Who likes whom on Instagram? How to see what I liked on Instagram

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During your time using the social network Instagram, you, dear friends, could like a huge number of photographs of different people. And that’s normal, you probably don’t even remember what you liked there and when, and you’re probably interested in finding out. In the same way, you should be curious about who and what photos you liked, as well as what photos other than yours your friends liked. We can see all this in the application. We will now figure out how to do this.

We look at the photos we like from our phone

Launch the application, click on the little man icon in the lower right corner. In the page that opens, click on the menu in the upper right corner in the form of three vertical dots.

In the options that open, select “Publications you liked”:

Here is a list of photos that you liked. See how simple it is.

We look at other people's likes on Instagram from the application

Now let's find out who liked what photos. To do this, click on the “heart” in the bottom menu. We need the “You” tab, this is where all actions with your posts are displayed:

If you go to the “Subscriptions” tab, we will see what the people you subscribed liked. Interesting, isn't it?

And the last trick. If you open any photo, you can see under its description who liked it. The screenshot shows the arrow:

How to see other people's likes from a computer

Go to the official Instagram website https://www.instagram.com/ and log in there. I wrote how this is done in the article “”.

Click on the little man icon in the upper right corner. We are loading all our posts. If we hover over any of the photos, we will immediately see how many likes and comments it has received.

Let's try to click on some photo:

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks. Now it is used by more than 1 billion people. Therefore, the user’s page is often visited by people unfamiliar to him. You can find out how to determine who liked a photo by reading this article.

How to find out who likes whom on Instagram?

Sometimes situations arise when you need to find out who likes whom on Instagram. For example, this will allow you to understand who your significant other likes, who your friend likes, or what your child’s preferences are. Of course, you can determine who the right person likes on Instagram yourself, but often the user’s audience is so large that it won’t be possible to do this on your own. In such cases, mobile applications come to the rescue.

One of these programs is . To work with it, you need to know the login of the page you want to check. Its main advantage is that its use does not require special knowledge, it is simple and understandable to users. In addition, it is possible to analyze one account for free. But at the same time, the cost of working with three profiles is 190 rubles. This program will show the user to whom, in what quantity and on which photos they liked, while the approximate analysis time is approximately 5 minutes.

This application is also designed to monitor the activity of subscribers on your page. This function allows you to determine what information attracts them most in order to fill your account with similar publications.

Also, for a fee, it will allow the client to make his Instagram page more popular. The customer chooses which contingent he needs to attract: he sets the gender, number of subscribers and account type. After this, the user selects the numbers and the exact time at which to promote the profile. All this allows you to attract those users who will be interested in the customer’s content. In this case, the client can test the application for free for 7 days.

An alternative would be a program that has approximately the same functions. Its distinctive feature is that you need to purchase not a one-time service, but a tariff. For 600 rubles, a user can use the services for 1 month, and for 7,200 rubles – a little more than 1 year. But if the client pays for 2 or more months, he will be able to use the application services for free for 72 days.

How can I hide the likes I give to other users?

There are situations in which you want to. There are several ways to do this without using programs:

  • Close profile;
  • Block a specific subscriber.

It is not difficult to make your page private from other users on this social network. To do this, you need to log into your own profile and go to settings (the button is in the upper right corner). Next you need to find the privacy and security tab. If the device is on the iOS platform, then you need to scroll to the “Photos are confidential” function and turn it on. And if the smartphone is on Android, then this tab is called “Photo Privacy”, which needs to be activated.

Once the page has been closed, unwanted individuals without the user's approval will not be able to see his photos. But, unfortunately, after establishing confidentiality, it is possible to track “Like” marks from such a page. No applications have yet been developed that would completely hide user activity from prying eyes.

Instagram has not only accounts of ordinary people, but also business pages. They are used by cafes, nightclubs, restaurants, people who provide some services. Among them are those who use promotion programs: , . This is how they “rock” their accounts and make them more popular. As a result, such people have a need to monitor the operation of such applications. Does it really work, are there automatic likes and new subscriptions? For those who are not chasing the number of likes, it is still important to know who they received approval from, that’s how people work. Today, we will consider both the simplest and most obvious questions, and those questions that are difficult to answer. Our topic today: How to see likes on Instagram?

