Satellite management and control systems (SMS&C), tasks and principles of organization. Onboard equipment of satellites (artificial earth satellite) satellite control and monitoring systems

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More than a year ago, Belarus received its second “representation” in outer space - the Belintersat-1 satellite was launched into orbit by the Chinese Changzheng-3B launch vehicle (translated as “Long March”). It differs radically from the first domestic spacecraft. First of all, according to its intended purpose, the task of the satellite is to provide telecommunications services: Satellite television and radio broadcasting, Internet access... To control the satellite, a ground control complex and a small “space town” were created in Stankovo. On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, Zvyazda correspondents visited the “Belarusian Korolev” and observed how the device was successfully operated by recent students.

"Barracks" for engineers

This building - a former barracks - points to a brand new three-story house Head of the satellite flight control center Oleg Vinyarsky.- Essentially, only the supporting structures were left from it; everything else was redone. We received 32 high-quality modern apartments, many of the MCC employees live in them, including me. In general, the entire infrastructure was built here for the center to operate. We have our own substation, which is powered by two independent city lines. Even if it suddenly happens that both energy sources fail, we have two automatic diesel generator sets that operate after 6-8 seconds of power failure. We also have our own boiler room, which provides warm water to the main building and dormitory, our own fire extinguishing system in each room, our own air conditioning, garages, warehouses... Simply put, we can work absolutely autonomously even in the most unfavorable conditions.

Why such expenses? It's simple: one of the main characteristics of a communications satellite is reliability. Customers who pay money for Belintersat-1 services must be sure that the signal will always reach the consumer stably, regardless of external factors. In addition, it is no secret that the satellite plays an important role in the country’s military defense system.

The main building is located a few steps from the hostel. Behind it is a perfectly flat area with a lawn. There is a whole complex of huge antennas here, each of which has its own purpose: an 11-meter one for DTH services, in other words - satellite television broadcasting, a 13-meter one - for monitoring signal quality in the C-band and controlling the satellite itself, a 9-meter one - for for the same purposes in the KU range, two more smaller ones - for data transmission, including Internet access. Thus, for example, employees of Belarusian embassies abroad can always have secure access to the Internet without intermediaries. There are also functions of IP telephony and so-called streaming, or live video broadcasting on the Internet - the last time it was used to show taekwondo championships.

Under each antenna there is a technical room where fire extinguishing and microclimate control systems are installed. There is also a weather station here, since the weather can affect the provision of services - under the influence of temperature, wind and moisture, the antennas distort the signal, which forces the transmitter power to increase. Stankovo ​​also has its own pest control service in the person of... a ginger cat. Jokes aside, mice pose a serious danger to a building stuffed with thousands of wires, so help from a mustachioed security guard is welcome here.

Houston, we have no problem!

If the BGA satellite has its own orbit and trajectory, then Belintersat-1 is in the so-called geostationary orbit - that is, it almost does not move relative to the earth’s surface, since its speed is equal to the speed of the planet’s revolution around its axis. The satellite is located 36 thousand kilometers above the equator at approximately 51.5 degrees east longitude (this is the area of ​​​​the Indian Ocean near the coast of Africa), and therefore can transmit a signal to any point in the Eastern Hemisphere. However, the satellite requires constant supervision, since it is affected by the gravity of a variety of objects. Five hundredths of a degree - this is exactly the “play” allowed for Belintersat-1. In the metric system, this is about 75 kilometers - not too much on orbital scales.

It is the supervision and manipulation of the satellite’s “course” that the mission control center is engaged in. A fairly large room on the ground floor of the main building, of course, can hardly compare with the MCC in Korolev and Houston, but outwardly everything is reminiscent of these iconic places for astronautics: a huge clock with time in different zones, rows of tables with many computers (by the way, where Even in Belarus you will find a keyboard without Cyrillic, but with hieroglyphs), a central monitor with a world map and, of course, attentive employees who monitor the information on the display.

“My job is to monitor information from the satellite - the so-called telemetry,” explains Analysis and Planning Department Engineer Valentina POPISHA. - We analyze it for different periods to see a certain trend. Four times per shift I check the payload to see if everything is working properly and if clients are not exceeding the permitted power level. But the most interesting thing is the preparation of procedures for controlling the satellite. Just today there will be one of them - the eclipse season is underway, and the Sun affects the earth's sensor. To eliminate the possibility of errors in measurements and the device going into emergency mode, we will need to turn off this indicator. If the satellite leaves the “box” - the permitted trajectory, we carry out maneuvers to return. But this happens rarely, on average once every two weeks.

The analyst faces four monitors at once, since sometimes he has to look through dozens of graphs and tables. The work is certainly intense, especially since one shift here lasts 12 hours at once.

Two night shifts, two day shifts, followed by a four-day weekend. At the same time, only three specialists are on duty at the control center; it is on their shoulders that the responsibility for the “survival” of the satellite lies. In total, 52 people work in the ground control complex.

There is no last authority making final decisions here,” says Oleg Vinyarsky. - Everything is done only collectively, because one person can always make a mistake. Of course, there is also the manufacturer’s technical support, where you can turn for advice - they are not interested in losing the device, since for them it is also a matter of image.

Millions in the hands of youth

The first thing that catches your eye in the satellite ground control complex is the average age of the employees. According to Oleg Vinyarsky, this is approximately 25 years. Even before the launch of Belintersat-1, a delegation of 25 people went to study at the Chinese Aerospace Academy. The creators of the satellite worked with them there, teaching Belarusians the intricacies of “spacecraft” using technology similar in characteristics to the future Belarusian apparatus. Therefore, there was no jitters during the transfer of control to Stankovo ​​- everyone had enough experience.

