Mobile phone numbers mts russia, difference by region. How mts numbers start

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Everyone is interested in knowing what number is calling you, or what number your friend has, what operator.

The very first MTS code in the country, since 1990, was code 917, and numbers with this code were issued in 12 regions of the central part of the country.

First of all, this is Moscow and the regions, the Volga region from Astrakhan to Kazan and to Nizhny Novgorod. But over time, the limit was exhausted and this is not surprising. You know what the population of the country is, and the limit was only 10 million numbers. Therefore, by exhausting the limit, more codes were allocated that begin with 91.

  • 910 and 915- are used in 18 regions of Western Russia, for example, in Bryansk and Belgorod, as well as in the central part of the country - Yaroslavl, Kaluga, Ivanovo.
  • Beautiful and popular code 911 used in 9 regions of the North-West, this includes St. Petersburg with its region, Pskov, Novgorod, Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, as well as the Russian enclave in Europe, Kaliningrad.
  • 912 used in 11 regions of the country, Volga-Vyatka (Perm, Kirov), Western Siberia (Tyumen, YNAO, KhMAO), and the Southern Urals - such cities as Orenburg, Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk.
  • 913 indicates that the number belongs to 9 regions of the South of Siberia and Altai. For example, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk
  • The code 914 used in 12 regions of the Far East. This code is also used by the local Siberian operator, SibInterTelecom, in the city of Chita.
  • 916 - figures that are used only for Moscow and the Moscow region
  • 918 - for nine regions of the southern part of the country - these are Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, as well as the Republics in the North Caucasus.
  • 919 is an additional code that is used in 31 regions, before that the codes 910, 916-918 and 912 were used here.

It is also known that after the exhaustion of these numbers, 98x codes began to be used, where the same geographical reference exists. For example, 982 is the same as 912. The only exception is the code 986, numbers with this beginning are not yet used anywhere in the country.

If you summarize all this information, you can make a short summary. At MTS this moment 19 codes are used with a total capacity of 190 million. Each of the three-digit codes corresponds to a region of the country.

Used combinations:

  1. 910 to 919
  2. 980 to 985
  3. FROM 987 to 989

That's all, now you know what numbers MTS numbers begin with. It is quite easy to learn these combinations and always know a little more information about the number than just some numbers.

What digits do Beeline numbers start with? The structure of the phone consists of three components. The first digits indicate the country, the next three digits indicate the operator, and the unique subscriber number. An operator code, the so-called DEF code or prefix, is assigned to the operator mobile communications and completely identifies it.

Beeline codes by region

In today's world, cell phones have gained immense popularity. Communication services are used by adolescents and the elderly. For some people, every penny counts, you need to learn how to manage funds rationally.

It is very unpleasant, after a call to an unfamiliar phone, to find a negative balance. When a few minutes of conversation, spent a large amount of money.

Probably every person at least once in his life faced with such a situation. And after such personal experience, he approaches spontaneous calls to an unknown phone more responsibly. Before making a call, he tries to identify the operator.

It is useful to be able to correctly identify the call. After all, when you need to call an unfamiliar mobile, you should know which operator it belongs to.

The price of a minute of conversation or message depends on this. To save money, it is useful to know how to distinguish calls and on what basis.

Every year there are more communication users, a large number of large companies develop, offering their services in new cities of the country. High-quality coverage appears in all corners of Russia. One of the largest companies that has been providing millions of people in Russia with high-quality communications for many years is Beeline.

This company started its work almost twenty years ago. The very first Beeline code in Russia is 903 and 905, valid throughout the country, 909 can still be attributed to the old ones.

As the popularity of communication increases, the number of codes increases. Every city in Russia has its own def codes. New customers receive mobile phones with the prefix 960-976. In this range, the company owns 20 prefixes.

