Wifi password dir 300nrub7. Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

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Setting up the DIR-300/NRU/B7 router

Wi-Fi connection D-Link router DIR-300 NRU rev. B7

The newly purchased and unpacked router is connected as follows: we connect the provider cable (in our case, Medialan) to the yellow port on the back of the router, signed Internet. We plug the supplied blue cable into any of the four remaining sockets of the router with one end, and into the network card connector of your computer with the other. We connect power to the router and wait until it boots up and the computer determines the parameters of the new network connection (don’t be surprised that it is “limited”; that’s how it’s supposed to be).

Note: when setting up the router, do not use the Medialan connection you have on your computer to access the Internet. It should be disabled. Subsequently, after setting up the router, it will also no longer be needed - the connection will be established by the router itself.

It would also be a good idea to make sure that in the connection parameters local network The parameters for the IPV4 protocol are set to: obtain an IP address and DNS server addresses automatically. To do this, in Windows 7, click on the connection icon at the bottom right, select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access", then change the adapter parameters, right-click on "Local Area Connection - Properties", and make sure that no static addresses are registered there. In Windows XP, these same properties can be viewed in Control Panel - Network Connections. It seems that I have taken into account the main reasons why something may not work. Let's move on.

Setting up a connection in DIR-300 rev. B7

The first step to configure PPOE (Medialan works using this protocol) on D-Link DIR-300 is to launch your favorite internet browser ( Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari on Mac OS X, etc.) and go to the address (enter this address in the browser address bar and press enter). As a result, we should see a request for a login and password to enter the admin panel of the DIR-300 B7 router.

Login and password for DIR-300 rev. B7 The standard login is admin, the password is the same. If for some reason they do not fit, then perhaps you or someone else changed them. In this case, you can reset the router to factory settings. To do this, press and hold the RESET button on the back of the router with something thin (I use a toothpick) for 5 seconds. And then repeat the first step.
After entering your login and password, we will be taken to the settings menu of the D-Link DIR-300 rev router. B7

D-Link DIR-300 rev. B7 - administration panel
Here we need to select “Advanced settings”, after which you will see a page that will display the model of your Wi-Fi router, firmware version and other information.
In the top menu, select “Network” and get to the list of WAN connections.

In the image above there is one WAN connection in this listing. Click on the WAN connection, you should have the following settings: connection type (Dynamic IP), you should also check the box - Obtain DNS server address automatically. The Mac address will need to be cloned, because... There is a link to mas addresses. Click save.

After saving the WAN settings, click the add button in the lower right corner and get to the main WAN settings. This time we select PPPoE in the “Connection type” field. Then, instead of the standard connection name, you can enter any other name (for example, I have Medialan), in the “Username” field we enter your login from the Internet Medialan, in the password and password confirmation fields, respectively. Check the Keep Alive box and click “Save”. On the next page, where the newly created connection will be displayed, we will again be asked to save the configuration. Save.

Now, if all the operations above were performed correctly, if you did not make a mistake when entering the connection parameters, then when you go to the “Network” menu to the “WAN” tab, you should see the following joyful picture:

Pay attention to the checkbox in the “Default Gateway” item; the default should be the PPPoE connection you created. If all three connections are active, then this indicates that the most basic for D-Link settings DIR-300 NRU rev. We have successfully completed B7, and we can move on to the next step.

Setting up a WI-FI connection DIR-300 NRU B7

In general, you can use a Wi-Fi wireless connection immediately after turning on the router to the network, but in most cases it is useful to configure some of its parameters, in particular, set a password for Wi-Fi point access so that your neighbors do not use your Internet. Even if you don’t mind, this can affect the speed of the network, and the “brakes” when working on the Internet will most likely not be pleasant for you. Go to the Wi-Fi tab, basic settings. Here you can set the access point name (SSID), it can be anything, it is advisable to use the Latin alphabet. After this is done, click change.

Now go to the “Security Settings” tab. Here you should select the type of network authentication (preferably WPA2-PSK, as in the picture) and set a password for your point WiFi access— letters and numbers, at least 8 characters. Click “Change”. Done. Now you can connect to the point Wi-Fi access from any device equipped with an appropriate communication module - be it a laptop, smartphone, tablet or Smart TV.

