Mustek Powermust 600 Offline. Electrical circuit diagram. Disable the GreenPower function

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In this review, I would like to tell you about the source of uninterrupted nutrition, namely about the Power Must 600 model. The fact is that I was just forced to buy a UPS, since frequent electricity interruptions forced me to do it.

Quote: What interruptions happen in power networks?

All problems in power systems can be classified approximately as follows: Full power off, reduced or increased voltage, high-voltage bursts, short-term voltage failures, frequency deviation from the nominal value (50 Hz).
Completeno when working on the computer disappeared the supply of electricity and I was unable to do anything with it, due to the termination of the computer ended in an emergency mode, which could entail the loss of data or even worse. In a word on the PC, it affected neither the best way.
Quote: What threaten the power failures with a home computer?
The poor-quality power supply is extremely negatively affecting our electronic favorites. First, it can lead to data loss in memory, and regular failures are inevitably fraught with the appearance of BAD sectors on disks (most often in the system domain). Secondly, strong voltage bursts are able to deal with power supplies, as well as some chips. Thirdly, systematic problems with electricity cause premature aging of equipment. By the way, it is often different to block the keyboard and the "hanging" of the computer, which, in our opinion, are explained by the errors in the program, can actually be due to poor-quality energy supply.
So I decided to acquire the UPS. Now the question was in the right choice of this UPS itself. I admit honestly, I read quite a lot of articles about the UPS (UPS - Uninterruptible Power System), in order to end one time and forever with this problem and do not return to it anymore. Therefore, when choosing the UPS, be very attentive and consider many factors.
Quote: What to pay attention to when selecting UPS?
Here are the main characteristics of the UPS, which should be taken into account when choosing a source.

1. Power. It is expressed in Volt-amperes (B a). The total power of the plug-in devices should not exceed the power provided by UPS.

2. Input voltage range. Sets the minimum and maximum allowable voltage values \u200b\u200bin the network under which the UPS is still capable of maintaining the nominal output voltage without switching to batteries. The wider this range, the longer the battery serves.

3. Autonomous time. It depends on both the capacity of the batteries and the magnitude of the load.

4. Battery life. This parameter significantly depends on the operating conditions: switching frequency in offline mode, Charging conditions, environment. Usually the battery life is 3--5 years.

5. The switching time of the UPS on the battery and back. Naturally, it is less, the better.

6. The presence of nutritional filtering tools in UPS is overwhelming.

7. Method of notifying the user about the start of the computer from the batteries provided for in the UPS.

8. The possibility of self-replacement of batteries.

9. Ensuring the protection of telephone lines (if you use the modem).

10. The presence of a "cold" start function, i.e. the ability to include the UPS in the absence of voltage on the network. It will be useful during a long loss of nutrition, if suddenly, for example, you will need to read E-mail messages.

When buying multifunctional and expensive power supplies, pay special attention to the brand and service, which provides the seller.

I made an order in the online store and began to wait. Waiting for it turned out, it was not long, during some time the UPS was delivered for its intended purpose. After placing a warranty card and paying off with a courier, began to unpack the box. Inside, as expected, the UPS itself was framed by Pinaplast, cables for switching a computer with UPS, user manual, as well as disk with software.

Instructions in several languages, including in Russian. Although nothing complicated in the process of connecting the UPS did not occur, however, I recommend getting acquainted with it so that in the future you did not have any questions about the operation of this device, especially just from you to depend on how long it will last you.

Quote: What rules must be observed during the operation of the UPS?

Some special recommendations do not exist. First of all, the UPS needs to be applied in the same way as with many electrical appliances: do not touch the device with wet hands; If the UPS was long at low temperatures, let him warm up to room. In addition, you should not connect to the source of the device exceeding its power (in this case, the UPS will simply turn off the load), if possible, keep the battery on the "floating" or constant recharging - this will prolong its service life. It is curious that the service life of the rechargeable battery significantly exceeds its shelf life. This is explained by the fact that some natural aging processes are suspended due to constant recharging. For ON-LINE sources (they are much stronger than off-line) it is necessary to provide additional ventilation.

After I connected the UPS to the PC, and this process took me a lot of time, I started installing software. Both the connection process and the installation process, also took away from me or so to speak quite a bit of my time and turned out to be quite simple. In principle, install software It is not necessary at all, the UPS can work perfectly and without it, but if you want to keep everything under your control, you can easily use this right.

