What numbers are undesirable in phone numbers. Phone number numerology

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It is known that the word digit comes from Arabic numerals - it is free or empty. And among the Arabs, this word denoted the symbol that was used to denote zero.

At first, the word number was a symbol that was used by the Hindus and Arabs to denote zero. And it seems like it doesn't mean anything by itself, but when put on the edge, it increased the value tenfold.

This is a symbol of extreme infinity and eternity, in my opinion, numbers cell phone with zeros the most beautiful. And it doesn't matter that zero indicates limitation or negation, because it is infinite smallness on the one hand and infinite greatness on the other! Zero will mark the circle of infinity and its point, center, atom. And it turns out that 0 is universal, it defines cosmopolitanism.

Look at what universal number can be obtained with zeros 9225050000 - beauty is indescribable, isn't it?

Closer to the middle of the 16th century, our word number spread to all known Arabic characters and they all began to be used to represent the numbers we know. In the decimal system, there are only ten digits from zero to ten, but in the binary system there are only two of them - zero and one.

It turns out that 0 contains all digits from 1 to 9, and when zero is combined with these numbers, a new series of numbers appears. In the example, our zero, when combined with one, forms a completely new series of numbers from 11 to 19. The phenomenon of zero, with the development of modern technologies and the science of mathematics, sent humanity into the age of computers, and zero itself does not even exist.

Zero represents infinity, the root cause of everything that exists, unlimited being, including even our solar system in its entirety. When the number zero is one, it cannot have value, since it will be something so abstract, but all numbers must be concrete. In turn, if zero is combined with some number, it gives rise to arithmetic progressions and a series of double, triple and plural numbers: such as 10, 100, 1000.

And you still do not know anything about zero, you cannot work with different numbers higher than 9. If you already know about the number zero, its mystical strange nature will lead you to the knowledge of eternity and can damage your material progress. Or maybe it won't hurt ...

Traditional Western correspondences for this number are: unknown, infinity, emptiness, infinity, purity, truth, love, omega and alpha, root cause, completeness, space, non-manifestation, awareness.



Bee la yne

Choose a beautiful number and order it yourself!

We have the opportunity to choose a beautiful, memorable room for you, taking into account your wishes! Duplicate numbers, mirrored numbers!

Gold, Platinum, Infinity

It is the numbers that carry a huge semantic load in our life. Often people do not think about what surrounds them, but it is very important to notice every detail, and then life will cease to be monotonous, and fate will turn to face you. , which has been proven by many scientists in the past centuries. However, in order to benefit from such information, you need to understand how to properly use such knowledge.

Phone number numerology

It is worth saying that absolutely all numbers, one way or another, affect our destiny. The phone number is a rather important detail that we, for some reason, are accustomed to neglect. However, we must not forget that the sum of the digits of your number also has a secret meaning. This article will help you decipher this value.

Let's start with how, after all, it is correct to determine and calculate your mobile number? First of all, you need to add up all the digits of the number. For example, if your number will consist of the following numbers 7 615 960 05 51 ( All coincidences are random, the number was chosen at random), then several aspects can be clarified.

  • The first digit "7" is the country code, each State has its own, we do not take it into account.
  • The mobile operator also uses its own code, in our case it is "615".
  • There are only 7 numbers left, the main number, which we will summarize.

This can be clearly represented as follows: 9+6+0+0+5+5+1=26 ... It also happens that, as a result, the analysis says that the two-digit number is not entirely correct, and its value does not exist. Don't be upset, you can just add 2+6=8 .

After we have determined our number, the most important step is to decipher the meaning.

