Profession SMM-manager. The concept of a SMM specialist and the tasks that he solves

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The smm-manager profession is confidently gaining popularity among progressive Russian (and not only) young people. And this is not surprising: the active computerization of commercial activities requires the participation of specialists in the promotion of sites on the network, produced or sold goods, services provided. This is exactly what smm-managers are required - specialists in working with content and social networks.

Smm manager: responsibilities

Why do you think some posts get tens or even thousands of likes, while others go unnoticed? It's simple: the post was made effective by a professional smm-manager who knows how to create "catchy" texts, use "explosive" themes and create "bright" titles.

He is well versed in the environment of social networks, understands their functionality, marketing, psychology, copywriting, seo. He knows how to work with a special, unique narrow-profile audience, and easily determines the preferences of the target group. Often smm-specialists are familiar with the work of graphic editors, they are versed in layout and programming. Another important plus is excellent knowledge of Russian or another working language.

Website promotion in social networks is an extremely dynamic process that requires an active life position, constant development, the ability to process colossal amounts of information, and adherence to tough deadlines. In addition, a specialist should be able to use analytics sites, track user behavior and interesting in this moment themes.

Job responsibilities of the smm manager

  • Development of a website / product / service promotion strategy... The manager, independently or with the help of in-house marketers, determines the target audience, its needs, interests, monitors the behavior, placement and location in the network. Also, an smm specialist develops a loyalty system for targeted visitors to an Internet resource, improves the usability of the site.
  • Development of an advertising Internet company... The employee prepares a plan for placing advertising on the network, determines its budget, directions, monitors the change in conversion.
  • Control over the company's reputation on the network... The specialist monitors public opinion about the quality of the company's services / goods, directs the opinion of users "in the right direction", works with problem clients, complaints, objections, removes negative reviews or "sharp" comments from the site that can harm the company's reputation.
  • Creation and placement of quality content... As a rule, employers often require experience in writing articles, posts, creating and editing pictures, and video editing skills from an smm manager.
  • Placing information about the company in in social networks ... This is one of the main responsibilities of an smm specialist.
  • Analysis of competitors' activity... The employee monitors the activity of competing companies on the Internet, analyzes their working methods and adopts the most effective ones.

The smm manager can work both remotely and in the office on a 5/2 schedule. (For why one of the most promising forms of labor, read the link.)

A lazy, measured person who types phrases on the keyboard with one finger will clearly not like this profession.

That is why recruitment managers pay attention to the following qualities of candidates for this position:

  • analytic skills;
  • strategic planning skills;
  • experience of successful forecasting;
  • sociability;
  • broad outlook, quick learning;
  • stress tolerance;
  • sense of humor.

How much does an smm specialist earn? Differently, depending on the regions. For example, in Moscow he can receive 30-80 thousand rubles, a professional with an experience of 5 years or more can find a job for 100-120 thousand rubles. In addition, smm managers often create personal communities, successfully promote them on social networks and earn good money on advertising.

You can get important skills in this profession from this video:

Who is an SMM manager? Profession SMM manager- one of the most popular and promising in the IT industry. In addition, this profession requires constant dynamic learning in order to keep abreast of the latest trends and knowledge in this area.

Thus, he is a universal specialist whose activity is to professionally manage people and processes within the framework of the brand's social platform.

Publishes interesting material of the results of the on-line survey of the site MediaJOBS.RU.

Results of the on-line survey "About the work of an SMM manager in the opinion of the SMM managers themselves" published the portal MediaJOBS.RU, the leading Russian specialized resource about work and professions in media and advertising.

The survey was attended by 317 people. Among them are both users of the MediaJOBS.RU portal itself, and profile groups on the social networks Facebook and VKontakte.

Three main questions were asked:

  1. SMM manager job: what qualifications are required first of all?
  2. Where do they provide quality training for the work of an SMM manager?
  3. Your advice on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager.

Such leaders came out qualities of a successful SMM manager as an understanding of the brand being promoted, a sense of humor, as well as knowledge of the laws of marketing in SocialMedia and the social base of the audience. Only a little more than half of the respondents (54%) consider literacy to be an important quality of an SMM manager. 51% of respondents are sure that social media workers need the skill of quickly searching and processing information, analytics. The fact that for the success of SMM campaigns a manager needs to work, not counting the time, was indicated by 39% of respondents (it would be interesting to know how many of them are really ready to work irregular day for the sake of the result). A third of the survey participants noted the need to work with graphic packages, knowledge of design. And every fifth respondent spoke in favor of the usefulness of knowledge of the basics of SEO.

