Description of the MTS tariff “Smart for your own. MTS tariff “Smart for yours” How to switch to smart for yours

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  • Subscription fee: 200 rubles per month 1 2 ;
  • Internet package: 10 gigabytes per month 3;
  • Package of minutes: 600 minutes per month 4;
  • Message package: 600 SMS per month 5;
  • Unlimited social networks and instant messengers 6;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia;
  • Local calls after the end of the package: 2 rubles per minute 7;
  • Long-distance calls: 3 rubles per minute;

Exceptions and clarifications

  1. The subscription fee for some regions is 450 rubles per month. List of regions: Kamchatka, Magadan, Norilsk and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
  2. The subscription fee of 200 rubles is applicable only for subscribers with federal number(9xx), for a city number there is an additional charge of 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the region. The largest surcharge for a city number in Moscow and the Moscow region is 300 rubles.
  3. The Internet package is 10 gigabytes for all regions except: Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Tula, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In these regions, the Internet package has been increased and amounts to 15 gigabytes.
  4. The package of minutes is spent on any local calls and calls to any MTS Russia phones. After the end of the package of minutes, calls to MTS Russia remain free and unlimited, calls to others local operators cost 2 rubles per minute.
  5. The SMS package is used only when sending messages to your home region. The price of a message to another region of Russia is 3 rubles 80 kopecks. The price of international communication is 5 rubles 25 kopecks.
  6. Unlimited social networks and instant messengers are provided using the VNet service. With the “Smart for Friends” tariff, it is free for all regions except Norilsk. The cost of the VNet service in Norilsk is 4 rubles per day.
  7. In some regions, the price of a local minute is 1.5 rubles per minute.

Note: The “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan is a tariff for individuals. It cannot be connected to corporate SIM cards, and after connection, the SIM card will remain registered in your name.

  • Is it possible to verify the authenticity of the code for the "Smart for Friends" tariff from MTS without activating the code?
  • Super MTS for your own: description of the MTS tariff, how to connect
  • Features of using Internet packages

    Every month, a subscriber to the “Smart for Friends” tariff is provided with 10 gigabytes of Internet. This package can be distributed via Wi-Fi without restrictions or surcharges. In addition, a SIM card with a tariff can be used in a modem or router. After the end of the package, the Internet will be automatically connected additional packages, they are described in detail below. If automatic activation of additional packages is disabled, Internet access will be completely blocked until the end of the billing period. To restore access to the Internet, in this case, you can connect any MTS “Turbo button”.

    Regions with 15 GB package

    In the following regions: Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Tula, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, subscribers of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff are provided with an Internet package of 15 gigabytes per month. The increased package is activated automatically when connecting to a tariff; no additional actions are required from the subscriber. There are no additional charges for additional gigabytes.

    Automatic additional packages

    After the main Internet package is exhausted, users of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff will automatically be connected to additional packages of 1 gigabyte in size. Each package costs 75 rubles. As soon as one additional package ends, the subscriber is connected to the next one, and another 75 rubles are debited. In total, no more than 15 additional packages can be connected, after which Internet access is blocked until the end of the billing period. At the same time, you can extend your Internet access using the “Turbo buttons”. You can refuse automatic additional packages in the My MTS application, or using the USSD command:

    Connectable Internet packages

    Since February 21, 2018, subscribers of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan have access to additional Internet packages:

    • 3 gigabytes of Internet for 300 rubles per month;
    • 5 gigabytes of Internet for 400 rubles per month;
    • 10 gigabytes of Internet for 500 rubles per month;
    • 20 gigabytes of Internet for 600 rubles per month;

    When connecting such a package, it will be immediately written off subscription fee for the first month. Starting from the second month, the subscription fee will be charged daily. Once connected, the package will be automatically renewed every month until it is disconnected through the My MTS application.

    To activate one of these packages, call the toll-free number 057036 . The automatic informer will tell you in detail about all available packages, after which you can connect them.

    You can disable additional plug-in packages through your MTS subscriber’s personal account, or using the My MTS application.

    Packages of minutes and SMS on the Smart tariff for your own

    Package 600 minutes

    In all regions without exception, Smart for Friends subscribers are provided with a package of 600 minutes every month. These minutes are spent on local calls, as well as on calls to any MTS Russia phone. Intercity and international calls are paid separately. If you need more minutes, you can connect an additional package, more on that below.