The codes of Russia are displayed in a table that indicates what numbers the phone starts with, the number by region:

DefCellularNumber of mobileNumber of regions
900 +7 900 100000 1
902 +7 902 460000 1
903 +7 903 10000000 49
904 +7 904 100000 1
905 +7 905 10000000 60
906 +7 906 10000000 67
908 +7 908 650000 1
909 +7 909 10000000 68
951 +7 951 300000 1
953 +7 953 300000 1
960 +7 960 10000000 56
961 +7 961 9990000 54
962 +7 962 9900000 61
963 +7 963 9960000 54
964 +7 964 9970000 54
965 +7 965 10000000 40
966 +7 966 4270000 17
967 +7 967 8960000 43
968 +7 968 9160000 17

How can I find out about the belonging of a room?

For the convenience of users, the company has developed a special service, thanks to which you can simply find all the information of interest. To do this, you need to go to the site or use SMS requests. Everyone can choose a convenient option for themselves.

On the official website of the Beeline company, you can check the cell phone according to the operator, and find out in which settlements it works.

On the main page of the site you need:

  • Select the "Individuals" tab;
  • Go to the subsection "Help";

  • Then the section "SIM card and number";

  • Select the item "Check if the number belongs to the operator";

  • In the text box, enter the phone you are interested in;

  • Enter characters from the picture;

  • Click on "Check".

After these steps, you will receive information about this phone.

Beeline phone numbers have prefixes 903,905,909 and 960-976. Each locality in Russia has its own prefixes.

So the Moscow region is the beginning of Beeline cellular:

  • +7 967 0;
  • +7 967 1;
  • +7 967 2;
  • +7 968 6;
  • +7 968 7;
  • +7 968 8;
  • +7 968 9.

Checking the number via SMS

Through SMS, you can find out from which city you were called, you need to send a cell phone in the body of the message to 5050. So, if you poison the word Moscow, then in response you will receive codes valid in Moscow.

You can also determine the country from which you were called.

Sending SMS is free if you are not roaming.


Cellular belonging to operators is determined by def-codes, their list can be easily found and viewed on the Internet. For its customers, the company has developed convenient services that help you quickly find information. You can use the official website or SMS request.

It is convenient to determine the city code using free SMS to 5050, just write the name of the city.

It will be helpful to look at:

It is easy to find out from which city you were called using an SMS request, send the cell phone you are interested in to 5050.

It is easy to check from which country you were called using an SMS request.

Everyone will choose the most convenient identification method for themselves and will be able to save money spent on communication. Will be able to quickly determine whether it is worth calling back to an unfamiliar cell.

(8655 people)

Codes of mobile operators in Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communications have become so firmly and organically integrated into our lives that it is already difficult to imagine your day without cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is wonderful. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are the most suitable. It’s just that it’s sometimes very difficult to figure out who owns a particular phone number. But this important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least approximately determine how much the conversation will cost. A simple example: if you call your mobile operator, the cost will be X, and if another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. About the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign operator cellular communication and it's not worth talking about. Obviously it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes mobile operators Russia, so as not to get into a mess.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you see. The second is to look for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, the language? Therefore, we suggest that you use the third method - the base of operator codes. Especially for you, we have created the section "Codes of mobile operators of the world". It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for deciphering a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, after which comes the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to determine the mobile operator. studying telephone number, remember that the prefix may be preceded by a country code. Thus, the telephone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country code + Operator code + Phone number


In our country, the most popular phone numbers are the so-called "Big Three": "MegaFon", MTS and "Beeline". Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people without serious problems remembers which codes belong to which operator. If there are difficulties, use our hint. So, how to identify the code of a mobile operator in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for the MTS telephone code, which is in the range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The Beeline mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline phone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


The MegaFon mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to long-registered subscribers. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia, as well as other countries. Using the reference book "Codes of mobile operators", you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we suggest that you use special offer and for a very attractive price to buy easy-to-remember numbers. For example,

And if we have tariff plan free only calls on the network given operator, then how to find out if it belongs given number certain operator? And there are many questions about this. One of them - What digits do Beeline numbers start with?

Often, when calling from an unknown operator, when we see the number, we try to determine which mobile operator's subscriber is trying to reach us. It happens that they can international calls. We understand this when we see the first digits of the incoming call number.