As for new employees, the building has everything for their training. For example, the MCC simulator is a complete copy of the room discussed above. The only difference is that here they control not a real satellite, but a virtual one. On the street there are the same “training” antennas on which beginners practice setting up, connecting with a satellite and other procedures.

We monitor the condition of the equipment on Belintersat-1, maintain its performance, and work with clients,” says Yuri Bobrov, head of the monitoring and payload management department of the Satellite Ground Application Center. - First of all, the device is focused on the international market, so we communicate a lot with foreigners. We have no problem taking on students for internships; young people from BSU are currently doing internships. These are all engineers who not only need to solve various types of technical problems, but also work with clients. There are no problems, many go on internships abroad, so the young team has enough experience.

Belintersat-1 was created on the Chinese DFH-4 platform, but this does not mean that the device is someone else’s development.

“We don’t just operate other people’s equipment,” explains the head of the control center. - The employees took part in the creation of this building together with the Chinese, installed, connected and tested equipment, laid cables... We went to the plant during the assembly of the satellite, inspected the production process, talked with the designers, and expressed their suggestions. Therefore, both the satellite itself and the ground control complex can rightfully be considered Belarusian.

During orbital maneuvers, 60 percent of the fuel was used on the powerful engine - this is a good indicator, since low-thrust engines have much lower consumption. Initially, Belintersat-1 was designed for 15 years of operation, but, according to MCC specialists, it can last for a longer period - all thanks to the economical and cost-saving approach during maneuvers.

If initially the satellite was largely a prestige project, now we understand that this is a good way to get money,” says Oleg Vinyarsky. - In addition, if you show that you can justify such a large investment, you value the equipment entrusted to you, and know how to use it correctly, then you create a certain image for yourself. We are already working on the issue of international technical cooperation; we have a number of signed memorandums with Hong Kong, Nigeria, and Kazakhstan. The goal is to talk about your experience and adopt foreign ones, because the knowledge that you are not ready to share is worthless. In the future we generally plan to create unified system personnel training based on internships in foreign companies. We want the qualification requirements to be the same everywhere, and we can easily take on internships with specialists from abroad and send our own in return. Thus, we will always be provided with high-quality personnel, just like the major space powers that spend a lot of money on this.

Satellite in nano format

The ground infrastructure that was created to support the activities of the first Belarusian spacecraft can be effectively used to manage the operation of the second satellite remote sensing Land, work on which has already begun. This was reported by Director of the Geographic Information Systems Unitary Enterprise Sergey ZOLOTOY. Work on the creation is carried out jointly with Russian Federation, the process takes place in normal mode, but it’s too early to talk about results.

Last year we began implementing a project to develop ground infrastructure,” the specialist said. - Suffice it to say that the receiving station, which was created 12 years ago, has undergone a procedure for extending its service life and can now be used for another 10 years. To achieve this, electronics and mechanical components that had expired were replaced. All work has been completed to date.

In addition, according to Sergei Zolotoy, this year Belarus plans to launch a university nanosatellite developed at BSU. Such a device technical specifications similar to its “big brothers”, but has a small size (20x20x10 cm) and weight (only 2 kg). Accordingly, the cost of the satellite is incomparably lower. A control center and receiving station have been created at BSU; the equipment will operate in the amateur radio range.

Our task now is not only to create satellites, but also to develop mechanisms for the use of these technologies in various branches,” he emphasized Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician Petr VITYAZ.- We cooperate with ministries and departments of the country, we interact with 20 domestic and 40 Russian enterprises. Microelectronics, information Technology, new materials are those areas that are developing thanks to advances in the space field. In addition, we, together with the Ministry of Education, need to develop a personnel training system for this branch, including with the help of nanosatellites

Minsk - Dzerzhinsky district - Minsk

Photo by Nadezhda BUZHAN

The system relates to telemetry, tracking and control of satellites and in particular for satellites used in global mobile systems communications using cellular technology. The technical result is the provision of telemetry, tracking and control (TTC) satellites of the system for satellite mesh communication systems using one subscriber voice/data communication channel to transmit TTC data to the satellite and through one satellite to another satellite. To achieve this, the global positioning receiver (GPS) on board each satellite provides position control signals to the onboard satellite control subsystem and the position receiver reports current information to the ground station via a cellular subscriber data link. 2 s. and 17 salary, 3 ill.

