SEO promotion of landing pages in search engines. SEO for landing pages - how to promote Landing page in search engines SEO promotion of landing page

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To begin with, I suggest you understand the terms. Landing page is the landing page that a user sees after following an advertising link. This could be a paid Google AdWords link, an advertising banner, a newsletter, etc.

They are used to increase the impact of advertising and increase the audience. Landing page also helps the user to concentrate, guarantees a higher conversion rate from advertising messages, and also motivates users to take the actions you need.

Main task- turn an ordinary Internet user interested in an advertising offer into real client companies.

Deciding to start promoting in search engines, you must understand that you will encounter a number of limitations:

  • Firstly, results can be achieved only for one semantic group of key phrases.
  • Secondly, the chances of getting to the top for highly competitive queries are low.

Do you even need to make a landing page? Think twice.

For example, if we are talking about a company selling a product from a manufacturer, then there is a possibility that the buyer will go to the website of this brand and order products there, and not from you.

The second nuance that can be called a disadvantage is the limited information presented on the landing page, which is offered to be received after filling out the form.

Because Buyers for the most part have a suspicious attitude and some distrust of advertising pages; they can quickly leave it. But this can be avoided if you place positive reviews, recommendations, awards and company certificates on the page.

How to correctly determine the semantic group of key phrases for landing page promotion

Let me give you an example using a group of key phrases:

promotion landing page

landing page promotion

promotion of a one-page website

landing page seo

It is visible to the naked eye that the semantic basis of the group of phrases is (landing page promotion). Also (landing page) and (landing page) are synonyms.

And, if you didn’t know, then (promotion), (promotion) and (seo) are also synonyms.

In the future, the meaning and essence of the page will not be spoiled by various additional words to the current key phrase:

landing page promotion reviews

landing page promotion methods

landing page promotion order

landing page promotion cost

promotion landing page price

landing page promotion in Yandex

landing page promotion on google

You can collect an impressive number of phrases with the word “landing”, but you shouldn’t promote one page on them. Here is an example of phrases that do not fit into the already selected group:

creation and promotion of landing page

landing page creation

order landing page

selling landing pages

landing page free download

create a landing page for free

ready-made landing pages

Ways to promote one-page sites

Or what we can influence when promoting a landing page

  1. entry into URL;
  2. title;
  3. description;
  4. keywords;
  5. entry in links;
  6. text on the website;
  7. external factors.

We will consider each of the points separately: how and in what way this or that list position can affect promotion. I’ll also tell you how to use new knowledge in practice and not make mistakes.

Entry in URL

Of course, at present this factor does not have such a strong influence on promotion, but still you should not ignore it.

And there is no need to worry about the fact that the domain will not be very beautiful - it is just a landing page, not a company website. The task of the landing page, as I already said, is to sell, and not to carry positioning.

Advice: Use the English version or transliteration from Russian. If you are not good at transliteration, use the program punto switcher: Select the desired text and hold down the Alt and Scroll Lock keys at the same time.

You can also look at the search results to see how search engines recognize the words you need. In search results, robots usually highlight transliterated words in bold, which they understand as keywords.


This is a very significant ranking factor, so it’s worth paying a lot of attention to it.

  • Use the main key phrase at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Add words calling to action.
  • If you can’t avoid repeating a key phrase, then divide the repeated keys into two sentences.

Common mistakes:

  1. Spam title - when keywords repeated several times in one sentence.
  2. Incoherence - listing keywords without thought/logic.


Description is not a ranking factor in search engines, but is very important in order to improve the attractiveness of a site in search results.

But if you insert key phrases into the description, they will participate in the text ranking. It is worth using this if there is not enough text on the page to implement keywords


In general, it does not affect anything (and this has been stated more than once by the search engines themselves). However, like description, keywords are directly involved in text ranking. The lowest-frequency phrases or “complex” keywords, which are difficult to enter correctly without damaging the text, can be specified in keywords separated by commas.

Important: enter no more than 3-5 key phrases.

Entry in links

Keywords in anchors have a fairly impressive impact on rankings.

