a very pleasant innovation - a client for Linux has appeared! Moreover, clients for Linux are similar to clients for Windows, so there is no need to retrain accountants.

For Linux, both a “thin client” was released, allowing users to work in managed application mode, and a “thick client”, providing work in regular or managed application mode, or in configurator mode. Both clients are available for x86 and x86-64 architectures, and support file and client-server operation options.

Tools have also been released for cluster administration from systems running Linux.

Download 1C:Enterprise 8.3

You can download 1C:Enterprise 8.3 for Linux here:

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"on a Linux server and even made a video, which I hope will help you.

Basic settings for Linux installation
We set a name for the computer and then do not change it. Of course you can change your name, but it’s a lot of hassle.
SELinux Settings -Disabled.
Installation is carried out as root user.

How did you guess this is a client-server

The procedure is as follows:
Installing 1C
Installing PostgresQL
Let's connect and work.

Installing 1C on Linux

The 1C server distribution for Linux is presented in the form of rpm packages:
General components of 1C:Enterprise
1C:Enterprise server components
Adapter for publishing 1C:Enterprise Web services on a web server based on Apache HTTP Server 2.0 or Apache HTTP Server 2.2
Components of the 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server.

When installing 1C, you should take into account the dependencies between rpm packages:
● 1C_Enterprise82-common has no dependencies;
● 1C_Enterprise82-server depends on 1C_Enterprise82-common;
● 1C_Enterprise82-ws depends on 1C_Enterprise82-common;
● 1C_Enterprise82-crs depends on 1C_Enterprise82-common, 1C_Enterprise82-server and 1C_Enterprise82-ws;

Packages with the suffix "-nls" are additional national resources for the corresponding package.

In order for the installation to be successful, the package dependencies must be preserved.

Minimum installation for deploying a cluster master server:
● 1C_Enterprise82-common-8.2
● 1C_Enterprise82-common-nls-8.2
● 1C_Enterprise82-server-8.2
● 1C_Enterprise82-server-nls-8.2

During the installation of 1C:Enterprise server components, an OS user named usr1cv82 is created, and 1C:Enterprise server processes will be executed under his account. Do not forget that the installation must be performed as the root user.

Now let's start the ragent server agent in daemon mode. To do this, enter the following commands:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv81 stop
/opt/1C/v8.1/x86_64/ragent -daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv81 start

From the video you can see that the server does not start; rebooting the system fixes this.
If anyone knows what the reason is, please write, it’s different for me in every release.

Let's check that the 1C server starts
ps aux | grep 1C
The command should show the operation of the following services: ragent, rmngr, rphost

This point is missing in the video, but after installing the server you need to run the utility /opt/1C/v8.2/i386/utils/config_server
● checks the presence of all necessary libraries for the server to operate;
● registers installed TrueType fonts with ImageMagick.

If the server is 64-bit then /opt/1C/v8.2/x86-64/config_server

Installing PostgresQL

We will install PostgreSQL, which can be taken from the ITS disk or downloaded from, basically in the same place where we got the 1C:Enterprise distribution kit.

The version of PostgreSQL from 1C contains 11 packages

The distribution package of the modified version of PostgreSQL consists of 10 packages. The minimum required for work is the following 4 packages:
● postgresql-libs-8.4 .
● postgresql-8.4.
● postgresql-Server-8.4.
● postgresql-contrib-8.4.

The remaining packages are optional and can also be installed if desired.

After installing all the necessary packages, go to the PostgreSQL settings, and the first thing we will do is initialize the database.

For 1C:Enterprise, you need to install the Russian locale and UTF-8 encoding.

su – postgres –c ‘initdb ––locale=ru_RU.utf8 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data’

a database will also be created, located in /var/lib/pgsql/data with default settings.

Changing the settings:

gedit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

Find (Ctrl-F) and change the following parameter:
default_with_oids = on
Let’s also uncomment this line by removing the # comment symbol. Save the changes.

In the pg_hba.conf file, we will remove the protection in order to log into PostgreSQL and change the default password.
gedit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
host all all md5
Check that the # comment on this line is removed and change md5 to trust and save the changes.

In the next step, restart PostgreSQL:
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Log into the PostgreSQL console with the command:
psql -h localhost postgres postgres

And let's change the PostgreSQL password, because... on first launch it is created account postgres with passwordpostgres.
The following command changes the password:

Exit the PostgreSQL console by running the command: \q

Let's go back to the pg_hba.conf file and in the line host all all trust replace trust with md5.
Let's restart the PostgreSQL server.