What numbers start beeline numbers

Each country uses its own mobile phone code, it is written at the beginning of the phone number and begins with "+". Next comes mobile operator code, which is also called def-code. In Russia, the numbers of all mobile operators begin from code 9; followed by an individual subscriber number. Beginning in 2000, Beeline began to introduce different def codes for different regions of the country. Beeline has 20 such codes.

def codePhone numbers start with numbersNumber of mobile numbersNumber of regions
900 +7900 100000 1
902 +7902 460000 1
903 +7903 10000000 49
904 +7904 100000 1
905 +7905 10000000 60
906 +7906 10000000 67
908 +7908 650000 1
909 +7909 10000000 68
951 +7951 300000 1
953 +7953 300000 1
960 +7960 10000000 56
961 +7961 9990000 54
962 +7962 9900000 61
963 +7963 9960000 54
964 +7964 9970000 54
965 +7965 10000000 40
966 +7966 4270000 17
967 +7967 8960000 43
968 +7968 9160000 17

You can also go to the company's website to see what region you are calling from and what mobile operator this number belongs to.

This information can also be obtained by sending message to 5050. In the text you need to write the city for which you need to find out the code and in response you will receive their options that are used in this city. These messages can also be sent free of charge while in roaming.

Another way to find out from which city you are being called is to look at the area code on the website All city codes are listed here Russian Federation.

This service is very convenient because thanks to it you can always find out from which city and the subscriber of which mobile operator is calling you. This will allow you to save your money, because usually, calls to numbers of other operators are much more expensive than calls to the same network. Therefore, it is very important to determine which mobile operator, and from which region of the country this number is.

Each phone number can be divided into separate components that have their own meaning. The initial characters indicate the country, the next 3 digits will tell about the supplier mobile services, at the end there are numbers unique for each subscriber. Each network operator has a code (often found with the DEF prefix) and it is not difficult to find out from which network the subscriber uses the services.

Regional codes Beeline

The world can no longer imagine itself without cellular communications. Services of mobile operators are widespread among different categories of the population, regardless of age and social status. And many of them pay close attention to the issue of communication costs.
One can only imagine the dissatisfaction of people seeking to save money if the result of a call to an unfamiliar subscriber is a “minus” on a personal account, and a short conversation led to unforeseen costs.

Such life moments are not something non-standard. They simply contribute to the attentiveness of subscribers when making calls to numbers that are difficult for them to identify. Therefore, before making a call, the user seeks to determine the operator of the called subscriber.

Correct identification skills are extremely useful. They allow you to understand which operator serves the number to which you need to make a call. In turn, this will affect the price of one minute of communication or sending SMS. Therefore, in order to be able to save money, it is worth figuring out how to distinguish operators by subscriber number.

The number of subscribers of mobile operators is steadily growing every year, new operators appear, existing operators expand their geography of presence in previously uncovered cities, thus increasing the quality coverage area. One of the largest players in the mobile communications market is Beeline, whose number of users has long been in the millions.

Services for the provision of high-quality communications by Beeline have been provided for almost twenty years. The "oldest" operator codes are 903, 905 and a little later code 909 (they continue to work in Russia). The rapid spread of network communication has led to an increase in the number of codes. Now many cities in the Russian Federation have their own DEF codes (assigned regardless of geographical location). Newly connected subscribers receive numbers with codes 960-976. Beeline is the owner of 20 prefixes in this range.

For greater clarity, the initial numbers of Beeline numbers, typical for the regions of Russia, should be presented in the table:

How to find out who owns the number?

For the comfort of subscribers, the operator has created a specialized option that helps to find out all the necessary information. To use it, log in to the Beeline portal or use SMS requests. The convenience of using each method is determined by the subscriber individually.

The operator portal provides an opportunity to determine which of the operators serves the number you are interested in and its regional affiliation.

Going to official page Beeline is necessary:

Go to the "Individuals" tab;

Log in to the "Help" section;

There, go to the "SIM card and number" item;

Click on the button "Check if the number belongs to the operator";

In the field that opens, enter the number by which you want to find information;

Make character input from an image;

Click on the "Check" button;

The result will be information regarding the requested number.

