How to call an ambulance using a megaphone. How to call an ambulance from Megafon? How to call an ambulance from Megafon

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As children, we were all forced to memorize numbers. emergency services so that in case of an emergency we can immediately call an ambulance, fire brigade, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less; they have been replaced by so-called mobile phones. And still the majority of subscribers mobile operators(MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2) do not know how to call ambulance from a mobile phone.

In this review you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones that are current for 2019 in Russia. Here is their list:

  • 101 – Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service;
  • 102 – police (former police);
  • 103 – ambulance;
  • 104 – emergency gas service.

These numbers are valid for both landline and mobile phones.

And in order to respond to certain situations in a timely manner, quickly find the necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from your phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers of different operators. Here you will find an article that contains information; there is a separate review for MTS subscribers. A separate review covers.

Supported by GSM standard single number emergency telephone number, by calling which you can report your problem. Here you can call on any issue related to an emergency situation: to call an ambulance, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This number is available not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

112 is a rescue telephone number, analogous to 911 - valid in all regions of Russia.

By calling this number, you will be taken to the nearest branch of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service. That is, if you are in Moscow, then by dialing number 112 you will get to the Moscow branch, in Tyumen - to the Tyumen branch.

The EDDS operator will take your call and, having determined the nature of the problem, will send a request to the appropriate service. Emergency call 112 is the same for all operators mobile networks, and calling it is free for you. You can make a call even if you have no money on your balance, the SIM card is blocked or it is not in your phone at all.

But don’t forget that you shouldn’t call this number just like that, because the people on the other end of the line are solving real problems of other citizens.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

Often we don't remember how to call an ambulance from our mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured numbers on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in phone book so that it is always at your fingertips. Each operator provides its own short telephone number for an emergency call to an ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will provide phone numbers for each operator:

  • Megafon – 103
  • MTS – 103
  • Beeline – 103
  • Tele2 – 103

As you can see, the numbers are based on the number "03", which we all know well. A 1 has been added to it, thanks to which numbers can be easily dialed on any mobile phone (many handsets recognize two-digit numbers as commands, preventing dialing).

How to call the police from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, then you can use a single emergency phone number or call the short number that you see below opposite your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.

  • Megafon – 102
  • MTS – 102
  • Beeline – 102
  • Tele2 – 102

All numbers are based on the standard "02" number for landline telephones, so they will be very easy for you to remember.

How to call firefighters (EMERCOM) from a mobile phone

If, God forbid, you have a fire and you don’t know how to call firefighters from your mobile phone, then it’s best to use the single number 112. You can also call the number that is located below opposite your operator cellular communications. The call will be free.

  • Megafon – 101
  • MTS – 101
  • Beeline – 101
  • Tele2 – 101

To remember, add to standard number 01 one - you get the number of firefighters for cell phone.

How to call an emergency gas service from a mobile phone

If you find a gas leak in an apartment or anywhere else, immediately call 112 and notify the dispatcher about it. Or you can call the gas service directly at the number provided below opposite your mobile network operator.

  • Megafon – 104
  • MTS – 104
  • Beeline – 104
  • Tele2 – 104

Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number “04” with the number “1” substituted.

Why can’t you dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from a mobile phone?

The answer to this question is quite simple: this is because cell phones do not support calls to two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Previously, numbers were appended with an asterisk symbol - for example, “*03”. Today in Russia there is a single numbering system, accessible from both landline and mobile phones.

Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even with a zero or negative balance.

We all want such information to be needed as little as possible, but no matter what, sometimes you have to seek emergency help. How to call an ambulance from Megafon in order to get through accurately? What numbers are there?

Numbers for calling doctors from Megafon

There are two numbers in total that can be used to call doctors:

  • 103 Designed to call doctors from any mobile phone. It is free and valid throughout Russia. You can call it even with a negative balance.
  • 112 Belongs to a single service emergency assistance. From it you can call not only an ambulance from a Megafon mobile phone, but also other services required in situations that threaten human health or life, or public order. That is, using the same set of numbers you can call doctors, the fire brigade, police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, get advice from a psychologist, etc. this moment is used most often.

