SAP program is the best for enterprise management, overview of capabilities. SAP what kind of program is this and its description What am I afraid of that may not go according to plan

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For productive business development, it is necessary to have control over all stages of production and accounting. Thanks to this, the company will be able to quickly respond to changing factors and adapt to the situation.

One of the means to achieve automation is SAP software. The abbreviation stands for System Analysis and Program Development or System Analysis and Program Development.

How SAP works

They compete in the Russian market several programs for accounting, some of which do not require special skills and knowledge (Microsoft Office Word, Excel), while others need a specialist:

  • 1C: Accounting;
  • Galaxy;
  • Sail;
  • Microsoft Dynamics Axapta.

SAP has many possibilities and even more functions:

  • automation of the accountant's work;
  • trading operations;
  • warehouse operations;
  • personnel accounting;
  • financial accounting;
  • accounting for share prices;
  • drawing up salary payment schedules;
  • logistics processing and much more.

The structure of the program is extremely complex, so only a trained person can understand it. The salary of such workers is appropriate: in European countries, an administrator receives from €2,500.

SAP program speeds up data processing and indicates the optimal course that the company should focus on, however, the program will not be productive if the structure of the company itself has illogicalities and its components are poorly connected with each other.

The functionality of the program is wide and consists of modules.

Module Title in Russian Module capabilities
PP Production planning. Planning and management of production and its cycles.
MM Material flow management. Production facilities management:
  • procurement system;
  • goods receipt;
  • control and analysis of stocks in warehouses;
  • accounting of necessary materials.
P.M. Maintenance. Repair and maintenance of enterprise property and its equipment.
SD Sales Invoicing, processing orders and offers.
A.M. Management of fixed assets. Processing of enterprise property states:
  • maintenance;
  • management, control, sale of investments.
A.A. Tax flows Calculation of tax payments.
FI Finance. Financial control and full accounting reporting:
  • data consolidation;
  • reporting on debts and debtors.
HR Personnel management. Work with personnel:
  • salary calculation;
  • issuing vacations and recording sick leave;
  • calculations of grace periods;
  • calculating taxes paid to the state for employees;
  • accounting and control of the process of advanced training and recruitment of new employees.
CO Control. Management accounting and full control over the production structure:
  • expenditure and income of funds;
  • calculation of profit percentage;
  • analysis of funds leakage.

Company formation

The creator of the program was a German development company that separated from IBM. This happened in 1972, and since 1992, medium and large enterprises began to change software products accounting accounting in favor of SAP. By 2003, SAP was almost completely forced out of the market competitors in Europe and the CIS due to its reliability, high-quality implementation and multifunctional support.

In 2006, courses began to appear to teach the specifics of the program. However, in the CIS countries the 1C system is still used in small firms, since it is more convenient to use for untrained employees. Enterprises such as Gazprom, Lukoil and Alros use SAP.

The creators of the program specialized in helping companies, so SAP can be fully customized by the programmer individually to suit the needs of the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of the software package

The SAP system has a number of advantages, including:

To the disadvantages can be attributed:

  1. High cost. Installation and implementation cost up to $1 million. In addition, it is necessary to train employees and pay salaries to the administrator and programmer. Customizing the program to suit the company's needs is also expensive.
  2. It is impossible to install another program, since the contract is concluded for a certain period. Termination of the contract will cause losses.
  3. Poorly implemented translation into Russian.

Most popular packages

Packages software There are many SAPs, each of them is tailored to specific needs. The most common installations are SAP ERP or SAP R/3. This package plans enterprise resources, external and internal. It is convenient because it works in real time. Up to 50% of all global companies operate on an ERP system.

SAP also has the following packages:

  1. Process Integration (PI). Integration solutions at various levels.
  2. Enterprise Portal (EP). Solving portal problems.
  3. Mobile Infrastructure (MI). Assistant in the implementation of mobile applications.
  4. Business Intelligence (BI). Help for business analysts.
  5. Knowledge Management (KM). Assistant for monitoring educational programs.
  6. Master Data Management (MDM). A system for maintaining reference information, as well as regulations.

Implementation of the program

The implementation of SAP (customizing the program to suit the needs of the company) into the company occurs in 4 large stages.

