The best and most profitable tariff for calls within Russia (MTS). Profitable intercity MTS

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“During the New Year holidays, MTS traditionally tries to please subscribers with profitable and interesting promotions, allowing them to congratulate friends and relatives throughout Russia. This year we are introducing a special service “Favorable long-distance”, by activating which the user receives equally favorable call conditions, regardless of which number in another region - mobile or landline - he makes a call to. By activating the “Favorable Intercity” service, the subscriber will be able to call from mobile phone in any place convenient for him and at any time, and the cost of the call will not be higher than a call from a home phone,” said MTS Vice President for Commercial Affairs Mikhail Gerchuk.

When the “Favorable Intercity” service is activated, the cost of the first minute of conversation and starting from the 11th minute is charged in accordance with the terms of the subscriber’s tariff plan.

Terms of use of the “Favorable intercity” service

The “Beneficial Intercity” service is valid in the “home region” for all MTS subscribers, including users corporate tariffs, except for subscribers tariff plans“Business without borders”, “Business without borders corporate”, “European”. The cost of connecting to the “Favorable intercity” service is 50 rubles. The subscription fee for using the service is 1.7 rubles per day.

How to connect

To connect/disconnect the “Profitable Intercity” service, the subscriber should:

  • use the Internet assistant;
  • send an SMS with the text 2194/21940 to number 111;
  • dial the command *111*2194#;
  • call 111 then 2194.

New Year's calls within Russia with the MTS “Beneficial Intercity” service

MTS is launching the New Year's service "Beneficial Intercity", allowing subscribers to make long-distance calls to fixed and mobile numbers of other telecom operators by favorable price 2.5 rubles/min from the second to the tenth minute of conversation.

Cost of the new MTS service “Profitable intercity”

With the “Profitable Intercity” service activated, calls to fixed and mobile numbers of other Russian telecom operators will be charged at 2.5 rubles from the second to the tenth minute of the conversation. The cost of the first minute of conversation and starting from the 11th will be charged at the base rate according to the terms of the subscriber’s tariff plan.

Activating the service costs 50 rubles. The subscription fee is 1.7 rubles. per day.

Validity of the MTS “Beneficial Intercity” service

The service is valid when the subscriber is in the “home” region. “Profitable intercity” is available for connection on all tariff plans, except for the “Business without borders”, “Business without borders corporate” and “European” tariffs.

For corporate subscribers, the service is mutually exclusive and cannot be simultaneously activated with other services/discounts that reduce the cost of long-distance calls. For subscribers of mass tariff plans, connecting to the “Beneficial Intercity” service does not exclude other discounts and special offers for long-distance calls provided for by regional MTS services.

Goals of introducing the new MTS service “Beneficial Intercity”

With the launch of the Beneficial Intercity service on the market, MTS expects:

Clearly demonstrate that using cellular communications for long-distance calls is beneficial. Moreover, not only within the MTS network, but also when calling fixed and mobile numbers of other telecom operators.

Stimulate the growth of long-distance traffic consumption by MTS subscribers.

Advantages of long distance calls from new service MTS "Profitable intercity"

Activating the “Favorable Long-Distance” service will allow an MTS subscriber to save up to 60% of the cost of a long-distance call within Russia in 3.5 minutes of conversation according to his basic tariff plan, and with a ten-minute call the subscriber’s savings can reach 75%.

  • According to our data, the average duration of long-distance calls for an MTS subscriber is 3.5 minutes per day.

At basic tariffs in the Moscow region, the cost of one minute of call to fixed and mobile numbers of other operators cellular communications Russia varies from 12 to 15.5 rubles. The cost of a long-distance call lasting 3.5 minutes. is respectively from 42 to 54.25 rubles. depending on the subscriber's tariff. With the “Favorable Intercity” service activated, the cost of such a call will be from 18.25 to 21.75 rubles. which is almost 2.5 times (or 60%) cheaper than the cost international call at the basic tariff of an MTS subscriber without connecting to this service.

Consumption of long-distance traffic by MTS subscribers

According to our data, the largest consumption of long-distance traffic in the MTS network is observed in the Moscow region. Moscow now accounts for 20% of all intercity traffic of MTS subscribers.

