How to set the start page in Yandex browser. How to make Yandex a start page: step by step instructions

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It's no secret that a convenient browser is the key to success not only in fast surfing the Internet, but also in work, study, and also in the daily needs of the user. Every day, millions of users follow various links and open more and more new tabs, which are subsequently lost behind completely unnecessary ones. To help this, functions such as the "start page" and "visual bookmarks" were created. About how to do start page in the Yandex browser, we will consider below.

Visual bookmarks

Visual bookmarks are bookmarks located on the start page. They allow you to save sites, as well as folders with sites in the form of bookmarks, which each user can customize for themselves.

Instructions on how to make visual bookmarks in Yandex browser:

Through settings

It is worth noting that in the Yandex browser you can make the start page exclusively in the form of the site or previously opened tabs.

Instructions on how to make a start page through the settings:

Pinned tab

Another way to save tabs is to pin them to the tab bar. To do this, open the tab that you want to pin and right-click on it. Then select " Pin tab". To make a tab unpinned again, right-click on it and select " Unpin tab».

Subsequently, you can create as many pinned tabs as you need for use. Also, tabs are protected by automatic closing of tabs when pressing the keys " ctrl+w».

Now you know how to make a start page in Yandex browser. To do this, you need to go to the browser settings and check the items in the "Tabs" block or create visual bookmarks in an empty tab.

Almost all Internet browsers have the ability to make your favorite site the start page, except ... except for the Yandex browser.

Yes, indeed, in a modern browser from the Yandex search engine there is no function for setting the start or home page. However, as always, I tried to deal with this problem and found a way out of the situation.

And I found it. The fact is that it displays on each new tab the scoreboard from visual bookmarks, which consist of frequently visited sites. We just have to configure the browser in such a way that this scoreboard is launched at startup, which will display only one or a few favorite sites.

And so, let's go...

We open new tab and delete all unnecessary bookmarks (visual, I mean). To delete a bookmark, just hover over it with the mouse and click on the cross:

We leave only a few favorite sites or one. If the site you want to see is not on the start page, you can add it there. To do this, simply click on the "Add" button of the same name. We look at the screenshot:

We enter the site address, I enter the Google search engine, and click on the "Finish" button:

Here's what I got now:

Now we just have to make sure that this page is launched at the start.

Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select "Settings" from the drop-down list:

We open the settings in separate tab. We find at the very beginning of this page the phrase "Open at startup" and set the switch to the "New Tab" position.

Greetings to all! Today's article is useful to all Internet users who want to make Yandex their home page. As a rule, such a setting is quite easy to perform, but as practice shows, many users do not know where to register the address and how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article, we will analyze in detail how to set up the start page in browsers:, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that setting up the main page in the browser can only be prevented by the presence of a malicious software. This happens in those cases when you seem to have set the start page, and the Webalta or Pirrit Suggestor search is loaded in the place you need. We will consider the way out of this situation at the end of the article.

Set up Yandex as the start page manually.

It is possible to make Yandex the start page both manually, by changing browser settings, and in automatic mode, with help special programs. First, we will look at how to make the settings manually, this method is good because you and I do not have to install additional programs, and at the end of the article we will consider a method for the lazy.

Make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

I propose that the first on the list is to consider setting up the Internet Explorer browser. Since it, firstly, is on all computers with an operating Windows system, and secondly setting start page is performed in all versions of IExplorer in the same way.

To set the Yandex search engine start page, do the following steps:

Everything, the stage of setting up the initial page for Internet Explorer is completed. Now, as soon as you launch the browser, you will have a search engine.

Setting up the start page in the Opera browser.

In, making Yandex the start page is also not difficult. To do this, we do the following:

  1. We go to the menu by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper left corner;
  2. In the list that appears, select the "Settings" item;
  3. The settings window will open, we are interested in the “Basic” tab;
  4. In the very first paragraph “Specify how the browser should behave at startup” in the “At startup” field, select “ Open a specific page or multiple pages»;
  5. We press the button "Set pages and prescribe" "";
  6. To save the settings, click the "OK" button.

Now you can restart your browser and see which page will load at startup.

In Google Chrome, set the Yandex start page.

If you are a browser fanatic Google Chrome, but at the same time remain a patriot and use the Yandex search engine, then to set up the initial page, do the following:

Now when working in Chrome browser, if you quickly want to go to the search engine, it will be enough to click on the icon in the form of a house.

Note! At this method settings, Yandex will not open as the start page.

If you want exactly the start page, then we do it a little differently:

Now, when you start the browser, you can immediately type a search query in Yandex.

Make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In the Mazila browser, everything is done in the same way. Follow the steps below to set up the start page:

Now Firefox browser will load the Yandex start page. As you can see, all settings are elementary, but users are often afraid or do not know what to do.

How to make Yandex the start page automatically.

If for some reason you cannot manually set the Yandex start page, you can do it automatically. Fortunately, the tool is provided by the search engine itself.

In the first case, you need to go to the address: and click on the "Download" button, and then follow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the monitor screen.

The second option is to install a utility called "Browser Manager", also an invention of the Russian search giant. You can download from the link:

This manager is good because it automatically controls the change of the home page, and warns the user about changes. This will help you protect your computer from search engines such as Webalta and similar ones.

If instead of Yandex, Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor and others open everywhere.

Very often, the user encounters a problem when, after setting the desired home page, it opens not at all what they would like, for example, the Webalta search engine. This happens when malicious code starts up on your computer and writes its settings to browsers. As a rule, getting rid of this trouble is not always easy.

The first thing to check is to open the shortcut property on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the browser shortcut and in the window that opens, look at the "Object" field.

