Program for drawing piping schemes online. Overview of programs for creating drawings

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The practical activity of a person, mostly associated with construction, caused the emergence of such a thing as a “drawing”. For many centuries, the skill of depicting plans, details and other things has been honed: from drawing approximate drawings “by eye” to an almost unified international system of graphic images. And in the current century, when computer technology has tightly entered human life, the execution of drawings has become available with the help of special programs.

A little information about CAD

These software tools are called computer-aided design systems (CAD, in the English version of CAD - computer-aided design, but this definition does not fully characterize the concept of our CAD), and their purpose is to facilitate the work of designers at the design and preparation stage. . Many names of such "assistants" of designers contain exactly the prefix "CAD", which will be noticeable later in the text when we consider some program options.

Everything that was previously done with the help of a pile of tools such as patterns, rulers, reyshin, winkels, squares, many types of compasses, was combined into special program, where there is only one main manipulation tool, and this is the mouse. Thus, the overall execution time of any drawing is reduced and its accuracy is increased. It's easy to fix a bug that has crept in: removing an extra line or a random unnecessary stroke is much faster and easier than manually editing with an eraser on a drawing paper. Drawing programs contain libraries of ready-made elements, which greatly speeds up the design process. It is only worth choosing such a program from the available ones that will suit the required profile - construction, mechanical engineering, electrical circuits, etc.

Drawing software: what are they and what are their features

Say exactly how much this moment there are such programs, it is impossible. But to name the most popular ones is quite a feasible task. The three most famous and high-quality programs are AutoCad, Compass, NanoCad. These, one might say, are the giants of the drawing business, who have vast experience in the field of drawing with the help of computer technology, as well as a huge number of libraries, add-ons and functions. In addition to them, there are also "A9CAD", "CorelDRAW Technical Suite", "VariCAD", "LibreCAD", "Graphite", "DraftSight", "FreeCAD", etc., which are more modest, simpler in the feature set, but no less have a number of their advantages compared to the "giants" - for example, lightness and simplicity. Small drawing programs do not see the need to drag huge functionality, because they have a set of basic tools, which is most often enough for students, students and even engineers to work, if we are not talking about high-tech processes. Complex programs require additional training, and it will be much more difficult to deal with AutoCAD on your own than with VariCAD, for example. In addition, the issue is the price. A simple student is unlikely to be able to afford to buy a licensed version, be it the Compass program for drawing, or Graphite. And is there a need for them when there are a lot of alternative options for legal free programs? Let's take a quick look at some of the applications and compare them on certain points.


Here are the main parameters by which you can compare and evaluate existing programs:

1. Year of "release", owner - company, programmer, creator.

2. The complexity of the program (comprehensibility of the interface, approximate training time, what kind of problems it can solve).

4. Availability of the possibility of three-dimensional modeling.

5. Price of the program (last current amounts).

AutoCad program

4. "KOMPAS-3D" allows manipulations with images of details both in two and three coordinate axes.

5. Price for the same "KOMPAS-3D" latest version- 110 thousand, licensed "KOMPAS-Graph" will cost 60 thousand, and "KOMPAS-Builder" - 25 thousand rubles.


1. 2008 - the appearance of the first version from Nanosoft CJSC, a young domestic company whose activities are aimed at providing the consumer with a high-quality software product.

2. Russian analogue of AutoCad: similar interfaces, libraries, compatible formats, etc. - and it's all much cheaper and about the same quality.

3. The program has many different applications targeting many branches of industry. On the official website you can get acquainted with all of their many ("NanoCAD" OPS, VK, "Geonics", "Mechanics", "Designs", "Corado", etc.).

4. Allows you to manipulate images of parts in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional virtual space.

5. Mostly distributed free of charge, but there are also paid versions, such as NanoCAD Plus (7), which costs 10 thousand rubles on the official website.


1. Creators - A9Tech Inc., USA.

2. A simple program for drawing, solving simple problems, easy both in size and in learning.

3. Focused on creating simple drawings or to view complex diagrams and easily correct them.

4. Designed for 2D modeling only.

5. A free tool, suitable as a school aid, for example, for students whose program (8th grade, drawing, for example) does not require many tools for mastering the basics and basic concepts.