Quote: What is the software that is included in the delivery package of the UPS?

The software supplied with inexpensive UPS models is usually available for free download from site manufacturers. As a rule, this is such a fixed set of functions: monitoring the electrical network at the input and power supply voltage parameters, monitoring the condition of the batteries, as well as controlling the protected computer and notify the user about potential and increasing problems.

Applications that are supplied with expensive UPS models allow you to test and diagnose UPS, monitoring of the power grid, maintain event logging log, remotely control the UPS on the switched line, automatically assign the names to the closed files when the PC is completed, notify the user about the problems with power supply to the power supply e-mail or paging communications and even track the state of the environment.
During the operation, Power Must 600 has established itself from the best side, and short or long-lasting voltage differences are not very disturbed me, because that time that the computer worked from the UPS, I was enough to complete the PC work in normal mode. Of course, the duration of the PC will be directly dependent on the load that you will lay on it, simply put, what equipment it will feed and what power.

Quote: What is the UPS?

First of all, it is necessary to protect the PC from long-lasting voltage decals, as well as to ensure the operation of the computer for a relatively short period of time after the voltage disappears on the network so that the user can correctly complete the application of applications or switch to the backup power supply (for example, a mobile diesel generator) . As a rule, most uninterruptible power sources have the properties of network filters. So, they can cope with voltage jumps up to 1000 V, however, they cannot withstand more powerful bursts. Therefore, it makes sense to share a network filter and ups, connecting the last to the outlet of the first (but in no case vice versa!). In addition, a printer, scanner and other peripheral devices can be connected to the remaining free outlets of the filter; this moment No need to organize through the UPS. The network filter will in this case will provide them with elementary protection.

POWER MUST 600 model, specifications:
Power: VA / W: 600VA / 360W
Input Specifications: Voltage: 220/230/240 V AC
Diap. Extra. Sign For example: 162 - 268 in alternating current
Output Specifications: Frequency: 50-60Hz
Switching time: On average: 2 - 6 ms
Protection: Full Protection: Discharge, Recharge, Overload Protection
Physical characteristics: size (mm), HCHF: 330x100x140
Weight: net weight (kg): 6.5
External conditions: noise level: no more than 40 dB
Working conditions: 0 -40 C, with relative humidity 0-0
Interface: Intelligent RS - 232 (Support all OS)
USB port (support for Windows 98/2000 / Me / XP)

After primary diagnostics, an obvious diagnosis was raised - batteries died. Well, of course, because even desperate old-timers could not remember the last date of their replacement. Therefore, now in your eyes will happen replacing the battery in the UPS Mustek PowerMust 600 USB.

Well, let's start. First of all, you need to disassemble the case of this device. To do this, turn it down from the legs on your head and first unscrew the four screws on the bottom cover, and then with a flat screwdriver we use two plastic fastenings of the front panel:

Please note that the self-tapping screws are pretty deep, so the working zone of the screwdriver must be about 12-15 centimeters long:

After that, disconnect the upper and lower parts of the UPS to get full access to the battery body. By the way, it is not fixed in the housing, but simply planted into guides plastic limiters:

We remove the terminals, we clean them if you need from white plaque and, in fact, put a new battery. When choosing it, we pay attention to such main moments as Form factor, Voltage (V) and Capacity (AH):

In our case, this SECURITY POWER lead-acid battery, which cost for a non-cash payment of about $ 14. Well, what do you look at her? Let's put and collect uninterruptible.

Here is an important point. Of course, it is a banal, but nevertheless. Red wire is "+", black, respectively, "-". Such color marking is present on the battery case, see do not confuse.

One more thing. With the future work, the UPS needs to be placed correctly, that is, the battery terminals are always up to the top. This means that the side of the side cannot be filled. Over time, this can lead to a closure inside the battery:

So now? According to information from various specialized forums, it is recommended that you additionally charge the battery for 10 to 12 hours before connecting to the load, then let us work under load with full discharge and repeat the charging process. It is believed that this way the battery accelerates and increases its life.

I did not do that. Just gave the uninterrupted to stand the night included in the outlet, and in the morning I came to work, connected from the computer to USB connector On the back wall:

And checked the basic parameters of the battery (the level of charge, temperature, voltage), also launched a 10-second discharge test:

By the way, the rated voltage under load and at rest can be viewed on the battery pack. There are also optimal and critical temperatures. If it is interesting, then look attentively by her photo, which is at the beginning of the article.

