How to create a Webmoney wallet. WebMoney wallets and how to create them What you need to create a webmoney wallet

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Webmoney is one of the oldest electronic payment systems, which is known in many countries. Its huge advantage is the ability to work with several popular currencies. With funds from Webmoney wallets you can pay in many online stores, pay for many different services (fines, utilities, cellular communication and others). Creating a dollar wallet in the system does not pose any particular difficulties.

For WM wallet owners

If you are already registered in the Webmoney system, then creating a dollar wallet is not difficult. To do this, you need to go to the payment system website, enter your username and password, the symbols from the picture. Once in your account, you need to click on the “wallets” tab, where all your wallets in different currencies are displayed. In the line where they are displayed, there is a tab “add more” and a plus is drawn. In the tab that opens, you need to select the desired currency and wallet type from the drop-down list. For dollars, the wallet is designated as “WMZ”. It is necessary to carefully read the terms of the agreement for the use of the services of the payment system and the wallet in particular, then check the box for accepting the agreement. Press the “create” button.

After these steps, the system will redirect you to a page with all your wallets, where the created dollar wallet will be displayed. You can write down its number so that it is always at hand or just remember it. Your wallet is ready to accept and send payments.

For those who are not registered in the system

To create a dollar wallet in the Webmoney payment system, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Click the "registration" tab, then select the registration type. There are only two of them: for those who do not yet have their own account in the system, and for those who already have a WMID number (your account number), but want to use it through the Keeper Mini program.

To register, you can enter your phone number, linking your wallet to it, or select your account details in any popular social network. After this, you need to fill out registration data (full name, residential address, passport details, etc.), confirm the address email And mobile phone, create a password for the system.

After registering, you can choose any type of your first wallet. For example, dollar. You will also have to read the terms of the agreement and confirm your consent. After this, you will have access to operations in the system and outside it, where the electronic currency Webmoney is accepted.

If you have created two wallets in the Webmoney payment system in rubles and dollars, then sooner or later there will be a need to exchange WMR for WMZ and vice versa. Our article will tell you how to correctly convert rubles to dollars in Webmoney. We have given three ways to make a transfer, the first is easy, the other two are a little more difficult.

Click on the menu button at the top of the program, find the line: “exchange WM* to WM*”. Click on it, the transfer window will pop up, first indicate the dollar wallet in format Z, then select the ruble wallet in format R, from which we transfer.

Now enter the amount in rubles and the program will immediately display the amount required for the exchange in dollars, you can do the opposite. Below you will see the current exchange rate and system reserve. Then click the "Next" button. Confirm the transaction by entering the captcha and after a few seconds the system will transfer the funds to your WMZ wallet.

Photo instructions

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

Video instructions

Specialized exchangers

Automatic monitoring services of exchange offices, for example, will help you choose the right exchange rate. Go to the service’s website and select an exchanger with the best rate. A randomly selected site from BestChange makes transfers at the rate of 1 WMZ = 60.39 WMR (including a commission of 60.87 rubles).

  1. If you see negative reviews for which there is no response from the administrator, then you should not choose such a service. I note that this is a rare case; usually the owners respond to the complaints of their users and solve the problems that arise.
  2. If you notice that the exchanger’s reserve is zero or close to it, then do not rush to change currency here. The transfer will take longer until the exchange machine's reserve is replenished, so it is better to choose another option.
  3. Please note that some exchange offices operate in manual or semi-automatic mode, so it will not be possible to quickly transfer WMR to WMZ. If possible, choose an automatic service.
  4. View information about the WM ID (WMID). The correct option is the certificate of the seller, registrar, payment machine or Capitaller, but a personal certificate will also do. The higher Webmoney BL, the better. WMID, of course, without claims or lawsuits. Here are the main characteristics of a reliable WM identifier.

Exchange WM. Exchanger

This is the official WebMoney service for the automatic exchange of title units (WMR, WMZ, WME, etc.) between system participants. By going to the website, you will see a list of applications, select the appropriate rate to complete the transaction, enter the exchange data and click the “Pay the application” button. The funds will arrive in a few seconds.

