Switching to digital TV: what to do to prevent the blue screen from going out? Digital television. What is it and how to switch to it

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On January 14, 2019, the last analogue terrestrial television broadcast transmitter will be turned off, and the city district of Mytishchi, like the whole of Russia, will completely switch to digital television.

We must prepare for this transition now. Otherwise, the TV will simply stop working and receive a signal at one point. In connection with the transition to digital television broadcasting, Rodniki readers have many questions. Let's understand them.

Who will be affected by the transition to digital broadcasting?

Those whose TVs receive a signal through an antenna installed on the roof or balcony.

Should I scrap my old TV?

Definitely not. Digital terrestrial TV programs can also be watched on an old TV. To do this, you need to connect a digital antenna and a digital terrestrial set-top box, which must be of the DVB-T/T2 standard and support the MPEG4 video format.

Where can I buy digital set-top box?

You can buy a digital set-top box in a store that sells digital equipment, or in an online store.

How much does a digital set-top box cost?

Retail prices for digital set-top boxes - depending on the manufacturer and model - average from 400 to 2000 rubles.

How do you know that your TV can receive a digital signal?

To receive terrestrial digital television, the TV must have a built-in DVB-T tuner, and to receive digital cable - a DVB-C tuner. Look for such designations in the TV passport. In all modern TVs, which are now on sale, these tuners already exist.

By the way, if when you switch channels the channel name appears on the screen next to the button number, it means you are already watching digital television.

Is it possible to receive digital broadcasting with a satellite dish?

No, you can't. Satellite television broadcasting is carried out in the DVB-S standard, and terrestrial broadcasting is carried out in DVB-T2.

How many TVs can be connected to one set-top box?

Only one. If TVs do not have a built-in tuner, then each will need a separate set-top box. If you connect one digital set-top box to several TVs, then one channel will be broadcast on all TVs. If you want to watch two or more channels at the same time, then you need to purchase a set-top box for each TV.

Will there be subscription fee for digital television?

There will be no subscription fee. The task of digital terrestrial television is to give every citizen of Russia, anywhere in the country, the opportunity to watch for free the same TV channels that they had before, only in higher quality.

High image quality and resistance to interference are not the only advantages of digital television broadcasting. It is also more economical: the power consumption of a digital transmitter in terms of one TV program is several times lower than during transmission analogue television. In addition, the number of distributed programs on one frequency channel is increasing.

Digital terrestrial television is slowly but surely replacing analogue television. In Ukraine, from the fall of 2018 to the spring of 2019, they plan to completely turn off analogue television. As far as I know, in Russia they also plan to turn off analogue TV at the beginning of 2019. And despite the fact that many people watch satellite TV, cable, or IPTV, many residents will have to look for alternative options. Otherwise, the TV will simply stop working and receive a signal at one point. And instead of our favorite TV channel, we will see the hiss of the TV.

Of course, instead of analog television, digital terrestrial television has long been working well, which everyone can watch absolutely free (in Russia there seems to be a separate paid package). For free viewing All the popular channels that we watched before are available. Moreover, there are more channels, and the picture and sound quality is much better. In connection with the transition to T2, many have a question about what is needed to receive digital terrestrial television. How to receive a T2 signal and what devices are needed for this? What should a TV be like? Is it necessary to buy a T2 set-top box (tuner)? Which antenna is suitable? There are a lot of such questions. In this article I will try to answer the most popular of them.

Digital terrestrial television - what is it, what are the advantages and what is the difference?

I will try to explain everything in simple words. Terrestrial television is television that is transmitted using a signal that is broadcast using television towers.

Terrestrial television can be divided into:

  • Analog. The old format, which is now being actively disabled in many countries. Including in Ukraine and Russia.
  • Digital. A new format that allows you to receive and watch channels in best quality. The digital format is less sensitive to interference. Can broadcast more channels.