At the last stage of the test, the uninterruptible was forcibly disconnected from the network, and to it, on the contrary, the active load is connected. He led himself well, gave correctly to complete the work on the computer.

That is why, friends, we can safely say that the replacement of the battery in the UPS Mustek PowerMust 600 USB has passed successfully. But if you suddenly know some other useful information On this issue, please write about it in the comments. On this all while let's look at the fresh interesting video.

As is known, the Mustek Mustek PowerMust 600 series and below have only one button and a light bulb on the front panel. A series 800 and above already have three indicator lamps on the "face" that I think is much more convenient. And so, I want to disable the GreenPower feature (we will talk a little later about it), I disassembled my UPS and saw very interesting things there. The first one was on a small board with the same button - it turned out that there are places for two more LEDs, and not only under one green - Fig. 1.

Having found in his pile of trash 🙂 another LED, I decided to turn on the UPS and try to connect this LED. By connecting, he caught fire. As it turned out, one LED indicates that the UPS operates from the network - when from the battery - the LED goes out and the current green is lit. The third, as I understood, is an overload indicator for power. The most interesting thing is that when you turn on, when the UPS is frightened about a second by testing itself, all three LEDs are burning. And then the third goes out and the two main - indicator remains that the UPS is turned on and what works from the network.

As it turned out later, the facial panel was pleased, so the most which with the button. There have already been made by the very necessary holes under all the lamps. That is, I did not have to guess. Taking the drill with a diameter of about 3-4 mm. I drilled the decorative gray "plastic" 🙂 which is around the button. The holes turned out at the same level and neat.

Fig.1 Places for two more LEDs

Fig.2 Holes for two more LEDs

Putting a scarf to the place, I got a kind of UPS shown in Fig.4

I bought the UPS, I was satisfied. Now, when it is turned on, it burns with all three light bulbs (Fig. 5) and then during operation it is beautifully burning with two indicators (Fig. 6).

This is such a useful thing from us lazy creators hid. 🙂

Fig.4 New appearance UPS

Fig.5 View when turned on

Fig.6 UPS in work

Disable the GreenPower function

As you know (or not very), the UPS can be applied not only for PC backup power. From it you can watch TV at the cottage, turn on your favorite table lamp while the dyatlah from the energy session is taking around a transf. Substations you have in the area, etc. 🙂 But as it turned out, all this can be done not more than 5 minutes, after which the UPS automatically turns off (you want it or not / a lot or a little charge left ...) This feature is called GreenPower - autotrunction when working with low load - that is, The UPS believes that the computer is turned off, and therefore it also needs to be turned off to save the battery.

But! Thanks to the guys in RuNet, we already know how to fix this damned shutdown 🙂 Yes, and after I myself disassembled the UPS, there is so straight before your eyes there is a plate where it is indicated how to turn off the GP function.

The figure below shows the same resistor. It is enough to simply get out from there and the UPS will work until the last drop of charge. 🙂 Everything turned out to be easier than it seemed.

And a bit on the topic: What if you connect the battery from the car to the UPS? Comment by user Sergey:

I use a bunch of UPP-battery.60 AH for more than 3 years. There is 4.5-5.5 hours. I connect the fan for cooling from system Block. I do not know how to make it turn on automatically when working from the battery. Maybe on the temperature sensor on the UPS radiator?. Charging: If the light was not long and discharged the battery completely, I charge the car charger. And if 0.5-1.5 hours, then only from the UPS itself. I measured the consumption current, as the battery is discharged. Improved from 9.2 to 12a.
Now the second UPS works in this way. The first failed
according to an unknown reason, 2 tracistra in operation during operation from the network has failed. After their replacement from the battery starts (Cold Start)
and normally pulls the load, but it is worth Lios again connect to the network 220V
immediately warm.
Now about the voltage of the battery. The first UPS supported 13.75V-ideal option, but the second total 13,51-unshaotable, and the time of work from the battery is slightly smaller (I did not measure it right away)

Upd.17.05.2016 Comment from user Alexander:

Upd.12.11.2016 Comment from user RUSL:

PowerMust 600va Plus.
Modification of the board 098-08788-01-S3 with a COM port on board
sMD Controller 78F9116A stands below the board
The standard solution is not suitable, so:

1 We are looking for a current transformer (usually stands on the board, very small), there are thick paths on a socket or relay (we do not need) and thin, they should go to the rectifier (usually 4 diodes, there is only one or two)