The invention relates to telemetry, tracking and control of satellites and, in particular, for satellites used in global mobile communication systems using mesh technology. Modern spacecraft or satellites for satellite systems use a TTC transponder, which is separate from the user voice/data communications system for such satellites. These TTC transponders primarily provide control commands sent to the spacecraft from a fixed ground station. Telemetry and tracking information is also sent from the spacecraft to the ground station via the TTC transponder. Thus, such communication requires two-way transponder communication between each satellite and the ground station. Telemetry data coming from the satellite informs the network operator about the position and condition of the satellite. For example, telemetry data may contain information about the remaining propellant of propulsion rockets so that an estimate of the useful life of the satellite can be made. In addition, critical voltage and current are monitored as telemetry data, which allows the operator to determine whether the satellite circuits are operating correctly or not. Tracking information contains short-term data that allows you to determine the location of the satellite. More specifically, this satellite system uses the TTC transponder on board the satellite to send a tone signal down to the base station to provide the dynamic range and nominal range of the satellite. The altitude and inclination of the satellite's orbit can be calculated from this information by the ground station operator. The tone signal can be modulated to provide a higher degree of accuracy in determining dynamic range and nominal range. The ground station issues control commands in response to tracking or telemetry data to the satellite, which can be used to adjust the satellite's orbit by turning on the satellite's engine. In addition, other independent control commands may be issued to reprogram the operation of the satellite while controlling other functions of the satellite. TTC information is primarily encoded to eliminate unwanted interference from other carrier signals. In prior art systems, it was generally only possible to exchange TTC information with a satellite when the satellite was in line of sight from a fixed ground station. Also known TTC communications were between a specific fixed ground station and its satellite and, for example, did not provide a link to other satellites. TTC transponder links, which are separate from the voice/data links, are currently used in hundreds of satellites. Individual transponders are primarily used, so the information they process is mainly of different origin from the information in the user's communication channels. More specifically, the TTC information may be predominantly in digital form, whereas the voice/data communications in some known satellite systems are in analog form, requiring the entire available bandwidth of the user's speech/data communications channel. In addition, the data speed for TTC signals is generally much lower than that of user data. Unfortunately, using previous systems that have separate transponders for transmitting TTC data leads to some problems. These known systems are not capable of mobile TTC operation, even in satellite constellations where subscriber voice/data channels are interconnected between different satellites, such mobile work TTC fails due to non-interconnection of TTC responders. TTC mobile operations are successful for troubleshooting or for situations where the system operator must be in any of different locations. Also, each satellite has only one TTC transponder. which tends to be expensive because it is essential that such a transponder allows reliable control of the satellite by the corresponding ground station. Additionally, these transponders use electrical energy obtained from an on-board power generation system, which typically uses solar cells and batteries. Also, the use of separate TTC transponders undesirably increases the weight of known satellite systems and increases the cost of manufacturing, testing and launching such satellites into orbit. The essence of the invention

Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a TTC system that uses a voice/data link to transmit TTC data and therefore does not require a transponder separate from the subscriber's data/speech link equipment. Another goal is to create a TTC system that is suitable for satellites used in global, mobile tasks elemental connection. In one embodiment of the invention, the control system is included in a satellite communications system having at least one satellite with a transceiver providing multiple communication channels for establishing communications between multiple subscribers. The control system includes a satellite subsystem on board each satellite and a ground station. The satellite subsystem controls the functions of the satellite. One of the subscriber's communication channels is connected to the ground station and to the satellite control subsystem to establish TTC communication, so that commands can be transmitted to the satellite control subsystem, which responds with control given function satellite The control system also includes a sensor unit on board the satellite to measure specified modes on the satellite and ensure the transmission of telemetry data via the subscriber's communication channel to the ground station. In addition, the control system may also include a position receiver on board the satellite to track and provide current satellite data. Current data is supplied over the subscriber's communication channel so that this current data is sent from the satellite to the ground station. Also, current data can be fed to the satellite's control subsystem to provide automatic on-board control of the satellite's course. FIG. 1 shows a mesh diagram produced by one satellite in a multi-satellite mesh communication system; FIG. 2 shows cross-communication between a ground control station and a plurality of satellites, and FIG. 3 shows an electronic system block diagram for a ground control station and a satellite. Satellite 10 contains a plurality of subscriber data transmitter-receiver combinations, hereinafter referred to as transceivers, solar receivers 12, transmit antennas 14, and receive antennas 16. The transceiver transmitters use individual transmit antennas 14 to simultaneously radiate a plurality of moving cells forming a pattern 18 on a portion of the Earth's surface. Each individual cell, such as cell 20 in diagram 18, also contains airspace above the Earth and can be characterized as a conical cell. The system operator of the ground station 22, although mobile, is generally considered to be a fixed point on Earth relative to the fast moving satellite 10, which can travel at speeds of 17,000 miles per hour. The cells are always on the move because the satellite 10 is constantly moving. This is in contrast to terrestrial mobile mesh systems, which typically treat the cells as fixed and the mobile subscriber moves around the cells. As the cell moves toward the subscriber, the mesh switch must “hand off” the subscriber's communications to the adjacent cell. If the satellites are all moving in the same direction and have substantially parallel low polar orbits, the adjacent cell pattern and/or adjacent cell can be predicted by the cell switch with a high degree of accuracy. Amplitude information or binary error information can be used to perform switching. Each mesh satellite diagram can use multiple clumps of four cells. One bunch contains cells 24, 26, 20 and 28, where the cells operate at frequencies having values ​​respectively designated A, B, C and D. Nine such nodes are shown in Fig. 1 and they form diagram 18. By reusing frequencies A, B, C and D divide the amount of spectrum that would be required to communicate with diagram 18 by approximately nine. One of the satellite 10 transceivers, for example, may use an Earth-to-satellite frequency of 1.5 gigahertz (GHz) to 1.52 GHz, and a satellite-to-Earth frequency of 1.6 to 1.62 GHz. Each cell diagram 18 may be set to 250 nautical miles in diameter and may take 610 s to process the full cell diagram of a mesh satellite system. The cell frequency spectrum can be selected as suggested by standards published by the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) for terrestrial cell system coding. Subscriber communication channels use digital technology to transmit speech and/or factual information from one subscriber to another. In accordance with the described embodiment, control station 22 located in A-frequency cell 24 transmits TTC information to satellite 10 using one of the cell's voice/data consumer links instead of a separate TTC transceiver. Each of these subscriber mesh channels is a single voice/data line, identified by a route or telephone number. Typically these channels begin and end on the surface of the Earth. However, when used as a TTC, the end of the channel line and the receiver of the "call" may be satellite 10. Each satellite in the node receives a single number (i.e. telephone number). Ground station 22 can communicate directly with any satellite within range of which it is located by generating the satellite's address. Likewise, ground station 22 also has a single address. If satellite 10 is moving in the direction of arrow 30 such that cell 26 moves next over operator 22, cell "A" 24 will move to cell 26 "B", which will later "flip", for example, to cell "D" 32. If cell 26 becomes inoperative, TTC communications will only be temporarily interrupted and not completely disrupted, as is the case with prior art systems having only one TTC transponder per satellite. Therefore, the cell system shown in FIG. 1 provides a high degree of reliability for TTC exchanges due to the redundancy of the transceivers providing each cell. As shown in FIG. 2, ground station 50 may provide TTC information to line-of-sight satellite 52 over subscriber channel 51. Satellite 52 receives and sends TTC from station 50 along with multiplexed subscriber data channels, for example, from subscriber 53 on channel 55. The mesh switch recognizes the satellite ID or address for satellite 52 in the same way that the network recognizes terrestrial designations. Also, if it is necessary to pass TTC data to another satellite 54 that is not in the line of sight of station 50, then this data can be sent to satellite 52 and then transmitted over link 56 to satellite 54. Similar arrangements can be made for all network additions and TTC data to and from each satellite in the network. If it is necessary to report the status of satellite 58 and position receiver data to ground control station 50, it generates a call signal and passes the data over line 60 using a single number for satellite 52. The TTC information is then transmitted to the ground on channel 51 to control station 50. Typically type 52, 54 and 58 satellites are interrogated for TTC data, and major events affecting the status of any given satellite are generated and sent by that satellite, via other satellites if necessary, to the control station. Thus, the system allows continuous transmission of TTC data to and from the control station 50, even if the control station 50 is not in the line of sight of a communicating satellite. 3 shows block diagrams of a ground station 100 and a satellite 102. The ground station 100 can be either a fixed permanent station or mobile subscriber using a computer with a modem to communicate via standard phone. Encoder 103 provides an "addressable" signal to transmitter 105. Transceiver line 104 carries signals from transmitter 105 of control station 100 to antenna subsystem 106 of satellite 102. Receiver 108 of satellite 102 is coupled between antenna subsystem 106 and demodulator/demultiplexer system 110. Router 112 is connected between the output of system 100 and the input of multiplexer/modulator 114. Router 112 also processes the addresses of all incoming data and sends appropriately addressed data to other satellites, for example, through multiplexer/modulator 114, which is also connected to two-way transceiver subsystem 116. Router 112 encodes the corresponding addresses into signals having destinations other than satellite 102. Router 112 sorts out any messages for satellite 102 that are designated by its address code. The global positioning satellite (GPS) position receiver 118 is connected to the router 112 through conductor 120 and to the satellite subsystem 122 through conductor 124. The router 112 is connected to the satellite control subsystem 122 through conductor 126 and to the sensor subsystem 128 through conductor 130. Satellite control subsystem 122 deciphers command messages from router 112 to satellite 102 and causes certain actions to take place. Sensor subsystem 128 provides telemetry data to router 112. Global positioning system (GPS) position receiver 118 receives information from existing satellites (GPS) in a known manner and determines the exact location of satellite 102 in space. Orbital space vectors are obtained based on this information. Position receiver 118 also determines the position of satellite 102 relative to the GPS constellation. This information is compared with the target position information recorded in the router 112. Error signals are generated by the GPS position receiver 118 and sent to the satellite control subsystem 122 for automatic course correction. The error signal is used in the satellite control subsystem 122 to control small rockets that play the role of "course holder". Therefore, satellite 102 uses GPS information to control its own heading, rather than simply receiving heading control from station 100. This on-board control allows satellite 102 to be positioned and controlled within a few meters. GPS position receiver 118 also generates spatial vectors to router 112, and sensor subsystem 128 provides other telemetry information via wire 130 to router 112, which produces messages that are fed via wire 132 to multiplexer/modulator 114 and via wire 134 to transmitter 136 and conductor 138 for transmission by antenna subsystem 106. These messages are then transmitted over link 140 to receiver 108 of ground station 100. Or, when it is necessary to communicate with another control station on another satellite link, messages composed by router 112 are sent through two-way transceiver subsystem 116 Thus, each satellite can “know” its position, as well as the position of its neighbors in the constellation. The ground operator also has constant access to this current information. Therefore, unlike prior art systems that do not contain GPS position receivers, tracking or current information for satellite 102 is calculated on board satellite 102. Satellite 102 does not need to have permanent fixes trajectory from the ground station 100. However, trajectory control information is provided from the ground station 100 when needed. The GPS signal is a digital signal that is compatible with digital cell lines or channels used for terrestrial subscriber-to-subscriber communications. On-board GPS digital signal format capture allows the following information to be inserted into channels normally used to transmit voice and/or factual information. The system has many advantages over prior art systems that use a separate TTC transponder in each satellite. Namely, if the transponder in a known system fails, the satellite becomes useless. Otherwise, since ground station 22 in FIG. 1, for example, can use any of the transceivers associated with satellite 10, even if one of these transceivers fails, there are still 35 others with which station 22 can communicate TTC with satellite 10. Additionally, as shown in FIG. 2, even if all satellite-to-Earth communications of a particular satellite, for example 58, fail, the ground station 50 will be able to communicate with that satellite using two-way communication, for example 60 through another satellite, for example 52. Thus, the system of the invention provides reliable communication TTC.