Until recently, our televisions received analogue television using a conventional antenna. (maybe they still accept it if it hasn’t been disabled in your country yet). As technology develops, analog television is simply outdated. Therefore, a smooth transition to digital television in the DVB-T2 format began a long time ago.

DVB is a set of digital television standards. DVB-T is an outdated format. DVB-T2 is a new format.

Digital TV has many advantages over analogue. The first and very big plus is signal compression. Due to this, it increased maximum quantity broadcast channels, which can be broadcast. At the same time, the quality of image and sound has improved, which is simply necessary for modern, large TVs. It also became possible to transmit information about a TV show, information about the following programs, etc.

Depending on the country, channel broadcasts are divided into packages. In Ukraine, for example, you can watch 32 channels in digital quality for free. These are 4 packages (multiplex) of 8 channels. For example, due to a bad signal, I only receive 2 packets (16 channels). In Russia there are two free packages. Each broadcasts 10 channels.

It's like there aren't many options. If we want to watch terrestrial television, then we will have to switch to T2. Or install a satellite dish, connect IPTV, or cable television. In villages and small towns, most likely there are only two options left: satellite TV, or terrestrial T2. Which is better is up to you to decide. Perhaps later I will write an article on this topic.

What is needed to receive a DVB-T2 signal?

Let's return to the topic of the article - the equipment that is necessary to receive digital terrestrial television.

  • Or a TV with DVB-T2 support.
  • Or a special T2 set-top box (tuner).
  • Antenna.

Everything is simple here. If we have an old TV that does not have a built-in tuner that supports the DVB-T2 format, then we need to buy a separate set-top box that will receive the T2 signal, process it and transmit the finished picture to the TV. The set-top box itself can be connected to almost any TV. Even to the "pot-bellied" one.

TV with DVB-T2 support

Your TV may be able to receive a T2 signal. In this case, you do not need to buy a separate set-top box. Or you can connect the antenna directly to the TV, start searching for digital channels and enjoy watching.

In our countries, TVs with DVB-T2 support began to appear sometime after 2012. Therefore, if your TV was purchased before 2012, then it is unlikely to have T2 support. You need to look at the specifications and check. Information about the availability of DVB-T2 support may be indicated on the box or in the documentation. If you didn’t find anything there, then simply enter your TV model in search engine, open some popular online store (or better yet, the official website of the manufacturer) and see what digital standards the tuner on your TV supports.

It looks something like this:

We look at the characteristics of the LG TV on the official website (broadcast system):

Or go to the settings of your TV and select channel settings (search) from the menu. He should ask you which channels to look for: digital, or digital and analog. Before doing this, you will most likely need to select the type of antenna: Cable (DVB-C), or Antenna (DVB-T).

Now, if there is something in the settings about searching for digital channels, then most likely there is support for T2.

It seems to me that it is possible that the TV only supports DVB-T, but not DVB-T2. Therefore, it is better to look at the characteristics of a specific model.

T2 set-top box for watching digital terrestrial television

If the TV cannot directly receive the T2 signal, you will have to buy a special set-top box. Many people call it a receiver. This is a small box that connects to the TV. An antenna is connected to the set-top box. Next, we perform a simple setup (search for channels) and watch digital TV.

There are a lot of such consoles. There are even separate online stores that sell only equipment for receiving the T2 signal. They even sell sets for receiving digital television (set-top box + antenna). The choice is very large, as well as the difference in price. And here you probably have a question: what is the difference between these consoles? The difference is in functionality, size, design, operating system, performance, etc.

  • All these set-top boxes can receive a T2 signal. This seems to be their main task.
  • In most receivers (even in the cheapest ones) There is a USB port into which you can connect a USB drive and watch videos, photos, or listen to music.
  • Broadcast TV recording function.
  • There are many models that can be connected to the Internet (via LAN or Wi-Fi, usually using a separate USB adapter). This makes it possible to watch videos on YouTube or other services. Watch IPTV, use a browser, etc.
  • There are T2 set-top boxes that run on Android. All the functionality of this is already available there. operating system. With this device you can turn your regular TV into a Smart TV.

