How to clean your computer from unnecessary files and viruses yourself. How to clean a computer, standard computer cleaning

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The problem with computer junk causes inconvenience to almost all users year after year. In this article I will tell you how to clean Local Disk C.

If your PC has become noticeably slower, it will be useful for you to clean up unnecessary files and thereby speed up your computer.

To find out how to do it yourself correctly, read the entire article or watch the video at the end of the article.


Many people wonder about the slow operation of their computer and spend hours searching for information on the Internet. One of the main reasons is clutter Local disk C. The PC starts to work slower because it is on this disk that the operating system is located, which is responsible for all the actions performed.

As a result of file clogging operating system we begin to notice errors in work processes and slow response of programs. Imagine using a real-life example: you run in sneakers or sports shoes to improve your physical fitness. Now take a sack of potatoes over each shoulder and try to run, how’s that? I think the difference will be noticeable, the same is true on the local disk, while the empty one works quickly, a lot of garbage has accumulated and it begins to work slowly.

That is why you should at least sometimes clean up your PC and delete unnecessary files.

Clean desktop and its impact on Local Disk C

Dear friends, first I want to draw your attention to the desktop of your PC, because many do not understand how to use it correctly. And its correct condition lies in its purity.

All files and folders located on the desktop are recorded on the memory of local drive C, so think ten times before throwing music albums and new movies onto it, work correctly now, transfer all data from the desktop to Local drive D or other existing ones, this is significant will facilitate the operation of the operating system and free up the memory of drive C. If you need quick access, to some programs or files, make shortcuts for them so it will be correct.

Manually clearing temporary, unnecessary files from your computer

Before moving on to this stage, you need to understand a little that when running any programs on a computer, the operating system creates temporary files, even when you are just surfing the Internet, some of the data is recorded as temporary files.

This is actually done to speed up the work, how? Let's say you opened the Odnoklassniki website, the system recorded several large pictures from the site in a folder with temporary files, and the next time you go to Odnoklassniki, the computer does not download information from the site server, but takes several large pictures from the temporary files previously recorded in the folder.

Yes, this is useful, the folder with temporary files “swells” to such an extent that it begins to slow down the PC and most of the memory of Local Disk C is clogged, which sometimes also leads to errors.

To delete these temporary files, you just need to go to the desired folder with these same temporary files and delete everything from there. By the way, don't worry, there's no system files and you won’t delete anything you need, feel free to go in and clean it.

To do this, go to the directory:

My computer/Local drive C/Windows/Temp

We went into this folder, circled all the files and deleted them, emptied the trash.

Analysis and removal of old, unnecessary programs, games and files

This section can be divided into two stages. The first is quite simple, it involves removing old, no longer needed games and programs. To do this, simply go to the program control panel and delete those applications that you once installed yourself; when you see familiar names, you definitely won’t get confused.

1. Go to the start menu - panel management programs and components and we see the following window in front of us:

We find programs we don’t need in this window, select them and click on the remove/change button at the top, doing this one by one with each one. unnecessary application or a game. This process will also clear the memory of local drive C.

The point of the action is to identify the problematic folder or file, and for us these are objects that occupy a significant amount of memory. Not quite clear? I'll explain everything now.

We go to Local Disk C and see folders in front of us, the number may be different for everyone

Now we begin to analyze each folder in turn, first check the volume of the first folder

Our goal is to find out how much memory it takes up on the computer

We looked and saw that the folder takes up only 8.13 MB, we are not interested in this size, we are only looking for huge files that weigh from several GB.

What should I do if I don’t understand anything about file sizes?

If you have difficulty understanding the size of files or do not know how to distinguish between them, then I recommend using my online textbook: How to master a computer from scratch. In it you will find answers to all your questions.

We were a little distracted, but that’s okay, let’s continue, move on to the next folder and also check its weight until you find folders whose volume scares you. Most likely, there will be two folders: Windows and Program Files.