1. Developed in 1988 by VariCAD s.r.o., Czech Republic.

2. You can easily and quickly learn how to work with this program. But only if you know English, Portuguese, Chinese, German or at least Japanese. There are no versions with a Russian-language interface yet, it will be necessary to choose based on whether a program for drawing in Russian is clearly needed (if knowledge of even English is critical).

3. Specialized in the construction of drawings related to mechanical engineering, and has all the tools necessary for this particular area.

4. Two modeling modes are available (2D and 3D), the catch is that you cannot automatically create a three-dimensional model from a 2D drawing.

5. The cost of the program for drawing on the official website is set at 680 US dollars.


1. Creator - Ashlar-Vellum. Year of release - 1989th.

2. Marked as very light and quick program, which has all necessary tools. Some even predict that this program will become the leading package for fulfilling drawing needs.

3. The program for drawing on a computer is suitable for design engineers and students of relevant specialties.

4. Available in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing, and, as announced, "with the highest accuracy."

5. You can purchase Graphite for $1,395 (for a permanent license with a $245 upgrade fee) or a fourteen-day trial. So there will be time to try out the program and see if it is really suitable for performing the necessary tasks.


1. Dassault Systemes released the program in 2010.

2. Announced as simple program for drawing, very easy to use and has a simple interface.

4. Operations only in 2D.

5. Free program, on the official website you can get acquainted with the activities of the company as a whole, as well as download it in Russian and buy the DRAFTSIGHT PROFESSIONAL program, which has a higher professional level. For testing, you can take a demo version for thirty days.

Let's summarize

As you can see, many programs originate in the last century, and gradually, with growing needs and an increase in the level of technology, they change and develop. Some of them are huge, cumbersome, require high performance of the system (from the performance of "iron" - a large volume random access memory, a certain required CPU, etc. - up to software requirements - version operating system, NET Framework etc.), and some are less functional, but light and fast. Everyone must decide for himself what program is needed. All drawing programs are available on the Internet, there are many descriptions and lessons, because working programm in drawing, suitable for specific requirements, it is easy to find, you just have to make a little effort and familiarize yourself with the so-called supply market.

House plan program - easily create house plans with examples!

Edraw Max is a fast and easy house plan program with massive symbols to create great designs. These symbols make it easy to create home plans, floor plans, office layouts, directional maps and database diagrams. With pre-designed libraries and over 6500 vector symbols, you can design home plans very easily!

Click here to download floor plan software for free. You can use the built-in templates to create and present your home plans in minutes.

System requirements

Works on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista and Citrix

Works on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows

Runs on Mac OS X 10.2 or later

Features of the program for creating house design and house plan

  • Easy to learn to use, you can start making floor plans in minutes.
  • Lots of home plan examples will get you off to a flying start.
  • Create walls, furniture, kitchen, lighting, bathroom, cabinets, wiring, plumbing, safety plan, plants and more.
  • Build a landscape of open landscape areas.
  • Thousands of ready-made visual effects for trees and gardens
  • Simple interface for home design decoration and customization
  • Helps to align and organize all home design elements
  • Export plans to PDF files, EPS or conventional raster formats
  • With Edraw, you can recreate your home, garden or office in just a few clicks and present your plans with thousands of ready-made home plan symbols. Symbols for creating a floor plan

    House plan example

    Templates can be used to develop home plans. Like the floor plan template, the house plan template includes many stencils to help you plan out the elements of your home. For example, you can use the Appliances stencil to locate apps such as a stove or refrigerator. The bath and kitchen stencil contains molds for fixed elements such as bathtubs and sinks. In addition to these regular stencils, you'll find all the standard floor plan stencils so you can add walls, electrical features, and annotations to your house plan.

    Program for drawing on a computer?

    Computer technology has penetrated into all spheres of human activity. Engineering was no exception.

    The era of drawing boards and pencils has passed, now special software and printers are used to create high-quality drawings.

    In addition, the use of such programs is available to everyone, that is, high-quality drawings have gone beyond the design bureaus.

    There are many decent CAD (computer-aided design systems) in the corresponding software segment.

    Particular attention should be paid to three representatives: AutoCAD, Compass-3D and NanoCAD. It is to these programs that this material is devoted.

    Autodesk AutoCAD

    One of the most popular CAD systems both in the professional design environment and in amateur circles.