2 After the rectifier, one track usually goes to the overall wire (it is characterized by the fact that it connects quite a lot of elements) and the second track that can still diverge through the n-number of parts

3 trying to find a resistor and after it the capacitor sitting by another foot on the mass

4 If after the track goes into the chip, cling to the output lamp per 100 watt

5 include the apparatus and measure the head between this track flowing in the chip and mass (I have connected to the battery) to remember the value (I was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 200 am elol, i.e. 0.2 volt), if not, either did not find or yours The tester does not support Militives, only try to close anything otherwise it can immediately come to the PzDZ, it's better to solder 2 wires in advance and connect to the test

6 After measurement, we turn off the lamp without turning off the device, if the voltage on the tester fell, then most likely you are lucky and you found the desired path

7 Next will be needed by resistors, I took 3 dollars for 10 mega, and it turned out 3.3m, you can try 1m, you may have to pick up, or immediately take a rapidly at least on 100 to 3 output, 2 extreme plus, minus, central output, in this case You need to start twist with a smaller voltage

8 Turn on the device and look for near the + nutrition chip, preferably not more than 5 volts

9 Turn off the device, we solder the resistor to the power supply (if not confirmed of course) and the path found to the microcircuit

10 Turn on, measuring the voltage on the track found and compare the fact that it was before, trying to get closer to it

11 Turn on the device, waiting for the time, we look off or not if it works on the output without load, if more than 220, then most likely the resistor is needed with a nominal value or reduce voltage if the stroke

12 If everything is good - call friends, friends, we praise, drink champagne, if not - doctors, firefighters, drink Borjomi


220 volts in the campaign? Easily! January 6th, 2013

Work practices with unversed, or how to disable the "Green Power" function in the UPS on the PowerWalker example.

The tourist idea, how to get a source of long-term nutrition in a hiking for a long time has long been tormented by many. Hike to pull batteries, batteries, generators, and so on. But the farther or above the trip, the fewer things you want to take. Is it possible to find an output in this situation?
There is no ideal answer. For electricity during expeditions you have to pay weight or noise of devices. But if you do not take into account long transitions, it can be limited to the budget option "from the house". These are uninterruptible power sources, so-called. "UPS".
Basic Appointment of the device - PC protection from unwanted voltage changes in the network, stabilization of voltage and support for autonomous operation when the voltage is dropped (shutdown). And this happens quite often.

1 .
And although I am an electrician in the formation of an electrician, and worked out for 2 years of my life in the electrical enterprise in the electrical enterprise, the specialist I am rather weak. It is not easy to collect this. Yes, and whether it is necessary if you can buy an inexpensive industrial option and to upgrade it if necessary. Below I will tell you what is needed for this.
So, the task: to get for several hours on hiking conditions 220 volts. Without a generator. Obviously, we need a battery and inverter. Those. The usual battery is 12 volts, from which we will squeeze 220 V. Most of the ups behind the back do not have a standard connector under the industrial plug, because Calculated to work with PC, so you need to choose a company with a normal outlet. I now use Powerwalker, namely Powerwalker VI 600SE.

2 .
It would be true, everything is simple: charged from the network and brought with you. But here there is all the complexity and genius of engineering thought. Famous stamps UPS supply the devices in cunning and stupid for Russian function "Green Power"which turns off the power after 5 minutes with a not high electric load. Usually, the shutdown occurs if the power consumption is less than 20-30 percent of the nominal output. It has been established practically that it is no longer possible for a long time to receive 150 watts. If the load is less, Watt 20, then it is suppressed. This is done not by chance, but in order to protect the uninterrupted with the disappearance of the mains voltage and the disappearance of the load. Simply put, autotlope.
But what should I do if we need to maintain low-industrial appliances? Compressor for fish in an aquarium with long departure, wallpaper Mobile phone in a hike, router or network switch, etc. For such purposes, uninterruptible food sources are very expensive, and the alteration of many is carried out through the service centers. Digging inside yourself, because the program method does not disable such a function.