Software add-on

The SAP Developers Corporation has a laboratory that releases updates and introduces new features and packages. But enterprises do not always want to buy new packages because they are expensive, so additional software was created, that is, additions to the main package.

Additional software allows you to expand the range of SAP capabilities and make the package more flexible.

Open PS

This add-on allows you to access your SAP system outside of the computer on which it is installed. It is also possible to perform various operations remotely.


The add-on creates an account for each user and also provides him with an interface. The system can include suppliers, customers, managers, etc.

Business Add-In (BAdI)

Checks reports, proposals, documentation for relevance and reliability. It also allows you to determine the cost of a product or its batch.

In order for business to develop in the best possible way, it is necessary to automate accounting in enterprises, regardless of their size and form of ownership.

This is also necessary for company managers, who can quickly make corrective changes to achieve optimal performance.

To automate accounting at domestic enterprises today there are many different proposals, such as:

  • 1C: Accounting;
  • Parus-accounting;
  • BEST;
  • Info-accountant;

Until recently, domestic enterprises used 1 C: Accounting. But since 1992, large and medium-sized enterprises have increasingly installed the German SAP program.

The clients of this software are such huge enterprises as joint-stock companies Gazprom and Gazprom Neft, Lukoil and TNK, the diamond company Alrosa and many other giant corporations.

Video: App Overview

What is SAP program

The SAP accounting program is an automated system that allows you to plan the resources of large enterprises, which allows you to calculate everything down to the smallest detail, and also creates a unified information space.

Thanks to the modular principle by which the ERP system operates, it has become possible to use not only individual components of the SAP system, but also their combinations.

The maximum effect from using the system can only be achieved if the enterprise performs all operations in a single information environment. The SAP® ERP system allows you to immediately update and post data, which immediately reaches all necessary departments of the enterprise.

The system uses a model consisting of three links:

The end user assumes that the accounting system has combined the main functions in two areas:

  • reporting and accounting, including everything you need. The program also takes into account intra-production costs in all areas that arise, allows you to manage orders and funds, as well as take into account all other results;
  • logistics allows you to combine not only planning, but also management and sales, which include invoicing, further sales and shipments. Logistics also includes logistics, which allows purchasing, controlling accounts and managing inventory.

History of appearance

In 1972, a company was founded in Germany that creates software and provides consulting services for organizations. It was created by five employees of German origin who retired from IBM.

The abbreviation of the company name is translated into Russian as “System analysis and software development.” Quite quickly, it began to enjoy success and demand among world-famous companies, whose management was considered the most effective.

From the very beginning, SAP specialized in the development of automated systems that made it possible to manage processes within an enterprise, which included not only accounting, but also production processes and trading operations. These also include personnel and warehouse management.

High product quality, constant innovation, and the ability to anticipate have allowed SAP to become one of the four world leaders in creating software used in large enterprises since 2009.

Since 2007, the corporation began merging, buying out companies producing software for predictive analytics, data analysis and processing, controlling quality and production processes in industrial enterprises, as well as managing human capital.

SAP Corporation is developing a system whose applications are tailored to the legal context of a particular country. The company also helps to implement its system as a additional services. To do this, she developed her own methodology, called ValueSAP.

Most famous product

The most popular product is the ERP system, which allows you to manage all resources, both internal and external. It forms a unified information space for entering, processing and receiving information about activities within the enterprise.

Thanks to SAP R/3 product, intended as complex automation in large enterprises, the corporation quickly rose to the level of world leaders and became a world-famous manufacturer of software that allows automating all procedures with the help of which business processes are formed.

In 2004, SAP introduced a software platform called SAP NetWeaver 2004, which included the following products:

Description of SAP accounting software

The SAP accounting program is installed only in large businesses, since the cost of the software sometimes reaches 5% or 10% of the company’s annual turnover, and the system implementation services are also quite high. And yet, no matter what, the largest corporations prefer to install this particular system.