As for the professional training of an SMM manager, according to the majority of survey participants, 50% of the experience working in social media gets on his own, through his own trial and error, otherwise participation in SMM conferences, monitoring foreign resources on demand, reading books on general marketing helps. , advertising, consumer psychology, as well as publics and communities on the subject.

The survey noted the existence in Russia of several good courses for beginners in SMM. Among them, respondents indicated such courses as IKRA, Center for Online Education "Netology", School of Social Media "Engage".

Among the authors of specialized courses and seminars more often than others, survey participants named Igor Ashmanov, Damir Khalilov, Dmitry Sidorin... In addition, the courses Natalia Odegova, Ilya Balakhnin, Dmitry Rumyantsev and Alena Lenskaya.

At the same time already grew critical of to the "founders" of SMM "generation SMM-next". “Some“ gurus ”stayed in the time when they themselves first looked into social networks, and social networks have already left and turned aside along the way. Yes, the trail of the past "guru" is still enough, but the dust of the past is reluctant to learn. And what "funny" accounts the teachers themselves have! Come in and laugh. What can people teach who do not know how to maintain a page of their own company in an interesting way? ”- noted one of the respondents.

“It is necessary to communicate and read those who really lead client and brand publics and receive these rights not because of a rollback. Pros - Sergey Fedyunin, Sergey Malikov, the guys from the RIA Novosti team, someone from the Apostle, those who lead groups of any complex goods and services (pumps, windows, cars) that are difficult to attract an audience, "- points out another young SMM managers.

There are a lot of tips on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager. Among Western sources, Social Networks. The Operations Manual by Mike Dalworth, Marketing of the Like Era by Dave Kerpen, and the work of Odden Lee.

Among the most interesting resources that help to "understand" the profession are called,,,,,,,,, , fb: SMM 100% , fb: ideablog , vk: SMMers , vk: Internet magazine about SMM, twitter: SMM Vesti.

However, there is still no place to get a systematic and high-quality education in this area. “But getting a job for a beginner is a pain,” SMM managers say.

The editorial staff of MediaJOBS.RU asked leading experts to comment on the results and answer the actual questions of the SMM managers themselves:

Katya Tulyankina, Head of the SMM and Reputation Management Department of the Internet Marketing Department, Ashmanov & Partners

“About a sense of humor, I think that it is important in any job. And whether it is good or not is not the most objective concept. Rather, it is important for an SMM to be on the same wavelength with the team. As for education, personally I can only single out Damir Khalilov and his school, everything else, in my opinion, is a way of making money. Ideally, when the educational base of an SMM-specialist is a higher marketing or psychological education, and everything else comes with experience.

The three most important qualifications of an SMM manager today are: understanding the basics of psychology and behavior of the audience of social networks, strategic thinking, ease of movement.

We accept people into our team, first of all, by an intuitive feeling, whether this field of activity is suitable for the applicant and whether he will join our team. The internal atmosphere in each project team is the key to successful project implementation. We will never accept a person into the team who does not understand the goals and objectives of their actions. That is, in my opinion, a good SMM manager should be a good analyst, be guided by the performance indicators of each SMM tool, be able to predict the achievement of indicators, promptly adjust the direction of his activities if the result did not justify the forecast. "

Ekaterina Rukavishnikova, SocialMedia manager of Beeline company

“The main requirements for the qualifications of an SMM manager are the highest degree of responsibility (social networks are not just a public space, they are a hyperpublic space where you need to follow your every step). Perfect literacy, knowledge and understanding of the style of the Russian language. It is also important to understand the specifics of the brand being promoted and its target audience in social networks.