Other long-distance communication services of the MTS operator

MTS also offers its subscribers the “Home Towns” service, which allows them to make outgoing calls to MTS phones in all regions of Russia for 2.5 rubles/min. To connect to the service, an MTS subscriber pays 34 rubles. For tariff plans of the “Maxi” line and the “Many calls” tariff, a monthly subscription fee of 100 rubles is established. On other tariff plans (“Long Conversations”, “RED Energy”, “Girlfriends”, “Super Zero”, etc.), the subscription fee for using the service is 3.5 rubles. per day.

MTS also provides special regional long-distance communication services, the connection of which allows MTS subscribers to make calls on preferential terms to mobile and fixed numbers to all cities in the region where they are located at the cost of calls in the “home” region. Such services include: “United Urals”, “My Siberia”, “Baikal”.

Dynamics of change average price fixed long-distance communication in Russia in 2004-2009. Savings for an MTS subscriber with the “Profitable intercity” service

Since 2004, the cost of long-distance calls within Russia has been decreasing, which makes services long distance communication more accessible to subscribers. According to Federal service state statistics, from 2004 to 2009. the price of fixed long-distance communication over a distance of 1201-3000 km decreased from 6.5 to 5.3 rubles/min., i.e. by almost 19%.

  • The cost of a minute of long-distance call for an MTS subscriber with the activated “Beneficial Intercity” service in Russia is up to 2 times lower than the average market price of a minute of call on a fixed long-distance connection. From the second to the tenth minute, the subscriber's savings are about 50%: 5.3 rubles/min: 2.5 rubles/min = 2.12 times.

If you often make calls to numbers registered in other cities of our country, you have probably thought about which MTS tariff is the most profitable for calls within Russia, and perhaps even about changing mobile operator to one more suitable for long-distance calls, especially if you live in Moscow. After all, prices for cellular communications in the capital are on average 50% higher than in the regions.

If at the same time you often have to call family and friends in Russia or negotiate work with partners from another city, you should think about optimizing communication costs, especially since MTS offers tariffs that are the most profitable for making long-distance calls.

Among MTS tariffs there is the most profitable one specifically for long-distance communication, which is positioned on the site mobile operator

You can buy a separate SIM card with a tariff intended for intercity (or with any other tariff and number you like and then go to favorable tariff) and use it exclusively for calls within Russia.

But if you are also interested in other options: profitable outgoing calls in your home region, access to the Internet from a smartphone, SMS, then you can consider alternative options that will also be quite profitable for calls within the country and at the same time include additional packages services.

If you are already an MTS subscriber, first check your tariff plan. To obtain this information, you can dial a simple sequence of symbols and numbers from your cell phone *111*59# and a button call .

In a couple of minutes you will receive an answer to your question in the form of an SMS containing the name of your tariff plan. Or you can go to your personal account on the website and see the parameters of your tariff in the “My MTS” section. Perhaps your tariff is optimal for you, and to make calls to other regions you only need to add the appropriate option.

The most attractive tariff for calls within Russia to MTS subscribers

If you often and for a long time talk with MTS subscribers connected in other regions, the most economical plan for you will be « Super MTS».

The tariff does not provide for monthly fixed charges; incoming/outgoing calls to MTS in your region are free (although there is a daily limit on outgoing calls - 20 minutes, which is quite enough).

If you want to connect to Super MTS, you need to dial the command from your cell phone *888# And call button or switch to this plan through your Personal Account. The change is free if you change the tariff for the first time in a month, otherwise you will have to pay 150 rubles.

In addition to the plan, to increase the number of free minutes to your operator’s numbers across the country to hundreds per day, connect the option « Call MTS Russia 100 for free."

To connect the service you will have to pay only 3.50 rubles, a similar amount will be debited from your balance daily (that turns out to be 105 rubles/month). Connection is instant after dialing from your cell phone *868# , sending a message containing text in the form three digits 868 to the free service number 111, or adding the service in the personal section on the MTS website.

This is the most economical profitable plan, if you dial to MTS subscribers in another region, but if you make long-distance calls to other operators, 14 rubles will be debited from your account per minute of conversation, both with and without the connected option.

Mobile Internet is also priced unfavorably compared to many other tariff plans: almost 10 rubles for 1 MB of Internet data transfer or within the SuperBitSmart 3GB/360rub./month option. (12 rubles/day).

The balance of unspent free minutes or megabytes of Internet can be controlled by dialing from your number *100*1# you can get information about available minutes, *217# — the rest of the digital traffic.