As soon as we have identified a folder that takes up a lot of space, we go to it and also analyze everything that is in it by determining the weight. Eventually you will find files or folders that take up a huge amount of memory on your Local Drive C, copy their name and look on the Internet what these files are and what program they are from, most likely you will be surprised how much junk you will find.

Attention, if you are a complete novice user, then do not use this method, just skip it, because in the process you can remove the necessary components or programs, which will lead to disastrous circumstances.

We use the built-in capabilities of cleaning Local disks

The creators of the operating system did not forget about users and initially added to Windows basic capabilities for simplified cleaning of Local disks. This is not always effective, but knowing this method will also be useful, and it will not take much of your time.

To do this, you need to go to my computer, select the local disk to clean and right-click on it and select the properties line.

Now we will see information about the disk in front of us, we need to click on the clean disk button

You will need to wait a while until the program starts, you will see something like this:

When the program starts, you will see a window in front of you in which you need to check the boxes next to the partitions that you want to clean, here I just check all the boxes and click OK.

Automatically clean the Cache and Registry using Ccleaner

Now we can relax a little, then the program will work for us automatic cleaning. It's called CCleaner, you can read how to download it correctly and from where in the article on how to clean your computer's registry. After you have installed it, launch it. Click on the cleaning section, first select the Windows section and only after that click the analysis button.

Now we will see in front of us all the files that the program can clean without causing harm to your PC, at the top where it will say analysis completed you can see approximately how much space the program will free up for you. Click the clear button

Reviving or speeding up your computer after cleaning up the mess

After you have done such a huge job, you just need to bring your computer back to life, to do this you need to put all the files on their shelves. This will speed up your computer and save you from some errors. This process is called defragmentation. I recently devoted an entire article to this, which I recommend you read.

Now it’s time to consolidate the knowledge, watch the video in which I myself go through all the stages of cleaning Local Disk C in order. Good luck friends and don’t forget to subscribe to my site’s news, the subscription is a little lower, be literate in everything!

Sooner or later, almost every computer owner asks himself the question: how to clean your computer from dust? Some people come to this idea on their own. And someone waits until, as they say, “the cancer on the mountain whistles.”

Often, users encounter problems with the unsatisfactory performance of their “iron friend”, which are not caused by an outdated processor, weak video card or insufficient RAM. There are often times when you sit down to play your favorite 3D shooter, and at the most inopportune moment the computer freezes, and on the screen at that second we contemplate a screenshot of an enemy bullet flying at you. 3-5 seconds pass - and you are already on the list of heroically killed.

Questions arise: why is this so? What's wrong with the computer? Should I contact a professional PC repair? After all, just yesterday I played the same game, and there were no interruptions in the system?! What's happened? Maybe the video card is damaged? Is the processor “tired”? Or maybe friends brought not only new movies on a flash drive, but also a couple of viruses?

So what happened to the computer?

And you start with different antivirus programs“gut” your computer for “disease-causing” Trojans, worms, etc. Also, using various utilities that optimize system operation, fix errors, clean the registry, etc.

Having cured all the viruses, corrected the errors, and with a feeling of fulfilling our duty to our computer, we download our favorite game again. And-and-and... after a couple of minutes of playing, out of anger we almost break the monitor with the mouse! Same thing again...

Now we’re calling our friends and waiting for an answer from them about who is to blame and what to do about it. And then one of them, jokingly or seriously, suggested cleaning the computer from dust. And you, in the absence of other options for solving the problem, pick up a brush and a vacuum cleaner, 15 minutes of simple manipulations and BINGO!!! We turn on the computer, and it’s like he’s been born again.

Dust is the main enemy of the computer!

Today you can hardly find a family that does not have a single computer in their house. But over time, unnecessary files accumulate on it. They remain after installation various programs and applications, or dust that accumulates inside system unit, settling on hard drives, video cards, and motherboards.

In addition, dust envelops wires (loops), fans and radiators, thereby interfering with their cooling and increasing the fire hazard. In this case, the processor temperature can reach 90°C, when its normal temperature varies from 30 to 60°C, depending on the model of the processor itself.