An “anchor” in html is a bookmark with an individual name in a certain place on a site page, so that you can go to it via a link. For example, you have a large, informative web page and your task is to make navigation more convenient. To do this, you indicated the content at the very beginning, clicking on the items of which will immediately take you to the corresponding section of the page.

This is what we see in the code:

And this is the place where we need to move.

To work with subheadings and text, you need to divide them into groups semantic core- future text blocks

Example of text blocks on a landing page:

*main keyword

main keyword what is it

main keyword definition

synonym - main keyword

*main keyword example

main keyword review

*how the main keyword works


According to optimization rules, H1 should be used no more than once on a page (one page cannot have two titles, right?).

What should H1 be? Keep it short, no more than 5 words. The main keyword must be included.

H2 and H3

Subheadings are very important in one-pagers, as search engines can use them as a title in search results. For each text block, you need to write a subheading in H2 or H3 (according to the logic of the landing page).

In the subheading you should use a key phrase that corresponds to the content of the block. Don't forget that content is created primarily for users, so keep an eye on how attractive and adequate (in terms of spam) your subheadings look.

Text on the site

For each group of key phrases on the landing page, a text block is written. When optimizing text, it is important not to overspam keywords; don’t be afraid to combine them

Given:key phrases

*main function keyword

main keyword operating principles

After merging:

*main keyword functions and operating principles

By the way, our other articles are full of tips on content, where the topic of keys and tricks is fully covered :) We were thinking about a thematic newsletter, but we don’t have time yet, so this is the most convenient

Very often we are asked about SEO promotion of landing pages. And the most interesting thing is that everyone is deeply convinced that this can be done, and most importantly, it’s easy to implement, because “it’s just one page,” and not a whole site.

We tested different solutions for a long time, followed the successes of our colleagues, and now we are ready to express our verdict on whether it is possible to promote a landing page using SEO.

And I warn you right away, everything will be quite ambiguous, although all words are based on facts.

Are we dreaming or can we?

Due to high conversions compared to regular websites, entrepreneurs give preference to landing pages.

In this article we will not talk about, and we will not argue which is better. We will immediately decide that in our situation we need a one-page website.

The landing page is ideal for direct and hot traffic, like .

But since the option is more profitable in the long term, everyone (a good desire) tries to kill two birds with one stone - to get a conversion site and bring it to the TOP 10 search engines.

Search results

We have been dissuading our clients for a long time and proving that it is almost impossible to promote a landing page using SEO, or rather, you don’t need it.

But now we have given up. You have defeated us. And not because we have finally learned how to promote one-page websites in search engines.

We were able to do this before. The point is your deep conviction that you need it.

This is impossible to do (difficult)

OK. Do you want positions in search? You will receive them. But you need to clearly understand that they will be so-so.

Don't you need it? Do you want all the best at once, to promote your landing page to the top? Are you ready to pay any money?

Well, no, it’s not about the money, although it will also come in handy. The whole difficulty is in the technical component.

A small excursion into the world of “Website SEO Promotion”. The main key queries for which we want to bring our company to the TOP of Yandex and Google are searched and highlighted.

Then all these requests are distributed to relevant (appropriate in meaning) pages and optimized for technical aspects (we won’t go into details, this is not important now).

The key idea is that each page is optimized for its own key queries. What do we have on our landing page?

That's right, just one page. This means that we can promote this page only by one, the most relevant group of keys.

For example, if you are a manufacturer of custom furniture, then you can take either “Custom Kitchens” or “Custom Wardrobes”. Why you can’t take the general one – “Custom-made furniture”, read below.

A priori, a site with a large number of pages is stronger than a site with fewer pages.

Naturally, with the same quality, you can’t take it simply by quantity. Therefore, it is almost impossible to take and promote a landing page for the most competitive queries (high-frequency or HF).

Practically - because now there is fierce competition in almost all areas of the Internet, but there are exceptions and maybe you will get lucky.

You'll be lucky! Of course you'll be lucky!

And finally. In SEO there is such a thing as text volume. The more competitive the request, the larger the text (roughly speaking).

Sometimes you may see very large “sheets of text” that contain more than 10,000 characters (about 4 pages).