A candidate for our team must have a year or two of SMM experience. Plus, I would add resistance to stress and the ability to quickly get together in an emergency, to correctly prioritize with a large number of tasks. We will never hire an SMM manager for someone who still believes that SMM's job is to post posts once a day with a cup of coffee and engage the audience with cats. And more seriously, a person who cannot clearly define the line between a joke and a harsh banter, which can be very dangerous for the brand. "

Alina Bazelyuk, editor-in-chief, COSSA

“One of our missions is to educate new people in the industry. It's great that, judging by the polls, we succeed. By the way, materials on SMM are among the most read and commented on on Cossa). Sometimes such interest is even frightening: besides social networks, do readers need something ?!

At the same time, we are not an agency, we do not have the position of an SMM manager, editorial staff are engaged in social networks. We formulated the basic principles of social networks for ourselves as follows.

User, not page. A social network is not a mirror of a site, it is a separate territory, one might say, an independent mini-publication. We strive not only to announce our main materials, but also to use the features of the sites: we communicate with users, look for new topics in the dialogue, discuss news, materials from colleagues, and readers' posts. We strive to behave in social networks like “who”, not like “what” - a user, not a page.

Dialogue and self-criticism. We try to answer questions and comments, "get in touch." It is not always possible to do this without emotion, especially when you need to respond to a remark: the reader loves to grumble, and not always to the point. But criticism is also fair, and it is important to adequately accept it and draw a lesson, benefit, or even material for a future article from the remark.

Time and immersion. Practice shows that social networks cannot be dealt with sporadically - the reader will notice this. You need to be there constantly in order to promptly offer news, to be a participant in communication. This is perhaps the most difficult thing. "

Kristina Mikheeva, Managing Partner of the MediaJOBS.RU portal and an expert recruiting agency States.RU

“The results of the survey on qualifications in the work of an SMM manager, in my opinion, demonstrated the obvious“ maturation ”of this profession. It is important that the functionality is structured - at least in SMM profession the manager is allocated an SMM analyst, a marketer and an editor. Most of the survey participants already working in SMM recognize the need for a serious background: marketing, branding, PublicRelations and journalism. Plus psychology is desirable. In addition, cases of internal self-restraint and responsibility for SMM activity have been developed, which always testifies to the exit from the childhood state of the professional group as a whole. "

SMM manager- is a specialist in SMM (Social Media Marketing), a set of measures to promote websites, goods or services using social media, which include: blogs; social media; thematic Internet resources class Web 2.0 The profession is suitable for those who are interested in the Russian language and literature and social studies (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession of an SMM manager is at the intersection of marketing and IT, therefore, a specialist is required to have high computer literacy in the field of creating and filling sites, knowledge of marketing communications strategy, basic knowledge of programming languages ​​and graphic editors, online applications and tools.

Why do you need SMM?

SMM promotion is an extremely dynamic process, during which it is necessary to constantly monitor the changing interests of the audience and the emergence of new trends.

Features of the profession

What does an SMM manager do:

  • strategy development - defining the target audience and studying its interests, behavior, searching for sites with a high concentration of the target audience, developing a customer loyalty system, integrating SMM activity into the general marketing strategy of the company;
  • advertising management - conducting contests, flash mobs, developing applications for social networks, creating channels on video hosting;
  • reputation management - collecting feedback from the target audience and reaction to comments, influencing the public through PR materials in social networks;
  • community management - directing the discussion in the right direction, increasing user activity in communities, neutralizing negative users, organizing a support service through social networks;
  • maintaining accounts and their moderation in all social networks;
  • work with contractors (freelancers);
  • content management - adaptation of branded content to the format of a blog or video hosting, writing texts to the format of a social network, sending out releases, creating scripts for videos;
  • work with interfaces - integration of the site with social networks and social networks with an electronic store, creating incentives for joining, creating start pages and tabs;
  • working with opinion leaders and using "agents of influence" in social networks - highlighting opinion leaders of the target audience and organizing events for them;
  • monitoring and analysis;
  • creation, support and promotion of corporate accounts in blog services
  • hidden marketing and blog advertising.

The functional responsibilities of the SMM manager include:

Pros and cons of the profession of SMM manager


  • A demanded job, as the demand in the market for social media marketing services is constantly growing;
  • loyal attitude of users versus negative attitude to direct advertising of goods and services;
  • large-scale opportunity to accurately select the target audience;
  • low cost of promotions;
  • the swift word of mouth effect.


SMM manager training

Offline marketing principles apply to online marketing as well. Along with this, serious knowledge in the field of Internet marketing is welcomed, which can be obtained at the appropriate courses: Yandex seminars on Internet advertising, the Internet and Business conference, etc.