Positioned as the most suitable plan for low-cost calls to other regions, "Your country" ideal for those who make calls throughout the country not only to MTS subscribers. The plan does not include free minutes, there is no monthly fee, and the cost for long-distance calls is minimal (among Moscow connection tariffs) and is 3 rubles/minute.

Calls in your home region – 2.5 rubles/min. (not as profitable as other tariff plans without a monthly fee). The cost of data transfer within the Internet package is the same as for the Super MTS tariff. To switch to a tariff plan, you need to dial the command on your phone *111*182# .

If you don’t want to change your tariff, but at the same time don’t mind saving on calls to other cities in Russia, you can connect additional options, for example a service "Favorable intercity."

Monthly fee for the option is 40 rubles, the cost of long-distance calls to numbers of all operators mobile communications– 3 rub./min.

Connection after dialing from your cell phone *111*903# , or sending a message containing text in the form of three numbers 903 (9030 if the option is no longer needed and you want to remove it) to the free service number 111, or adding the service in the personal section on the MTS website.

This option cannot be activated on Smart tariffs. However, there is an alternative available for all tariffs - the option “Everywhere feels like home.” 30 rub. debited upon connection, then for each day - 7 rubles. (210 rub./month).

Free calls within Russia within Smart tariffs

The main disadvantage of Smart tariffs is the presence of a subscription fee, however, within the tariff plans of this line, packages of free minutes, SMS, GB of Internet traffic and other options are provided depending on the selected category (S Mini, just Smart, S Unlimited, S+, S Top).

In addition to favorable call rates, subscribers receive the opportunity to connect to long-distance roaming for free (starting from the Smart tariff).

The best rates for calls within Russia may vary depending on the region. As mentioned above, in the Moscow region the highest prices for communication services, for comparison, the subscription fee for Smart tariff mini in Moscow - 300 rubles, in other regions of the central region, including St. Petersburg - 200 rubles, Smart - 550 and 300 rubles in Moscow and other regions, respectively.

Within the tariff "Super MTS" central region, calls within Russia to MTS – 3 rubles/min., within Russia to other operators – 12 rubles/min. (2 rubles lower than in Moscow). Not all regions have the Super MTS tariff, mainly only in the central regions.

An alternative to the “Your Country” tariff for most regions is the tariff "Guest", which is also positioned as « Best rate for calls within Russia, the CIS and Asia."

The cost of a minute of international calls within this tariff differs in regions. In St. Petersburg – 5 rubles/min., Lipetsk – 2.5 rubles/min., Volgograd – 1.80 rubles/min. (MTS subscribers), 3.50 rub./min. (to subscribers of other operators).

How to save on calls within Russia and other services?

If you have been using MTS for a long time and have accumulated a decent number of points, you are satisfied with the quality of communication, but are tired of the constant price increases for tariffs from subscription fee or additional payment for the Internet. You can switch to a different tariff for several months, and to connect additional services use accumulated bonuses.

For example, mobile internet for a certain amount of GB or the “Everywhere at home” option can be purchased using accumulated points in the rewards catalog in the MTS Bonus Personal Account.

Let's sum it up

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Each of us has a need to make calls to other cities and regions of the country, to some relatives and friends, to others for work. At the same time, we would all like to spend less money on mobile communications.

The way most cellular users use the tariffs of their “ home region", connection convenient tariff profitable long-distance calls is simply necessary for subscribers who call to other cities. This unique opportunity is provided to its subscribers by the mobile operator MTS. Its users can call other regions incredibly profitably. Each subscriber can connect to this service.

All active users of the MTS mobile operator who want to use it can connect it. It is important that this service can also be activated in roaming.

Service activation

So, to connect MTS Intercity, send a message with the text 903 to the short number 111. After this, the service will be activated. You can also use " Personal account", where customers are served online. Here you can make the connection yourself. In addition to these methods, you can use USSD request, which is sent from your phone using the combination * 111 * 903 #. If none of the methods listed above suits you, you can use the option of calling an operator who will activate this service for you.

You will learn about activation from an SMS message that will be sent to your number. After this, you can immediately call at a favorable rate.

If the need for this option has exhausted itself, you can always quickly disable it. Use the operator’s menu or a combination of numbers, which you can obtain from your MTS operator. The option will be disabled within 24 hours after you submit your application.

Thus, you will be able to make long-distance calls, taking advantage of significant savings on your money.

According to users of this service, they manage to save significantly on calls to numbers in other regions, and they did not find any pitfalls in the tariff. In general, subscribers who have already connected to this service are quite satisfied with it.

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