Of course, it is not necessary to measure the size of the text, but that is certain that it should not be small.


Three main secrets

But have you seen that sometimes one-page sites come out on top in searches?

Like, for example, our website in the screenshot above. Which means it's possible. I’m not arguing here, it can be done and it’s not difficult to do. The main thing is to understand three main ideas that follow from the section above:

  1. You can promote your landing page for low-frequency (little competition) or medium-frequency (medium competition) queries.
  2. There should be no more than 5 requests on the page (preferably 1-2). Rarely up to 30, but provided that very low frequencies are used.
  3. There should be much more text than is usually found on a classic Landing page, which was not created for SEO.

If you are aware of these thoughts, then everything will work out for you. You won’t fly in the clouds and hope to reach the TOP for queries with a popularity of 10,000+ hits per month.

And you will also understand that your site will be partly overloaded with unnecessary and partly stupid information.

Lifehack. If you are determined to do SEO optimization, I recommend the Rush Analytics service. The speed of its work is simply amazing; it works online, which is very convenient. And using this link you will be given 200 rubles for testing 😉

Case 1 – Airboats

Our client is an airboat manufacturer (by the way, the largest). The task was complex, and besides, according to the contract, we received a bonus for each new lead.

Therefore, we used everything we could, including search engine promotion. And the results were not long in coming.

Search results for “Airboats”

For this request, we took the most volume traffic in this area. And here you may be surprised, because we took a high-frequency key.

To be honest, we were partly lucky, since there was almost no competition. So we did basic setup and gave it a little speed.

As a result, on some days we received up to 600 visits from search traffic.


Case 2 (joint) – Office wholesale

I’ll tell you about one of the joint cases of Landing page promotion in search engines.

Our job was the simplest of all, namely to do a small redesign, enter keywords and prepare the technical side. This is what the first screen looks like.

And it’s already clear what keywords should have been used. Can you guess it yourself?


Key words from the first screen – “Office supplies wholesale “Saratov”, “Catalogue”, “Prices”, “Pens”, “Notebooks”, etc.

And I’ll say right away, honestly, the site, from the point of view and text, turned out to be 3-, and we are not at all proud of such projects. But we don’t hide it either.

After all, our business was different. As a result, for low-frequency queries, the page is in the TOP, but we don’t know (traffic).

Search results for “Stationery”

Why didn't it turn out very well? But because the texts are written not for people, but for robots.

We tried for a long time to argue and convince that there was no need to do this (until the first drop of blood).

We convinced them that they needed to focus on people, and only then on robots. But if the customer insists on doing the opposite, we are not masochists, we do as asked. Although it all starts like in that short joke...

Oh how vital...

Optimization instructions

SEO optimization of a landing page is no different from optimization of a multi-page website. The only difference is the amount of work done.

And as you already guessed, there is many times, or even ten times less of it on the landing page. But the result is also less. So this is both good and bad news at the same time.

In my article about cost search engine optimization() we divided the entire component into stages and described what and how much it costs.

Now I will give a general summary and add a few points that are important in promoting a landing page.

Landing Page is a one-page website – a very effective sales tool. But many do not know how to promote it, because, in fact, in all SEO parameters it is inferior to full-fledged sites with more information and pages. How can you “show” a landing page in search results and bypass competitors in search results for some queries?

Difficulties in promoting a landing page

Landing Page is a landing page. Its goal is to sell goods and services. On one page, all the benefits and advantages of the product are immediately indicated, the user’s objections are closed, and the purchase is completed. There is a second option, when the Landing Page is included in the site structure as a regular page, in which case its promotion is easier. We will analyze the first option, when the Landing Page is a one-page website.

The main problems that website owners face when promoting Landing Page:

  • Small semantic core (SN). It is simply impossible to promote a large number of requests, because there is only one page.
  • Low audience coverage, the reason is indicated in the paragraph above.
  • As the number of queries increases, proper text optimization is impossible.
  • Do not make internal linking.
  • External links. Now even with a full-fledged website you need to act carefully, but here all the links will be concentrated on one URL, so you need to be very careful with SEO links. Natural links are required.
  • Behavioral factors (PF) are worse than those of a full-fledged website.