Practical intensive course "SMM manager" SMM Digital Agency with 17 years of experience. All the most important, without water. Only the necessary materials, practice, and detailed analysis cases. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. Individual check of homework by the teacher. You can study in a convenient place, from a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. On the course, you get theory plus homework: practicing new skills, as well as a handout with a list of useful books, podcasts, YouTuBe and Telegram channels. The course is taught by practicing specialists in Internet marketing for over 5 years.


Due to the novelty of this profession, this particular specialty is not taught in any university. But university graduates in the specialties: journalism, mathematics, physics or cybernetics, and in particular, marketing, are successfully working in this area.

You can become a marketing specialist and get real marketing thinking by enrolling in the leading universities in the capital:

State University of Management (GUU)

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),

Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov (Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. PLEKHANOV)

Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU)

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

The specialty "Marketing" is also available in many non-state universities: at the Moscow International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS", the International Academy of Marketing and Management ("MAMARMEN"), the Moscow Academy of Finance and Industry (MFPA), the International Academy of Business and Management (MABiU) and dr.

Place of work

Online shopping projects using the E-Commerce Marketplace system (mediation between shops and customers); firms that use the Internet to conduct important marketing campaigns to promote their products.

SMM manager salary

Salary on 04/22/2019

Russia 15000-70000 ₽

Moscow 40,000-92,000 ₽

The salary level depends on the qualification level of the specialist, the scale of the project and the breadth of functional responsibilities, and also has regional dependence.

Career Steps and Prospects

In the future, a good specialist can lead the department of Internet projects in a large business, take a leadership position in a specialized company, or open his own Internet agency.

Portrait and types of SMM managers:

There are several types of specialists in this area:

1. Moderators of the Vkontakte group,Goodknowledgeable the peculiarities of their group and the format of communication in it, but they may not be familiar with other sites. As a rule, they are young and work for the future. They are unable to create an active group from scratch on the desired topic and develop a digital strategy.

2. LJ-ists,blogging for many years. They have experience in promoting blogs in LiveJournal to "thousand" by various methods, work in communities, offer blog posts and conduct contests. As a rule, they don't know how to work on Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter. They do not have the skills to prepare promotional commercial offers for agencies or clients.

3. Former or current seo-optimizers, smo-schnicks,which They actively use automated methods, are able to "catch up traffic", optimize blogs, own a database of virtuals at all sites. They approach the issue of smm management with seo thinking in the form of spam, mailings, etc.

4. Modest but capable performers,able to clearly perform the assigned task. They usually work as freelancers for a small fee. They competently conduct monitoring, search for the necessary information, communicate skillfully on forums, but are not strong in matters of self-promotion.

5. Project Executing Managers in Agencieswith experience inPR-companies that navigate social media passably.

6. Stars with a marketing mindset, extensive experience in the market, able to sell, lead projects, develop a strategy, manage a team of employees, blog and conference. They have their own projects with high results.

7. Digital-creator- super pro at the level of the owner of your own agency or the head of the coolest company

Hello, friends! Rimma Belyakina is in touch with you. We continue to get acquainted with the possibilities of transferring our “military work” from offline to online space. Today we will analyze in detail who an SMM manager is, talk about the features of this Internet profession, learn how to become one and start making money remotely.

About that, I wrote in my last article. Let's now take a closer look at the protagonist of this process - the SMM manager: the master of social networks, the manager of a social media market.

Even babies are now friends with the Internet. The concept of “remote work” encompasses an increasing range of offline professions moving to the Internet. And about the not newfangled, but from this no less popular, profession, the SMM manager has heard, if not all, then almost all.

But who is it and what does it do or how it differs from, for example, an internet marketer or content manager, and whether it is different, or is it the same, not everyone can answer right away.

I will reveal to you a "terrible" secret: many have heard about this profession, but no one in the general population really knows what kind of specialty it is and what an SMM manager does. Ask this question to 100 different people, you will get 100 different answers. Even not every employer can cope with the task of defining the scope of duties of a given specialist.

Some, however, have an idea of ​​him as a specialist in creating groups, attracting subscribers and winding up likes. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out together.