    Autodesk is constantly improving drawing on a computer in autocad, adding more and more features. New versions are released regularly, every year.

    Functional Features

    The program for 3d drawing allows you to create both two-dimensional projects and three-dimensional drawings. At the same time, the ability to render three-dimensional objects is not inferior to full-fledged editors.

    2D modeling features make AutoCAD not just an electronic drawing board, but a powerful tool for creating high-quality drawings.

    The program supports working with drawings in three formats: DWG (a closed format for editing AutoCAD drawings), DWF (a format for publishing drawings) and DXF (a format for working with AutoCAD drawings in other programs).

    Advantages and disadvantages

    This CAD has many advantages, but they come at a price. You will have to pay a lot of money for rich functionality.

    On the other hand, there are cheaper versions of the program with reduced functionality (AutoCAD LT) and a free version for educational use.

    Positive properties:

    Huge set of tools and features for professional design.

    Ability to integrate with Excel spreadsheets.

    Working with layouts


    The high cost of the basic version of the software.

    High system requirements.

    Scope of application

    AuotCAD is used in the field of professional equipment design, design, architecture, and even for educational purposes.

    Any modern manufacturing industry that needs to create drawings cannot do without decent software for creating projects. In most cases, this is AutoCAD.

    Ascon KOMPAS

    "KOMPAS" is a whole family of software tools for creating electronic drawings.

    Interesting! The main feature of CAD is that it is developed by a Russian company and has an original computing core. Drawings created with Compass fully comply with government standards.

    The program for drawing on the computer Compass allows you to design parts, entire mechanisms and even buildings.

    Functional Features

    The program supports many of the most common electronic drawing formats, which allows you to effectively collaborate with companies using other design environments.

    The basis for the finished drawing is a 3D model. At the same time, the data in the 2D drawing dynamically changes with the editing of the 3D model.

    On the basis of the finished drawing, project documentation is drawn up, which fully complies with state standards.

    At the same time, the standards are constantly updated thanks to the special service "KOMPAS Audit".

    From 2008 to 2013 there was a program for drawing on a computer online from KOMPAS.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The program is the most widespread on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is not surprising, given the developers. There are also foreign localizations, but the demand for them is not so great.

    Among the many advantages worth noting are the following:

    Ease of learning and use.

    Large database of attached libraries.

    Active development and continuous improvement.

    Wide toolkit.

    Focus on the Russian user.


    High cost.

    Demanding on computer resources.

    Scope of application

    KOMPAS is widely used both for professional activities and for educational purposes.

    There are no free versions of the program, however, for educational purposes, a cheaper KOMPAS 3D LT with reduced functions is used.

    Many domestic enterprises use this CAD to create drawings and design documentation for standard and original parts and assemblies.

    Nanosoft nanoCAD

    This is the simplest program for drawing on a computer. A distinctive feature is the availability of an electronic drawing board.

    Outwardly, the program is similar to AutoCAD, but, despite this, the software and mathematical core was independently developed by Nanosoft.

    The program is a great opportunity to organize drawing on a computer for beginners.

    Functional Features

    The main functionality complies with CAD standards. Despite this, some features of AutoCAD are not implemented in the program.

    With the development of nanoCAD, a young product in comparison with other CAD systems, gets unique features and capabilities.

    The program is focused on creating two-dimensional drawings, so most of the functions are designed specifically for working in a plane.

    DWG and DXF drawing formats are also supported, which allows you to edit drawings created in nanoCAD in any modern CAD system.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In assessing the positive and negative qualities of the program, it is necessary to take into account the relatively young age of the product and focus on a wide audience.


    low cost full version, in comparison with other CAD systems.

    Open API that allows you to develop your own applications.

    Support for Russian design standards

    Availability of a free version.


    Smaller toolkit.

    Potential issues with reading DWG format.

    Limitations in working with AutoLISP.

    Scope of application

    A set of features and functions allows you to use nanoCAD to create drawings and design documentation. The presence of a free version expands the horizons of using this program.

    Yes, it becomes possible use for educational or personal purposes. NanoCAD is also used in manufacturing, design and architecture.

