What page to create on VKontakte. How to create an official (public) VKontakte page

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On the social network VKontakte. It's time to talk about public pages(hereinafter referred to as public pages). So what is it public? This is a thematic page (very rarely without a topic), a kind of microblog, where the creator publishes articles, posts with pictures and quotes on a chosen topic, attracting visitors, enticing them to subscribe and become its readers (followers).

The question may arise: “Why is all this needed?” There is one very laconic answer: “To make money.” Yes, you can make good money with the help of a public blog. And there are various sources of income on VKontakte public pages. But before we talk about ways to extract material benefits from the public, it is necessary:

  1. Create.
  2. Design.
  3. Unwind.

Now let's look at everything in order. To ensure that the whole process does not turn out to be chaotic, it is advisable to develop a plan creating a public. One example is the diagram from the figure:

First of all, you need to decide on the topic of the page. It is best to choose a topic in one of the top (most in demand) niches. At the same time, you need to take into account your knowledge (expertise) on the chosen topic. It is very important to come up with an original, catchy title, using keywords and phrases on the chosen topic.

How to create a public page on VKontakte? To do this, click on the “My Groups” tab from the left vertical panel in your personal account. In the next window, click “Create a community.”

In the window that opens, enter the name of the page and check the button opposite “Public page”. Here you need to keep in mind that the name of the page can be changed in the future if the public has not yet been promoted. Therefore, take your choice of public name seriously.

By clicking on the “Create Community” button, we are taken to a page where you are asked to determine the type of page. Here you need to agree to the terms of use of the site and click the “Create page” button.

In the window that opens, we are given the opportunity to enter the name of the public, change its address (by default it has a number) to one that is consonant with the name. In this case, you need to be careful about the instructions to the right of the address window; if the selected address is already occupied, a message will appear. You need to make some changes to make it original.

On this page you can configure public integration with a Twitter account (if you have one), show subscribers a link to your personal website, set the date the public was created and mark additional sections (if desired) that will be available in the public. For example, if you intend to promote your information products through webinars, it is recommended to enable the “events” option. After completing the settings, you must click on the “Save” button.

So, the public has acquired life.

We analyzed the creation process public In the next article we will talk about design, settings and publications.

Along with user pages, VKontakte can close groups and public pages. This ensures that information published in the community is hidden and enables the approval function for new members. Thus, to gain access, you will need to wait for a positive decision from the administration.

This is a fairly popular feature. Many interest groups need content, photos and videos, to be available only to members.

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a closed group from scratch. We will also learn how to close an existing VKontakte community.

How does this work

As I already said, if the administrator decided to hide his community from outsiders, then when he tries to log in, the person will see the following notification.

There is a note that the group is closed. Only data from the "Information" block, as well as the list of participants, are available for viewing.

A button is available to apply for membership. If the administrator approves it, the materials will become available to you.

A nuance with the type of community

As you know, VKontakte has two main types of communities - groups and public pages. So the access restriction function works only for groups. A public page cannot be closed. Here it is clear from the name - the community should be public, accessible to everyone.

What should we do now? There is no way to make materials private?

There is a way out. It is enough to change the type of community. We simply transfer the public page to a group, and quietly activate the “Private” type for it.

Please note. Changing the community type is available once every 30 days. To confirm the operation, you need to be an administrator (see how to appoint an administrator in a VKontakte group) and have access to a phone number. You will receive a code via SMS to confirm the operation.

How to create a closed group in VK?

We need to analyze this process in two versions - from a computer and through an application on the phone.

From computer

In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the menu button. In the next step, select the "Groups" section. When we get to the list of your communities, click the “+” icon at the top. You will be taken to the form for creating a new group.

Here we select "Interest Group". We fill out the form by analogy. The most important thing is to select the “Closed” type - to do this, check this box in the appropriate field. Then check the box to confirm your agreement with the rules. Then the "Create Community" button.

That's sorted out. Let's now see what to do with the group that was already created earlier.

How to change the type of an existing group and hide it from strangers

There will also be two options.