    Package 600 SMS

    The monthly package of 600 SMS is consumed only when sending messages to home region numbers.
    Note: Maximum length short message - 70 characters when using Cyrillic. You can write a message of any size, but when you send it, the phone will automatically break it into 70-character messages, and the recipient's phone will stitch the received messages back together. Therefore, when sending a large message from a package, more than 1 SMS may be charged.

    Additional connected package of Smart minutes for your

    Since February 21, 2018, subscribers of the “Smart for Friends” tariff have access to an additional plug-in package of 200 local minutes for 150 rubles per month. The package is activated once and is automatically renewed for each subsequent month. The fee for the first month is debited at the time of connection, starting from the second month the fee is debited daily.

    To activate the 150 minutes package, dial toll free number 057036 and follow the instructions from the autoinformer. You can disable the package through your MTS subscriber’s personal account, or using the My MTS application.

    Service "VNet"

    The Vseti service provides unlimited access to the following services: WhatsApp, Viber, FB Messenger, Skype, OK Live, TamTam, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.
    For all subscribers of the “Smart for Friends” tariff, except Norilsk, the service is free. In Norilsk, the subscription fee for the service is 4 rubles per day.

    You can activate the “VNet” service through the My MTS application, or USSD with the command:

    Note: In some regions, in the My MTS application, the “VNet” service is indicated as paid. This is an error; in fact, after connecting the service, the subscription fee will not be charged.

    Roaming on the Smart tariff for your own

    On the “Smart for Friends” tariff plan, roaming within Russia is completely absent. In any region of Russia, including Crimea, a Smart for Friends subscriber is served at home. All packages work and all incoming calls and messages are free without the need to activate additional services.

    Features of using packages in roaming

    No matter what region of Russia you are in, calls to your home region will always be considered local, and calls in the region of your actual location will be considered long-distance.

    Example: You are from St. Petersburg and came to Moscow. Calls to all numbers in St. Petersburg will be considered local and come from the package. Calls to any MTS Russia numbers will be made from the package and after the end of the package will remain unlimited and free. Calls to Moscow numbers (except MTS) will be considered long-distance and paid according to the tariff.

    With a package of short messages everything is exactly the same. No matter where you are, messages from the package will only be spent when sending messages to your home region.

    Incoming calls while roaming

    All incoming calls for Smart for Friends subscribers when roaming in Russia are free. None additional services You don’t need to connect for this, everything works automatically. In this case, the caller will pay for the call in the same way as if you were in your home region.

    Internet in roaming on Smart for your own

    When roaming in Russia, subscribers of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan can use the Internet package without any restrictions or surcharges.

    Note: Until 2018, Internet access speed was limited to 128 kilobits in some regions of the Far East and Norilsk; now there are no restrictions.

    Features of the tariff in the regions

    Smart for people in Norilsk

    The subscription fee for the “Smart for Friends” tariff for subscribers from Norilsk is 450 rubles. The VNet service is paid - 4 rubles per day.
    For all subscribers connected before February 21, 2018, the subscription fee is 200 rubles, as in other regions. Unfortunately, at the beginning of March 2018, MTS prohibited the activation of “Smart for Our Own” certificates for SIM cards from Norilsk. It is currently impossible to connect “Smart for Friends” in Norilsk.

    Smart for people in Kamchatka, Chukotka and Magadan

    The same restrictions have been introduced for these regions as for Norilsk. The only exception is the VSet service, which is free. Connecting to the “Smart for Friends” tariff in these regions is currently prohibited.

    Smart for people in Crimea

    To SIM cards of the Republic of Crimea tariff plan"Smart for our own" does not connect. Subscribers with the “Smart for Friends” tariff from other regions can come to Crimea with their SIM card and be served in the same way as in other regions of Russia, without roaming.

    How to connect Smart for your

    The “Smart for Friends” tariff is intended for relatives and friends of MTS employees. However, some employees sell their codes online. Of course, MTS has a negative attitude towards this. But it is impossible to separate those who bought the code from those who received it as a gift. Therefore, if you buy and activate the code, you will be able to use the tariff for an unlimited time, and it will never go off.

    You can connect “Smart for yours”.