There are a lot of differences. You should always carefully look and study the characteristics of a particular receiver. When I bought the T2 receiver, I didn’t understand all the nuances. Then, when I bought it, it turned out that the TV has a built-in T2 receiver. Well, nothing, later I connected it to another TV. By the way, I have a Strong SRT 8204. It seems to be one of the most budget ones. But nothing, it works.

This set-top box can be connected to almost any TV. If you have an old TV, you can connect the set-top box using a triple tulip cable. If your TV has HDMI, then of course you need to use an HDMI cable to connect. The image quality will be much better. An HDMI cable usually needs to be purchased separately.

Antenna for DVB-T2 reception

You can receive digital terrestrial television with almost any antenna. You don't need any special antenna for this. You can easily use the antenna that you have installed, through which you have previously watched analog television. Any decimeter antenna will work without problems. The so-called “Polish antenna” for T2 is also suitable.

Of course, it all depends on how far the tower is from you and what the terrain is like in your area. If you live in a city where a tower is installed, then most likely everything will work even without an antenna. But I think a piece of wire will be needed. In this case, you can use indoor antenna without amplifier.

If the tower is far away, then you will need an antenna with an amplifier. Or you will have to install an external decimeter antenna to receive digital terrestrial television. They also come without amplifiers or with amplifiers. If reception is poor, you may need to raise the antenna to a mast.

Please note that if the antenna is powered, a power supply may not be needed as most T2 receivers can supply power to the antenna. Typically, this function is enabled in the receiver settings. You need to look at the specifications or instructions. Your receiver may not have this feature.

The antenna must be correctly connected and directed strictly towards the tower. You can easily find information on the placement of DVB-T2 signal transmitters in your country and region on the Internet.


To start watching T2, you usually only need a receiver. Since you most likely already have an antenna. If your TV is not very old (especially if it has Smart TV), then you may not need to buy anything at all. Check if your TV supports DVB-T2. I have already told you how to do this.

If your TV does not have a T2 receiver, you will have to buy a set-top box. There is a large selection, I think you will find something. Well, then we connect the antenna and TV to the set-top box, and in the settings we start searching for channels. If the channels are not found, then check all the contacts on the antenna, point the antenna towards the tower (after looking at the location of the tower before). You may need a more powerful antenna or amplifier.

Be sure to leave comments. Share your experience and ask questions!

According to him, a complete transition to digital broadcasting will occur in January 2019. And if it was previously planned that this would be from January 1, now “time X” has been moved to two weeks later - January 14.

The transition is being carried out as part of the implementation of the federal target program “Development of television and radio broadcasting in Russian Federation for 2009-2018”, its executor is the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

According to the general director of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS) Andrei Romanchenko, there is no talk yet of a complete abandonment of analogue TV. “We are talking about reducing analogue broadcasting starting in January 2019. The state ceases to subsidize television channels for signal distribution in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people. This applies to mandatory public channels. All other channels, such as REN TV, TNT, STS, regional channels, are free to work in analogue as long as they want,” he noted. “There is no plan to immediately cancel analogue terrestrial television.”

According to him, with the launch of the digital broadcasting network, Russians receive for free a set of high-quality TV channels comparable to those that were previously offered only in paid packages.

Andrei Romanchenko also said that the construction of the network of the first and second multiplex (package of digital channels) has been completed in almost all regions of Russia. More than 9.5 thousand transmitters out of 10 thousand have already been installed and operating; the network will be fully put into operation after the completion of construction of all facilities at the end of 2018. At the beginning of the program, 44% of the country's residents received no more than four television channels, and about 25% of the population received only one or two television channels.

The first multiplex includes ten all-Russian mandatory public TV channels: Channel One, Rossiya-1, Match TV, NTV, Channel Five, Kultura, Rossiya-24, Karusel, OTR, TV Center. The second has ten more public TV channels: REN TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, TV-3, Friday, Zvezda, Mir, TNT, Muz-TV.