And one more option for dialing an ambulance number from a Megafon mobile: the combination “country code + city code + 03”. Example from Tula: 8 4872 03.
This is not very convenient due to the fact that not everyone can “immediately” remember their city code - many of us use landline phones very rarely.

Note: When calling an ambulance using Megafon from a mobile phone, you should immediately provide the operator with basic information. The preferred order is gender, age of the patient/victim, what happened, address. Upon request - your own contact information and name.

Why 112

There are several reasons:

  • Ease of remembering - 112 for all occasions. This is especially important in stressful situations, when it is difficult to concentrate on how to call an ambulance from Megafon.
  • You can call from a cell phone that does not have a SIM card or it is blocked.
  • The call will go through even with a negative balance.
  • You can reach this emergency phone number from your Megafon mobile phone, even if you don’t know the phone screen unlock code.
  • 112 operates throughout Russia, the CIS and the European Union.
  • Technical capabilities unified service emergency services allow you to locate the caller.

Please note: at 112 you can call even if you don’t know whether you need medical help or the Ministry of Emergency Situations; if you need to call several services at once - for example, doctors, emergency services, etc.

The operator at the other end of the line has sufficient knowledge and capabilities to determine which service is needed in a given situation or to notify several departments at once about the incident.

If circumstances arise when you need to call an ambulance, many people out of habit remember a two-digit number: 03. If you have a landline phone, call this simple number and call a team of doctors who will quickly provide emergency medical care.

How to call an ambulance from a Megafon mobile phone in the city

Nowadays, almost everyone has a device with mobile communication. Knowing the necessary numbers, it is easy to get urgent help from doctors. When you try to contact helpdesk after 03 it will not work - the communication system will not support a two-digit number:

  • if necessary, call the station from a mobile phone with Megafon connection, you need to call: 030. This direct number is valid throughout Russia;
  • call 112, enter number 3, the auto operator will not only redirect the call to the nearest station, but also determine the location of the subscriber via satellite.

It is important to know that in every city there are numbers to call a team of doctors from a nearby ambulance substation. You need to find out this in advance and save them in the directory of your phone.

How to call an ambulance from Megafon from the region

In Megafon, it has long been possible, in emergency cases, to make calls to three-digit numbers, calling doctors, firefighters, police or rescuers:

  • taking advantage of 103, the subscriber immediately gets to a station located nearby;
  • minus account, blocking or lack of card will not prevent you from calling the right doctor;
  • make a call to 103 for free, the tariff is valid on Russian territory;
  • To make a call, there is enough connection, at the level: “only for emergency calls”

Ways to call for help through other telecom operators

Remember that urgent medical attention should only be called if there is real threat human life or health.

Situations in which you need to call an ambulance:

  • poisoning;
  • injuries to any part of the body;
  • mental disorders that threaten the patient or others;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • acute pain for chest;
  • heat;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • if you witness an accident, fire, terrorist attack or crime involving injury to a person

After connecting with the service dispatcher, you should clearly and clearly answer all the questions asked by the doctor on duty.

Numbers for calling an ambulance from various operators:

  • Megafon - 030;
  • MTS - 030 or 032;
  • Beeline - 003;
  • TELE2 - 030;
  • YOTA - 103;
  • SKYLINK - 903;
  • Utel - 030;
  • MOTIVE - 903.

Attention. 112 is a single number for all operators; when dialed, the operator connects to the service that is needed at the moment.

The ubiquity of communications makes the issue of calling rescue services by phone more and more urgent.


Olga Vladimirovna from the Orenburg region

Trouble came unexpectedly. I was walking with my grandson on the playground, when suddenly my Yurochka tripped and fell. He hit his head and lost consciousness. I took out my phone, but I didn’t know how to call an ambulance from it. Then I remembered 112, for emergency calls, dialed it, and they quickly connected me to the station. The doctors arrived on time; I am deeply grateful to them for saving my grandson.