    AutoCAD lessons Drawing basics

    3 best programs for drawing on a computer

    The construction of any house begins with the development and creation of project documentation. An integral part of the package of documents, even if you are going to build it yourself, are drawings and working diagrams. Whatman paper, pencil and ruler are already in the past, today a program for creating drawings is used instead.

    Creating a drawing of a house in a special program

    Fast, simple and convenient, and most importantly, minimized gross mistakes and miscalculations that computer programs do not allow or eliminate in automatic mode.

    To date, there are paid and free programs that allow you to design in two- and three-dimensional space. This is very convenient, since, in addition to a strict drawing, the user can see a realistic live model at any stage of work.

    The program can be downloaded for free from the official website. It has a simple interface and wide opportunities. This program belongs to the multifunctional semi-professional packages that offer a huge number of opportunities for individual builders and small entrepreneurs. Often it is used in their work by professional designers and developers.

    This is how the Google SketchUp interface looks like

    In this program you can:

    • Make a simple drawing;
    • Come up with a detailed;
    • , cottage or backyard building;
    • Choose the design of the facade of the house;
    • Perform landscaping and.

    Working with two-dimensional images is not all that Google SketchUp can do. In addition, it is still very simple and convenient. That is, all the projects you have created can be viewed in three-dimensional space on the screen.

    One minus - you can create drawings, but you won't be able to use them as official documentation, only as instructions for your own use. Unfortunately, it does not support GOSTs and SNIP.

    Pluses are the high realism of the created images, the Russian-language interface, numerous manuals, instructions, blogs, communities, thematic groups, video tutorials and other communities that seriously help in mastering the program.

    Ready house project created in Google SketchUp

    In addition to two-dimensional graphics, there is access to three-dimensional models of the created drawings at any stage of their readiness. A huge number of libraries, applications, add-ons and settings turn AutoCad into a professional tool for engineers and architects.

    Cottage interior created in AutodeskAutoCad

    It is unlikely that users without specialized education will be able to figure it out on the fly, even numerous lessons presented in text and video versions will not be a serious help.


    A program in Russian, which was created to build drawings and three-dimensional models. It includes several main areas:

    • mechanical engineering;
    • construction;
    • instrumentation.

    Read also

    How to make a drawing and project at home

    It is the "Construction" block that is suitable for solving everyday problems, creating models and drawings of the future home.
    The advantage of the program is that it automatically performs cuts and sections of the created model, eliminating possible designer errors. Can be used to prepare a complete set of project documentation.

    Compass Construction includes all the necessary set of applications to design a building on a turnkey basis. Starting from the creation of a 3D model, with a detailed study appearance, facade and other things, and ending with all engineering communications: water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, heating and so on.

    T-Flex Cad

    The program has free version It is designed for both 2D and 3D images. It has a wide range of features and a comprehensive set of functions for drawing diagrams and . You can create both separate elements and the whole building with a section of all facades and floors. The developers of T-Flex Cad have made an emphasis on the automation of all processes. Design is carried out quickly, accurately and with a minimum amount of possible errors. Creating parametric models - here best use for the program.

    With this utility, you can both develop all the necessary documentation for the construction of a private house, and use it to develop unique pieces of furniture for the future interior.

    T-Flex Cad provides full support for ESKD and foreign standards.

    Creating an apartment layout in T-Flex Cad

    Model elements are interconnected by parametric and geometric relationships. The benefits of the program include:

    • Powerful geometric core;
    • Ease of working with assemblies of any complexity;
    • Single file format;
    • Advanced engineering analysis tools;
    • Ability to create your own libraries of elements;
    • Teamwork on projects;
    • Integration;
    • Automation;
    • Preparation of drawings in accordance with standards.

    These features of T-Flex Cad make it a worthy competitor, but much simpler and more understandable.

    Good hour!

    Now there are a lot of programs for drawing, but most of them have a significant drawback - they are not free and cost very decently (some more than the average salary in the country). And for many users, the task of designing a complex three-dimensional part is not worth it - everything is much simpler: print the finished drawing, correct it a little, make just a light sketch, sketch an electrical circuit, etc.

    In this article, I will provide several free drawing programs (in the past, with some of the others, I had to work closely myself) that are great for these cases ...

    1) A9CAD

    Interface: English

    Platform: Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 7, 8, 10

    A small program (for example, its installation distribution kit weighs several times less than AucoCad!), which allows you to create quite complex 2-D drawings.