Also, the TTC system can be in constant communication with a specific satellite through two-way communication, rather than waiting for a line of sight, as in some known TTC systems. Conventional TTC systems require a fixed ground station, whereas this system can use mobile ground control stations. A mobile ground station has a single address or telephone number assigned to it, and the position of the ground station can be monitored in the same way that subscribers are monitored from satellites of cell constellations. This tracking system uses GPS receiver on board the satellite to provide on-board tracking and tracking control, not just ground-based tracking control. This digital tracking information is immediately entered into the subscriber's digital cell channel.


1. A control system for a satellite communications system having at least one satellite with receivers and transmitters creating a plurality of subscriber communication channels for establishing communication between a plurality of subscribers, comprising a satellite control subsystem on board the satellite for controlling the functions of the satellite, a ground control station, a first line communication connected to the satellite control subsystem and the ground control station for connecting the ground control station with the satellite control subsystem, characterized in that the connection providing communication is established through one of the subscriber communication channels, while the specified one of the subscriber communication channels is used to transmit commands to the satellite a control subsystem integrated with a plurality of subscriber communications links, the satellite including a plurality of transmitters and receivers for projecting a plurality of contiguous cells onto the Earth, and the satellite control subsystem being responsive to commands from a ground control station to enable those commands to be controlled by a selected function of the satellite. 2. The control system of claim 1, wherein the first communication link comprises a ground control station transmitter and encoding means coupled to the ground control station transmitter for encoding a given satellite address code into commands for the satellite, the satellite comprising a demodulator/demultiplexer coupled to with a satellite receiver, and a router for recognizing and responding to a predetermined satellite address code for issuing commands and connected to the satellite control subsystem and the demodulator/demultiplexer for connecting the satellite control subsystem to the demodulator/demultiplexer so that the satellite control subsystem can receive commands from a ground control station. 3. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite contains a sensor subsystem for measuring a given mode on the satellite and issuing telemetry data, a second communication line for connecting the sensor subsystem to the specified one of the subscriber communication channels for transmitting telemetry data from the satellite to the ground control station. 4. The control system according to claim 3, characterized in that the second communication line contains a router connected to the sensor subsystem, wherein the router encodes the telemetry data with an address code corresponding to the ground control station, and issues the encoded telemetry data via a satellite transmitter through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels. 5. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite contains a position receiver for monitoring and issuing current satellite data, a second communication line for issuing current satellite data through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels from the satellite to the ground control station. 6. The control system according to claim 5, characterized in that the second communication line comprises a router connected to a position receiver, wherein the router encodes said telemetry data with an address code corresponding to the ground control station, and connected to a transmitter included in the satellite, wherein the transmitter ensures the transmission of current data to the ground control station through one of the specified subscriber communication channels. 7. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the ground control station is mobile. 8. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite communication system contains a plurality of satellites, and each satellite contains a transceiver subsystem, in which the satellites are connected by two-way communications through transceiver subsystems, so that they establish subscriber communication channels with each other and allow ground communication the control station sends commands via the specified one of the subscriber communication channels to one of the plurality of satellites through another of the plurality of satellites having two-way communication with it. 9. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite communication system further comprises a mesh switch connected to the first communication line for sending a plurality of subscriber messages along the specified subscriber communication channels. 10. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite further comprises a plurality of transmitters and receivers for projecting a plurality of adjacent cells that move in communication with the satellite relative to the surface of the Earth, each of the transmitters and receivers having the ability to transmit and receive on one of cells over one of the subscriber communication channels, and a multiplexer/modulator for switching communication with the ground control station between transmitters and receivers associated with each of the cells to ensure continuous issuance of commands to the satellite for at least a given period of time when the satellite is in line of sight ground control station. 11. Telemetry, tracking and control system for satellite mesh communication systems, having a plurality of satellites, each of which has transmitters and receivers that create multiple subscriber communication channels for establishing communication between multiple subscribers, containing on each satellite a satellite control subsystem for managing the functions of this satellite, a position receiver for determining the position of this satellite, a ground control station and a first communication line connected to the satellite control subsystem, the position receiver and the ground control station, characterized in that the connection providing communication is established through one of the subscriber communication channels, wherein the ground station control uses the specified one of the subscriber communication channels to transmit commands to the satellite control subsystem and receive data from the position receiver. 12. The telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, further characterized in that it contains a router connected to the position receiver and the satellite control subsystem for connecting the position receiver to the satellite control subsystem, wherein the position receiver is configured to issue heading control signals to the satellite a control subsystem for controlling the course of the satellite, and the satellite control subsystem is responsive to commands from a ground control station to enable those commands to control a selected function of the satellite. 13. The telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the first communication line contains a ground control station transmitter, encoding means connected to the ground control station transmitter for encoding a given address code in commands for the satellite, and each satellite contains a demodulator/demultiplexer connected to the satellite receiver, and a router for recognizing and responding to a given address code for issuing commands, connected to both the satellite control subsystem and a demodulator/demultiplexer for connecting the satellite control subsystem to the satellite receiver with the ability for the satellite control subsystem to receive commands from the ground control stations. 14. Telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that it contains on each satellite a sensor subsystem for measuring a given mode on the satellite and issuing telemetry data, wherein the sensor subsystem is connected to a router connected to a transmitter and a first communication line for connection sensor subsystem with a ground control station through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels with the ability to send telemetric data from the satellite to the ground control station. 15. Telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 14, characterized in that it contains a router connected to a sensor subsystem for encoding said telemetry data with an address code corresponding to a ground control station. 16. Telemetric, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the ground control station is mobile. 17. Telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system contains a plurality of satellites, each of which contains a transceiver subsystem, and the satellites are connected by two-way communications through transceiver subsystems, so that they establish subscriber communication channels with each other and allowing the ground control station to send commands over said one of the subscriber communication channels to one of the plurality of satellites through another of the plurality of satellites having two-way communication with it. 18. Telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system further comprises a mesh switch connected to the first communication line for sending a plurality of subscriber messages along the specified subscriber communication channels. 19. The telemetry, tracking and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system further contains a plurality of transmitters and receivers for projecting a plurality of adjacent cells that move in connection with the satellite relative to the surface of the Earth, each of the transmitters and receivers being configured with the ability to transmit and receive to one of the cells through one of the subscriber communication channels and a multiplexer/modulator for switching communication with the ground control station between a transmitter and a receiver associated with each of the cells with the ability to continuously issue commands to the satellite for at least a specified period of time when the satellite is in direct line of sight to the ground control station.