Let's go to Administration - Server Settings - Services and check whether the services start when the system starts, if not, install them.

Installing HASP

Download the HASP driver from the manufacturer’s website and install it.

rpm -i aksusbd-redhat-1.8.1-3.i386.rpm

Starting AKSUSB daemon: [OK]
Starting WINEHASP daemon: [OK]

Of course, you need to insert the USB key.

It is not necessary to enable Samba.

Connecting to the 1C Enterprise server

We will register the server on the client in the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
For example: EvrSer

You don’t have to register it, but then Samba should be running.

Then we will create a database from or from 1C Enterprise and start working in it.
Creating a base

The 1C company has released the final version of the platform for automation of accounting and automation of enterprise activities "1C:Enterprise" 8.3, which for the first time includes client applications and administration tools for Linux. Starting from version 8.3, 1C:Enterprise contains the entire range of necessary components that allow you to organize the operation of both server and client systems only using Linux, without the need to use Windows. It is also possible to create combined systems that involve the inclusion of workstations and servers using different operating systems in the 1C:Enterprise cluster.

Providing official full support for Linux in 1C:Enterprise software, which is not inferior in its level to the version for Windows, is an important milestone in the promotion of free software in the domestic corporate sector, since this product is used in most Russian enterprises. Previously, companies were able to use the 1C:Enterprise client part in Linux only by running the Windows version with the use of additional add-ons based on Wine, such as WINE@Etersoft. However, it should be noted that the first step towards multi-platform was taken by 1C back in 2009, when it released a supporting multi-platform web client and provided support for the PostgreSQL DBMS in the server part.

From now on, 1C:Enterprise includes:

Differences of the new 1C:Enterprise 8.3

  • " " technology and work technology have been developed through;
  • server cluster scalability mechanisms have been redesigned and expanded;
  • Administration tools have been expanded;
  • implemented client applications and administration tools for Linux;
  • implemented configuration uploading to a set of files and loading from it;
  • the mechanism of external data sources has been improved;
  • new capabilities for working with complex analytical reports have been implemented;
  • improved usability, including interface, data entry and display:
    • a new, more convenient and visual interface for the Taxi applications has been created;
    • the interface is supported without using modal windows, which makes it possible for applications to work on any mobile device;
    • simplified list setup;
    • the new line-by-line input mechanism significantly speeds up data search;
  • optimized system operation, including with various DBMSs;
  • The mobile platform "1C:Enterprise" has been implemented, which provides:
    • development of applications (configurations) for mobile devices in the configurator environment, taking into account the limitations of the mobile platform;
    • generation of a mobile application for recording mobile device;
    • work mobile applications V operating systems iOS, Android OS;
    • support for the operation of mobile applications in Offline mode and data exchange with the main application (back);
  • added mechanism for automated testing of configurations:
    • For testing, a program in a built-in language is used, simulating interactive user actions and checking the results of their execution;
    • user interactions are recorded and can later be played back;
    • supported for thick client, thin client and web client;
    • an object model is implemented for testing;
  • optimized work with memory when developing and updating application solutions that include a large amount of functionality;
  • increased security and stability of operation in service mode;
  • improved web client performance;
  • new tools for developers have been implemented;
  • other improvements.

Plan for transition to the 1C:ENTERPRISE 8.3 platform

Version 8.3 of the platform is available without additional payment to registered users of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system who have entered into a 1C:ITS agreement, and to partners of the 1C company.

The distribution kit for version 8.3.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform is published on the user support website Documentation for version 8.3.3 of the platform is published on the website

Distribution and documentation. It is also planned to be published as part of the 1C:ITS release for July 2013.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform supports a special compatibility mode with versions 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2, which allows it to be used with configurations developed for previously released versions without changing the configurations themselves. In this mode, application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform versions 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 can be used with the version 8.3 platform without additional processing.

Configurations developed on platform versions 8.3.2 and 8.3.1 can also run on platform version 8.3.3 without making configuration changes. Version 8.3.3 implements a special compatibility mode that allows you to transfer the configuration from version 8.3.3 to version 8.3.2 and, if necessary, back. It also supports migration from version 8.3.3 to version 8.2 and back.

In order for application solutions created on platform version 8.2 and lower to work with the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform without using compatibility mode, minor changes must be made to these application solutions. The website published a methodology for adapting application solutions for working with the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, which is used when transferring standard configurations to this version of the platform. This technique is also planned to be included in the 1C:ITS disks for July 2013.