I want to see who liked it. How to do this?

To do this, you need to open Insta, and in the lower right part click on the heart icon. There you will see all the likes that you have received, as well as the people who have subscribed to you. But the application does not remember ALL likes. That is, you will not be able to see likes that were given a long time ago.

Okay, I get it, but what if I want to see other people’s likes, for example, a friend or a guy I like? Can I see who they gave them to?

Yes, it's easy to do. Click on the heart icon, in the window that appears, click on “Subscriptions”. Here you can see all the actions of your subscribers, all that remains is to find the right person, so we will find out who liked whom and followed whom.

Great! I also wanted to know, sometimes I scroll through my feed, see something interesting, but because it’s inconvenient for me to read this post in full now, I like it and forget. How can I see such “starred” posts?

To do this, you need to click on the “settings” button in the upper right corner (in IOS and Android they different types). In IOS, a gear is drawn, and in Android, three vertical dots are depicted.

And the likes you have given can be removed by clicking on the heart again.

But I have another question. I often sit at the computer and would like to use
Instagram via PC, can I do this? How can I see who liked me on Instagram through a computer?

Of course, you can use Insta via your computer, but some functions will be reduced. To see who left hearts on your photos, go to home page you can click on the corresponding icon and see who poked “I like”.

It is not known why, but the optimization of the page via PC is done better, no glitches or long loading images. Due to the fact that the page design is simple, without animation, as well as other unnecessary details that only load it, it loads quickly. By the way, the feed can be opened via a PC by clicking on the compass icon. We don’t know why it’s a compass, but it’s what’s depicted on the computer version.


Using Insta is much easier through your phone than through a PC. Since initially, the application was created specifically for smartphones. Yes, you can log in via a computer, but some of the functionality will not be available to you, for example, Instagram Direct. That is, you cannot exchange personal messages through a computer, you cannot follow your friends, track the likes they have given, you cannot post anything, as well as other restrictions.

With each new update, social network developers are trying to make it easier to use. They always take into account the wishes of their users, and if possible, they implement them. For example, the first version of Instagram was not easy to use; the icons were not entirely clear, the feed was inconvenient, the design was poorly optimized. But now, everything is much simpler, Instagram app so simple that even an inexperienced person can intuitively understand what’s what.

Are you actively promoting on Instagram? Do you want to know how your subscribers and competitors behave? Who follows whom and what posts do they like? Today we will talk about how to get this information.

By studying the preferences of subscribers and conducting reconnaissance of the actions of competitors, you can obtain invaluable information for improving your content and increasing the effectiveness of actions aimed at promotion.

Every Instagram user intuitively wants to receive feedback on their actions. The assessment is positive. That’s why social networks have a “like” function. Instagram is no exception.

To find out the actions of your followers and their marks, you need to go to the “Actions” tab - the page with all the activity marks and users - “Subscriptions”. Here is a list of all the actions of the followers you follow.

To see who liked you, click on a photo/video from your profile. Next to the “like” mark, the number of those who liked the post is indicated, and when you click on the “more” button, you can see a list of everyone who liked the publication.

Updated likes for your post will be immediately displayed on the bottom panel near the heart. Everything about your profile (likes, new subscribers, comments) is shown in the actions section.

If you log into Instagram from a computer and look at any post, yours or a competitor’s, then when you hover your mouse over the photo, the number of likes and comments (views and comments for videos) will appear.

To find out who left likes on the selected post, open it and click on the number of likes - a pop-up window will appear with a list of those who liked the publication.

Who do competitors like and follow?

To get started, subscribe to the account you are interested in. But their actions will not immediately appear in the list - since the time of subscription, some activity must have been performed from the account to which you subscribed.

Monitoring Instagram activity statistics will be useful for analyzing your target users. You will be able to understand what content your target audience likes, what trends are trending, and how to adapt content to existing conditions.