Meaning of numbers

You can not believe in this and laugh, but as many assure you, there is a certain meaning in this.... If you start paying attention, then these numbers have exactly such an impact on our life:

  • One... The number that most accurately defines the relationship in the field of business. If the leader is lucky enough to have a number with such a numerological meaning in stock, then you can be sure that fortune is on your side. It is worth noting that the unit is a symbol of masculine strength and energy. People with this number value are always accepted by society as successful and organized individuals. Most people are really independent and freedom-loving.
  • Two... Active people almost always intuitively choose a number, where the sum of the value is 2. Friendliness, partnership and, in general, everything related to relationships and communication is the value of this number. If your work is based on trust or you want to establish certain areas of your life in terms of communication, then get a number with the value two. In addition, this value indicates female energy. Numerology recommend6 "If someone you know has a two in the meaning, do not doubt that he needs your help and support both in his personal life and financial matters."
  • Three... First of all, this number can mean only one thing: brightness, contrast, strength. From a person with a number with such a semantic meaning, kindness and creativity blows. Moreover, in business or advertising, this is the best thing that fate can throw at you. But among all the listed advantages, there is still something to be wary of. If you are a calm person, like to retire and hate the hustle and bustle and chaos, you should rather change your number, because 3 it is the energy of youth, conversation and word. If chatting on your cell phone around the clock is not your thing, it’s better not to risk it.
  • Four... In comparison with its predecessor, this number can mean harmony and balance. Four is a paradise for pedants and avid perfectionists. Order and coherence in everything - in the head, in life, in the house. These people are so hostages of semantic meaning that, without realizing it, they rebuild their lives in a different way. But this is also positive. If you do not know how to organize yourself and your actions at all, then, perhaps, buy a couple of numbers, which add up to fours.
  • Five... A common number, according to many people. However, it is in the top five that the most riddles and secrets lie. This figure is capable of both helping, solving financial matters, promoting career advancement, bringing positive and love in relationships, and speeding up some not particularly pleasant moments. With her, you always need to be on the lookout, and keep your ears open. A phone call today can bring you a storm of positive emotions and impressions. And tomorrow, who knows what karma has prepared for you.
  • Six... A good sign for those who like to spend time with family and loved ones. Often, already on a subconscious level, the six has such an impact on people that, from inveterate careerists, they turn into domestic and calm persons. Is it good or bad for you to decide. But do not expect special progress in business or financial matters if you use this phone... Although this is quite solvable, if you leave the number purely for personal use, and get a worker.
  • Seven... In everyday life, this is just a universal find. Probably almost the only value that will work for you. Does this mean that number will help you become rich or famous while you sit back? Not at all. The one who bought such a number will gain energy and strength through the seven. Like a "magic kick", it will promote the development of all areas of activity, but not solve problems for you. Often 7 is recommended to be applied in cases where art, excellence and wisdom are involved.
  • Eight... We know firsthand that the inverted figure eight symbolizes infinity. 8. This is the best option for those who have a goal and are ready to achieve and go all the way to the end by any possible ways... What I would like to note is that sometimes she can play a cruel joke with you. After getting such a number, you will not find peace until you achieve what you want. Success and growth is ensured in economical matters, business prosperity and the opportunity to stand out from the rest. Authority, reputation and respect are the main indicators of the eight.
  • Nine... The nine has a special symbolism for those who know firsthand what helping those in need is. It is a universal vibration for everyone. Regardless of what field of activity you are strong and where you are not very strong, it will help you to bring to life even the most incredible ideas and ideas. At a special moment, you need to understand the meaning of the nine for those who are always for justice. In cases of jurisprudence and court decisions, this figure is an indicator of the beginning of a new and unknown.

Mystical phone numbers in fortune telling

It is not for nothing that numerology is associated with magic, mysticism by some measure. Indeed, this science implies both the otherworldly influence on a person and his life. In order not to be unfounded, you can consider several options for lucky numbers:

  • Number 11 can mean that a person under the influence of a number is always in the center of events and is ready to take responsibility for his actions. In addition, for everyone who is unsure of their abilities, this is a good option in order to gain courage and determination; take the best of life that it has to offer.
  • 22 - the path to success and luck. If you have such a combination in the room, then be sure that the higher powers are on your side.
  • 44 ... Two fours only enhance the effect and multiply your efforts. The more you try to work on yourself, the more karma will help you and your loved ones.

It is believed that if a 12-digit number has several identical digits, then it is this number that occupies a dominant position in the fate of a person. By the way, similarly, you can calculate a number with a four-digit number.