    Please note: If you change your “Smart for Friends” to any other tariff, you will not be able to reconnect it even for money. The “Smart for Friends” tariff can be activated only once on one number.

    Using a special certificate (code)

    This is the most common and quick way. Purchase a special promo code for the “Smart for Your Own” tariff from store employees and follow their instructions. The code must be sent to the short number 3620 and wait for a response message about changing the tariff plan. If you use the My MTS application, the tariff information in it may be updated with a delay of 5-30 minutes after activating the code.

    According to the employee

    Any employee of MTS PJSC can write and send a special application, according to which, within 5 working days, they will connect the “Smart for Our Own” tariff to the specified number. Such a connection can only be made to a number that was transferred to the MTS network from another telecom operator using the MNP service.

    The MTS security service closely monitors that employees do not write such statements for money. Finding an employee who would connect you in this way is now almost impossible.

    Free connection “Smart for your own”

    From the end of 2016 to October 27, 2017, MTS carried out a promotion for free connection to the “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan. Unfortunately, this action is closed and, according to some signs, they are not going to resume it.

    How to avoid being scammed when connecting

    When purchasing a “Smart for Friends” tariff code, you should be careful! Don't forget that in addition to real big sellers, there are also scammers. Below are a few simple rules that will keep you as safe as possible when purchasing a code:

    • Do not buy codes through social networks, even if the seller’s page looks complete, was created a long time ago and has a lot of reviews. Fraudsters hack popular pages on social networks and “sell” codes through them until the real owner of the page discovers this and restores access.
    • Do not buy codes on Avito. The situation is exactly the same as with social networks. Even if the seller is “pumped up”, this does not mean that he is real.
    • Do not buy “Smart for yours” on one-page websites. Fraudsters create such sites en masse, it’s not difficult. Then they put up advertisements in search engines and deceive buyers until such a site is blocked. And immediately after blocking one site, they create another and continue.
    • Do not buy codes on unfamiliar forums. Topics about sales and reviews often cheat and deceive gullible buyers.

    You can always use the “Smart for Your Own” tariff plan. They have been operating for several years and have a good reputation.

    Can they disable Smart for Friends?

    There have been no such cases during the entire existence of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan, since 2014. However, do not forget that if you turn off your “Smart for Friends” yourself, you will no longer be able to connect it back.

    Re-connection “Smart for your own”

    Reconnection The “Smart for Friends” tariff is not possible for most subscribers. The only way is to transfer the number to another network mobile operator, wait 2 months, transfer the number back to MTS and connect according to the application. But since now employees do not write such statements for money, you will definitely need a familiar MTS employee. Please note that employees of MTS communication stores are not in fact MTS employees; they are registered with another company - Russian Telephone Company (RTK). RTK employees will not be able to help you with connecting to the “Smart for Our Own” tariff; many of them don’t even know about it.


    If you find an inaccuracy in my description of the “Smart for Your Own” tariff, have something to add or want to criticize, be sure to leave a comment. In addition, I am ready to answer any questions you have about the tariff.

    A whole program to introduce MGTS clients to the joys of mobile communications. This includes delivery of a SIM card along with an MGTS account, and exclusive rate, and selection of matching numbers in phone numbers, and a test period for free trial. An interesting project in the win-win category, when both sides win.

    About the phone number

    Unfortunately, only a new connection; it is impossible to transfer a current MTS number. Or rather, perhaps, but not “Smart for our own”. But they found a number whose last four digits coincided with the digits of the MGTS landline phone number. It’s tempting, you see, you can sacrifice your previous number for the sake of matching numbers. Or, for example, to make a talkative spouse happy with such a number.

    Number capacity in code (DEF) 958. We wisely managed a valuable resource. I remember how MTS once mediocrely squandered the capacity of 985, including on prepaid boxes. MegaFon at one time held back the capacity of 925 and offered completely matching numbers to all owners of direct cell numbers of other operators. The procedure was extremely simple: you came to the salon with your phone, the salon employee dialed a landline number, upon hearing the answer, made a connection to a completely matching number in code 925. I don’t know how many owners of landline numbers MegaFon managed to entice, but the idea was beautiful.

    About the contract and free testing

    They offer to try all the services and evaluate the quality within five days after activating the SIM card.