Who is an SMM manager

We spend more and more time not in real life, as before, but on social networks: there we communicate, watch films, study, shop. And it's no secret to anyone that you can also earn money there. After all, as you know, demand gives rise to supply. Social networks give us unlimited possibilities.

Have you ever wondered how these opportunities appear, who is behind all this? And behind all this is an SMM manager, a social media promotion specialist. In other interpretations, it is an emissary, a content manager, a digital specialist, and even an internet marketer, although this is not entirely correct. And all this is a person whose priority tasks are to promote the company's sites, goods or services through social platforms.

An SMM manager is a specialist in promoting goods and services, building a brand of companies on the Internet through a set of events in social networks, blogs, forums and other media.

Today, every self-respecting company has its own social media account. Banks, educational institutions, television channels, museums, all trade organizations have their own official pages in the Internet. And they all need a promotion specialist. So the ever-growing popularity of this profession can be envied.

What is he responsible for

Who is an SMM manager, I think we figured it out. Let's now define what he will have to face in the course of his professional activity, and what he will be responsible for.

If we look at the meaning of the English word "manager", we find out that this is a specialist responsible for managing the work process in the area entrusted to him. In this case, a site is understood as a social media platform, and the workflow is aimed at increasing the number of audience interested in a client's product or service.

Whatever tasks the client sets before the smrler: branding the company, shaping the company's image, sales, etc., the work is mainly carried out in two directions:

  1. Driving traffic (increasing the number of subscribers).
  2. Working with the audience (creating content to maintain interest, communication).

In addition to solving problems, the smrler will have to perform a number of duties.

Responsibilities of the smr.

For example, this is how the SuperJob Research Center describes job responsibilities.

Employers' requirements for SMM specialists may differ depending on the company. Here is one of the advertisements for the SMM manager vacancy.

Not a weak list like that, isn't it? So, if you decide to become a pro in this field, then get ready for the fact that you will have to combine the skills:

  • content manager,
  • copywriter,
  • web designer,
  • PR specialist,
  • marketer,
  • advertiser.

Yes, “this is not an easy job ...” It will take a lot of effort to get the job done, to make it effective and efficient. We need a competent approach and organization. Let's now take a look at how an SMM manager's working day goes.

His working day

Each person, due to their activity and personal qualities, builds a daily routine in their own way. The working day of an SMM specialist is quite intense, I must say. Judge for yourself. During the day, the smrler needs:

  1. Monitor customer accounts (work with comments, messages, eliminate spam, check user posts, reposts to customer pages).
  2. Study statistics on reposts, likes, publications, increasing subscribers, working with hashtags.
  3. Set up targeted advertising to attract target audience.
  4. Work with colleagues: copywriters, designers, technical staff, if any on the staff, as separate units; in the absence of those, all the work on the selection and placement of content will have to be done by yourself.
  5. Conduct meetings / negotiations on Skype or other programs.
  6. Run reports for the past period (working with data from analytics services).
  7. Draw up a content plan for the next period.

Life hack from the "experienced": all the work that needs to be done today needs to be done "yesterday." Learn to use deferred posting services like SmmBox and you will greatly simplify your life.

Important qualities without which you cannot become an SMM pro

From all of the above, it is clear that you cannot become an SMM manager from a bunch of bugs. You need knowledge, special skills and certain personal qualities. What exactly can a social media market manager do without? What should it be? What skills and skills will be required from him?

  1. Sociability first of all. He must be able to communicate with the target audience, engage and engage, in order to arrive at the ultimate goal - selling a product or service.
  2. Understanding of the concept of working with social networks, the ability to select the target audience, social platforms for the sale of goods.
  3. Ability to think systematically: engage in strategic planning.
  4. Ability to set up targeted advertising.
  5. Knowledge of graphic editors and the ability to work with them.
  6. Ability to work with the main tool - content. Here you will need the basics of copywriting and a good knowledge of the Russian language. And knowledge of a foreign language is also a big fat plus in the piggy bank of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  7. Personal qualities such as organization, creativity, an analytical mindset, a healthy sense of humor, an active life position.
  8. The desire to improve yourself and achieve your goals.

Ideally, of course, to have and combine all these features. But the ideal is an ephemeral concept. However, the desire to strive for it has not been canceled.