How to choose a phone number by numerology

If you are seriously interested in the question of how to choose a lucky phone number, then, first of all, carefully consider and analyze everything that can change your life.

This industry is a real chance to change your life for the better.... After you set your preferences and real desires for yourself, you just need to count a few numbers, and compare the value with the number that you want to see in life next to you. And of course, do not forget that only you will be responsible for all the good and not so bad consequences and results.

It is worth paying tribute to numerology, and saying that there are many options for fortune telling by numbers and by phone. However, in order to independently attract success, happiness and wealth into your life, you need to take a serious step and decide how much and what you want.

Attention, only TODAY!

In this article:

Let's find out what is the numerology of a phone number? You have a phone number that adds up to a figure, and it hides the meaning of the energy message.

It is the amount of the phone number that secretly affects your life. This is why sometimes one can deliberately choose telephone number, for example for business. Or to resolve other issues.

In order to calculate the numerological number of the number, you need to add all the numbers to get a two-digit number. Then add it up too, then we will have the desired figure. It is she who will decipher the whole meaning that the Universe sends us in the magic of numbers. In this case, we discard in the room mobile phone country code and your operator's code. We get, for example, the following number: 2778345. Now add all the numbers: 2 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9. We do not touch the two-digit numbers: 11, 22, 33 and 44 - these are the Dominant numbers in numerology.

Decoding numbers

  • Naivety and even childlike trust. The sum of the numbers of the phone number, of course, does not give zero, but take a closer look at the numbers - especially if there are many zeros. You need to rest more, as a lot of responsibility can be overwhelming. If there is 0 - use your potential, the Higher Forces will help you - they will assist in business.
  • To create new things, intelligence and strength of character are the qualities that are present in the unit. Self-confidence and ambition. Good for business and career advancement. Leadership ambition overwhelms the sum of the numbers. It will help those who intend to fully realize their ambitions for life.
  • Diplomacy is a plus for this figure. The number carries the feminine principle and the duality of nature. If you want consent, then this number is for you.

The number is charged with love and romance. New business relationships, contract negotiation, partnerships. Where negotiations and the ability to negotiate are needed, a deuce is needed. Suitable for administrative centers and legal offices. Do you want a new, more successful job? Then choose a two to help.

  • This is the masculine principle. Three is a magic number. After all, conspiracies are read three times. Suitable for creative personalities... The troika helps such types of business: advertising, show business, tourism. All areas where you need to create. Creative people will be able to reach their full potential.
  • Stability is the factor that determines this figure. They are not used for fraud, because the four will punish. Suitable for the construction business, cleaning companies. An excellent number for a home phone.

If you are single and you have a sum of 4 numbers, change the combination immediately, because the number will not let you find marital happiness.

  • It symbolizes a strong and happy marriage, because the sum is female (2) and male (3). Good for solving love issues. For a business, the amount is not very suitable. Although, if the energy of the number merges with yours, then expect success. Number 5 can be called attractive, it always attracts new people, acquaintances. If you can find an energy connection with this figure, then everything will work out for you. Otherwise, you will have to change the number.
  • The combination is suitable for calls that are made to close people: relatives, friends. Old insults are forgiven for him. The number will help you get good advice and consolation. If the number is in business, then it is perfect for the service industry. If the number is personal, then your qualities should be tolerance and responsiveness. If you do not have these qualities, then the number came to you for a reason. He will bring you harmony, happiness and success. This is a gift to you.
  • This is a magic number. Phone number numerology explains the number as wisdom, holiness, secret knowledge. Suitable for anyone associated with mysticism and scientific work. Helps develop intuition. Just don't forget about the voice of reason. Don't let your intuition overshadow your logic. Find a middle ground, then everything will be in harmony. Do not make dates, business meetings, because they will end in failure.
  • Material success and prosperity. Money. This figure is simply aimed at progress, development in the financial environment. It will not let you stop on the way to the top. Are you in financial difficulties? Buy this number, then you will forget about them - material goods will fall on your head, like leaves fall from trees in autumn. The room is ideal for business, trade. Only the right decisions are made by the phone number, which lead to the result.
  • A universal number in the numerology of telephone numbers. The sum of the numbers collects the traits of everyone else. Gifts, pleasant surprises from fate, all this awaits you with this number. This is a wheel of luck and an assistant in any business. Get ready for miracles that will knock on your life.