Among the advantages of WM. Exchanger: independent creation of applications for your rate, instant exchange process. At the time of writing, the most profitable application for 1 WMZ required 59.8 WMR (including a commission of 60.28 rubles).

If you want to learn about the reverse exchange, that is, how to convert dollars to rubles in Webmoney, then the above methods will definitely work in this case.


If you need to receive a small amount of dollars in exchange for rubles, you can transfer currency using the Webmoney Keeper program. It's fast, convenient and reliable. But if you have a task to transfer large amounts or simply need the most profitable option, then it’s definitely worth using the WM exchange. Exchancher or third-party exchangers. Remember, a penny saves a ruble!

You have become a member of the WebMoney Transfer system by installing special program WM Keeper, with which you can communicate with other users, carry out money transfers between wallets. The difference between the WebMoney wallet and the one we use in everyday life is that it is virtual, and the money (wm - webmoney) that is on it is not paper, but electronic.

In the Webmoney Transfer system on at the moment There are 9 types of wallets:

Z-wallet or “dollar” wallet. The money it contains is equivalent to US dollars. Participants in the system call them WMZ.
- R-wallet or “ruble” wallet. WMR - equivalent to Russian rubles.
- E-wallet. WME - euro equivalents.
- U-wallet or “hryvnia”. WMU - equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia.
- B-wallet. WMB - equivalent to Belarusian rubles.
- Y-wallet. WMY - equivalent to Uzbek sum.
- G-wallet. WMG - gold equivalents. WMG
- C and D-wallets are used to receive and issue loans (about these wallets - in another article).
1WMZ=1US dollar;
1WMR=1 Russian ruble;
1WMG=1gram of gold;
1WME=1euro and so on.
All of the above wallets consist of a letter (Z, R, E, U, B, Y, G, C, D) followed by 12 digits. In order to create a wallet, you need to run the WM Keeper program. Under your full name, find the menu, select the second tab on the left - “WALLETS” (after “correspondents”) and click on it. The bookmark will be empty. Right-click in the empty window and select “Create” from the menu. In the window that appears, “You don’t have a single WM wallet,” click the “Next” button.

After this, a window will appear in which you can select the type of wallet to create. Choose the type of wallet that suits you and below, in the “name” field, give a name to your wallet (Z-wallet can be called “dollar”, U-wallet - “hryvnia”, etc.). Then, click "Next".

Check the box next to “I accept the terms of this agreement” and click “Next.” The system will notify you that the wallet has been successfully created. Once you have created a wallet in one currency, you can create wallets for other currencies. You can create several wallets in the same currency within your WMID to make it more convenient to track payments for different services, projects, etc.

Credit wallets of type C and D can only be created in a single copy. If you have Keeper Mini installed, you can create only one type of each wallet. Credit wallets type C and D are not available in Keeper Mini.

It is important to remember that transfers in the system can only be made between wallets of the same type.
For example - only from Z-wallet to Z-wallet, from R-wallet to R-wallet.
It is impossible to transfer money from an R-wallet to a U-wallet and so on.
Let's say you only have WMU, but you need to transfer it to another participant in the WMR system. You can exchange WMU for WMR and after exchanging the currency, transfer the money to the R-wallet. You can also do this with any other type of WM.

You have created a Z-wallet and want WMZ transferred to it. To do this, you need to inform the person who will make the transfer your Z-wallet number, making sure to indicate the letter “Z” before its 12-digit number. For example - Z623456789112. It will be WRONG!!! - if you simply indicate the 12-digit wallet number. The same is true with other types of wallets.

Every day more and more people use electronic money to pay for goods. They are used by millions of people around the world. At the moment, electronic currency has many advantages over conventional money. Webmoney is one of the most popular payment systems. For successful and safe operation, it is important to understand the elements of this mechanism, for example, to understand what kind of WMZ wallet is offered by the system.