    100 minutes, 100 SMS messages and 1 GB of traffic is a completely sufficient package for free testing if you have not used MTS services before. After concluding the contract, you will pay the invoice for mobile communications together with the bill for the MGTS landline telephone, that is, on credit. Also a significant plus and additional convenience.

    About the tariff

    Technically, the “Smart for Our Own” tariff is almost identical to previous version“Smart for your own” MTS. For a subscription fee of 200 rubles. per month they give a package of 500 minutes to all phones in their region, 500 SMS messages and 5 GB of Internet traffic. After the package of minutes is exhausted, unlimited access to MTS phones throughout Russia is enabled and, what is important, unlimited access to all MGTS landline phones.

    MTS’s “Smart for Friends” tariff was recently improved (600 minutes/SMS and 10 GB of traffic), but the MGTS version has unlimited access to most landline phones in Moscow. And for the MTS version you will have to pay a considerable amount of money for connection (they sell conversion codes), and they can also deceive you. And, of course, no matching numbers telephone numbers you won't get it.

    In my opinion, 200 rubles. per month at the present time is absolutely not the money for the sake of saving which it would be worth giving up the proposed “grocery set” and additional benefits. Unless, of course, you intend to continue using the MGTS landline phone. And certainly this option is much more interesting than those mobile tariffs MGTS, which the company officially offers on its website.

    How to connect?

    As far as I understand, the correct answer is no way on your own initiative. Just wait for the offer with a SIM card in the envelope of your monthly bill from MGTS. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to take advantage of this offer; if they don’t send it, then that’s your fate. It would be interesting to know about the scale and prospects of the project, but they are unlikely to tell us. Perhaps something will become clearer later or the proposal format will be corrected.

    It is clear that MGTS will thus acquire a certain number of mobile subscribers. Yes, and someone will change their mind about giving up a landline phone if they have such a bundle. If you start adding up the numbers, the combination of a landline phone + “Smart for your own” will cost less than the regular SMART tariff with worse parameters.

    Few people know that in addition to the tariff plans available for purchase and switching to anyone, there are very profitable, but not on sale, “closed” tariffs. The MTS company has released a very profitable tariff plan “Smart for its own” for its employees.

    It’s just that the company’s employees recently had the opportunity to switch themselves, and also connect up to 10 MTS subscriber numbers to this non-public tariff at their discretion. Each employee receives free codes to switch to the Smart tariff plan for their employees. Naturally, offers to sell codes immediately began to appear on the market. If you do not have close friends or relatives among the operator’s employees, it will not be easy to get free opportunity transition to this closed tariff. The cost of a paid transition to this plan varies and can reach 3,000 rubles - it all depends on the appetite of the seller.

    The first “For our own” version of the tariff has already undergone some changes. Let's do it detailed description tariff, which Mobile Telesystems is now distributing among a narrow circle of subscribers.

    Those who switched to the “Smart for Our Own” plan for a subscription fee of 200 rubles per month will receive the following available packages of minutes and SMS:

    • 600 minutes of calls to everything mobile numbers your region, including calls to MTS operator numbers.
    • 600 outgoing SMS to numbers of any operators in your region.
    • Free inbox when you are located throughout the country.

    After the main packages of minutes and SMS expire, the prices become as follows:

    • After the 10-hour communication package is exhausted, the cost of outgoing calls varies depending on the region where the SIM card was purchased. In the capital region, it is 2 rubles per minute of communication to numbers of any operators in your region.
    • Outgoing calls outside your region are not included in the main package volume of available minutes and amount to 3 rubles per minute of communication when calling any operators.
    • Users will pay 50 kopecks for 1 SMS to all operators in their region.
    • SMS messages will cost 3 rubles 80 kopecks after the limit of 600 messages to operators in any region has been exhausted.

    It should be noted that calls to MTS numbers are also included in the primary package of free minutes. But after the package is exhausted, they remain free both in their region and on MTS throughout Russia.

    A user who subscribes to such a tariff receives the following conditions for using mobile Internet:

    • A package of 10 GB of Internet traffic, valid throughout the country without additional roaming surcharges.
    • Automatically connected Internet traffic packages after the main limit of 500 MB is exhausted for 75 rubles each. No more than 15 such Internet packages can be used per month. Automatic connection additional packages can be adjusted independently.
    • After the end of additional packages, the user can use the “Turbo button” options of 100 or 500 MB in size to access the Internet.