Dominant numbers

11 - in numerology - this number does not decrease, because here the energy of two and doubled one. Leadership and harmony are together. People who possess such a set of numbers are always taken seriously, both in their personal lives and in business. Brings pleasant surprises in your personal life.

  • 22. A symbol of prosperity and well-being. To gain success you have to work, because this is not a matter of one day. The right path for people who want to achieve recognition in life. An ideal option in the field of business, because it shows stability and reliability, both to customers and competitors.
  • 33. The symbol of talent. It is a pity that such numbers are very rare. This combination requires sacrifice from its owner to people. If you are the owner of such a phone, you should come to the aid of people. For example, it is ideal for doctors because it requires immediate assistance.
  • This number is not reduced in homes, offices, telephone numbers. Number - granite, stronghold. This armor cannot be pierced by anything. Huge reserve for internal resources. The possibilities are practically unlimited. If it is hard for you to endure the energy of a number, then change your phone number. After all, not everyone can cope with this number.

Phone numbers, the code they carry. Everything is interesting and mysterious, but the result depends only on you. Do not think that having bought 8 - y, and without doing anything, the money will come to you on its own. Everything will be with faith and your activity. Believe, strive for the goal - then the number will help you as much as possible in the implementation of your plans.

Look at the last digit of your number and find out what kind of energy it carries and in what area of ​​life you will be lucky.

Phone number meaning

Number 0 - This number in numerology means the beginning of all beginnings. This is not emptiness, as is customary think. Zero is the circle of the world that closes all numbers. This number is the source of all that exists. In a phone number, zero means a new life, a blank sheet of paper. A number with such a number at the end is good for those who want to start a new life, want to forget everything old and start all over again.

Number 1- A good number for careerists and businessmen. He increases energy and favors leadership qualities of character. With the help of such a number, the ability to manage and influence the people around appears. Not the best number for single people.

Number 2- A lucky number for those who want to find their soul mate. Also the number is suitable for those who are involved in sales. The deuce gives its owner diplomacy, tact and benevolence.

Number 3- The number of a telephone number that attracts good luck in creativity. A number with a three at the end can be a happy one for writers, artists, musicians, actors and all those associated with art.

Number 4- A good number of phone numbers, which helps to make life more stable and raise your reputation. However, it cannot give growth and development.

Number 5- A good phone number for travelers and adventurers. The number attracts luck in the most unusual situations and attracts miracles to its owner.

Number 6- Happy number for family men. It will bring peace and well-being to the home. But lonely people should not have a phone number with a six at the end.

Number 7- This number is suitable for those for whom the spiritual world is more important than the material one. It will help you achieve inner harmony and discover what many are difficult to understand and perceive. If you want to improve your financial situation, then urgently change the number from 7 at the end to a happier one.

Number 8- The happiest number for businessmen. It attracts money, useful people and builds trust in its owner.

Number 9- A number with a nine at the end is suitable for those who live life to the fullest, who value every day and love to help people. To such a nine attracts extraordinary luck! You should not use this phone number for those who have health problems or want to improve their financial situation.

Phone number numerology: how to find a lucky number

One of the essential elements of our life in the modern world is the telephone. With the help of it, we solve many serious issues and just communicate with loved ones. This is a means of communication, without which we simply cannot imagine our life.

Often we want to have a personal phone number, but people don't even think: "Is my number happy?" This is where numerology comes to the rescue. With the help of this science, you can easily calculate the code number of the fate of your number.

For example, there are phone numbers that are best used to talk only with your loved ones. And there are numbers from which you can easily solve financial issues. Let's find out how to calculate the numerological number of your number and determine its direct purpose.

An easy way to find out the initial numerology is to simply add up all the digits of the number. For example, your number is. Add all the numbers in order: 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 39 = 3 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. So, we got the number 3. This is a simple numerological number of your phone number. Now you need to decrypt it, so:

1 - this number will bring good luck in all endeavors, both business and love. From this number, you can safely make appointments, conduct business negotiations, arrange dates.