Anna, Stavropol region

On holidays I went to visit my mother in the village. In the evening, after dinner, she felt ill. There was no home phone in the house, and I didn’t know how to call an ambulance from my mobile phone. Poor connection did not allow access to the Internet. Having made up my mind, I left my mother alone and ran to the neighbors. The ambulance arrived, but nothing could be done; time was lost. Only after that I wondered how to dial an ambulance from a Megafon mobile phone.

Alla, Moscow

Maxim told how he and a friend were vacationing in the mountains of the Southern Urals. The rocks were not high, and they did not use belay. A stone broke off under Maxim’s friend’s foot, and he fell from a three-meter height. The guy lay motionless, breathing was difficult. Maxim tried to call his friends, but there was practically no connection, so he dialed 112, and the operator redirected his call to the doctors. After 20 minutes, a helicopter arrived with rescuers and doctors. The guy was saved.

Video on the topic “You can call an ambulance from your mobile using a single number for all telecom operators”:

How to call an ambulance from MegaFon is a question that interests every fifth owner of this operator’s communications, judging by the statistics. Every person, be it an adult or a child, has a mobile phone with him these days. When a stressful situation arises that requires immediate intervention from doctors, it would seem that it could be simpler: take out your mobile phone, dial the necessary numbers and call an ambulance. But few people know how to correctly call an emergency team from a cell phone. In this case, only number 03 comes to mind, but it is only accessible from landline phones.

Short number for "Ambulance" from MegaFon

Calling an ambulance from a MegaFon mobile is very easy and quick if you know the correct number. Just dial the numbers 112 and press the call button on the phone keypad.

The service is provided absolutely free to all users, regardless of their tariff. The mobile operator did this with the goal that everyone who needs immediate first aid could receive it. Free emergency calls are available 24 hours a day from any tariff.

For several years now, numbers 101, 102, 103, 104 have been in operation - by which you can call the corresponding service, as well as a single number 112.

How to call an ambulance from MegaFon via emergency communication

Sometimes you may not be able to reach the emergency number 112 if the network is overloaded. Therefore, there is a second option on how to call an ambulance from MegaFon. All you need to do is dial one for the entire territory. Russian Federation number 112. The call is not charged according to the tariff, since it is free. The autoinformer will offer to select the desired emergency service from the instructions.

  1. Fire department code.
  2. Police code.
  3. Emergency medical service code.
  4. Emergency gas service code.

Accordingly, to contact the ambulance, you need to press on the keyboard mobile number 3.

During your call, the satellite:

  • calculates your location;
  • finds the nearest emergency room;
  • directs the call to the ambulance station, which is located nearby.

Thanks to this, a team of medical staff arrives to the person in need in a matter of minutes. On average you have to wait 10-15 minutes.

The advantage of calling an ambulance from MegaFon at 112 is that it is absolutely free at any tariff, even when:

  • there is no money in the account;
  • SIM card is blocked;
  • The phone does not have a SIM card.

Ambulance from MegaFon: when to call

Finally, the following should be noted - do not overuse calls to the emergency room. Before you take out your gadget and dial a number, you need to ask yourself what you expect: to save the life of yourself or someone else in a difficult situation, to get a health certificate needed for work or a prescription for treatment.

Remember! Ambulance service – emergency and urgent. It exists to provide first aid in dire health situations. Advice, prescriptions and certificates are issued by special services, doctors and nurses in hospitals. An ambulance call from MegaFon is made when something really threatens life. If you have the opportunity and time to get to the clinic on your own, such a call can simply take the team away from someone who really urgently needs help.

Ambulance is a free medical service. A team of medical workers will respond to your call, regardless of whether you have a medical insurance policy or not, whether it is valid or not.

Trouble can happen at any moment. Nobody knows exactly when the vital knowledge of calling an ambulance from MegaFon will be needed. Searching for an emergency phone number on the Internet will take up valuable time. Therefore, we recommend saving these numbers in your phone book.