    A9CAD supports the most common drawing formats: DWG and DXF. The program has many standard elements: circle, line, ellipse, square, callouts and dimensions in drawings, arrange drawings, etc. Perhaps the only drawback: everything on English language (however, many words will be clear from the context - a small icon is shown in front of all words in the toolbar).

    Note. By the way, on the developer's website ( there is a special converter that allows you to open drawings made in AutoCAD (supported versions: R2.5, R2.6, R9, R10, R13, R14, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006).

    2) nanoCAD

    Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

    Language: Russian / English

    A free CAD system that can be used in a wide variety of industries. By the way, I want to warn you right away, despite the fact that the program itself is free - additional modules for it are paid (in principle, they are unlikely to be useful to you for home use).

    The program allows you to freely work with the most popular drawing formats: DWG, DXF and DWT. In its structure of the arrangement of tools, sheet, etc., it is very similar to the paid analogue of AutoCAD (therefore, it is not difficult to switch from one program to another). By the way, the program has ready-made standard shapes that can save you time when drawing.

    3) DSSim-PC


    OS type Windows: 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000

    Interface Language: English

    DSSim-PC is free program designed for drawing electrical circuits on Windows. The program, in addition to allowing you to draw a diagram, allows you to test the power of the circuit and monitor the distribution of resources.

    The program has a built-in chain control editor, a linear editor, scaling, a utility curve graph, a TCC generator.

    4) Express PCB

    Developer site:

    English language

    ExpressPCB - This program is designed for computer-aided design of microcircuits. Working with the program is quite simple, and consists of several steps:

    1. Component selection: a step in which you have to select various components in the dialog box (by the way, thanks to special keys, their search is greatly simplified in the future);
    2. Component placement: use the mouse to place the selected components on the diagram;
    3. Adding loops ;
    4. Editing: using standard commands in the program (copy, delete, paste, etc.), you need to refine your chip to "perfection";
    5. Chip order: in the last step, you can not only find out the price of such a microcircuit, but also order it!


    A free, simple and at the same time powerful program for graphic modeling (this is exactly what the developer claims about his program). Designed for modeling and analysis of flat frames, span beams, various building structures (including heavily loaded ones).

    The program is oriented, first of all, to engineers who need not only to model the structure, but also to analyze it. The interface in the program is quite simple and intuitive. The only drawback is that there is no support for the Russian language ...

    6) FreeCAD

    OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 / 64 bits), Mac and Linux

    This program is designed primarily for 3-D modeling of real objects, of almost any size (limitations apply only to your PC 🙂).

    Every step of your simulation is controlled by the program and at any time there is an option to go back to history for any change you have made.

    FreeCAD is a free, open source program (some experienced programmers add extensions and scripts for it on their own). FreeCAD supports a truly huge number of graphic formats, for example, some of them: SVG, DXF, OBJ, IFC, DAE, STEP, IGES, STL, etc.

    7) sPlan

    Language: Russian, English, German, etc.

    sPlan is a simple and convenient program for drawing electronic electrical circuits. With its help, you can create high-quality print blanks: there are tools for laying out a diagram on a sheet, a preview. Also in sPlan there is a library (rich enough) that contains a large number of elements that you may need. By the way, these elements can also be edited.

    8) circuit diagram

    Windows OS: 7, 8, 10


    Circuit Diagram is a free program for creating electrical circuits. The program has all the necessary components: diodes, resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc. To enable one of these components, you need to make 3 mouse clicks (in the literal sense of the word. Probably not a single utility of this kind can boast of such a thing)!

    The program keeps a history of schema changes, which means that you can always change any of your actions and return to the original state of work.

    Transport finished circuit diagram formats: PNG, SVG.


    I remember one anecdote in the topic ...

    A student draws a drawing at home (homework). Her father (an engineer of the old school) comes up and says:

    - This is not a drawing, but so, a daub. Let's help, I'll do everything right?

    The girl agreed. It came out very neat. At the institute, the teacher (also with experience) looked and asked:

    - How old is your dad?

    - ???

    - Well, it was he who wrote the letters according to the standard of twenty years ago ...

    On the sim "draw" this article is completed. For additions on the topic - thanks in advance. Happy drawing!

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