Each user registered in the system has a wallet of a certain currency, called a “title sign”. Anyone can create them in their personal account. For ease of use, it is possible to create accounts of the main monetary types. In addition, it is possible to convert one currency into another within the system or through online exchangers. It is worth noting that the WMZ wallet is the main one, so it is created immediately when registering an account.

Several main types of accounts:

  • WMR (Russian rubles);
  • WMZ (dollar);
  • WME (Euro);
  • WMU (hryvnia);
  • WMB (Belarusian rubles);
  • WMK (tenge);
  • WMX (equal to 0.001 bitcoin);
  • WMG (gold).

The ability to create wallets is limited by the certificate issued to the user. Accordingly, the higher your level in the system, the more powers you have. Each account is assigned a number, the first letter of which corresponds to a specific type of money. After registration, a twenty-digit number is assigned, as well as a WMID.

Currency WMZ

Being the main one, this type of money is widely used in the field of online commerce. It is possible to purchase WMZ quickly and with minimal commissions. This can be done using exchangers or within the system, through Keeper. This method is the safest. When choosing another method of exchange, be careful not to be tempted by too favorable conditions.

The advantages of using both WMZ and Webmoney in general:

  • high level confidentiality;
  • multi-level protection of all funds and operations;
  • ease of use;
  • high speed of operations;
  • clear and easy interface.

What is WMZ? Essentially, these are dollars in electronic format. If necessary, they can be purchased or converted. The emphasis is on this currency, since it is the most popular and frequently used.

Gallery "Currency Selection"

Features of use

As mentioned above, this format of funds opens by default when registering with Webmoney. Withdrawing funds entails certain expenses, that is, a commission. This currency has a number of advantages; it can be paid on most services at a favorable rate. This applies to those stores or services where goods are sold for rubles, but it is possible to pay in dollars electronically.

The nuances of using, exchanging and withdrawing funds in dollar equivalent:

  • commission is about three percent of the transfer amount;
  • waiting period from one to five days.

Methods for withdrawing funds:

  • on bank card;
  • via Western union;
  • bank transfer directly;
  • third-party electronic payment exchange;
  • Webmoney partners;
  • exchangers and dealers.

Video “Registration in the payment system”

From this video you will learn the basic principles of operation of this payment service and registration, including operations with wmz.

How to create a Webmoney wallet

In our previous article we talked about the registration process in the Webmoney system, but to use it you will also need to create your own electronic wallet. It is to this wallet that you can withdraw funds, as well as pay for purchases on the Internet with them, mobile communications etc. Our article today will describe in detail the process of creating a Webmoney electronic wallet; all stages of creating a wallet will be accompanied by screenshots, so it will not be difficult for you to do the same and create your own Webmoney wallet.

We won’t talk for a long time about why exactly this wallet is needed, and what kinds of wallets there are, you can read about this in our article - registration in WebMoney. Let's move on to creating your wallet right away.

Webmoney in Keeper Standard

Keeper Standard System used by default for all registered users Webmoney . To manage your wallets using Keeper Standard You just need to go through any browser to the official websiteWebmoney -

1) First you need to log in to your personal account, to do this, go to the official website and click ENTRANCE.

Specify your username, password and enter the verification code.

2) After this you will be taken to your personal account. Here we are interested in the point WALLETS

If you have not yet registered a single wallet, then your wallet should be empty.

3) Now click on the plus icon and a drop-down menu will open in front of you

Here we are interested in the point CREATE WALLET

4) Now we get to the wallet creation page. In the drop-down list you can select which wallet you want to create.

The picture above shows how to create a wallet for Euros.

Let's figure out exactly how to create wallets in different currencies

Webmoney in rubles - select the item WMR - equivalent to RUR

If you need to create a wallet Webmoney in dollars – select the item WMZ – equivalent USD

If you need to create a wallet Webmoney in euros – select the item WME – equivalent to EUR

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