From computer

Let me remind you that in order to change the group type, you must be an administrator (see how to assign an administrator in a VKontakte group).

Let's go to the right community. In the menu block, click on the “Management” link. On the next page, at the very top of the screen, you will find the “Group Type” block. Select the "Closed" option. Save the settings.

From phone

Let's go to the desired group in the application. At the top of the screen, click on the gear icon to go to the “Settings” section. On the next page, go to the "Information" section. Then find the "Group Type" block and check the "Closed" option. To save changes, click on the checkmark located in the upper right corner of the screen.

What about public pages?

As I already said, this type of community must first be transferred to a group. After this, the desired item appears in the settings.

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It is now almost impossible to imagine the Internet without social networks. A person who is not on VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter can be listed in the Red Book as a very rare endangered species. An account on a popular social network allows you not only to maintain constant online communication with friends and acquaintances, but also to earn money.

Today, many users of the social network VKontakte relegate communication to the background. A person can log into VK only to see the latest news from the communities to which he has subscribed. This article will discuss this type of community as a public:

What is public

By creating a VKontakte profile, you provide information about yourself, upload photos and videos, and then begin adding friends. As statistics show, on average, a user of the leading Russian social network has 100-200 people as friends. Some particularly sociable and popular personalities gather 1000-5000 friends.

Real stars (and “stars”) gain 10 thousand friends and here... information about what a VKontakte public is will come in handy.

Since the very inception of the leading Russian social network, there has been such a type of community as a group. Users united by common interests wrote messages on the walls, posted pictures and videos, and participated in polls and discussions. It cannot be said that public pages replaced groups: they only added diversity to the communities opened within the leading domestic social network.

Giving a definition, we can say that publics ( from the English word “public” – public, public, open) are representations of the popular ( or dreaming of becoming popular) person, organization or brand on a social network. Such pages are designed to interest many users ( while a regular VK page can only be used to communicate with friends).

However, in order to better understand the essence of a public page, it is necessary to consider it in comparison with a group.

Public or group?

Many community creators initially make the wrong choice and subsequently see no other choice but to turn the group into a public one. Fortunately, VKontakte has made this procedure simple and without harm to the community. But first, let’s compare a group and a public page on VK.

  • Access. Posts posted in the public are visible to absolutely everyone. Open groups in this regard, they are no different from public pages, however, there is such a type of community as closed groups, information in which only participants can view ( The decision to join the group is made by the administrator);
  • Messages on the wall. Only the administrator can write on the public wall ( or an editor appointed by the administrator). Other users can offer their news by leaving a message in the appropriate section:

If the administrator likes your post, he will publish it ( with or without author attribution). As for the group, posting on the wall can be allowed for all participants, however, if desired, the administrator can leave the ability to fill the wall only for himself and the editors.

  • Invitation of participants. If you are a group administrator, you can use the invite members option. This is a fairly convenient tool, but it is not suitable for full promotion of the community ( You can invite only 40 people per day). There is no such function for a public page ( you will have to send messages to friends on your behalf);
  • Possibilities. In general, we can say that the group provides greater scope for action. Settings for confirming the entry of participants, whether the wall is open or closed, the ability to store various documents - all these are differences between a group and a public page. However, in most cases, the opportunities that the public provides are quite sufficient to achieve all the goals set for the project;
  • Purpose of creation. Creating and maintaining a group is more suitable for commercial projects ( for example, an online store). However, you should not think that public spaces are not capable of making a profit. The lion's share of online business income comes from advertising, and it can be placed both in groups and on public pages. However, if we are talking about a public page to popularize an organization, brand or personality, then only information of an official nature can appear on the wall. At the same time, the public will not directly generate any income.

Another difference between a group and a public that is worth mentioning is the location of the list of communities on user pages. Public pages are located in the block " Interesting pages» ( right under Friends). In turn, the list of groups can be seen by opening the “ Detailed information».