Why do you need this profession

And, really, why? Is it right for you? Is it possible, in general, to learn all this and how to calculate your capabilities? What advantages and disadvantages does this job promise you? Where to start and where to look for work? And how much is paid for it? Surely, all these questions arose in the head of every person who wants to try their hand at SMM promotion. Let's take a look at these questions.

Pros and cons

So, what are the pros and cons of SMM promotion?

  • Demand. Even a crisis and widespread layoffs will not prevent a good smrmchik from finding a job. The demand for a competent SMM specialist is steadily growing. Go to any vacancy resource and you will see for yourself.
  • The activity of social networks is developing with enviable constancy. The population, from small to large, has 3 - 4 accounts on the network, and therefore it will not be difficult to find your target audience even for a specialist without work experience.
  • It is easier and more profitable to work with advertising on social networks. Promotions relatively inexpensive.
  • The effect of viral marketing (likes and reposts) is working with a bang, attracting more and more subscribers, and therefore potential customers.
  • Useful content, communication with social media users and Feedback help to form a positive opinion about the company and build up a client base.
  • You can work both in the office and remotely. With the second option, it is also a flexible schedule, and “my own boss - when I want to eat, when I want to sleep”.
  • A large amount of work with the obligatory preparation of analyzes, reports, monitoring.
  • Often irregular working hours in front of a computer monitor with health consequences (problems with vision and spine may appear). Skillful use of SMM tools, however, compensates for this.
  • Until now, many employers do not have a full understanding of the competencies of SMM management and the activities of a specialist in this area, which can lead to disagreements over remuneration.

Perhaps these are all disadvantages. And if we put them on the scales, it is obvious that the advantages will show a significant advantage. So, you can now answer why you should engage in SMM promotion.

In addition, it is a rather exciting and dynamic process. You will definitely love it if you are an extrovert. There are such people in my environment. At first, like me, they learned copywriting, then they very quickly went to SMM, because they attracted a more active, “live” format of activity.


How much does a manager earn? Pretty decent. The average salary in the country is 33,000 rubles. But, of course, plus / minus depends on the region, the specifics of the company, agency, the competence of the specialist, the volume of tasks and requirements assigned to him.

Here detailed information in large cities of Russia. Statistics are provided by the research center of the SuperJob portal.

Salary is another good incentive to think about the prospects for the SMM profession. By showing initiative and building up experience in SMM promotion, you can reach the level of 100,000 rubles.


The prospects for the profession are also tempting in terms of career growth. Purposeful and pragmatic, in particular, young people can “rise to the rank of general” in SMM promotion: take a leading position in some Internet project, a leading position in a company, establish their own Internet agency, provide consulting services (which is very expensive) or conduct training courses.

How and where to learn SMM

Training can be obtained both in higher educational institutions at the socio-economic faculties of marketing, advertising and PR, as well as in specialized offline, online courses and trainings.

I will highlight the best:

  • Course ”from the ConvertMonster project.
  • Three-month course "CMM-manager" from the online university Netology.
  • The "SMM-manager" course from the Geekbrains portal and the company.

I plan to cover the topic of SMM training in detail in a future article.

You can learn on your own by trial and error. Many people come to this profession from the starting position of the moderator of one group of some social network. But this is quite a long way, in which you will have to attend numerous trainings, webinars, conferences, and read a lot of literature. The choice is yours.

Where to find a job

Those wishing to find a job with official employment should first search on job sites, such as:

  • etc.

Freelancers should also look at, look for offers on thematic publics, forums and social media platforms. You can often find there good propositions on maintaining groups, publics, blogs.

Better to start small. Working as an assistant to an SMM specialist will allow you to develop the necessary skills, gain sufficient experience, create a cool portfolio of projects and become a professional that employers will chase after.


Now you know who an SMM manager is, what he does and what you need to do to become one. If you seriously decided to devote yourself to SMM promotion, you should work on creating a full-fledged resume, where you need to include all your knowledge, skills and abilities useful for this profession. The created real portfolio with the projects that you have supervised is your carte blanche into the profession of your dreams.

The joys of knowing you and bright projects!

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

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An SMM marketer is a specialist who drives traffic from social networks for companies.