The functional areas of the SAP program consist of the following modules:

Additions to the package

Since the company always tries to innovate, it has provided the following additions to the package:

  • Open PS is an add-on that serves as an interface between the Project System and other external systems. This addition allows for flexibility and freedom of access to the necessary parts of the system from the outside, and can also be used to perform important business operations;
  • Internet and intranet-add-ons allow you to use corporate networks by automatically creating a login screen for each registered user. This allows you to increase the capabilities of the software, creating a supply management system that includes everything from customers to raw material suppliers.

Video: SAP ERP Menu

Implementation stages

Implementation is a process that allows you to change the activities of an enterprise, while it must achieve its goals in a limited period of time.

Typically goals include:

  • management receives all necessary information about the state of current affairs. The manager sees everything needed almost in real time;
  • ranking, which is an improvement of business processes (unnecessary ones are eliminated, and the efficiency of useful ones increases).

The implementation stages involve the following actions:

Despite the fact that the SAP program is extremely complex, many managers of large enterprises appreciate it. The SAP system is not just a program; it helps make decisions that allow you to change business processes, which in turn leads to a significant increase in profits.
Thanks to innovation, SAP develops software products that can be used not only by large businesses, but also by medium and small businesses. Business One and Business All-in-One applications have been developed for them on the SAP platform, which will fully satisfy their needs.

In RuNet. There are already more than a million registered users in Sapa (as of 05/20/2012 - 1084051, as of 02/14/2019 - 1541372). First, we will look at what you need to make money on sap, and at the end of the article I will give valuable recommendations for profitable selling of links.

2) On the “my sites” page, click add site:

3) Now you need to select the site type

In most cases, sites support php (in particular, WordPress and DLE support php). After selecting the type, you need to follow the instructions from the drop-down menu in SAP, which involves downloading the archive, uploading it to the site and installing the code on the site pages.

Note: an important feature of SAPE is that owners of html sites can also automate the process of placing links by specifying data from their ftp access. There is no such opportunity on other link exchanges.

4) Now all that remains is to select the theme of the site and specify the site URL:

5) After this, the sapa robot will index all pages of sites with a nesting level of no more than three. It should also be taken into account that the Sapa robot indexes no more than 150 links from one UV2 page.

6) After the site is indexed, it is sent for moderation. In the meantime, you can specify the cost of links.

Here I advise you to do this: indicate prices 2-3 times higher than average and keep in mind that optimizers will see these prices 10% more (due to the sapa commission). Based on this consideration, when setting prices, prices should be set with a 10% markup. For example, many are looking for links with prices up to 5, up to 10, up to 30 rubles, and your prices are 5, 10 and 30 rubles, then the optimizer will display the following prices 5.5, 11 or 33 rubles and he simply won’t see your site.

Therefore, in this case, it would be reasonable to make the prices 4.5, 9 and 27 rubles, then the price in the search for optimizers would be: 4.95, 9.9 and 29.7 rubles. By following this principle, you can significantly increase the flow of applications for placing links.

I will give the prices that should be placed taking into account the future +10% commission: 1.36, 1.8, 2.7, 3.6, 4.5, 5.4, 6.3, 7.2, 8.1, 9, 13.6, 18, 27, etc.

It is better to choose the link sales scheme (3-2)/(2-1)/1 - the range of values ​​is indicated in brackets, for example 3/1/1, 2/2/1, etc. This is a very important parameter that is worth paying attention to. Many optimizers, including me, pay great attention to the quantity external links on the page:

After moderation, you will need to activate the site pages if they were not activated automatically. Now let's talk directly about the process of selling links.

Secrets of success in selling links in sape

  • Pages in the Yandex and Google index;
  • Sites with a Yandex ICS indicator (formerly TCI) of 10 and above. In general, the index is a very important parameter; the higher it is, the more expensive the price (I advise you to read: how to increase the TCI and the dependence of income on the number of pages and the TCI);
  • Pages with PR≥1; PageRank is no longer shown by Google
  • Pages with nesting level 2;
  • Sites with traffic (many people don’t pay attention to this, but in my opinion there should be at least 30 people a day, otherwise it raises the suspicion that the site is not made for people);
    Now SAPE even has a new SR parameter, which shows page traffic (links on such pages are more expensive).
  • Pages with 0 external links and an estimated number of links of 1-2 (this is why I advise making the scheme (3-2)/(2-1)/1);
  • Pages with content of 1000 characters;
  • Pages where the block of links is not located in the footer of the site, but in a prominent place;
  • Pages with an adequate number of internal links (in my opinion, the number of internal links should be no more than 200-300 from one page);
  • Missing pages

Besides being memorable, .com domains are unique: This is the one and only .com name of its kind. Other extensions usually just drive traffic to their .com counterparts. To learn more about premium .com domain valuations, watch the video below:

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Reading time: 12 min

An introductory article on working on the link exchange, which allows you to promote your sites in search engines for selected keywords, as well as increase site performance (TCI, PR).