3 .
4 .
To work, we need a long cross-shaped twig, nippers, tape and good lighting. On the Internet there is a good description of working with the UPS of the company Ippon., but pro Powerwalker Almost nothing is noted. Contact service center failed. I think my answer to my request will come only in a few months. And the campaign is already yesterday!
So, UPS is turned off and disconnected from the network. Remove the lid and see the simple inverter scheme. Battery, transformer, control board with key elements. Wires, buttons.
Turn off the positive battery terminal. Simple tightening the wire with it. If you are a prof.electric, this can not be done, but accidentally occasionally not in those connectors you can make small babes. At best, you get scared. At worst, something will break. Capacitors are difficult to be removed from the skin, and the battery strongly sparks with a short circuit.

6. If you are going to make a complex repairs or you need to fully get the board, disconnect the socket connections. The board itself holds on four plastic tags along the case.
7. To turn off the Green Power We need to eat or disappear this resistor R15A.. It is he who is responsible for the signal to the microcircuit. It is this small reptile that does not allow continuous nutrition of low-power loads. At uninterrupted Mustek PowerMust 600 USB You need to disappear R15A resistor in the board. Fair for boards 098-17591-03 (a), 098-17543-01-S1; 098-17138-01-S2. After that, UPS works even with a small load.

eight . At the model "IPPON Back 800VA" The question is solved in the same way. The whole difference is that the desired information is pricked directly on the board: Nogreen - NC (i.e. no). Green - V (i.e. connected). And even the arrows are conveniently shown where the element is located.

nine . However, the whole charm of modern electric industry is a single specification. So many schemes will be typical even for different manufacturers. For my fee 098-17639-00 (c) I was lucky: the same R15A is responsible for the function. The snacks, bent, connected back the positive (red wire) terminal battery, spinned screws, all. UPS operation is not broken, only the automatic shutdown function is disabled. By the way, do not be afraid of small spark when connecting the terminal. This is normal.

10 . By the way, turn off the bieber (I call the speaker on the piseo-element) I do not advise. Still, a useful signal if you forgot to turn off the device, you will remind you about it. Sound every 10 seconds about the backup of the power supply (from the battery). So everything is in order. Signal every second speaks of a low battery charge. Continuous signal is a malfunction of the device. In order for the sound to you not irritated (forest, nature, birds), bieber can be sealed with a tape or crawl into the hole of the Cambrick (so that the platinum inside does not vibrate, creating sound). On the board is indicated as BZ

eleven . Now simple mathematics. We calculate how long the preserigic on the street can work. On the case of any battery there is a battery charge value (electricity). Ampere watch, or AH. I have 7.2 amps-hour. So, with a current consumed in 1 amper, the battery will work 7.2 hours. Or at 7,2a - only one hour.

I need to connect 2 garlands of 120 LEDs. I recommend not to use on incandescent lamps. The efficiency of the light bulbs - a couple of percent. The rest is not necessary warm. Power consumption of one garland 60 watts. At 220 volts we obtain the current i \u003d p / u, 55/220 \u003d 0.25a. Two garlands together consume 025 + 0.25 \u003d 0.5 amps. To check 0.5 divide on 240. It turns out, the consumption of one diode is about 2 milliamme. Since the time of the radio framework, I know that Soviet LEDs consume 10-20 milliamme. But this is Chinese;) Yes, and 10 years have passed already. So everything can be. We get that the garlands will be able to operate 7.2 / 0.5 \u003d 14.4 hours. Of course, this figure is not realistic. In the cold, the battery capacity drops at times. And the calculation of the operation of the power can be discussed by 2-3 times, because The battery is not new, but accurate current consumption by the LED is looking for laziness. It comes out 4-5 hours of work.
The most pleasant is the heating of the transformer inside the box. No ventilation is needed for work. Cooling system "closed". + The radiator of the output transistors in the inverter scheme is heated. Those. UPS himself inside heats, which does not allow dramatically cool the battery and losing in the container. The thermometer on the transformer showed an hour of operation at room temperature and a load of 120 W 52 degrees. In winter it is a good help. I recommend wrapping ups into clothing and cleaning to eliminate weather influence (rain, snow).

13 . In real combat conditions, UPS Putal 2 garlands, total capacity 120 W. . Battery lead-acid. On the street 0 degrees plus-minus one. Opening time to full discharge 6 o'clock . The only drawback is a mass of the device 6.6 kg. Such a weight after the five kilometers of a walking campaign confidently presses on the shoulders.

About what I dragged on myself all this garbage I will tell in the next post. There, I will lead the results of the year, I will tell about the plans, and I will charge you by positive for this year! Do not disappear;) Happy holidays! URAAAAAAAAAAAA

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