Companions are a unique feature of Juggernaut., which has no analogues in other browser games. These are companions that players can call upon during battle, gaining an undeniable advantage over the enemy.

The satellite menu opens when you click on the satellite icon, which is located to the right of the top game bar:

All satellites available to the player are also displayed there. Every the player can simultaneously summon up to five companions. Any of them if desired can be renamed.

The first satellite will be militant Amazon Level 15 named Ariana. In the future, new satellites of various levels and strengths will appear. Their abilities will also differ, as will the cost of being called into battle. The cost of calling a companion depends on the difference in levels between the player and the companion. At equal levels, the cost of summoning an Amazon is 25 gold. If the companion is much lower than the player in level, the cost of calling him decreases, if the companion is higher than the player, it increases.

Taking part in battles against monsters, companion gains experience, in battles against players - experience and heroism, the quantity of which depends on the damage caused by the companion. One of key features satellites is that the player can take credit for their heroism and experience. Using the sliders, you can configure how much experience or heroism the companion will receive for his actions and how much of it will go to the player.

By using special artifacts Can increase general amount of experience and heroism received by the satellite.

Besides artifacts companion can wear jewelry(two earrings, two rings, an amulet) and special armor available when the companion reaches levels 18, 23, 28, 33, 38 and 43.

With each level, the companion receives a certain amount distribution points, which can be invested in development one way or another satellite characteristics. Each characteristic has its own cost to increase. To increase Strength by one point, you need to spend 4 distribution points, a unit of Vitality requires 5 points, and class characteristics require 6 points.

This way everyone can make your companion a suitable companion. The player will be able to redistribute characteristics at any time by clicking on the “Reset” button. There is a charge for each performance reset.

Companions also have a rank system. The system for achieving ranks is similar to the same system for players: when a certain amount of heroism is accumulated, the companion receives a certain rank. Each rank gives the companion access to new abilities that strengthen him. Titles available for satellite regardless of his level. So, a level 15 Amazon can have the highest possible rank.

After reaching a certain rank and the ability associated with it, the companion will have a certain probability of using this ability in battle. The higher the rank- the more significant the benefit comes from the companion’s ability. At high ranks, the companion will be able to cast strengthening spells on party members and heal them.

To summon a companion necessary for battle click on appropriate button located above the phantom calling panel. In this case, the companion will enter the battle, and at the end of the battle, the total cost of summoning all companions involved in this battle will be charged to the player.

Each satellite has energy. This energy is spent when calling a companion into battle. If there is not enough energy to call, then you will have to pay in gold to call a companion. The amount of energy or the cost of the call can be seen by hovering the mouse over the companion icon. Keep in mind that in PVP battles and instances, companions can only be summoned for gold, but companions cannot be used in battlefields.

More and more new companions will appear in Juggernaut, each of which will have its own story, individual character and unique abilities. Hurry to replenish your personal army with beautiful warriors, which will help you win new victories!

07/13/2018, Fri, 17:50, Moscow time , Text: Valeria Shmyrova

Russian engineers and scientists have successfully tested a technique for controlling orbiting satellites through the Globalstar satellite communications system. Since you can connect to the system via the Internet, the satellites can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

Controlling a satellite via the Internet

The Russian Space Systems holding of the Roscosmos state corporation has developed a technique for controlling small spacecraft via the Internet, which the authors of the project call “unique.” The technique was tested on the TNS-0 No. 2 satellite, which is currently in Earth orbit. Let us remind you that this is the first Russian nanosatellite launched into space.

A modem for the Globalstar satellite communication system is installed on board TNS-0 No. 2, which provides data transmission in both directions. By sending commands to the modem via Globalstar, you can control the satellite. Since the system can be connected via the Internet, TNS-0 No. 2 can be controlled from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the World Wide Web.

Management is carried out through the “Virtual MCC” program uploaded to the cloud. Many users can connect to the program at the same time, which provides the ability to jointly control the satellite. As a result, if a user anywhere in the world needs to use a satellite in scientific or technological experiments, he only needs to have an Internet connection to connect to the program. In the same way, you can obtain the results of an experiment from a satellite. With this approach, the costs will be minimal, the authors of the project believe.

