FPS drops in dota 2. Settings in the game menu

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Do you play Dota 2 at 30 FPS? Often you can't load and thus make nine players wait? People with weak computers constantly experience lags and freezes, which reduces their effectiveness in fights. In this article we will tell you how to get the most out of your hardware and improve FPS.

Game menu settings

1. No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to set the video settings to minimum.

2. Display mode - "Full screen". This is a must. Windowed mode consumes a lot of hardware resources.

3. Set the frame limit to 120. For very old PCs it is better to set it to 60.

Increasing graphics card performance

For NVIDIA video cards

For Radeon video cards

Launch options

1. Right-click on Dota 2 in the library. Select "Properties".

2. Click on the launch options and enter the following: -novid -console -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms -nojoy -noipx -freq 60 +exec autoexec.cfg

Changing the config

In the launch parameters we entered +exec autoexec.cfg. Now you need to create the config itself. (How to create a config?)

1. Go along the path...\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg (Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg)

2. Enter the following:

cl_globalllight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_deferrer 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_screenspace_aa 0
mat_picmip 2
mat_vsync 0
cl_showfps 1
net_graphpos 3
net_graphheight 64
rate 80000
cl_updaterate 40
cl_cmdrate 40
cl_interp 0.05
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_smoothtime 0
dota_force_right_click_attack 1
cl_globalllight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_ssao 0
engine_no_focus_sleep 0

There are a lot of config parameters. You may have changed some for various interface or gameplay changes. Therefore, be careful and do not erase the parameters you need.

Windows Settings

1. Open the Start menu or press Win+R and type "msconfig".

2. In the window that opens, go to the "Download" - "Advanced options" tab. Check the box for "Number of processors". We set the maximum value.

3. Open the "Startup" tab. Turn off unnecessary programs and leave only the ones you need.

A little advice for those who have little RAM. After a long period of Internet browsing and a heavy load on the memory (I have 4 GB), rebooting helps me. Without it, FPS can drop to 50, which already makes the game uncomfortable.

Let's be clear right away - if you have this question, it means you probably play Dota on weak hardware. It’s worth saying here that, despite the general high level optimization, Dota 2 is really getting heavier every year - the transition to new engine did not give the necessary impetus to increase optimization, but only cut off even more audience with weak computers from the general pool of players. But over the years of playing Dota, people have found ways to increase FPS in Dota 2, and today they can be made into one big universal guide.

How to increase FPS in Dota 2 - in-game settings

First of all, we go into the game itself and go to the “video” tab in the “settings”. Since we have weak computer, you will have to turn everything here to the “minimum”. In the "use" column additional settings“We also need to remove all checkboxes from everything - even the most harmless items here can add 3-4 frames per second, which is important if you play at less than the maximum 30 FPS.

The “size” tab should properly be called “resolution”. If you play on a Full-HD display, then 1920x1080 is acceptable for you, but if you play Dota from a laptop, it is better to set the resolution to your matrix and diagonal - this will literally increase the number of frames per second.

Two more important points about how to increase FPS in Dota 2 in the settings can be found in the lower right corner. There we have a FPS lock on the “Maximum number of frames per second” tab and a certain “screen processing quality”.

If the hardware level is weak, we set the “maximum number of frames per second” to 40-45 - this will “free up” our hardware a little. But it’s better not to significantly underestimate the quality of rendering or processing - the difference is too striking, although performance increases significantly, if you have a weak computer, this cannot be avoided.

How to increase FPS Dota 2 - shamanism in the console

An important point - this section talks about how to put everything in order to increase frames per second. The game will seriously change graphically, some of the animations will be removed, and in general you will have to get used to it a little bit with what you do with Dota, but the number of frames will increase significantly.

So, the first thing to do is right-click on Dota 2 in the Steam library. Then go to the “properties” and “launch options” tab. Here we write the following commands (you can simply paste from here):

Novid –console –noforcemspd –noipx-nojoy -noforcemaccel -useforcedmparms -freq 60 +exec autoexec.cfg

This way we will unlock the Dota config and open the console in the game. Now go to the folder where you have Dota 2 installed. There we find the following: common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg.

Open the file and add there:

cl_globalllight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_deferrer 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_screenspace_aa 0
mat_picmip 2
mat_vsync 0
cl_showFPS 1
net_graphpos 3
net_graphheight 64
rate 80000
cl_updaterate 40
cl_cmdrate 40
cl_interp 0.05
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_smoothtime 0
dota_force_right_click_attack 1
cl_globalllight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_ssao 0
engine_no_focus_sleep 0

What have we done? Essentially, we turned off everything unnecessary - animation in the interface, shadows, various things invisible to the eye. The number of frames after this will increase enormously.

It is important that you will not need much time to “roll back” - just delete these parameters from both this file, and from the “launch options”, after which the game will return to normal.

How to increase FPS in Dota 2 - computer setup

Here we will not describe the computer settings for a long time - in my opinion, only the person who really understands the hardware settings should get into this, which is beyond the power of most gamers. So here are just a few tips.

  • In the lower right corner of the screen you probably have video card settings, where you can adjust the slider to “maximum performance”. You should do this before starting the game, after which you can return it back.
  • If you use Chrome browser, be sure to restart your computer before starting to play Dota 2. Chrome seriously “loads” memory and after a reboot and a “clean” start to Dota, you will find a difference of 10-15 FPS.

Naturally, disable all additional programs if Dota slows down for you. You shouldn’t download a torrent and play a game at the same time - this can slow down even if everything is fine with your computer - Steam is designed in such a way that it gives priority to other tasks.

With the transition to Dota 2 Reborn, many players encountered a problem in which their FPS dropped significantly in Dota 2. This problem is really widespread and almost global, but it can have several reasons at once - and they are not always related directly to the power of your “ gland".

Why does FPS drop in Dota 2?

Let's start with the fact that the new engine on which Reborn is executed began to consume and distribute resources differently. Thus, a serious bias was made in favor of the processor when processing game data. This is done to make it easier for laptop users to game with their weak mobile graphics cards. In general, this move worked - however, at first, people with ordinary system users experienced serious interruptions and “drawdowns” in FPS. This was quickly corrected with patches and fixes, but still periodically “crawls out” with the next update of the game. More recently, for example, after the next patch, some processors were deprived of a game card, which caused panic in the Dota2 community for two days, but this was quickly corrected.

An interesting point is that FPS now drops in Dota 2 even if you open other processes in parallel with Dota. This is also a Reborn innovation and probably also has something to do with the distribution of game resources. Previously, for example, I could easily keep Chrome open and play Dota; now even Discord can periodically drop FPS to below 30 frames per second.

The saddest thing is if you really have a problem with the video card or other hardware. Perhaps you are experiencing serious overheating or even breakdowns. We recommend replacing the thermal paste and cleaning the computer from dust. In some cases, placing the laptop on a cooling pad helps.

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