The new version 8.3 does not have any significant differences when the user works with the configuration previously created for version 8.2. Therefore, the transition to new version the platform does not require user training.

A description of the built-in and query language syntax, as well as a description of the object model, are fully included in the platform in electronic form(in the help sections of the configurator and the syntax assistant).

The electronic version of the documentation does not include several chapters, the content of which does not differ from the corresponding chapters of the documentation for version 8.2.

With the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform you can use client and server licenses that were issued for 1C:Enterprise versions 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2, with both software and hardware protection.

Since June 11, 2013, the 1C company has been releasing the following products "1C:Enterprise 8.3":


Permanent partner

1C:Enterprise 8.3.
Server license

42 000 /
10 560 /
210 000 /
1 400

21 000 /
5 280 /
105 000 /

18 900 /
4 752 /
94 500 /

1C:Enterprise 8.3.
Server license (x86-64)

72 000/
18 360 /
360 000 /
2 400

36 000 /
9 180 /
180 000 /
1 200

32 400 /
8 262 /
162 000 /
1 080

1C:Enterprise 8.3.
Server license ()

50 400 /
12 690 /
252 000
1 680

25 200 /
6 345 /
126 000 /

22 680 /
5 711 /
113 400 /

1C:Enterprise 8.3.
Server license (x86-64) (USB)

86 400 /
22 050 /
432 000 /
2 880

43 200 /
11 025 /
216 000 /
1 440

38 880 /
9 923 /
194 400 /
1 296

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Platform update

1 400
7 500

3 800

3 400

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Administrator's Guide

300 /
90 /
1 800 /

150 /
900 /

150 /
45 /

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Client-server option. Administrator's Guide

300 /
90 /
1 800 /

150 /
900 /

150 /
45 /

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer's Guide (in two parts)

3 600

300 /
90 /
1 800 /

300 /
90 /
1 800 /

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Description of the built-in language (in five parts)

2 100 /
630 /
12 000 /

1 410
450 /
8 400 /

1 220 /
390 /
7 200 /


Typical application solutions from 1C for Russian Federation, designed to work with the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, are planned to be released in the following order.

First of all, approximately during June 2013, it is planned to transfer standard libraries to version 8.3:

Standard libraries, which are used in solutions operating both in managed application mode and in regular application mode, will be released in two versions - for version 8.3 and for version 8.2 of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

The release of standard configurations that support operation in thin client and web client modes, which will be compatible only with version 8.3 of the platform, is expected within the following time frames:

Typical configuration

Preliminary release date

Basic enterprise accounting, ed. 3.0

July 2013

Enterprise accounting PROF, ed. 3.0

July 2013

Enterprise accounting KORP, ed. 3.0

July 2013

Salary and personnel management, ed. 3.0

July 2013

Trade Management, ed. 11.1

July 2013

Retail, ed. 2.0 PROF and basic

August 2013

August 2013

Document flow CORP

August 2013

Document flow government agency

August 2013

EDF client

August 2013

Distributions of these configurations will be supplied only in version 8.3 format. These configurations are intended to be used with the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3 without using compatibility mode previous versions platforms. This will allow you to make improvements when implementing configurations using the new functionality of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

Future updates for the above configurations are planned to be released only in version 8.3 format.

A description of the transition order is planned to be included in configuration distributions.

Typical configurations published in the 1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet service ( are also planned to be transferred to version 8.3 of the platform in the service. The timing of publication in the service of solutions running on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform will be announced in a separate information letter.

At present, there are no plans to transfer the following application solutions to the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform:

  • Basic enterprise accounting, ed. 2.0 (including “1C: Simplified 8” and “1C: Entrepreneur 8”);
  • Enterprise accounting PROF, ed. 2.0;
  • Enterprise accounting KORP, ed. 2.0;
  • Accounting of an autonomous institution;
  • Salary and personnel management, ed. 2.5 (PROF and basic);
  • Salaries and personnel management CORP, ed. 2.5;
  • Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution;
  • Trade Management, ed. 10.3 (PROF and basic);
  • Accounting of a government agency, ed. 1.0 (PROF and basic);
  • Retail, ed. 1.0 (PROF and basic);
  • Complex automation, ed. 1.1;
  • Manufacturing Enterprise Management, ed. 1.3;
  • Consolidation of PROF;
  • Consolidation Standard;
  • Budget reporting;
  • Set of PROF reports;
  • Taxpayer;
  • Payment documents;
  • Money, edition 1.0.

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