In total, 3,577 sessions were conducted through the Globalstar modem in connection with TNS-0 No. 2, the total duration of which was more than 136 hours. A VHF radio station, which is also on board the satellite, was used as a backup communication channel. The experiment was carried out by scientists and engineers from RKS, the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M. V. Keldysh and RSC Energia.

Nanosatellite TNS-0 No. 2 weighs only 4 kg

Also on TNS-0 No. 2, the autonomous navigation system developed at RKS was tested. The system provides high-precision pointing of the MCC's VHF antennas for connection to the satellite. Thanks to this, the authors of the experiment were able to control the device independently of foreign systems such as NORAD, which is most often used in working with nanoclass satellites.

Achievements of TNS-0 No. 2

TNS-0 No. 2 was launched from the ISS on August 17, 2017, for which two cosmonauts had to leave the station at open space. To date, the satellite has been operating in orbit for twice as long as its planned service life. The satellite's on-board instruments and batteries are located in in perfect order. Every day, scientists on Earth receive data about its operation during at least 10 communication sessions.

“All the instruments used in it have already passed flight qualification. Thanks to this, we received proven solutions, on the basis of which we, together with partners from RSC Energia and the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after. Keldysh, we will work on the development of a universal domestic nanosatellite platform,” said the chief designer of TNS-0 No. 2 Oleg Pantsyrny.

The satellite was created according to the “satellite-device” concept, that is, it was built, tested and put into operation as a finished device. The result is that it is small in size, about 4 kg, and cheaper than full-size satellites, and development was completed more quickly, the project's authors say. The satellite can be equipped with a payload of up to 6 kg, as well as modules with engines, solar panels or transceiver devices, thus expanding its functionality.

Given the current state of the atmosphere, ballistics experts promise that the satellite will last until 2021, after which it will burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere. It is planned to modify its software in such a way that autonomous flight can last up to 30 days. During the operation of the satellite, scientists expect to determine the extreme operating time of equipment in space, which in the future will make it possible to use nanosatellites in orbit longer.

The launch window is the period of time when it is easiest to place the satellite in the required orbit for it to begin performing its functions.

For example, a very important factor is choosing a launch window where you can easily bring the astronauts back if something goes wrong. The astronauts must be able to reach a safe landing point, which will also have adequate personnel (no one wants to land in the taiga or the Pacific Ocean). For other types of launches, including interplanetary exploration, the launch window should allow the most efficient course to be chosen to reach very distant objects. If there is bad weather during the estimated launch window or some technical problems occur, then the launch should be moved to another favorable launch window. If a satellite is launched, even in good weather, but during an unfavorable launch window, it can quickly end its life either in the wrong orbit or in the Pacific Ocean. In any case, it will not be able to perform the required functions. Time is our everything!

What's inside a typical satellite?

Satellites are different and have different purposes. For example:
  • Weather satellites help weather forecasters predict the weather or simply see what is happening in at the moment. Here are typical weather satellites: EUMETSAT (Meteosat), USA (GOES), Japan (MTSAT), China (Fengyun-2), Russia (GOMS) and India (KALPANA). Such satellites typically contain cameras that send pictures of the weather back to Earth. Typically, such satellites are located either in geostationary orbit or in polar orbits.
  • Communications satellites allow telephone calls and information connections to be transmitted through themselves. Typical communications satellites are Telstar and Intelsat. The most important part of a communications satellite is the transponder - a special radio transmitter that receives data at one frequency, amplifies it and transmits it back to Earth at another frequency. A satellite typically contains hundreds or even thousands of transponders on board. Communications satellites are most often geosynchronous.
  • Broadcast satellites transmit a television (or radio) signal from one point to another (just like communications satellites).
  • Research satellites perform various scientific functions. The most famous is perhaps the Hubble Space Telescope, but there are many others in orbit that observe everything from sunspots to gamma rays.
  • Navigation satellites help the navigation of ships and aircraft. The most famous navigation satellites are GPS and our domestic GLONASS.
  • Rescue satellites respond to distress signals.
  • Earth exploration satellites are used to study changes on the planet from temperature to predicting the melting of polar ice. The most famous of them are the LANDSAT series satellites.
  • Military satellites are used for military purposes and their purpose is usually classified. With the advent of military satellites, it became possible to conduct reconnaissance directly from space. In addition, military satellites can be used for transmitting encrypted messages, nuclear monitoring, studying enemy movements, early warning of missile launches, listening to terrestrial communications, plotting radar maps, photography (including the use of special telescopes to obtain very detailed pictures of the area) .
Despite the significant differences between all of these types of satellites, they have a few things in common. For example:
  • All of them have a metal or composite frame and body. The satellite body contains everything necessary for functioning in orbit, including survival.
  • All satellites have an energy source (usually solar panels) and batteries for energy reserves. Kit solar panels provide electricity to recharge batteries. Some new satellites also contain fuel cells. Power supply on most satellites is a very valuable and limited resource. Some space probes use nuclear energy. The satellites' power grid is constantly monitored, and the collected data from energy monitoring and monitoring of other systems is sent back to Earth in the form of telemetry signals.
  • All satellites contain an on-board computer to control and monitor various systems.
  • They all have a radio transmitter and antenna. At the very minimum, all satellites have a transceiver with which the ground control team can query the satellite for information and monitor its status. Many satellites can be controlled from Earth to perform various tasks, from changing orbits to reflashing the on-board computer.
  • All of them contain a position control system. Such a system is designed to keep the satellite oriented in the correct direction.
For example, the Hubble Telescope has a very complex control system that allows the telescope to point at one point in space for hours or even days (despite the fact that the telescope is moving in orbit at a speed of 27,359 km/h). The system includes gyroscopes, accelerometers, stabilization systems, accelerate or a set of sensors that observe certain stars to determine location.