When it comes to web browsers, the start page serves as the starting point of your web browsing session. Regardless of whether to designate Yandex, Google or your favorite site as the main page, most Windows browsers provide the ability to specify the home page of the browser.

Instructions for changing the main page on startup

Google Chrome

Google Chrome allows you to set up a custom home page, as well as toggle the corresponding toolbar button in the browser's appearance settings. You can also specify what action Chrome will take each time it starts.

Yandex browser

AT Yandex browser unfortunately you can not install your sites, but there are several options. Here's an example of how to make Yandex the start page.

There is another way to make your site the start page in the Yandex browser, here is the instruction:

The final version in the long line of Internet Explorer, IE11 home page and launch options can be configured using general options.

  1. Click the Gear icon, also known as the Action menu, located in the top right corner of your browser window.
  2. When the drop-down menu appears, click on internet options.
  3. Now interface Internet Explorer IE11 should be visible overlaying your browser window. Go to the " Are common” if it is not already selected.
  4. Find a section home page located at the top of the window. The first part of this section is an editable field containing the addresses of the current home page. To change them, just enter the URLs you want to set as your home page or pages. Multiple home pages, also known as home page tabs, must be entered on a separate line.
  5. Immediately below are three buttons, each of which modifies the URLs in this edit box. They are as follows.
    Use current: Sets the value for the URL of the page you are currently viewing.
    Use by default: sets value home page to the default Microsoft landing page.
    Use new tab. Sets the value of the main page eg: tabs, which show thumbnails of your most frequently visited pages, as well as links that can reopen your last session or open other interesting sites.
  6. Below the section " Homepage" is " Launch» An that contains the following two parameters, followed by radio buttons.
    Start with tabs from the last session: instructs IE11 to restart all open tabs from your previous browsing session on startup.
    Start from homepage: by default user interface IE11 opens a homepage or homepage tab on startup.

If you often use services from the most famous Russian search engine, it makes sense to make Yandex the start page automatically now so that you do not waste time opening it in the future. Moreover, the adjustment is carried out literally in a minute in any of the modern popular browsers - through the standard mechanisms for changing application settings or using a resource specially created for this, where an application or add-on is responsible for setting the settings.

Make Yandex a start page through an automatic service

Especially for those who do not want to delve into the settings, but at the same time want to quickly get results, Yandex has developed a separate service. He program method detects which browser is being used and offers the appropriate option.

For example, in Chrome, you can install Yandex automatically on the start page like this:

In the same way as it is done in Chrome, you can make the Yandex start page in the Firefox browser:

Please note that the functionality of the icons is very simple - just open a new tab with your preferred site. Don't expect miracles from them.

Still in use Internet browser Explorer to make Yandex the start page in the same way as in competitors, this service will not work - you will have to install the program offered by it:

If you look at the registered address, you can see that the search engine collects usage statistics.

But the Opera was "unlucky": when opening the same only instructions for manual prescribing are displayed ( detailed description below in this article).

Yandex browser

By default, nothing needs to be done: if there were no open tabs, the browser will launch its native search engine. If for some reason it does not work for you, open the settings menu.

Google Chrome

The easiest way to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome every time you turn it on is to open the portal and click on the appropriate link at the very top (Google Chrome usually shows it).

If it is not there, then everything can be done manually:

Life hack: If you have already opened the portal, you can not rewrite / copy the URL of the resource, but simply click on the link to use the open tabs. The tab with settings itself is not added to the start list.

Another way to get on Yandex is to do search engine not the start page, but the place where the button with the house is redirected. To do this, in the settings, go to appearance and activate the corresponding control element. Then switch the selection to enter the URL and enter the address of the search engine there (by the way, you can also use the simplified version of

After that, to go to it, it will be enough to click on the icon with the image of the house that appears on the toolbar.

Mozilla Firefox

It is worth opening a search portal in Firefox - and Yandex itself will be asked to become the start page. You can accept the offer.

But making Yandex a home page in Mazil with your hands is as easy as in Chrome - it’s not by chance that Mozilla Firefox quite successfully opposes the leader in the browser market. Proceed like this:

Hint: If the portal is already open, then with one click on the button about using the current tab (right below the input field), it will be registered in the settings.

And you can also debug the action of the Home icon right in the interface so that it leads to Yandex. To do this, open the portal, then "grab" the tab with the mouse and drag it to the button.

In the dialog that appears, agree to change the setting.


In Opera, you can make Yandex the start page both through the menu and using hot keys. If you want to use the first option, click on the corporate icon in the upper left and select "Settings". If the second - press Alt and P.

Scroll down to define startup actions. Select the last option, then click on add address.

Enter the desired Yandex site.

Or click on use already open tabs if you are already in the portal.

Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that this browser often receives unflattering reviews from users, setting it up is simple. In IE, the launch options are accessed through the properties, which are hidden under the gear.

On the tab with general settings, enter the desired URL.

It can also be noted that it is necessary to start by opening the home address, then after turning on the browser will not return to the previous session.

Microsoft Edge

Yandex start page Microsoft browser Edge is also configured through the parameters (only not behind the gear, but behind the three dots). It is necessary for the correct display of the new window to specify a specific URL and save it by clicking on the floppy disk icon.

Setting up the Yandex start page on Android

On an Android phone, the procedure for making Yandex the start page depends on the browser you are using. If software from Yandex is used, then the default settings are sufficient.

In mobile Chrome, you need to open the settings and specify the appropriate search engine.

In mobile Opera, the adjustment is performed in a similar way.

But for Xiaomi fans who decide to use the supplied Mi Browser and not switch to common analogues, it will be a little more difficult:

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