In essence, what we have described are manual methods that provide only superficial information, and in small quantities. To use this for , you need to gather a like audience. If a user likes or comments on competitors’ posts, he is, at a minimum, loyal to them, and, at a maximum, ready to buy and choose between similar offers. And in those areas where the client’s life cycle is quite long (cafes, beauty salons, barber shops), this real way poaching clients.

So, let’s go to create a task in the SocialKit program and go to the “Create an audience” tab, where we select “By active audience”.

Step 1. Formation of a list of competitors.

We add technical accounts with which parsing will be carried out; the larger the list being processed, the more technical accounts are needed (no more than 5000 requests per account).

Then we create a list of competitors or users whose active audience we will collect. The easiest way is to find competitors by keyword or the city in which you are promoting your services.

Also, in the rightmost column, you can enter a username and add it to the list.

Step 2. Generating a list of users.

Let's move on to collecting an active audience and first select the technical accounts that we will use during collection (we leave the settings at default).

Then, in the technical settings, we need to configure the collection of exactly those who are interesting to us: those who like or those who comment, or both. And also set the required number of users that need to be collected.

In the filter, we select which profiles to process and collect those who liked them under posts for what period. Or you can collect not by date, but by a certain number of the most recent ones.

In collecting tags, we choose whether to collect users tagged on competitors’ media.

In the very last column, put a checkmark next to the type of posts from which to collect an active audience and click “Collect users”. More details on the topic , discussed in a separate article of our .

The very concept of “Like” or “Like” has already become almost the main one if we are talking about communication between people in various social networks. networks. The vast majority of social media users. networks and Instagram in particular are simply fighting for access to their photo materials or any other publications on the account. Many Instagrammers even constantly monitor whether new likes have been added. They do this using any gadget (be it a computer, tablet, laptop or phone) that is at hand here and now. In this regard, a natural question arises. ? This is quite simple and can be done just as quickly.

For example, we saw on the site any publication of any Insta user, or we decided to simply check whether the total number of “Like” marks on our material chosen by us had changed. What is required for this? Almost nothing. We simply point the mouse at any photo that interests us. At the same time, two icons pop up. One icon is in the form of a heart, and the second has the form of a comment with numbers next to it. The number next to the heart will indicate the total number of likes received by the selected photo on at the moment. To see more detailed information about the “turbulent life” of your photo from the moment it was published on Instagram, you just need to click on it. In doing so, we will go into this photo. At the top of the window on the right you will see the author of the publication and the “Subscribe” button, below is the total number of “Like” marks, i.e. - all the received likes, and even lower are the comments on the photo, as shown in the picture above. Note also that thousands are denoted by a small letter “k”, and millions by the letter “m”. Of course, millions of likes can only be found on photos.

So, we figured out how to see likes on Instagram, but it happens that we just have an interest in who tagged our photo. And here the next logical question arises. how to see who liked on instagram? By answering this exciting question, you can find out which of your friends or yours, what exactly they like in the photo materials of the account, and what does not cause such a big stir. If you analyze these statistics, you can immediately find out which photos should be posted more often than others.

Also, using third-party sites and various services, such as LIVEDUNE, you have the opportunity to track statistics on Instagram and other social networks. networks. See who liked which publications, as well as the most popular users. To see who likes your photo on Instagram, you need to go to the photo itself and tap the “Like” link at the bottom of the photo. Afterwards you will be redirected to a page with those users who appreciated this photo, as shown in the top picture. Everyone who “liked” the photo is located in the form of a list with “Subscribe” buttons opposite each one. By touching this button on your smartphone, you will immediately become a subscriber to anyone on the list.

In addition to the normal interest in those people who “like” your materials, there is also the opposite interest - quite often you will need to look at who “liked” you at a certain point in time. And then a task or question arises - how to see who you liked on Instagram? The answer also lies almost on the surface.

We log into our account through our smartphone. At the top right there is an icon that looks like a “gear” - behind it are all the settings for your Instagram account. By touching this “gear” we are redirected to the parameters. Scroll your finger a little lower and see the item “Publications you liked”, as shown in the picture just above. This will be our ultimate goal. By touching this menu item, we go to a page on which all the photos that you have ever “liked” will be.

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