2 - This number is designed to build long-term relationships at work. From it you can communicate with work colleagues and business partners.

3 Is the money number. If you use it when solving financial issues of both business and personal nature, then you can always achieve your goal. This number is good for communicating with investors, sponsors and all those who can provide you with material support.

4 - this phone number will help creative people. If you are an artist, then feel free to call the exhibition halls with a proposal to organize your exhibition. If you are a musician, call the production center and recording studios. This number will lead you to success, fame and financial well-being.

5 Is a number for travelers. From it you can easily arrange travel and business trips. Plus, this room is perfect for booking tickets, hotels and large purchases.

6 - this number is intended for communication with your loved ones. Using it, you can always find a common language with your family and friends.

7 - this is the number of independent individuals, individualists, striving for freedom. If you are, then this number will bring you everything that you so desire.

8 - this number will benefit those who are engaged in trade. Whether you are selling an apartment or a sausage on the market, you can always get the most out of that phone number when dealing with important business issues.

9 - this number will help those who often solve any legal issues. It helps like lawyers and advocates, as well as people who for a certain period of time resolve serious issues in court.

Numerology of numbers will help you achieve success in any desired field of activity. If you want to be successful everywhere at once, then you just need to get a few phone numbers. Then you will know for sure that your goal will certainly be realized, and the lucky number will bring you success.

Some people use several numbers at once in their lives. This happens, at times, purely intuitively. It turns out that in order to communicate with relatives, he takes one phone number, to communicate with colleagues at work - another number, to solve financial and business issues - the third number. This not only simplifies communication with people, but also charges the rooms with special energy that brings incredible luck.


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Comments (1)

that's nonsense, but if you change the phone numbers every week

Complete crap about phone numbers. In general, it is correct to dial not 8 before the number, but +7. The result changes.
But the topic itself may not be devoid of some sense. My parents have apartment 69. I got married, rented apartment 69 with my wife. Moved out, rented apartment 40. Moved out, returned to my parents at 69. Bought apartment 40. Sold, bought apartment 40 again. Interesting ...

We lived in apartment 1, above us was apartment 31. We sold and bought apartment 27, above us again there were 31 apartments.

How does the result change? This is only if you call from another country. And from the city, try to dial +7 ...

for a day, at least, the people will delve into the will-distracted from the revolutionary affairs.

Sexuality is both a sense of self, and the impression that you make on others, and your behavior in bed.

It is initially embedded in a person, and only in rare cases is there a chance to change something. Astrological indicators are mainly responsible for sexuality, but numerology also plays an important role. About what can be learned about the sexual potential of an individual, focusing on his full date of birth.

Numerological calculations

All you have to do is just add the numbers of the day, month, and year separately, collapse the results to a prime number (from 1 to 9), add the three digits, and collapse again if necessary. This will give you the Life Path Number. For example, the date of birth of the person you are interested in is 07/12/1973, this is how the calculations look like:


Thus, the Number of the Life Path for the above date will be 3.

You can also calculate your Number. Knowing both Numbers will help you better understand yourself and your loved one, as well as find a model of sexual behavior that satisfies both of you. Or, on the contrary, it will tell you that it is better to abandon the "conquest" of the individual you like, in the event that something does not suit you in his numerological indicators (for example, if you do not suit each other in temperament).

"Units" are distinguished by a pronounced self-confidence, and many take it for sexuality, especially since, as a rule, the appearance of such people is appropriate - the grace of a wild beast, a bewitching look, noticeable primary and secondary sexual characteristics. However, directly in bed, they are often selfish, demanding attention to their person and giving nothing in return. At the same time, people with a Life Path Number of 1 prefer to take the initiative themselves and do not tolerate when they hint at a sexual relationship or openly impose it. In general, for them sex is just another opportunity to demonstrate their power over others, therefore women of Number 1 often adore the pose of "rider", and men behave like padishahs.

