How to set up read receipts in Outlook. Setting up message reading and notifications in Microsoft Outlook

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In this note I want to again touch on the topic of email programs. Many people prefer to use an email client instead of using the webmail interface. And there are obvious reasons for this.

Setting up the program's connection to the mail server is quite simple. Earlier in the blog notes I mentioned setting up a free mail client outlook express for connecting to Yandex mail, as well as connecting outlook 2010 to Yandex. These notes also talk in some detail about the benefits of using email clients.

Email programs have one great feature that I want to talk about now. This feature is very useful if you want to be absolutely sure that your email message was delivered to the recipient and that the recipient read it.

The delivery and read notifications can be configured in two different ways.

Setting up notifications for each letter separately

To set up a notification for a specific letter, you need to:
1. create a message in outlook 2010
2. Go to the Settings menu
3. In the Tracking command group, check the box next to the desired option
3a. Notify on delivery if you want to know that the message was successfully delivered to the recipient's mail server
3b. Notify as read if you want to know when your message has been read

Setting up notifications for all messages

If you want to enable delivery and read receipts for all your messages, follow these steps:
1. Go to the File menu and select Options. The Outlook Options window will open.
2. Select Mail
3. Scroll down to Tracking Options
3a. Select the Delivery Receipt checkbox to receive confirmation that the email message has been delivered to the recipient's server.
3b. Check the Read Receipts box if you want to receive confirmations that your messages have been read.

Fly in the ointment

I want to warn you in advance that not all mail servers support delivery notifications. This depends on the settings of the specific server. Although most email systems support this useful option.

I recorded a special video where I show how to enable delivery and read receipts in Outlook 2010. Watch this video to learn in detail how notifications are enabled and how they work.

I wish you pleasant viewing!

Outlook 2010 is a very powerful program for working with large volumes of mail. It has built-in rules-based mail distribution mechanisms. Comfortable GUI allows you to mark letters with different colors, thereby creating categories. Also in Outlook 2010 it is very convenient to create and store your contacts.

This is just a small list of Outlook 2010 features. In future posts I will tell you more about this program. Stay tuned.

I wish you success and see you in touch!

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Delivery notification confirms message delivery email to the recipient's mailbox, but does not guarantee that it was viewed or read. A read receipt confirms the opening of the sent message.

In Outlook, the recipient of a message can choose not to receive read receipts. There are other scenarios in which read receipts are not sent, such as if mail program recipient does not support read receipts. There is no way to force the recipient to send a read receipt.

Request read and delivery receipts for all sent messages

Track one message

Tracking Responses to Acceptance Receipt

    Open the original message sent with a delivery request or read receipt. This message is usually located in the " Sent ".

    On the tab message in the group Show click the button Tracking.

    Note: Tracking is not displayed until at least one receipt has been received. After receiving the first check in mailbox It may take a few minutes for the button to track will be available.

In Microsoft Outlook, you can monitor the progress of the messages you send and how they are read by recipients by receiving a delivery or read notification for each message. The contents of the notification are then automatically written to the tab Track original message in the Sent Items folder. Can be set automatic removal notifications from List of messages. The Message List is the right side of the main Microsoft Outlook window that displays the contents of the selected folder.

Changing the rules for marking messages as read

  1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally;

Reading areas next to the list of messages.

Hiding the message header

  1. On the menu View highlight the item Sort by and then select the command Customizable.
  2. Hide headers and footers.

Hide headers and footers.

View team Reading area, and then click the option on the right or bottom.

Reading area in the menu View and click Off.

Reading areas

Changing the appearance and functionality of the reading area

To change the rules for marking messages as read:

  1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally.
  2. Click the Reading Pane button.
  3. Select the required options.

To quickly call context menu for the reading pane, right click on the border Reading areas next to the list of messages.

To hide the message header:

  1. On the menu View highlight the item Sort by and then select the command Customizable.
  2. Click the "Other Settings" button.
  3. In the Reading Area field, select the checkbox Hide headers and footers.

To display message headers, uncheck Hide headers and footers.

To change the position of the reading area, select from the menu View team Reading area, and then click the option Right or From below.

To turn off the reading pane and see most of the list of messages, select the command Reading area in the menu View and click Off.

To resize the reading area, place the pointer on the left border Reading areas, and then when the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the border to the right or left.

By default, Outlook blocks external content, such as links to pictures or sounds, in incoming HTML messages. These links in the HTML source code are linked to an external Internet address. When you open or view a message, your computer downloads external content so that you can display a picture or play sound. Sometimes spam senders use external content downloads to check the activity of an email address and add that address to a mailing list. Except for the options set in the dialog box Reading area(in the menu File select team Options, go to the tab Additionally and click the “Reading Area” button), changes in the reading area cannot be made for all folders at the same time, but must be made for each folder separately.