Just before cleaning your PC from dust, you need to check the temperature of your processor, chipset, hard drive and video cards. After cleaning your computer from dust, you will notice a significant decrease in temperature. This point is very important, because in the absence of the necessary cooling, your computer will often automatically restart or not turn on at all.

So, we clean the computer from dust, and what is needed for this?

  • Vacuum cleaner (if you don’t have one, ask your neighbors)
  • Screwdriver (phillips)
  • Brush (it is better to take one with soft bristles)
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser
  • Two skillful hands
  • Accuracy
  • Optional - rubber gloves

Cleaning your computer from dust. Stages.

Stage one. Preparing for cleaning

1. Disconnect the computer from the network (take out the plug from the socket).

2. We disconnect all components from the system unit (external modem, printer, sound system, etc.) By the way, in order to avoid later problems with connecting all these “devices” back to the computer, you should remember how everything was originally connected, label the wires or take a photo.

3. It should be noted that a small amount of static voltage sometimes collects in the hole into which the mains plug is connected. It can be removed by simply touching the three exposed contacts with your finger. It may give a slight electric shock, but it is not painful, much less fatal (after all, you have already turned off the power from the network).

4. Next, you should unscrew the bolts from the back that hold the side wall of the system unit. After unscrewing the bolts, remove the cover. It is important here not to mix up the covers, otherwise if you remove the one on the side where the motherboard is attached, in this case you will definitely not clean anything. If you look from the front, you need to unscrew the left side of the system unit.

5. Place the bolts in a jar or any other place where you will not forget that this is where you put the bolts. Those who have a case with latches can skip this step.

6. Place the system unit on the right side, so that the motherboard faces us. You can clean your computer from dust while standing, but when the system unit is lying down, it’s much more convenient.

7. Removes RAM from the system unit. And don’t forget to remove the latches at the ends of the board. There may be one or two.

9. In addition, your system unit may also have a sound card, modem, etc. Most often they are located under the video card - we take them out too.

10. After the above mentioned manipulations, turn off HDD(hard drive) and disk drive.

11. Place all the parts that you removed carefully on the floor, preferably in the order in which you took them out. Knowing the order, it will be more convenient for you to install them backwards.

Stage two. Cleaning your computer from dust

1. Take the vacuum cleaner, plug it into a power outlet, remove the tube and nozzle so that you only hold the hose with the handle in your hands. Some vacuum cleaners have special small plastic attachments, we can use them.

2. Take the brush in your second hand and press the “Start” button. Not on a computer, but on a vacuum cleaner!

3. Next, slowly but surely, and most importantly, thoroughly clean the motherboard and system unit with a brush. At the same time, we hold the vacuum cleaner tube five centimeters from the place where we clean with a brush. So, all the dust that is raised by the brush will be sucked into the vacuum cleaner - this is one of the most important points in cleaning your computer from dust.

4. You should also pay attention to cleaning the coolers themselves from dust and dirt due to the fact that the bulk of the dust collects there. In this case, the vacuum cleaner tube must be inserted close to the cooler, then it begins to spin, and the dust located there is sucked out from there. There is a grill on top, and we don’t have to worry that cleaning the dust will damage one of its blades.

5. ATTENTION! You should be careful when holding the vacuum cleaner tube near the motherboards, as you may not be able to hold the tube properly and it will stick to the board. Of course, components motherboard the tube will not get sucked in, but it may cause a slight blow. Even such a blow can cause damage to the fragile circuit board. You should be careful with this. Do not bring the vacuum cleaner tube too close.

7. After this, we begin drawing, where the very simple pencil from your arsenal will be used. You will need it for the following: the point here is that the contacts - those sections of the boards that are directly inserted into the connectors of the motherboard, sometimes tend to oxidize, as a result of which the board is unstable, and sometimes stops working altogether. Such cases are not uncommon when neither RAM, nor a video card. There is nothing terrible about this; you need to clean it as carefully as possible from dust.