But landing pages have a plus - the conversion rate of a one-page website is higher than that of a regular website.

To properly promote your Landing Page, you need your own strategy.

Landing Page Promotion Strategy

The promotion strategy for one-page sites differs little from regular ones. Same work steps:

  • Collecting key queries
  • Text optimization
  • Optimization of commercial factors
  • Optimization of behavioral factors
  • Working with external links
  • Competitor analysis
  • Technical audit

The most important thing is the selection of requests. You can read about this. As a rule, there are few requests, from 5 to 50. The main difficulty is to select the most accurate ones.

The next stage is text optimization.

Pay attention to PF. You need to find anchors that will hook the user and make him stay on the page for as long as possible.

Further steps are the expansion of the SY. Objective: cover as many related queries as possible and increase the number of pages. To do this, you will have to create the basic structure of the site from the landing page - add new pages to cover all queries in the topic and reach a full-fledged site structure.

If the landing goes well, then it smoothly turns into a good website with a good structure.

Important factors to consider when promoting a landing page

  1. Technical audit of Landing Page. There’s a lot you can’t check on a one-page website, but it needs to be done. There should be no sloppy layout, errors, cropped images, texts, etc. Check 10 times how the order buttons and feedback form work.
  2. Precise text optimization. There is simply no room for error - you have one page and it must be well optimized.
  3. Semantics. If there are no landing pages in the TOP for your request, then the task becomes more complicated. Try to select keywords and promote according to those queries for which there are either landing pages or pages with similar content in the TOP.

Why so: The specifics of promotion at the moment are such that when promoting online stores, you need to select queries where the TOP contains sites with lists of products and the opportunity to buy them. When you try to advance on a request where information sites or articles are in the TOP, nothing will work (99%). Therefore, when planning to promote a landing site, it is advisable to make sure whether such sites are in the TOP. Of course, there is 1% success, and there are examples of this too. BUT still the probability is small.

5. Interaction with the user (internal PF). You need to involve the client to the maximum on a single page. Use videos, photographs, calculators, promotions, offer discounts - everything that is possible to make the user stay on the page and become interested in the offer.

6. Commercial factors. They will have to be concentrated on one page or new ones created in order to more fully contribute to the ranking.

7. Moral preparation for expanding the structure. If the landing page addresses only a part of the necessary requests, and your goal is promotion through a large pool of CS, then prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will have to expand.

We’ll show you how to promote a Landing Page using the example of a company that sells dietary supplements.


Initial data: A company that sells dietary supplements. No website, no traffic, no links.

Task– promote Landing Page to the TOP of search engines.

A semantic core with one high-frequency key, 5 mid-frequency keywords and the remaining 44 are low-frequency queries.

Landing promotion deadline– 4 months.

We described above how to collect requests. Keep in mind that for landing you don’t need to collect a large CN, the main thing here is to select the right queries and form groups from the resulting list - clustering.

For clustering, we used the service, there are other services, you can use them. But remember that no service replaces specialists. He helps them with their work, but nothing more.

So, we collected the syntheses and did clustering.

After automatic clustering, we manually moved some requests from one group to another, some were combined together and ultimately formed a single group of requests, according to which our landing page will be promoted. To carry out this work, we used logic, customer recommendations and analysis of search results.

There were 6 groups in total. The most large group is intended for a promoted landing page, the rest need to be made new pages.

Technical audit

Give him enough attention, even though it seems like there’s nothing special to do. We conducted a full audit of our landing page and eliminated minor errors.

Commercial factors

Commercial Rank increases the relevance of not only the page, but also the site as a whole.

When conducting a commercial audit, a number of problems arise due to the need to fit everything on one page. We conducted extensive research on this topic for the specialized conference Baltic Digital Days in 2016. Key findings:

Different commercial factors are important for different topics.