Beeline operator phone numbers start with 903,905,909, as well as 960-976. DEF codes are specific to each region of the Russian Federation.

How to check the number using SMS?

It is possible to determine the operator by SMS, which allows you to find out which area code you need to dial to make a call. To do this, you need to write a message to the number 5050. To get information about the subscriber's operator and its region, the number of interest must be indicated in the text. If you type a city (in Cyrillic) in the text, then in response you will receive information about what its telephone code is.

The code of the country to which you want to make a call is determined in the same way. The service is not charged when you are on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Useful video:

You can find out which operator serves the subscriber of interest using DEF codes. For the convenience of its own users, Beeline has launched comfortable services that allow you to find the information you need. These services are implemented on the official portal and thanks to the SMS request service.

Many subscribers can often be asked questions about the necessary information on numbers mobile phones segment of OOO Mobile Telesystems. It happens that a call is made to a particular device from a particular subscriber, so it is often necessary to find out who exactly is calling (meaning which telecom operator is dialing from). It is noteworthy that today there are many portals on the Internet where unique information is posted regarding the necessary collections of telephone numbers. In order not to look for most of them, the site invites all interested parties to familiarize themselves with the necessary data and get the most information right now. In general, if you do not know what numbers MTS numbers begin with, but want to understand, welcome to the competent material located just below. If you do not want to constantly waste your time searching for the necessary information, if you need to receive data in the most convenient form here and now, read the information provided on our portal, since it is here that numerous visitors achieve their goals in solving certain problems and issues.

If they call you with a phone number starting with the numbers listed, then these are MTS subscribers:

It is important to understand that numerous collections of the necessary complex materials on the database of MTS numbers may not be entirely accurate, since site administrators are not always truly interested in the relevance of information. We hasten to assure you that on our resource you will definitely receive fresh data that will really help to solve problems in the shortest possible time.

IMPORTANT: We remind all users that it is necessary to work only with up-to-date information that is presented on our resource. However, sometimes it happens that the visitor, applying our advice, cannot solve the problem. Such things may be due to the fact that new rules for the operation of a particular application could be introduced inside MTS LLC. For example, a person wants to connect international roaming, which is necessary when traveling in a foreign country. He enters the USSD requests given on our website and hopes that everything is resolved. However, over time it turns out that not everything is so simple. It is for this reason that it is necessary to frequently check the portal No. 1 in the Russian Federation ( on mobile communications for updated news, so as not to become a hostage to such a situation.

Approximate list of numbers from Mobile Telesystems LLC

To date, MTS numbers begin with several possible combinations of numbers that differ in the region of origin. If you need to get a comprehensive list of the required "start" phone formats, you are invited to read the information below and get the required information right now.

  1. MTS Moscow numbers start with "910". Moreover, a similar code can be traced in the central parts of the federal district. Mobile phones themselves begin with: "9100" or "9104".
  2. St. Petersburg phone numbers start with "911". It is also necessary to include several options combinations of the form: "9110" "9111" "9112" "9117" "9118" "9119" and others.
  3. Other numbers may begin with other variants of numbers. For example, "912" is the Ural Federal District, "913" is the Siberian Districts, "914" is the Far East, "915" is the Central District. It is noteworthy that Moscow is also included here: "9150" "9151" 9152 "9153" "9154" and others.
  4. For example, a code like "916" is only Moscow and nothing more. The combination of the type "917" refers to the Volga region.
  5. "918" - Caucasus region
  6. "919" - Again Moscow and the Center
  7. "980" - Central District
  8. "981" - Northwest region
  9. Moscow MTS numbers also start with "985"
  10. "982" - Ural district

In general, an approximate list allows you to have at least an approximate guess of the necessary dialing options, therefore, if you see an unfamiliar number on the screen of your mobile phone, you can always view it in accordance with the above necessary parameters. It is noteworthy that only in this way you, without contacting the office or calling the number "0890" + "0", will be able to find out the required information in the shortest possible time.

Don't know how MTS numbers begin? – Read the above knowledge and get the necessary data right now.