UPD: if it doesn’t work, try changing the router’s LAN address to in settings - network - LAN.

What do you need for TV from Medialan to work? In order for IPTV from Medialan to work through the router, go to the first page of the DIR-300 NRU rev settings. B7 (to do this you can press quick setup in the lower right corner) and select “IPTV Setup Wizard”. All that remains is to select the port to which you will connect IPTV set-top box. Click change.

That's probably all, don't forget to save your router settings!

The D-Link router model DIR 300 is one of the most popular in Russia and Ukraine. However, not everyone knows how to set up a Wi-Fi password on a router DIR 300. How to set a password on this device, we will explain in this article.

Initially, it is better to check whether the router is configured at all and whether it distributes the Internet. If everything is in order, you can start setting a password.

Router DIR 300: how to set a password?

To do this, immediately launch the browser that you usually use and go to the address bar. We write in it - this is the address of your router. If after writing this combination of numbers and pressing Enter the transition to the login and password page does not occur, try entering

In order to set a password on DIR 300, you need to select the picture with the inscription “Configure manually”, in the window that opens, select the WiFi tab, and then “Security Settings”. Here we fill in the settings:

  1. Network authentication – WPA2-PSK.
  2. The PSK encryption key is our password. You need to come up with enough complex password to protect the network from hacking. If possible, it should include Latin letters, numbers, upper and lower case letters.
  3. WPA encryption settings - leave them as they are by default.

The next time you connect your computer or laptop to the Internet, you need to delete the old access point in the Network and Sharing Center (Control Panel) and create a new one with a password.

Setting a password for router DIR 300 newer versions are practically no different from installing older versions, so there will be no difficulties.

Connect the router to a power outlet. Then we take the complete patch cord

and insert it into any connector marked as “ LAN 1,2,3 or 4 (the port block is marked in black)"on the back of the router, connect the other end to network card Your computer. We connect the provider cable to the connector " INTERNET».

Setting up a network connection on your computer

Step one: setting up the router's network connection

In some localities, manual entry of network details is used. To do this, you need to select the connection type “ Use the following IP address / Static IP / Static IP / or similar options” and fill in all the required fields.

Open your browser and type the IP address of the router in the address bar. In this case " " and click " ENTER»

In field " Username» enter « admin", field " password» enter « admin" Next, click the button “ Entrance».

in the next menu we look for the section “ Net" and in it click on the item " WAN", as shown in the picture above.

On the next screen, click the button Add» bottom right.

The next screen is the most important. Here we configure network connection our router.
« Connection type" - select " Dynamic IP».

When asked to delete the previous connection, click “ OK«

Now you can check the availability of the Internet.

Step 2: setup and encrypt your WIFI connection.

On the main screen of the router’s Web interface, in the WIFI section, click on the item “ basic settings»

On the next screen we can change:

    SSID - the name of your WIFI network

    Host country

    Channel - select the channel on which your WIFI network will work

Click the change button.

Step 3: WIFI Encryption

On the home screen WEB interface router in the WIFI section, click on the item “ Security Settings»

On the next screen, select the mode we need “ Network authentication" - you can do it as in the picture above, then in the field " Encryption key"enter the password that will encrypt our WIFI network

Click the button " Change»

The router is configured.

Brief instructions for connecting to Wi-Fi

In the lower right corner (near the time and date indicator) there is a Wi-Fi connection indicator

Left-click on it and see a list of available networks

Select from them the one you created and click “ Connection»

After some time, a window will appear asking you to enter a password.

Enter the password in the field " Network key" and duplicate it in the field " Key confirmation"Next, press the button " To plug»

For some time, your computer will receive an IP address from the router and, voila, you are connected to a Wi-Fi connection

In order to configure network connection via Router Dlink Dir-300 NRU rev. B7 to work on the GTK network you need to do the following:

  1. Connect network cable Your computer into any of the 4 LAN ports of the router. The GTK network cable must be connected to the WAN port (sometimes called the Internet port).
  2. Open a browser (such as Internet Explorer) and go to
  3. Enter your User Name and Password. Default username: admin, password admin, as it shown on the picture:

  4. The first time you log in, the router will ask you to change your password.

  5. Click the "ok" button and on the next page enter New Password to enter the router control panel and save the changes.

  6. In the router control panel, select "Manually configure"

  7. Creating a connection

  8. Select the connection type "Dynamic IP" and click the save button.

  9. Let's go back to home page, select "set up Wi-Fi"

  10. Turn on wireless connection, click Next

  11. In the SSID field, enter the name of your wireless network, click Next

  12. Setting up wireless security:
    in "Network Authentication" select WPA2-PSK
    In the field below, enter the key, at least 8 characters
    Click Next

  13. save the settings

  14. In the "system" tab, select "save and reboot"

  15. The router is ready to use.

Router D-Link DIR 300 NRU - updated model previous version DIR 300. All network devices of this brand are different good quality, an attractive and simple interface and, most importantly, a reasonable price. Let's find out what is remarkable about this model with the most common modifications B5 and B7, how to install it for home use and, if necessary, flash the device.

The router is often used for a home network

This router differs from the previous model by supporting the 802.11n standard. This device has a maximum speed of up to 150 Mbit/s, which is quite enough for home use. Externally, the router looks quite standard; the interface provides 4 LAN ports for creating a local network, 1 WAN port, and a reset button to return to factory settings.

Thanks to the external location of the antenna, the device provides optimal Wi-Fi signal coverage. The router is quite easy to configure or reflash for any subscriber, which makes it even more attractive among other models network equipment. It also has its own twist - in addition to standard functions, it is possible to turn the connection on or off according to a schedule.

Setting up the router

To install the equipment and configure Wi-Fi, you should follow these steps:

  • Enter the device settings interface - to do this, enter your IP address in the address bar of the browser (in most cases this is, after which you need to enter the word admin in the login field, leaving the password line blank.

Note. These actions will give results if the D-Link DIR router has not been configured before. If you need to re-configure, return it to its original state - before starting the parameters, hold down the reset key for 20 seconds, after which it will return to factory settings.

  • To establish a Wi-Fi connection, select the section with the same name in the menu and select the main settings tab.
  • In the window that appears, enter the data to activate the connection - network name, country where you are, channel and type of wireless mode.

Setting up an Internet connection

To directly set up a network connection, you need to go to the “Network” menu, to the “Connections” tab. If you need to create new parameters, it is advisable to select the “Add” button and fill in the data in the window that appears - their content depends on the provider. For each type of connection PPPoE, PPtP, NAT, you need to enter certain data that is in the contract from the service provider - using the form, you can sequentially enter all the necessary information.

You can check the connection status on D-Link DIR in the “Status” section, “Network Statistics” tab.

Setting a password

In order to secure your network, set a key that you will need to enter to connect to the Internet. This is done as follows:

  • In the Wi-Fi menu, select the “Security Settings” tab.
  • Check the box to enable WEP, after which information for setting a password will appear.
  • In the list of network authentications, from the drop-down list, select the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed encryption type - it is the most reliable for protecting the network from hacking.
  • On the next line, enter the access key - make it complex enough so that unauthorized users cannot connect to your connection.

Additionally, it is advisable to secure not only the network, but also the router configuration menu itself by changing the standard login and password data to your own combinations. This is done like this:

  • Go to the “System” section, open the “Administrator Password” window.
  • Enter new combinations to access the settings, after which you will need to re-enter the settings menu using the newly set login and password.

Saving changes

In the router settings there is a separate menu for saving changes or returning to factory settings; it is located in the “System” section, in the “Configuration” line. Here you can save the changes made, return to the initial settings, or save a file with current data in order to restore the connection later, if necessary.

Installing new firmware

If you want to update software router, do the following:

  • Find and download from world wide web firmware file, the main thing is to choose the right software version, focusing not only on the model number of the router, but also on the hardware revision of the device, information about which is written on the back of the router in the form of an H/W combination. Exist different versions- B2, B5, B7 and others, they all differ from each other.
  • Go to the router menu through a browser using the IP address.
  • Open the “System” section, select the “Software Update” tab.
  • A line will appear in the window to indicate the path to the file new firmware for hardware revision B5, B7. Find it on your computer, then click “Update”.

Thanks to the above steps, you can install the D-Link DIR 300 NRU router, configure it to work with the Internet and distribute a signal via Wi-Fi, and, if necessary, change or update its firmware for the correct operation of the equipment. As you can see, all this is done quite simply and easily, the process will not take much of your time.

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