In the example, after conducting an audit of commercial factors, the following changes were prepared:

  • Creation of pages: “Contacts”, “About the company”, “Promotions”.
  • New section “News” with a publication plan at least 2 times a month.
  • Additional pages to cover topics: about the benefits of the product, how to use, instructions, questions and answers.
  • Various ways communications for clients: call back, online consultant, various messengers.
  • Sharing buttons on social networks so that users can share the page.
  • Purchasing a dedicated IP address. When checking with the service, it turned out that the site has more than 200 “neighbors,” most of them of very dubious quality. There are many myths about this, there are studies and reports. We decided to buy a dedicated line to avoid possible problems.


On the Landing Page, content is arranged in blocks. An important point: the content should not only explain the benefits and stimulate the order. It must contain all the requests that we managed to collect.

To carry out text optimization, we use a text analyzer (the same). Mark your region and indicate the page to be promoted.

Possible problems for landing pages: entries and volume of texts will have to be distributed across fragments of text blocks. This will slightly disrupt text analysis, but within acceptable limits.

When writing text blocks, it is important to use topic words (LSI), they describe the topic and will make the content more optimized, and taking into account the Palekh algorithm, they will help to collect more traffic in the future.

Texts must be formatted! Be sure to use lists, enumeration, pricing tables, callouts, images, infographics, and links.


  • The first links from the “gentleman’s set” are everything that can be obtained quickly and for free: review sites, vacancies, yellow pages. Apply gradually, without fanaticism. On average, we manage to get 50–100 pieces.
  • Next, the exchanges: for a more natural profile, we distributed incoming links between all pages, with an emphasis on the main one. In total about 150 links in 3 months.
  • An anchor list with a large number of “non-anchor” links and a small number of direct ones. They tried to avoid spammy designs so as not to fall under Google sanctions.


About 2.5 months passed from the start of work until noticeable results were obtained - all requests were in the TOP 50, some were in the TOP 10-20.

As a result: after 4 months in Yandex, all queries were in the TOP 10, in Google - about 50%.

But it is not always possible to achieve such development; many factors influence the final result: correctly selected queries, grouping, text optimization and other work. And the main thing is not to get sanctions. In this example, you need to “pressure” Google; for this, you can try to increase your link mass by 30% and increase the volume of content.

Further actions to achieve better results are revising the SY, creating an expanded structure and promoting an already full-fledged website, but that’s a completely different story.


This case is an example that Landing Page promotion is possible. You just need to build the right strategy and systematically work on it.

So, to promote your Landing Page:

  • Almost always you have to expand its structure.
  • It must be remembered that the approach to text optimization is no different from the standard one. It’s just more time-consuming because you need to optimize every text block.
  • It's better to concentrate on the mids and lows. It is problematic to promote HF requests.
  • Musthave – competitor analysis. We study who is in the TOP, what content, what commercial factors, links, content, etc.
  • Analyze, analyze and analyze user behavior again.

With careful analysis and consistent work, your landing page will be in the TOP and, quite likely, will surpass competitors with full-fledged websites.

Of course, like everywhere else, there are a few buts. To begin with, it’s worth saying that a lot will depend on the competition of your topic. If you choose a competitive product for sales using a landing page, for which there are already many sites and stores on the Internet, then even large budgets will most likely not help you in order to break into the top 10.

Another point is that there are competitor sites in the topics that interest you. Just indicate in search engines the search queries you are interested in (for which you are going to promote), and see which sites and online stores are in the top 10. If there are large portals and catalogues, then most likely your landing page promotion will not be particularly successful.

These are all the features, and if you go to the Landing Page promotion strategies, then everything can be clearly described point by point. The basis of a successful landing page is its content, i.e. content (we recommend ordering texts from a specialized exchange from professionals - This content should contain certain information for the user, such as: description of the product, its photo, possibly a video review, reviews, etc.

To roughly calculate the cost of purchasing links, you can use the service:

But in order to boost your one-page store, you will need link mass - for this you will have to receive/buy links from other resources. The number of these links will be determined by the competition of the product you choose, as well as the region, the number of competitors in the market, etc.
The ideal way to tell about yourself, as well as get a certain number of links from other sites, is to post reviews of your product on them. There are special services and tools for this. A more interesting option is to find sites similar to your topic and contact their administrators directly with a request to post a review on their resource. Of course, this is done for money, but this is logical. In the review, you insert a couple of links to your resource. If popular sites are selected, then you can also get a certain flow of visitors from them who can become your clients.