The benefits of awareness

At the moment, understanding which numbers MTS starts on can be extremely convenient and successful to help certain people, since there are situations in life when you need to immediately obtain information on the necessary data. For example, if you don't know which party called (or is calling) you, you can always match the number to a sample database list to get an idea of ​​who might be making the call. Moreover, in some situations, when a threatening phone call is received, one can also investigate and provide competent information to police officers if it is necessary to detain and prosecute a person for hooligan antics on a mobile phone. It is this moment that will allow you to quickly establish the square (region) from which the call was made.

In general, on the site you can always find high-quality information for yourself and resolve issues as soon as possible.

Some issues are difficult to resolve without the help of the MTS help desk, but it is not always possible to get through on the first try, so MTS has provided several options for contacting the MTS Russia operator:

Ask a question to the MTS operator by phone by dialing the support number or choose another method of communication - it's up to you.

How to call from mobile?

We have already briefly described the main way to communicate with the MTS network operator - using a call from a mobile. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at this method and some of the others listed - additional information will help to avoid a lot of problems that tend to arise during the transition “from words to deeds”.

So, we are talking about ways to contact a “live” operator, that is, not with a robotic system, but with a real person whose job is to listen carefully to your problem and help in solving it, focusing on the specifics of a particular situation. Now step by step.

As for the waiting on the line itself, it is best to solve your problems with the operator in the first half of any weekday, ideally before the lunch break. At this time, you will hardly have to wait more than 2-3 minutes. In the afternoon, and even more so on weekends, the network is overloaded. Everyone wants to resolve their issues at this time, because it is the most convenient, but this is precisely what prevents a speedy resolution. The network is corny overloaded at one time, and idle for a long time - at another.

How to contact from another network?

Now let's analyze the situation when you are not an MTS subscriber, but you really need to get through to the MTS operator. This happens, for example, when a family member wants to recover a phone number whose SIM card was lost along with the phone.
There can be many situations, but the essence is the same - you are not an MTS subscriber, but you need to call the support service of this operator as soon as possible (preferably without monetary costs).

The way out of the situation is very simple - dial with mobile number 8-800-250-0890 and press the call key. For subscribers of other networks, by default, redirection to a queue to a “live” operator is provided, however, the service operation algorithm is regularly updated, so you may encounter, for example, a command menu.
As a rule, there is nothing complicated: you just need to select a command called " Technical support”, after which you will be redirected to the operator.

Please note that calls to the number 8-800-250-0890 are possible for subscribers of all existing networks, but only in Russia - a different number is provided for communication with the MTS operator outside the Russian Federation. The call to the specified number is not charged by MTS, withdrawals are possible only at the initiative of your network operator, but most large companies do not do this.

How to call from a corporation?

If you are the owner or the person responsible for the corporate number and want to contact the operator - there is no point in waiting extra time! You can merge accounts, carry out basic operations, find out up-to-date data and much more using a special corporate number. Everything is very simple: dial 8-800-25-00-990 from your mobile and press the call key.

MTS is one of the leading mobile operators in the Russian Federation. However, he expanded the coverage area, and went far beyond the borders of the country. Now residents of the CIS countries use MTS mobile communications. Mobile phone numbers of MTS Russia should not be confused with foreign MTS numbers. Consider the latest information about mobile codes mobile operator.

What MTS mobile phone numbers apply to Russia?

Within the Russian Federation, country codes are often not used for dialing +7 (it is intended for communication in the roaming zone). Russian operators mobile communications use “prefixes”, each of which contains code information about the name of the mobile operator, region of action, and the year the code was entered into activation. The number itself is a 3-digit numeric character that starts with a number "nine", followed by a seven-digit phone number. Therefore, the phone number code is a combination of: 9XX, and the phone number itself: + 7 9XX XXX-XX-XX.

The so-called "prefix" has the technical name "def-code". MTS uses a large number of codes with different ranges of numbers. MTS has a series of codes where there is an identical 2nd digit: 91X and 98X. Thus, if you receive a call from a number + 7 91X or +7 98X, which means that it belongs to the MTS cellular user.