First of all, the federal target program solves an important social problem - it makes 20 federal television channels accessible and free to all residents of Russia in high digital quality. This cannot be done on the basis of analog television due to the high costs of its maintenance and modernization, as well as due to the limited free radio frequency resource. For Russians, digital terrestrial television will mean an improvement in the quality of life and the elimination of information inequality.


Specialists from the RTRS Consulting Support Center (CSC) in the Moscow region are ready to answer questions about digital television and explain how to choose and connect receiving equipment correctly. Working hours: Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, Friday from 9.00 to 17.00.

Contacts of the RTRS Center for Communications in the Moscow region:

You can also ask questions about connecting digital broadcasting 24 hours a day at toll free number Federal hotline: 8-800-220-20-02.


The federal target program for the transition from analogue to digital broadcast television was launched in 2009. As part of the Federal Target Program “Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting for 2009-2018”, a digital terrestrial television broadcasting network is being created with coverage of more than 98% of the population, including two multiplexes with 10 channels each, as well as three radio channels. The network will be fully operational after the completion of all facilities at the end of 2018.


Nikita SIDOREVICH, resident of Balashikha:

We switched to digital television a year ago. And we don’t regret it, now we watch a lot of interesting channels, the choice is large and varied, and the quality of the show is better. Of course, it's not free, but the costs are not that high. For example, we didn’t buy a set-top box, but rented it from a company that provides digital TV, and we pay only 1 ruble a month for it.

Ekaterina PESTOVA, resident of the Zheleznodorozhny microdistrict:

My children gave me digital television. We bought a set-top box ourselves, connected it, and now I can watch channels that I had never even heard of before. I really like programs about travel, nature, animals - just choose!

Based on media materials prepared by Karina TIVANOVA

I read that from the new year the country will finally switch to digital television and there will be no analogue TV. Is this true? I have an old TV. What awaits me? Please clarify the situation. Yuri Sosnin, 2nd Mitinsky lane, 3

Large cities have long been digital

The transition to digital broadcasting, in fact, has already occurred, the press center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network told SZ. - The decision is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 985 of 2009.

Indeed, after January 2019, analogue terrestrial television broadcasting in Russian cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people will no longer be supported by the state and will be left to providers.

Muscovites don’t need to worry. In the capital, parallel broadcasting in digital and analogue transmitters has been carried out for several years. For the vast majority of residents of the capital and large cities, the transition will be invisible. In any case, the receipt of the so-called multicomplex No. 1 of 10 channels is guaranteed.

The purpose of the changes: to cover up to 98% of the country's population with high-quality television and radio broadcasting. The number of channels depends on the specific operator and the willingness of viewers to pay for certain TV packages. That is, the essence of the news is that the state will soon reduce costs for the construction and maintenance of outdated analog lines. The new signal will be transmitted by communication satellites over an unlimited distance and with higher quality.

Not everyone will refuse “analog”

Most television and radio receivers are capable of receiving and processing digital data,” the Rostelecom press service told us. - But if the picture is missing, the client must call hotline signal provider, and they will help him figure out what happened.

In addition, Rostelecom is already informing customers that “the company does not plan to turn off the broadcast of analogue channels from January 2019” and asks them not to worry.

For inexpensive TVs, where, in order to save money, manufacturers have not installed a TV tuner, that is, a device that converts the signal into image and sound, you will need to purchase a special set-top box - a receiver. Its cost is about 1 thousand rubles. The receiver must operate in the DVB-T2 standard with support for the MPEG4 video format.

You can check the presence or absence of the ability to receive a digital signal by reading the instructions for the TV.

“Analogue” and “digital”: what is the difference?

To broadcast an analog signal, it is necessary to build transmitting and receiving stations in such a way that their coverage area covers the entire territory where there are television viewers with a signal. Hence the disadvantages of the “analog”: expensive to build and operate, relatively slow and unprotected from interference.