For people with Life Path Number 2, the unity of souls, community of interests and psychological comfort are important. If all this is not there, then their sexuality "goes into the shadows", and if there is, then they are able to demonstrate in bed a real fireworks. However, their sexual capabilities are not striking. It is possible to figure out how they will behave during intimacy only through personal experience. Nevertheless, as a rule, they are gentle, sensitive to the needs of a love partner, and adore long foreplay. Since people with Number 2 in their bulk are kinesthetics, they definitely need close tactile contact. Most often, both men and women prefer partners with virtually no body hair.

The Troika people are relaxed and love sexual experiments. They often change partners, as they always want to try something new. And yet they have no shortage of fans (female fans). They are attractive, they know how to speak beautifully (and they continue to do this even in bed), so a lot is forgiven them, including treason. However, often people with a Life Path Number of 3 become hostages of their sexuality, since they cannot build long and serious relationships. Therefore, those who want to be with them a number

With the "Fours", everything is quite complicated with sexuality. They have work in the first place, and in the second place they have old-fashioned ideas about what sex is for - they think that it is solely for procreation. True, if in their youth their rebellious nature still triumphs over prohibitions and stereotypes, people with a Life Path Number of 4 can "go all out" and try not only all possible types of intimate relationships, but also a huge number of partners. However, if at the same time they experience disappointment at least once, then they return to those concepts that were formed under the influence of relatives. That is, they become conservative and strictly dose sex. As a rule, Number 4 people do not have external sexual attraction. And besides, they are not very skilled in bed.

People with a Life Path Number of 5 are incredibly sexy both in appearance and in practice. They have a wealth of experience, and they get real pleasure from intimacy. Without exaggeration, they can be called “sex gourmets”. However, they do not differ in fidelity. These people are constantly looking for new experiences, therefore, fed up with the next partner, they immediately go on the next "hunt". If, by the nature of their activity, the "Five" travels a lot, then in every city where such a person often visits, he has a beloved (beloved). Or he simply finds "one-time" partners. And among the people of Number 5, a large percentage of bisexuals, and they are more likely than others to have sexual relations with representatives of other races and nationalities.

For people with Life Path Number 6, sex is both a "stick" and a "carrot". As a rule, outwardly they look very sexy and enjoy it. But this does not mean that they are selfish. It's just that it is important for them that everything in their life is harmonious. And if the love partner does not disappoint them, then in bed he gets "full return", and if for some reason he is "guilty", then he is "excommunicated from the body." And both men and women behave this way. But the people of Number 6 are right

"Sevens" do not have a pronounced sexuality, and when choosing a partner, they are guided not by magnetism and the vibrations emanating from a person, but by his other virtues, primarily intellectual ones. The most sensitive "erogenous zone" of Number 7 people is the brain. Therefore, passion for them is something dubious. They perceive members of the opposite sex with the mind, and not with other parts of the body. On the other hand, they are to a certain extent loyal to their “second halves”, and if they look “to the side”, then with a purely research interest. And it is quite difficult for them to change themselves - people with Life Path Number 7 have incredibly developed observation skills, and they always analyze the actions of a loved one. Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to hide the fact of treason from them.

"Eights" can hardly be called sexy people. They attract the attention of others with their status, financial situation, ability to do business and make money. And they themselves are more excited by those who are in power, who have built an excellent career. Ladies choose sexual partners among wealthy people, and men are attracted by women with business acumen. However, it would be unfair to say that Number 8 people do not like sex. They love! And how! It's just that they have it somewhere in third place after work and investment. And if their head is not busy with the next project, then they give their lovers fantastic erotic sensations. The only pity is that this happens infrequently.

Number 9 people are not so much sexy as romantic. For them, mood, entourage, spiritual closeness with a partner and harmony are important. Only then can they relax and enjoy intimate relationships. Nines rarely have sex on the first date. They need to get used to the person, to feel him. If they feel that the partner treats them with soul, then they surround him with tenderness and devotion. As for external sexuality, it exists, but not everyone perceives it. Strictly speaking, "Nine" can be desired at the first meeting

home and cell sum 46 = 10 = 1 I will be the big boss

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