    Important! The MTS “Smart for Friends” tariff works without taking into account intranet roaming countrywide. That is, the connected subscriber is served in his own way home tariff, located in any region of the state. The conditions included in the tariff itself are the same as for subscriptions to the “ ” option.

    Connecting a tariff

    How to activate the “Smart for Your Own” tariff? A company employee is given 10 activation codes for personal use. The tariff change occurs without replacing the SIM card. If you did receive such a code in one way or another, then to switch to the “Smart for Your Own” tariff on MTS you just need to do one of two actions:

    • Dial the USSD combination *362*000000*0000# on your phone, changing the zeros to your digital code.
    • Call number 3620 and change the tariff in call mode.

    Attention! When changing your tariff plan to this closed tariff, you must have at least 200 rubles in your account balance, since the subscription fee is debited at the time of the transition.

    Go to new tariff The plan is usually carried out within 1 day. How do you know that a new tariff has already been activated?

    1. The name of your tariff is displayed.
    2. The USSD command *111*59# will allow you to get the name of the tariff in the information message.

    How can you find out, while on such a tariff, how many minutes, traffic and messages are left available for use? It will be possible to do this using standard methods, the same as on any other Smart line tariff:

    • In your Personal Account on the operator’s website at:
    • IN mobile application My MTS.
    • Using the USSD combination *111*217#, then make a call.

    It is worth noting some disadvantages associated with using the MTS “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan. When you switch to a new tariff, the main inconvenience is calls within the network, limited to a 10-hour monthly limit. Next, unlimited calls within the network begin, but by that time the time for outgoing calls to numbers of third-party operators must be spent. Another inconvenience is that calls to other regions cannot be made against the accrued 10 hours.

    As a result, you will agree that for 200 rubles of a monthly subscription fee, a subscriber who switches to such an MTS tariff receives an excellent offer. Other tariffs, even with the availability of various packages and options, will not provide such a ratio of price and volume of services. This is a practically minimized “Ultra” tariff, only for a very modest price.

    Let us remind you that it is impossible to purchase SIM cards with the “Smart for Your Own” tariff from MTS. Therefore, those who want to switch to such mobile communications will have to look for codes to switch on their own.

    MTS “Smart for Your Own” tariff - what kind of tariff plan is this, what are its parameters and prices, how to activate this tariff, since it is not on the official website? Now we will tell you everything!

    “Smart for your own” from MTS- This is a closed tariff plan. This means that not every subscriber can connect it. If you have a “Smart” tariff plan, you can change its parameters, making it a “Smart for your own” tariff. To do this you need to enter a special code.

    Such codes are provided to MTS employees so that they can use them themselves or give them to friends and loved ones. If you have no desire to give away such codes, they are sold. Therefore, to get the “Smart for your own” tariff, you need a friend who works at MTS or money to buy a code to switch to the “for your own” tariff. But more on that later.

    Description of the MTS “Smart for Friends” tariff

    “Smart for your own” for 200 rubles per month- this is one of the best tariff plans not only for MTS, but also for all Russian operators. Excellent conditions: low monthly fee, impressive packages of minutes, SMS, Internet, no additional fee for regional roaming.

    • Subscription fee – 200 rubles per month.
    • Package of minutes – 600
    • SMS package – 600
    • Internet package – 10 GB
    • Calls to MTS Russia after the end of the package of minutes are free
    • Calls to numbers of other operators in your region after the end of the package of minutes - 2 rubles per minute
    • Calls to numbers of other operators in other regions – 3 rubles per minute (not included in the package of minutes)

    In general, this is the same “Smart” tariff, only with adjusted parameters: packages are larger, subscription fee is lower.

    Separately, it should be said about the Internet - as with all new MTS tariffs, “Smart for Our Own” initially includes additional Internet packages, so personal account or in a similar application you will see approximately 17.32 GB of Internet. To disable additional Internet packages (they are activated automatically after 10 GB are used up), you need to enter the USSD request *111*936#. Then only 10 GB will be displayed, and there is no need to worry about overspending.

    Do you want to buy the MTS “Smart for Your Own” tariff?