View messages

As they say, well, where would we be without it? Actually, to view the first three lines of messages in the main Microsoft Outlook window, just select from the menu View team Auto view. To view the first three lines only unread messages, in the menu View highlight the items Sort by And Current view and then select the command Change current view. Click the "Other Settings" button and select the radio button Unread elements.

Also in Outlook, you can view the contents of any element in the reading pane. In particular, it is possible to read the contents of elements, open attachments, follow hyperlinks, use voting buttons, and view execution information in the information panel Details panel. The details pane is the area at the top of a message, appointment, contact, or task window. It contains information about whether a message was replied to, whether it was sent, information about the connection status of the contact using instant messages, and so on.) and respond to invitations to meetings.

On the menu View select team Reading area, and then the Right or Bottom option. To hide the reading area in the menu View select team Reading area, and then click the Disabled button. While reading a message in the reading pane, to get email information for a name, double-click that name in the From, To, or Cc field.

Reading regular text messages

If you suspect that HTML messages may contain viruses, you can set Microsoft Outlook to automatically display messages that you open in plain text format. However, this does not guarantee full protection from viruses or scripts. Scripts are executed without pre-compilation in email messages.

  1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Settings.
  2. Click the "Email Options" button and check the box next to Read regular emails as plain text. To take digitally signed messages into account, check the box next to Read digitally signed emails as plain text.

When reading digitally signed messages in regular format digital signature won't work. The message can be read, but the signature cannot be verified to determine the sender and the authenticity of the message. If you need to view text message in its original format, go to the Dashboard and select either “Display as HTML” or “Display as Rich Text (RTF).”

Mark messages as read or unread

The titles of unread messages appear in bold in your inbox. The number of unread messages appears next to the folder name in the navigation pane.

To manually tag messages:

  1. Select the messages you want to change:
    • to select adjacent elements, click on the first element, press the Shift key and, while holding it, click on the last element;
    • to select randomly arranged elements, press the “Ctrl” key and, while holding it, click on the desired elements;
    • To select all elements, on the Edit menu, select Select All.
  2. You can make it easier to select specific items by changing the current view (Views let you view the same data in a folder in a different order and in different formats. There are standard views for each folder. You can also create your own views.) For example, if you want to find everything messages with the same subject, open the folder containing these messages, select from the menu View team Sort by, and then the command Item. Select the messages you want from the view.

  3. From the Edit menu, do one of the following:
    • To mark a message as read, select the command Mark as read;
    • To mark a message as unread, select the command Mark as unread;
    • to mark all messages in a folder, select the command Mark all as read.
  4. If a message that has been replied to or forwarded is marked as unread, the message icon still appears as an open envelope. However, when sorting, grouping, and filtering, it is considered unread.

To automatically tag messages in the reading pane:

  1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally.
  2. Click the Reading Pane button.
  3. Check the box opposite Mark as read when viewing in the reading pane, and then enter a number in the Mark as read after n seconds box.

Change how read receipt requests are processed

  1. On the menu File select team Options.
  2. Click the Tracking Options button.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • send read receipts when requested - select the switch Always send a reply;
    • refusal to send notifications when requested - select the switch Never send a reply;
    • enable read receipt request notification - select the switch Ask before sending a response.

Choose what to do after you move or delete a message

  1. On the menu File select team Options.
  2. Click the Mail Options button.
  3. In the After moving or deleting an open item list, select the action you want to take.
  4. Check or uncheck the box next to Close original message when replying or forwarding.

Receive delivery or read notifications for messages

To set up notifications for all messages:

  1. On the menu File select team Options.
  2. Click the Mail Options button.
  3. Click the Tracking Options button.
  4. Check the box opposite Read Receipt or Delivery Receipt.

To set up notifications for one message:

  1. In the message window, click the Options button.
  2. In the Voting and Tracking Options group, select the checkbox next to Notify when this message was delivered or Notify when this message was read.

Email system administrators who work directly with users are well aware of how they care about the delivery of their messages and, most importantly, read receipts. It's common practice to send all outgoing messages with delivery and read receipts, and create an Outlook rule to copy notifications to a special folder. If the recipient does not respond for a long time, then a forward read notification is sent with the question: “When will you answer?”

With such caring users, problems usually do not arise, because... They are used to controlling everything themselves and, with a properly functioning postal system, do not ask unnecessary questions.

Problems arise with users who rarely need to know the status of a letter. It is from them that frequent requests come that the letter was not delivered to the recipient. In 99% of cases it was delivered, the recipient simply does not respond.

In order to reduce the number of such requests from users in Microsoft Exchange 2010, the user can control the status of messages.

For example, in OWA, you can select a sent message, right-click, and view the delivery report.

The report looks like this.

This means that the message is still in the queue.

This means that the message was successfully delivered to the recipient’s external server and, in most cases, reached the recipient.

Similar functionality will be available in Outlook 2010, but I have not tested it yet.

And also the user can check the status of sent messages via ECP.

I think that it will take quite a long time to convince users that they can see the status of messages themselves, but sooner or later they will stop bothering admins simple problems delivery.

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