Number 03, dialed from a street payphone or home phone, is familiar to everyone since childhood, but not everyone knows how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone. However, this is often necessary, because no one is able to predict what will happen to him or his loved ones at any moment. Nowadays, a person always has a mobile phone with him, and sometimes it is the only salvation for calling medical help.

On a note! In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, everyone who is on the territory of the state has the right to emergency medical care in the event of a threat to life. This applies not only to citizens of the country, but also to visitors, regardless of the presence of a Russian passport, insurance policy and other important documents.

Emergency call

For those who have witnessed an important incident, Russia has a general emergency number - 112. It makes it possible to call both emergency medical assistance and the police, gas and other services.

A single number allows you to quickly respond to various situations that require a quick response. Its advantages are as follows:

  • ease of typing;
  • free call, regardless of network operator;
  • the call is made even if there is no SIM card or it is blocked;
  • even in the absence mobile communications The emergency service is connected.

The general number 112 is general for all services. It does not replace each of them, but redirects them to the required department, which depends on the specific situation.

On a note! If there is an emergency, 911 is dialed in the United States, but it does not work in domestic countries. An alternative option for Russia is 112.

How to dial an ambulance from a mobile phone for MTS subscribers?

MTS operator subscribers have two options:

  • dial 103 from a mobile device, after which it is redirected to the ambulance station of the locality from which the call is made;
  • dial 112, then you will be redirected to an ambulance.

When calling an ambulance from mobile operator MTS does not charge the subscriber a fee. If you call 112, the call will go through even if the SIM card is blocked and there is no network.

How to call an ambulance for Beeline subscribers?

As with the MTS operator, Beeline subscribers call an ambulance by dialing short numbers 103 or 112. The call is free. When connecting to the service, you must state the essence of the incident, provide the personal information of the victim and address.

How to call an ambulance for Megafon subscribers?

To call an ambulance from a mobile phone, Megafon subscribers must dial 130 and then press the call button. True, as cellular users themselves claim, the network is often overloaded. In this case, the Megafon operator recommends dialing 112, then the autoinformer prompts you to select the required emergency service. Even if there is no SIM card, the connection will occur.

How to call an ambulance for TELE2 subscribers?

Similar to the MTS and Beeline operators, Tele 2 calls an ambulance from a mobile phone by dialing the digital combination 103 or 112 on the keyboard. Similar to other cellular operators, Tele 2 calls to emergency services are free.

Emergency Number Table

For the convenience of landline numbers and mobile phones emergency services for calls from cellular operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 are presented in the table.

On a note! Mobile operators are planning to soon switch to the same set of emergency numbers. This will help you remember faster digital combination and not get confused in emergency situations.

When calling an ambulance, you must strictly follow the instructions outlined by the dispatcher. After all, he asks questions not to satisfy his curiosity, but to prevent emergency situations and provide timely assistance.

Thus, the following information is important for ambulance workers:

  • personal data of the person who called the ambulance (full name);
  • gender and age of the victim;
  • address.

If the dispatcher asks additional questions, this means that the answers to them are also important. The caller, in turn, has the right to inquire about the number of the team that is responding to the call.

In addition, it is important to understand the following points:

  • For one victim, one team is called, this must be taken into account when calling, immediately indicating the number of victims when talking with the dispatcher;
  • patience is required - it is clear that when waiting for an ambulance, time sometimes passes by minutes, but the medical team tries to get there as quickly as possible, understanding the seriousness of the situation;
  • Ambulance services are completely free and funded by the state, so any attempt to take money from the victim is illegal;
  • a call to call an ambulance is not anonymous, even if the phone does not have a SIM card, operators will know where the subscriber is (this is intended for the purpose of quick response and reducing the number of false calls to almost zero;
  • Emergency numbers are never used for the sake of self-indulgence, as it could cost someone their life.

Every person should understand the seriousness of the work of the ambulance team, so he should adhere to the above recommendations.

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