    You can use the search to find sellers of codes for the “for your own” tariff..

    The seller of the codes is Arthur. The cost of one code to switch to the “Smart for Your Own” tariff is 1,290 rubles. Codes are available for any region of Russia. Contact 8-926-789-5104 - only messages via instant messengers: Viber, WhatsApp or Telegram. When applying you must write “ smart for your technos", and in the near future you will be answered immediately on the topic. Please contact the specified contact for any clarification questions.

    How to connect “Smart for yours”? How to switch to the tariff?

    We have already found out that to switch to this closed tariff plan, you need a special code, which you can beg from a friend MTS employee or buy for money. What to do next?

    The seller will write you a short number where you need to send this code (without spaces, with an asterisk and Latin letters). After sending the code, you need to wait 5-15 minutes (sometimes longer - depending on how busy the service is). After successful activation, you will receive a message about the tariff change.

    The transition to the tariff will immediately launch a new reporting period. The subscription fee will be charged immediately and new packages of minutes, SMS and Internet will be provided. Since activation of the tariff will lead to the debiting of the subscription fee, you will be warned that when sending the code, money may be debited from your account - no need to be alarmed.

    “Smart for your own”: Moscow and region

    Tariff parameters using the example of Moscow and the region:

    Good afternoon

    I've been meaning to write a full detailed instructions for people who want to connect to the “Smart for their own” tariff when switching to the MTS network from other telecom operators, and your question came in very handy.

    We connect "Smart for our own" with MNP

    1. (optional) Visit the office of your current operator and ask to check the contract details with your passport. Sometimes it happens that there are errors in the contract. In this case, your current operator will cancel the transfer to MTS and you will have to start all over again.

    2. Visit the MTS office with your passport and write an application to transfer the number to the MTS network. An office employee will give you a form, you fill it out and give it back. After this, you will be given an MTS SIM card with a temporary number, which will be replaced with the number you are transferring after the process is completed.

    Most likely, you will be given a SIM card with the “Smart Mini” tariff, which has a subscription fee of 300 rubles per month. If you ask for a different tariff, they will either tell you that there are no SIM cards, or they will persuade you not to change the tariff for now. At this stage, it is very important not to listen to the office employee (he receives bonuses for the Smart Mini tariff sold) and demand that the SIM card be transferred to the " Super MTS", which has no subscription fee. If an office employee refuses, you can change the tariff yourself in paragraph 3 of these instructions. But if the tariff has not been changed, do not top up your account under any circumstances! Otherwise, you will lose 300 rubles, since the first subscription fee will be charged at the "Smart Mini" tariff.

  • Tell me, what is the procedure for switching to “Smart for your own”?
  • Is this relevant today for switching to MTS Smart for your own people?
  • SMART for your 2016, description of changes and connection to the tariff
  • What days are considered working days when switching to Smart for your
  • 3. Now you need to disable everything on the new SIM card paid services and, if the tariff has not yet been changed to “Super MTS” - do so. We have a detailed article about this: . You can change the tariff there, in the application or in your personal account, in the “My Account” section:

    4. Now all you have to do is wait. After some time, you will receive an SMS from MTS, which will inform you of the exact date and time the number will be transferred to the MTS network. If the first step of the instructions is not completed, then there is a small chance that your current operator will cancel porting the number at this stage. However, this happens extremely rarely.

    5. At the specified date and time, your number will begin to work on the MTS SIM card, now you can activate the “Smart for yours” tariff. Make sure once again that you do not have paid services connected, then top up your balance with more than 200 rubles (preferably 300-400 to have a reserve).

    6. Fill out the form at the address, in the field "Option to switch to tariff:" indicate " Smart for your own - free"(as of October 27, 2017, the free transfer is no longer available; see the current offers on the order page). If you don’t want to wait 10 working days, you can choose accelerated connection options for 200 or 790 rubles. After some time, the operator will contact you, clarify the details and initiate the procedure for connecting to the “Smart for Our Own” tariff. Depending on the chosen method, the transition to “Smart for your own” takes 1-10 business days, during all this time the balance of your number must be strictly more than 200 rubles. After completing the transition to the “Smart for Your Own” TP, pay the cost of the service provided (except free option) according to the details specified by the operator.

    If you have any questions or need clarification, please, or leave a comment.

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