We consider this method of promotion to be the most optimal and natural. You get the so-called eternal links, for which you pay once, while you can additionally provide your store with targeted traffic.

The effectiveness of a landing page depends not only on competent layout and beautiful design, but also on methods of its promotion. That is why, at the initial stage of creating a landing page, you need to think about how you will promote it. In this article, we'll look at several ways you can attract quality target audiences to your page.

1. Traffic from search engines

The opinion that a landing page cannot be promoted with using SEO optimization has long been refuted, and now many landing pages occupy fairly high positions in search engines, giving their owners quality traffic.

Landing page promotion With the help of SEO, you can attract visitors to your website who are already interested in your product or service, absolutely free. Therefore, when creating this marketing tool, it makes sense to optimize its structure for search queries.

What is needed for this?

  1. Create a semantic core - that is, select user queries for which your page will be displayed in search engines.
  2. Design text blocks with proper inclusion of keywords
  3. Correctly fill in meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords)

This method will not bring you clients immediately, but after a certain time, so pay attention to other landing page advertising methods that give faster results.

2. Contextual advertising

This method also allows you to attract landing page“hot” traffic – that is, people who are looking for your product or service. In this case, you need to have an advertising budget, but good news is that when correct setting advertising campaign the money spent will quickly pay for itself.

There are two main services with which you can set up contextual advertising - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances, which will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand. Therefore, if you have never set up contextual advertising, then it is better to entrust this work to a specialist, otherwise there is a possibility of wasting your entire advertising budget “down the drain” and not getting results.

3. Advertising on social networks

Next method landing page promotion, which also shows high efficiency, is advertising in social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Advertising on social networks can be divided into two main groups - targeted advertising and advertising in thematic communities.

Targeted advertising allows you to show information about your products and services to a specific circle of people. You can customize your social media advertising campaign according to certain parameters of your target audience, such as gender, age, interests, etc. Thus, your landing page advertisements will only appear on the pages of people who are potentially interested in your product.

Advertising in communities allows you to convey information about your product or service to thousands of people at the same time. The effectiveness of this method depends on various factors, such as the size of the community, its activity, compliance of the advertising post with the topic of the community, and so on. To place an advertising post, you can use the VKontakte community exchange or the Sociate service. You can also select groups on your topic yourself and negotiate with the administrators about posting posts.

Both targeted advertising and community advertising can bring significant results, but only with the right approach. As in the case of contextual advertising, if you are doing this for the first time, it is better to contact specialists or first study courses on this topic.

4. Landing page advertising using a banner

Banners are one of the oldest promotional methods, representing a graphic image of an advertising nature. Modern banners often have an animated effect, which allows them to more effectively attract the user’s attention and encourage him to go to the site. The purpose of a banner is not only to sell a product or service, but also to promote the company’s brand.

As a rule, the effectiveness of this method depends on various factors - traffic to the resource, compliance of the banner with the theme of the advertising site, and so on.

5. Teaser advertising

Teaser advertising consists of blocks with enticing phrases and pictures that are aimed at attracting the attention of visitors. These blocks are called teasers (from the English word teaser - “teaser”, “enticement”) and are posted on various sites. You've probably come across similar advertisements online more than once, which look something like this:

Teaser advertising can provide a lot of traffic for little money, but it doesn't work in all cases. As a rule, teasers are most suitable for promoting physical products, especially so-called “wow” products, weight loss products, anti-smoking products, etc.

6. Email traffic

E-mail marketing is a way to promote landing pages by communicating with the target audience using mailing lists. If you have your own reader base and regularly share with them useful information, then this type of advertising can bring significant results. If you don’t have your own database, you can use advertising in mailing lists of other authors, but before placing such advertising, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with the statistics of a particular mailing list, showing the number of subscribers, the percentage of email opens and other indicators. This type traffic is most often used to advertise paid and free information products.

Regardless of which of the listed advertising methods you use, before launching an advertising campaign, you must study it in detail or contact specialists. This will help you not only save your budget, but also use your personal time more efficiently.

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