Let's get back to drawing. We take the board in our hands and, as gently as possible, sketch out the contacts (edges) on both sides with a simple pencil. Be sure to be gentle and careful. It’s as if you were given an engraving by a famous Italian Renaissance artist for restoration. This simple procedure allows you to get rid of oxide on the contacts.

8. Then we take an eraser and again gently and carefully erase what we have drawn. In this case, you should not press hard with the eraser so that there is no rubber left on the contacts. If it still remains, you can simply wipe it off with clean hands.

That’s it, now at this simple stage, cleaning your computer from dust is completed, and you can now proceed to the next steps.

Stage three. Reassembling the computer after cleaning it from dust

After we have cleaned the computer from dust, we assemble our clean system unit into a single whole. In this case, we do everything as during disassembly, only in the reverse order. All components are connected to the system unit. You should assemble very carefully, so that everything is installed in its place and in its connectors. In this case, your hands should be clean or wearing gloves.

We click on the “Start” button, now of the computer, and rejoice. After all, cleaning the system side from dust is finally completed.

  • It is not advisable to place the system unit against the wall itself. 5 centimeters from the wall will be enough. This is necessary for normal ventilation and to prevent the processor from overheating.
  • When you next do wet cleaning in a room, you should definitely wipe behind the system unit, as a lot of dust collects there. Moreover, systematic wet cleaning behind the system unit reduces the accumulation of dust inside it.
  • Your computer should be cleaned of dust at least once every six months.

To summarize, let us remember that ordinary dust can cause serious malfunctions during computer operation. It collects inside the system unit, which all leads to your computer starting to freeze, slow down, various kinds of errors appear, and so on. Often, accumulated dust even leads to a sudden shutdown of the computer.

In this article, we told you how to clean your computer from dust, and what you need to have and be able to do for this, and also showed what stages the cleaning of your computer from dust and dirt consists of.

If you have any difficulties cleaning your computer from dust, you can always contact the center computer help website. Our service technicians will thoroughly and professionally clean your system unit from dust and give valuable recommendations on how to protect your computer from dust in the future.

Call a specialist

As you use your computer, various kinds of unnecessary files inevitably accumulate on it. Especially a lot of such files accumulate on . Over time, there are so many such files that the free space on the disk runs out and the computer begins to slow down. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you have come to the right place. Now you will find out that the computer is not necessary files.

Method number 1. Disk Cleanup function.

Windows operating systems have a feature called Disk Cleanup. This function designed to search and delete unnecessary files on the disk. In order to launch it, open “ ”, right-click on the drive you need and select “Properties”.

After the “Disk Properties” window appears in front of you, click on the “Disk Cleanup” button.

You can also run disk cleanup using the command. To do this, open the Run menu, enter the command “cleanmgr.exe”, and then select the disk you want to clean.

After running Disk Cleanup, the operating system will analyze the files on the disk and show a list of files that can be deleted without harm to the system or the user. In this window you need to mark the files that need to be deleted and click on the “OK” button

After this, the system will ask you to confirm the deletion of files, after which it will begin deleting unnecessary files from your computer. This method is quite effective and allows you to free up from several tens of megabytes to several gigabytes of disk space.

Method number 2. CCleaner program.

Another way to quickly remove unnecessary files is the CCleaner program. This program works the same as Disk Cleanup, but finds no longer needed files, which means it can free up more disk space.

CCleaner is completely free. Download it latest version from the official website and install it on your computer.

The CCleaner program interface consists of several tabs: Cleaning, Registry, Tools and Settings. Here we are only interested in the first tab “Sedum”. Open it and click on the “Analysis” button.

After this, CCleaner will analyze your system and show a list of unnecessary files that can be easily deleted. Then you just need to click on the “Clean” button.

After which CCleaner will delete all found files.

Method number 3. Removing unnecessary programs.

Uninstalling programs is an opportunity to clean up your computer, which in most cases is simply ignored. During the operation of the operating system, the user constantly installs new programs, while forgetting to remove old programs. As a result, a large amount of installed programs, which have not been used for a long time and simply take up disk space.

In order to delete unnecessary programs and go to the “Uninstall programs” section.