For many years cellular operators Rossi revised def-codes and introduced new ones. The first change was associated with a change in numbering on a geographical basis ( 4XX) to non-geographic ( 9XX). For example, the Moscow code of MTS switched to 985 , duplicating direct Moscow numbers. Previously, the "prefixes" of MTS Russia were under the number " 902 ».

MTS mobile phone numbers: difference by region

MTS SIM cards are sold in all autonomous districts and regions of the Russian Federation. To create numbers by country, the operator uses 25 mobile codes, and the number of subscriber phones, to which the MTS SIM card is assigned, crosses the line into 171 million. The list lists the regions of the Russian Federation, with MTS codes, as well as the number of telephone numbers (subscribers).

For Altai Territory MTS codes - 913 and 983 / over a million numbers.

For Amur region valid code 914 / million subscribers.

For Arkhangelsk region – codes 911 and 981 / million subscribers.

For Astrakhan region – codes 917 , 988 and 989/ million subscribers.

For Belgorod region - four codes: 910 , 915 , 919 , 980 / million subscribers.

For Bryansk region 910 , 915 , 919 , 980 / million subscribers.

For Vladimir region 910 , 915 , 919 , 980 / million subscribers.

For Volgograd region 917 , 919 , 987 , 988 , 989 / 3 million numbers.

For Vologda region – codes 911 and 981 / million numbers.

For Voronezh region – codes 910 , 915 , 919 and 980 / million subscribers.

For Jewish Autonomous Region – codes 914 and 984 / 200 thousand subscribers.

For Trans-Baikal Territory - the code 914 / 300 thousand numbers.

For Ivanovo region 902 , 908 , 910 , 915 , 950 , 980 / million subscribers.

For Irkutsk region – codes 914 , 983 and 984 / million subscribers.

For Kaliningrad region – codes 911 and 981 / million subscribers.

For Kaluga region – codes 910 , 915 , 919 , 980 / million subscribers.

For Kamchatka Territory – codes 914 and 984 / half a million subscribers.

For Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia – codes 918 , 988 , 989 / 700 thousand numbers.

For Kemerovo region – codes 913 and 983 / million subscribers.

For Kirov region – codes 912 , 919 , 982 / million subscribers.

For Kostroma region – codes 910 , 915 , 980 / 880 thousand numbers.

For Krasnodar Territory – codes 918 , 978 , 988 , 989 / 16 million numbers.

For Krasnoyarsk Territory – codes 913 and 983 / 3 million subscribers.

For Kurgan region 912 , 919 , 982 / million subscribers.

For Kursk region 910, 915, 919, 980 / 940 thousand numbers.

For Leningrad region – codes 911 and 981 / 10 million numbers.

For Lipetsk region 910, 915, 919 and 980 / 940 thousand subscribers.

For Magadan region - the code 914 / 300 thousand numbers.

For Moscow region – codes 910, 915, 916, 917, 919, 985 / 27 million numbers.

For Murmansk region – codes 911 and 981 / 900 thousand numbers.

For Nenets Autonomous Okrug – codes 911 and 981 / 150 thousand numbers.

For Nizhny Novgorod region – codes 910, 915, 986, 987 / 2 million numbers.

For Novgorod region – codes 911 and 981 / 750 thousand subscribers.

For Novosibirsk region – codes 911 and 983 / 4 million numbers.

For Omsk region – codes 913 and 983 / million subscribers.

For Orenburg region – codes 912 , 919, 986, 987 / 2 million subscribers.

For Oryol region – codes 910, 915, 919 and 980 / 980 thousand subscribers.

For Penza region 902, 908, 950, 986 and 987 / million subscribers.

For Perm Territory 912, 919, 982 / 3 million subscribers.

For Primorsky Territory – codes 914 and 984 / 2 million numbers.

For Pskov region – codes 911 and 981 / million numbers.

For Republic of Adygea – codes 918 , 988 and 989 / 600 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Altai – codes 913 and 983 / 339 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Bashkortostan – codes 902, 904, 908, 917, 919, 950, 986, 987, 989 / 5 million numbers.