Such an employee can be compared to a magician. The one who skillfully juggles several objects in the air at once. All the attention of the public at this moment is concentrated on the circus. This is also the case in social media marketing. The real professional in this field is the man-orchestra. He operates with a large number of tools to gather its target audience around the brand, expand its reach, and increase profits. There is only one difference - people look at the brand, and not at the smm person himself.

Ideal SMM marketer for a project

Being such a specialist is not easy. For you to understand the scale, an article was published a few years ago about a hundred skills that he must possess. We will tell you about the key skills. In general, such an employee is responsible for all work with content, communications and traffic.

What is the responsibility of an smm marketer

  • Analysis of competitors' activities.
  • Research of preferences and reactions of potential buyers.
  • Drawing up a content plan for a month.
  • Preparation of a brand or product promotion strategy.
  • Creation, filling and maintenance of a group, public, account.
  • Communication with users, etc.
  • Attracting people to the community.
  • Study new trends and implement them if necessary.
  • Conducting contests, quizzes.
  • Setting up targeted and contextual advertising, searching for a site for its placement.
  • Tracking indicators using special services (number of subscribers, growth in coverage, number of visits to the site, company awareness, engagement, user activity, return on money invested in promotion).

Qualities and skills of a good smr.

Do you love using social media? Do you know how to communicate with different people? Do you have an analytical mind? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you have every chance of becoming. Of course, you need a lot more skills to grow into a professional.

  • Literacy. Communities led by a specialist are the face of the brand. Mistakes are unacceptable, as they can cause negative subscribers.
  • Acquaintance with graphic editors... Much of the content you have to deal with is visual. Resizing an image, adding a logo to it, enhancing a photo shouldn't be a problem for you.
  • Knowledge. It is very important to study at least the basics, because this position involves working with the reputation of the company, attracting clients, managing advertising and its budget.
  • Ability to write texts. You need to know the nuances and formulas for writing informational and regular posts. You also need to have a flair and understand that the target audience will like it.
  • Understanding psychology. The duties of a specialist include communication with subscribers, increasing visitor activity, responding to negative reviews and messages.
  • Creative thinking. It will be needed in order to easily generate new ideas for promotion, create contests, promotions, chips to increase audience engagement.
  • Knowledge of web analytics tools and services that help evaluate the results of work.

How to become an SMM specialist

There are no educational institutions where you can get the necessary skills, but there are numerous courses. A higher education as a marketer will be a good help. But the only key to success for an smm manager is constant self-education.

  • Read books on PR, SEO, copywriting, advertising. All this will come in handy in your work.
  • Watch video tutorials. There are tons of free content on YouTube and other sites.
  • Take online and regular workshops. Don't miss the chance to chat with an expert live. This will give you valuable advice and inspiration from his example.
  • Publics, groups, blogs, instagram on relevant topics. There are a lot of them: Cossa, SMMPlanner, Popartmarketing, Instashkola,, and more.

There are a lot of sources, you need to be able to structure the information received and immediately apply it in practice. Remember that theoretical training is important, but it will not make you a professional. How do you get invaluable experience?

To get started, create personal accounts on those sites where you want to work in the first place. You can immediately apply all the knowledge gained on your account... In addition, it will be strange if the smm marketer does not have his own page. This will kill two birds with one stone: start building your personal brand and develop skills.

There are several more ways to learn social media promotion from scratch:

  • Come up with a company and promote it.
  • Create communities for the business of your acquaintances.
  • Find firms that clearly need help with and offer your services.
  • Get an internship at an agency or a well-known specialist.

How to learn to write

You need practice. The more you write, the better you get it. Read books about sales and informational copy, think about what's interesting to your audience (real or fictional), and get started. You can independently invent tasks for yourself or register on the content exchange. The second option is less suitable, since an interesting task is not always found. But on the other hand, for its implementation, you will receive payment (albeit small), overcome the fear of a blank slate and get an idea of ​​what commercial articles are.

An SMM specialist is a difficult and demanded profession. If you decide to become an smm-boxer, get ready for constant self-education, experimentation and an irregular day. Very often, such specialists are in touch most of the day, since you also need to be a community manager, which means that you can answer questions from subscribers in a timely manner. This can be called the main disadvantage of working on social networks. The rest is an exciting activity, during which you will gain a lot of knowledge and skills in related fields and become a sought-after employee.

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