After this, you will see a list of all installed programs. In order to delete a program, just select it and click on the “Delete” button, which is located above the list.

After this, the program uninstaller will open, with which you can easily remove the selected program.

Method number 4. User folders.

Often the cause of system clutter is the user's own files. If your goal is not just to clean your computer of unnecessary files, but to free up maximum space on system disk, then you need to check the user folders on the system drive.

These folders are:

  • Desktop – at C:\Users\Username\Desktop;
  • The “Downloads” folder is located at C:\Users\Username\Downloads;
  • The “My Documents” folder is located at C:\Username\Aleks\Documents;

If you move the contents of these folders to another drive, you can free up a lot of occupied space on your system drive.

All users personal computers sooner or later we encounter a situation when the computer starts to slow down or runs out of free space on the “C” drive. This is a clear sign that it’s time to clean your computer of junk and unnecessary files, otherwise very soon the computer will begin to become unstable or simply stop booting. In this article we will look in detail at how to correctly use some program clean your computer.

There are many programs that can be used to clean your computer. Programs such as “Norton Utilities”, “WinUtilities”, “TuneUp Utilities” clean and optimize the computer system well, but for the average user they will seem too complicated.

In our example, we will look at how to clean a computer using the program "Ace Utilities", it's easy to use and does its job well.

First you need to download it somewhere, for example, type the phrase R12 in the Yandex search bar; “download Ace Utilities rus” and get many results where you can download this program.

So we installed the cleaner program and now let's start cleaning the computer

First, a window will open to create a restore point in order to restore the system in case of any failures, but in my practice this has never happened. “It’s like the non-Russians say R12; Plan b"

Don’t touch anything here and click “Next”

So, the restore point has been created, click “Finish”

And here is the main window of the program for cleaning our computer

On the left, select “Cleaning” and on the right, click on “Clean up unnecessary files”

In the window that opens, click on the binoculars in the upper left corner. Scanning of unnecessary files begins. The scanning time may take several minutes depending on the performance of your computer. It will seem that the computer is frozen, but it is not, you need to wait until the computer is scanned

After scanning the computer is finished and the program finds all unnecessary files (garbage), click the “Delete All” button, i.e. "Delete everything". Don’t be afraid to click, nothing unnecessary will be deleted, these are temporary files left over from when installed games or programs that will never be needed again. After deleting unnecessary files, the window will automatically close.

The deletion process has started

Now we need to clean the system registry. The registry stores settings for the entire Windows operating system and all programs installed on it.

Select “Clean up the system registry”

In the upper left corner, click the “Scan” button. Scanning can also last quite a long time, from 2 to 15 minutes.

After scanning is completed, click the “Remove All” button. That's it, the registry is cleared of garbage. This will affect the speed and loading of the computer.

Now you need to select the “Remove invalid shortcuts” tab

Again, click “Binoculars” and scanning begins

After scanning, we see all the unnecessary shortcuts, there can be a lot of them. I recently cleaned out my computer, which is why I have so few of them. Click the “Delete” button as shown in the picture above

Click the “Yes” button, thereby agreeing to the removal of incorrect shortcuts

The next stage of cleaning and optimization is R12; Registry defragmentation.

On the left, select the item “Optimization” and on the right, “Registry Defragmentation”, i.e. Let's put the register in order.

Defragmentation can take a very long time from several minutes to half an hour depending on the performance of the computer, so it may seem. that the computer is frozen, but it is not. You must wait until the program finishes and the window opens as in the picture below

Defragmentation is now complete. Click the “Finish” button, and the computer should reboot itself.

There is one final step left in cleaning the R12 computer; This defragmentation of hard disk is also a very important stage in optimizing computer operation. It greatly affects the speed of opening programs.

To defragment the hard drive, click the “Start” button

select “All programs”

Next, select the “Standard” folder

In the “Standard” folder, select the “Service” folder

In the “System” folder we find the “Registry Defragmenter” program and run it.