If you decide to change the type of community, then you need to know that information on how to make a public from a group and vice versa will only be useful to the creator of the community. Even if you are made an administrator, you still will not be able to convert the group or public.

If you were the one who created the public, then transferring it to a group will not be difficult. To do this, click on the link “ Transfer to group» in the admin panel:

Please pay attention to the warnings before transferring a public page to a group:

Why do you need a public page?

Let's list the goals that the creation of a public VKontakte page can pursue.

  • Self-expression. There are creative people who want to convey their brilliant ideas to the people, but do not know how. Making a public VKontakte is an excellent solution to this problem. The leading Russian social network has many original public pages. As a rule, the number of subscribers to such public pages is small, because a person who is interested in the creative process itself rarely thinks about investing money in advertising;
  • Popularization of a brand or personality. A public page can be used as a source of official information, for example, for fans of an artist ( concert schedule, ticket prices). Of course, increasing the popularity of a person or organization has a positive effect on income, so this point is closely related to the following;
  • Earning money from the community. Once you have a sufficient number of subscribers to your public page, you can start monetizing it. The most obvious way is advertising ( posts from other communities). A widely used advertising format is posting a post for a day, while the first hour the post is in the top of the community wall. You can also use the VKontakte advertising exchange;
  • Project support tool. You don’t have to place ads in your public page, but use the community to attract people to your own website ( where will the advertising be?). Maintaining communities on social networks is one of the main ways to promote information resources.

It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to create a community yourself. You can buy a VKontakte public page and use it to achieve one of the above goals. You can make a purchase after you agree with the owner of the community. After all financial issues have been settled, you will need to take control of the account on whose behalf the public was created.

However, it is worth noting that selling and buying a community is a violation of the VKontakte rules. Leading Russian social network fights to ensure that the personal data of accounts corresponds to reality, and by buying a public page, you gain control over someone else’s page. In principle, an unscrupulous seller may even complain about you to technical support in order to get his account and, accordingly, the public back.

We create a public

Before you start promoting your potentially successful project on the leading Russian social network, you need to at least learn how to create a public page on VKontakte. There is nothing complicated about this, and even a first-time user will be able to intuitively understand what needs to be done.

  • To begin, select the “My groups" item from the menu:
  • Click on “ Create a community»:
  • Enter the name and check the box next to “ Public page»:
  • Next, you are asked to select the type of page, as well as accept the rules for using the site:
  • Click " Create a page" Process completed:

If you are tired of managing your community and you are thinking about how to delete a VKontakte public page, then the functionality that the leading Russian social network provides will upset you a little. It does not have a button Delete public page" All you can do is clear the community wall and unsubscribe all subscribers (including yourself).

How to find out who is the admin

In most cases, you don’t need to think about how to find out the admin of a VKontakte public page. Community leaders are listed in the "Contacts" section in order to support feedback with subscribers and consider offers from advertisers.

However, there are communities where, for some reason, managers prefer not to advertise their account and do not post any data in the “Contacts” section. In this case, the question arises: how to find out who is the admin of the public? There are many different tricks, but we will look at one of them.

  • In the group where we are looking for an admin, click on the number of posts on the wall:
  • Click " Go to search»:

VKontakte is the most popular social network on the Runet. This is where people spend a significant portion of their time and generate huge amounts of traffic. Using this platform you can sell products and build relationships with customers. But first you need to create and configure a public VKontakte page. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Some statistics

Public VKontakte page: step-by-step instructions for creating

Step 1: Select a group or public page

When creating a community, enter its name (must contain the name of the company or brand) and select the type - group or public page.

A group is a platform for communication based on interests, with the help of which the brand’s reputation and the mood of subscribers are managed. You can invite other users to the group, they become its members. If you have come up with an interesting content strategy and are creating a “social club”, then a group is an ideal option. For example, if you sell pet food, create a group of cat lovers to share experiences between participants - people themselves generate content, communicate, and you manage the process on behalf of the brand.

The public VKontakte page is more suitable for distributing company news and promotional materials. The user must subscribe to the page himself; you cannot invite him. A public page is most often suitable for promoting a business.