“Digital” is the fruit of computer and space technologies. It is impossible to intercept it or interfere with the broadcast. This technology makes it possible to deliver a huge number of TV channels to viewers regardless of location. Broadcasting is carried out via communication satellites.

What channels can you watch without a set-top box?

Channel One, “Russia-1”, “Match TV”, NTV, “Channel Five”, “Culture”, “Russia-24”, “Carousel”, OTR, “TV Center”.

Russia will abandon analogue television in January

From January 2019, Russia will finally switch to digital TV. As previously reported by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Russians will receive 20 mandatory publicly accessible television and three radio channels. They will free.

About how the transition to digital will be carried out and whether sluggish citizens will be left without their usual TV programs on New Year’s Eve, the portal website spoke with the President of the National Association of Broadcasters Eduard Sagalayev.

Attention to the screen!

Letter A warning on the TV screen - you are using an old-style TV or have not yet switched the new TV to digital signal reception mode.

“A well-thought-out set of measures is being implemented to inform the population - one of the brightest moments is related to the fact that the letter A has now appeared on the screens of analogue receivers. “Channel One - A”, “RTR - A”. This means that there is analog reception - for people this is a very good guide. In addition, all broadcast channels are talking about the need to switch to digital television,”

Told by Eduard Sagalayev.

Nothing will be turned off on New Year's Eve. But we need to hurry

“Of course, our population is accustomed to doing everything at the last moment. It was decided that analogue broadcasting will be turned off not from January 1, 2018, but a few days later. People will be given the opportunity to watch all New Year's programs, although previously it was planned that the complete transition to digital broadcasting would occur at 00.00. It was decided to give a chance to purchase digital equipment, depending on the TV model,”

Our expert noted.

What do you need to do to switch to digital?

  • The DVB-T2 standard has been adopted as the main format for digital terrestrial TV in Russia. Look in the instructions - can your TV receive a digital signal? Modern models have a built-in digital tuner, supporting the DVB-T2 standard, MPEG-4 video coding format and Multiple PLP mode.
  • If you still have an old TV model, then you can buy a set-top box at any store that sells digital equipment. The prices are quite affordable - from about 400 rubles. The store salesperson will tell you how to connect it.
  • If you are not connected to a collective UHF antenna, then you will have to purchase an individual one. It can be either indoor or outdoor. It all depends on how far you are from the TV tower.

“For more than 10 years now, stores have not sold televisions without the ability to watch digital television. The DVB-T2 format is supported by all new generation models. Anyone who does not want to part with an old analog TV will be able to buy a set-top box - the price of this set-top box is rapidly decreasing, and there is a huge selection in stores. There is evidence that after the transition to digital TV, approximately 90% of Russians will be able to watch the first multiplex and 96.5% will be able to watch the second multiplex. For those who will not have the opportunity to watch terrestrial television, measures have been taken - viewers will have the opportunity to watch cable and satellite television. Satellite operators will broadcast programs from two multiplexes for free,”

What will happen to regional television?

This is the problem, says the expert. Regional television is not included in these two multiplex packages, and National Association of Broadcasters This is not the first year that he has been trying to organize another multiplex specifically for regionals.

“At the same time, the state does not need to invest any funds, because regional TV channels are able to buy their own transmitter and provide a frequency for broadcasting another, regional, multiplex. Often, regional television is even ahead of federal television - now is the time for change, the search for new technologies, new ways,”

Eduard Salagaev said, emphasizing that in the regions there will also be an opportunity to watch local television, since large cities have long been enveloped in cable networks.

Help website

Multiplex is mandatory free and publicly accessible television and radio channels.

The first digital television multiplex included: Channel One, Russia-1, Russia-2, NTV, Channel 5, Russia-Culture, Russia 24, Karusel, OTR, TVC.

The second multiplex is channels that are not required for distribution without a fee, but if they are distributed in the Russian Federation, then a subscription fee will not be charged to users: Ren-TV, Spas, STS, Home, TV-3, NTV+ Sport, Zvezda, Mir , TNT, MuzTV.

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