For Republic of Buryatia – codes 914 and 983 / million numbers.

For Republic of Dagestan 918, 988 and 989 / 3 million numbers.

For Republic of Ingushetia – codes 918 and 988 / 600 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria 918, 988 and 989 / 550 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Kalmykia 917, 988 and 989 / 300 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Karelia – codes 911 and 981 / 800 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Komi – codes 912 and 982 / million numbers.

For Republic of Mari El 917 , 919 and 987 / 650 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Mordovia 917, 919 and 987 / 820 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – codes 914 and 984 / million numbers.

For Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 918, 919, 988 and 989 / 950 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Tatarstan 917, 919, 986 and 987 / 4 million numbers.

For Republic of Tyva – codes 913 and 983 / 346 thousand numbers.

For Republic of Khakassia – codes 913 and 983 / 770 thousand numbers.

For Rostov region 918, 919, 988 and 989 / 4 million numbers.

For Ryazan region 910, 915 and 980 / million subscribers.

For Samara region 917, 919, 986 and 987 / 3 million numbers.

For Saratov region 917, 919, 986 and 987 / 2 million subscribers.

For Sakhalin region – codes 914 and 984 / 720 thousand subscribers.

For Sverdlovsk region – codes 912, 919 and 982 / 5 million numbers.

For Smolensk region 910, 915, 919 and 980 / 996 thousand numbers.

For Stavropol Territory 918, 919, 988 and 989 / 3 million numbers.

For Tambov region 910, 915 and 980 / million subscribers.

For Tver region 910, 915, 919 and 980 / million subscribers.

For Tomsk region – codes 913 and 983 / million subscribers.

For Tula region 910, 915, 919 and 980 / million subscribers.

For Tyumen region 912, 919 and 982 / million numbers.

For Republic of Udmurtia 912, 919 and 982 / million subscribers.

For Ulyanovsk region 917, 986 and 987 / 740 thousand numbers.

For Khabarovsk Territory – codes 914 and 984 , a million numbers.

For Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (Yugra) 912, 919 and 982 / 3 million numbers.

For Chelyabinsk region 912, 919 and 982 / 3 million numbers.

For Chechen Republic – codes 988 and 989 / 850 thousand numbers.

For Chuvash Republic 917, 919 and 987 / million subscribers.

For Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - the code 914 / 80 thousand numbers.

For Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 912, 919 and 982 / 830 thousand numbers.

For Yaroslavl region 910, 915 and 980 / million subscribers.

calling you unknown number and you think that he is a subscriber of the MTS company? Let's find out.


Today, the Internet has more than a dozen resources, which are located in open access unique information and selections of numbers. Although in general people are aware of what numbers MTS numbers begin with, few people have detailed data.

What digits does the MTS subscriber number start with?

You can understand that it is MTS customers who are calling you by the following numbers at the beginning of the number:

You must understand that large lists of required materials cannot be one hundred percent accurate, because administrators are rarely interested in how up-to-date the information is.

Therefore, we dare to remind you that you need to work only with up-to-date information.

Approximate list of numbers from MTS

Today, MTS numbers can start with a variety of numbers. It all depends on the region where the number works. If you require full list formats, the following information will be useful to you:

  • Moscow numbers, as a rule, begin with the number 910. The exact same code can be used in the Central part of the federal district
  • St. Petersburg numbers start with 911. Some combinations also belong to them - 9110, 9111, 9112, 9117, 9118, 9119 and so on

Numbers from other regions have excellent combinations:

  • 912 - Ural Federal District
  • 913 Siberia
  • 917 - Volga region
  • 919, 985 - Moscow and Center
  • 981 - Northwest
  • 982 - Ural district

So, you have some awareness of the alleged ownership of the number. Therefore, unfamiliar calls can always be compared with all the necessary parameters.

Why do you need to know this at all?

Today, when you understand how MTS numbers begin, you can help yourself and others, if necessary, determine which operator this or that number belongs to.

Video: Identifying an operator by phone number

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