Step 2: Select the page type that suits your business

Step 3. Settings - basic information

  • The page is indexed by search robots. In the community description, indicate keywords and phrases by which the user can find you.
  • Upload the cover (header) of the community. The recommended header size is 1590px*400px.
  • Don’t forget to come up with a short address for the page, preferably identical to your website or brand.

Step 4. Settings - additional information

Select a community topic and age restrictions, if they are necessary. If you have a website, please include it. Don’t forget about the founding date; the older your company, the more trust it inspires.

Step 5. Select the sections that will be available to users

Decide what content you will publish in the community and select the appropriate sections.

At the same point, you can set up the “products” group if you are going to sell something.

Select the country and region where you can deliver your products. Specify the currency in which all transactions will take place and a contact person who can answer all your customers’ questions.

Step 6: Disable comments if you are unable to quickly respond to user comments

If you are unable to promptly respond to user comments, it is better to disable comments completely; you can also use an obscene expression filter.

Step 7: Add Links

Step 8: Add other community leaders

In the section Participants you can view community members, add community leaders (VK profiles of representatives of your company who can manage and edit the page) and see users you have blacklisted.

Step 9: If you can respond to your subscribers promptly, enable messages

By default, messages communities are turned off. Turn on messages if you want to receive private messages from users and respond to them on behalf of the community. It is important to understand that if you cannot ensure a fast enough response to messages (up to 2 hours during business hours), then you should not enable messages.

Public VKontakte page: content

1. Upload an avatar

  • The text must be readable;
  • The text should not extend beyond the thumbnail;
  • The image must be clear;
  • Don't use stock images;
  • The miniature should be bright and eye-catching;
  • Use minimalism when creating your avatar.

The avatar size should not be less than 200 px. To make your avatar clear, make it twice as large. For example, you want to use a size of 200px*200px, then make it a size of 400px*400px.

2. Use status

Status is a place immediately below the page title where you can place up to 140 characters of text. Very often, for some reason, the status is either forgotten completely, or some philosophical quote is written in it, and often this quote is not even related to business.

What to write in the status:

  • USP (your advantages: record-breaking fast delivery, free consultation, etc.);
  • telephone or other contact information;
  • website address, if any;
  • information about current promotions and discounts.

Don't waste useful space. In the status, we also recommend posting again keyword, along which you are moving.

3. Download the community header

The header of your public VKontakte page is the first thing that users who come to visit you see. You can place anything on the cover: from the company slogan to promotions.

The header size should not be less than 795 px in width and 200 px in height. VKontakte recommends using a size of 1590px*400px.

  • Company contact details;
  • A call to subscribe to the company page. In the picture above it says “subscribe” and there is an arrow on the “Subscribe” button. This technique increases subscription conversion by 40%;
  • Tell us about promotions and discounts, sweepstakes, events, and so on.

4. Add products

If you decide to sell products through a public VKontakte page, you definitely need a display case with goods.

In the “product” card, all the fields are very easy to fill out. Describe your product in detail. If it is out of stock, check the “Product unavailable” checkbox. The photo of the “product” must be at least 400 px on each side. If the client is interested in one of the products, he will be able to click on the “write to seller” button. You will receive a personal message with text and product. You will be able to promptly advise the client or immediately accept the order.

5. Make your first post in the community

Post posts that will interest your subscribers. This could be a post with photos, videos, music, etc.

In the picture above, in the drop-down item, there is a timer item. You can schedule posts. Just add a post, specify the publication time and add it to the queue.

You can also pin a post to your public page on VKontakte. Which post is best to pin:

  • The post that brought the most likes and reposts. The more reposts, the greater the reach and the more subscriptions the page receives.
  • A post that talks about your promotions and offers.
  • Announcement of your events, giveaways, anecdotal posts, useful tips etc.

In the following articles on SMM topics, we will definitely talk about how to properly maintain a company page on Vk.com. Subscribe to our blog and don’t miss new useful materials.

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