This article will show you how to create a new project, enter link texts, and how to choose a more relevant page for your request. For better understanding of the material, a video was recorded, and there is also a text explanation of everything shown.

I have been familiar with this exchange since 2009, and during this time several thousand links have been purchased through it for various projects, both non-profit topics and for organizational websites. All of them are doing well in search engines and the events of late April 2012 (hint at Google) had no impact.

If you watch a video, then set the quality to 720HD (gear in the lower right corner of the player) and expand it to full screen.

If something in the video was not clear, then I offer the classic way of providing material.

How to buy links in

I skip the registration procedure and move on to creating a new project. To buy links in Sape, you need to go to the “Optimizer” section, which you can select from the top of the site:

After this, we will have a “Create a new project” button, which we click on, enter the name of the project (any name) and then see Settings. Let's look at them:

The red block allows you to set up automatic removal of your link from the donor site if the number of external links on it exceeds the indicator you selected. In the video I gave an example: if a site has 10 external links, then each transmits 1/10 of the weight of the entire page, if there are 5 links, then transmits 1/5 of the weight, which is more. You can read about “page weight” in the article by Sergei Koshkarov.

The green block allows you to automatically remove your link if the site is not available for any reason (you didn’t pay for hosting, domain, or something happened to the database). You choose the deadline yourself.

We find ourselves on the “Adding a new URL to the project” page, where you need to fill in 3 fields:

There should be no problems filling out these fields. If so, watch the video.

After clicking the “Add” button, we find ourselves on a page where we are asked to add texts and keywords to promote our site. These texts will be located on donor sites. The length of texts should not exceed 100 characters. The promoted phrase (anchor link) must be enclosed in a special tag for which there is a button:

The video shows how this is done and what should happen. See if there are problems with this item.

When you have written the required number of texts and selected the number of repetitions, click the “Add” button, after which we proceed to search for sites for placement. To do this, above the text entry form, click on the “Search for sites” button:

After this, we are redirected to the “Quick Selection” page, which consists of Sape filter settings for selecting donor sites.

The following articles will cover the other three tabs (Relevant Selection, Filters, Contextual Links). Now let's look at our "Quick Search", which will be discussed below. This bookmark is also presented in more detail in the video.

Quick search on

It would be stupid on my part to stop at every point in setting up the site search filter on Sape, because... The article would have increased in size significantly and not everyone would have read to the end. I would like to dwell on one point that beginner “sape optimizers” rarely use. The item is called " Keywords" and this is what it looks like on the website:

Thanks to this filter, you can find a truly relevant (more suitable) page for your “Key Query”. By checking the box " IN </b>"We can select a page of the donor site, where the title of the article will contain the word we need from the key phrase. It turns out that your link will be in a thematic article with all the ensuing consequences))).</p><p>When you have gone through all the sites and there is no longer any occurrence of the “key” in the title, you can switch to " <b>Throughout the text</b>" and again look for donors with suitable articles.</p><p>After you have configured everything in the Sape filter form, click “Find” and the system will offer us a list of sites that best suit the filter settings. Having expanded any site, to the right of the link of the donor page we will be offered the following information for review.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> <div class="single-share"> <div class="row align-middle"> <div class="columns small-12 medium-expand"> <div class="single-share__title">Tell friends</div> </div> </div> <div class="single-share-links"> <div class="row"> <div class="columns small-6 medium-3"> <a href="#" onClick="'', 'sharer', 'toolbar=0,status=0, width=700, height=400'); return false" title="" class="single-share-links-item single-share-links-item--fb"> <div class="row"> <div 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