What types of satellite orbits are there?

There are three main types of orbit, and they depend on the position of the satellite relative to the Earth's surface:
  • Geostationary orbit(also called geosynchronous or simply synchronous) is an orbit in which the satellite always moves over the same point on the Earth’s surface. Most geostationary satellites are above the equator at an altitude of about 36,000 km, which is about a tenth of the distance to the Moon. The “satellite parking lot” over the equator becomes overloaded with several hundred television, weather and communications satellites! This congestion means that each satellite must be precisely controlled to prevent its signal from interfering with those of neighboring satellites. Television, communications and weather satellites all require geostationary orbit. Therefore, all satellite dishes on the surface of the Earth always look in one direction, in our case (northern hemisphere) to the south.
  • Space launches typically use a lower orbit, which results in them passing over different points at different times. The average altitude of an asynchronous orbit is approximately 644 kilometers.
  • In a polar orbit, the satellite is usually at low altitude and passes the planet's poles with each revolution. The polar orbit remains unchanged in space as the Earth rotates in orbit. As a result, most of the Earth passes under the satellite in a polar orbit. Because polar orbit provides the greatest coverage of the Earth's surface, it is often used for mapping satellites (such as Google Maps).
How are satellite orbits calculated?

To calculate the orbit of satellites, special computer software is used. These programs use Kepler data to calculate the orbit and when the satellite will be overhead. Keplerian data is available on the Internet and to amateur radio satellites.

Satellites use a series of light-sensitive sensors to determine their own location. After this, the satellite transmits the received position to the ground control station.

Satellite altitudes

Manhattan Island, image from GoogleMaps

When viewed from Earth, satellites fly at different altitudes. It's best to think of satellite altitudes in terms of "how close" or "how far" they are from us. If we consider roughly, from the closest to the most distant, we get the following types:

From 100 to 2000 kilometers - Asynchronous orbits

Observation satellites are typically located at altitudes between 480 and 970 kilometers, and are used for tasks such as photography. Landsat 7 type observation satellites perform the following tasks:

  • Mapping
  • Monitoring the movement of ice and sand
  • Determining the location of climate situations (such as the disappearance of tropical forests)
  • Locating Minerals
  • Searching for crop problems in the fields
Search and rescue satellites operate as relay stations to relay distress signals from downed aircraft or ships in distress.

Spacecraft (such as the shuttle) are controlled satellites, typically with limited flight time and a range of orbits. Human space launches are typically used to repair existing satellites or to build a space station.

From 4,800 to 9,700 kilometers - Asynchronous orbits

Scientific satellites are sometimes located at altitudes between 4,800 and 9,700 kilometers. They send the scientific data they receive to Earth using radio-telemetry signals. Scientific satellites are used for:

  • Study of plants and animals
  • Exploring the Earth, such as observing volcanoes
  • Wildlife Tracking
  • Astronomical research, including infrared astronomical satellites
  • Physics research, such as NASA microgravity research or solar physics research
From 9,700 to 19,300 kilometers - Asynchronous orbits

For navigation, the American defense department and the Russian government have created navigation systems, GPS and GLONASS, respectively. Navigation satellites use altitudes ranging from 9,700 to 19,300 kilometers and are used to determine the exact location of the receiver. The receiver can be located:

  • On a ship at sea
  • In another spacecraft
  • On the plane
  • In the car
  • In your pocket
As prices for consumer navigation receivers trend downwards, conventional paper maps are facing a very dangerous opponent. Now it will be more difficult for you to get lost in the city and not find the right point.

Interesting facts about GPS:

  • American troops used more than 9,000 GPS receivers during Operation Desert Storm.
  • The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) used GPS to measure the exact height of the Washington Monument.
35,764 kilometers - Geostationary orbits

Weather forecasts usually show us images from satellites, which are usually in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 35,764 kilometers above the equator. You can obtain some of these images directly using special receivers and computer software. Many countries use weather satellites to predict weather and monitor storms.

Data, television signals, images and some telephone calls are accurately received and relayed by communications satellites. Typical phone calls can have 550 to 650 milliseconds of round-trip latency, resulting in user frustration. The delay occurs because the signal must travel up to the satellite and then return to Earth. Therefore, due to this delay, many users prefer to use satellite communication only if there are no other options. However, VOIP (voice over internet) technologies now face similar problems, only in their case they arise from digital compression and bandwidth limitations rather than from distance.

Communication satellites are very important relay stations in space. Satellite dishes are becoming smaller because satellite transmitters are becoming more powerful and targeted. These satellites transmit:

  • Agency news feeds
  • Stock, business and other financial information
  • International radio stations are switching from (or supplementing) shortwave with satellite broadcasting using a microwave uplink signal
  • Global television such as CNN and BBC
  • Digital radio

How much do satellites cost?

Satellite launches are not always successful. Remember the failure of the launch of three GLONASS satellites or, for example, FOBOS-GRUNT. In fact, satellites are quite expensive. The cost of those fallen GLONASS satellites was several billion rubles.

Another important factor in the cost of satellites is the launch cost. The cost of launching a satellite into orbit can vary between 1.5 and 13 billion rubles. The launch of American shuttles can reach up to 16 billion rubles (half a billion dollars). Building a satellite, launching it into orbit and then operating it is a very expensive proposition!

To be continued…

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