In the program that opens, select the drive that we want to defragment, the main drive is drive “C”, it contains the entire operating system Windows system, so it needs to be defragmented first. I have three disks, and you may have 2 or 1, depending on how you were configured in the store where you purchased your computer.

After selecting the disk, click the “Analyze disk” button or you can immediately click on the “Disk Defragmentation” button R12; in this case, the analysis will occur automatically.

Defragmentation can generally take half a day depending on the size of the hard drive, so if you do it, don’t be surprised if it takes a very long time.

So we actually cleaned our computer.

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In order to return your PC to its former performance, it is not at all necessary to increase its hardware power or reinstall the system: for this, most often you simply need good program cleaning your computer from debris.

They will safely correct entries in the registry, delete temporary files created when browsers are running, clean the hard drive of components left behind after incorrect software uninstallation, and help manage startup, i.e. clean out debris and optimize PC performance

This software package includes more than 20 utilities for cleaning and optimizing a computer running Windows XP; Vista; 7; 8.

Screenshot of the main modules and features of Glary Utilites Free

As the main advantages of using this complex, it is worth noting the multifunctionality and user-friendly interface and the presence of the Russian language, which is undoubtedly a big plus for novice users.

In one click, the program will analyze and show the state of your PC.

To remove junk from your computer and fix performance problems, just download free version Glary Utilites Free, after which, in the main window, click the “1-click” button, Glary Utilites Free will do the rest on its own.

You can get acquainted with the functionality and download this program from the manufacturer’s website by following the link

is a powerful program for cleaning your computer’s hard drive from various system debris and correcting the system registry.

Screenshot of the main window of the Final Uninstaller program

This utility takes up no more than 50 MB of computer disk space, is undemanding to system resources and can run under Windows XP; Vista; 7. This is an advantage for users of older computers.

The main disadvantage of the utility for domestic users is that it is free to download official version this utility is not possible.

The program is distributed on the basis of a paid license, the cost of which on the manufacturer’s website is 27 USD. on 3 PCs. Nevertheless, Final Uninstaller is a fairly popular set of PC cleaning tools, despite the lack of Russian in it language pack.

Advice: Do not use cracked versions of Final Uninstaller. In addition to the fact that an unlicensed installer can stuff your computer with unnecessary software, you can easily introduce a virus to your PC.

You can familiarize yourself with the capabilities, as well as download the Final Uninstaller program from the manufacturer’s website, by following the link:

is an excellent uninstaller and startup manager. The main advantage of this “cleaner” is that it finds garbage that most similar programs miss.

Screenshot of the Revo Uninstaller junk file analysis window

The utility has a friendly and Russified interface, so even an inexperienced user can use it. Revo Uninstaller works on a PC running Windows XP; Vista; 7; 8; 10.

Download free program Revo Uninstaller is available by following the link:

CCleaner is by far the most popular utility for cleaning PCs from various system debris on computers running Windows and Android OS.

Screenshot of the main CCleaner window

This program allows you to find and delete traces of your browser: browsing and download history, cookies, temporary files, autofill, etc.

In addition, the cleaner allows the user to delete data from the computer's clipboard, recycle bin, temporary files from the operating system and garbage from applications.

The CCleaner utility has in its arsenal a lot of tools necessary for optimizing the operation of a PC, among which are: an uninstaller, a startup manager and a safe registry editor.

For particularly distrustful users, the program suggests doing backup deleted files, which makes it possible to restore them at any time. WITH using CCleaner it is possible to manage system restore points and much more.

Let's look at the process of installing and cleaning your computer with this utility in more detail.

Installing CCleaner

In order to clean and optimize your computer, you need to download the original CCleaner program:

Important: For this utility to work correctly, you only need to download it from the official website of the developer company.

1. After launching the installer, a language selection window will appear, where you need to select the desired one and click the “Ok” button.

Screenshot of CCleaner language pack selection

3. After which the program will ask you to select installation options. By default, the utility will create shortcuts in the Start menu and on the desktop, and will also add items to the trash menu “Open CCleaner”, “Run CCleaner”.

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