Tax extension is not installed. Transferring a referent to another computer

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Instructions for connecting to the Taxcom-Filer service

Step 1. Make sure the following programs are installed on your PC:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader– for visualization and printing of documents;

  • Windows Installer 3.1 (downloaded from the official Windows website) – for installing programs;

  • Microsoft .Net Framework4 (x86 or x64) – to ensure the operation of Taxcom-Assistant
Step 2. Check if the organization has a valid qualification certificate (electronic signature) and a license for a crypto provider

Step 3. Register as a subscriber of Taxcom LLC

  1. If you don't have a key electronic signature:

  • Receive an electronic signature certificate (item 1);

  • Purchase a license and install “CryptoPro CSP 3.6” (clause 2);

  • Install the root certificate of the Taxcom LLC Certification Authority and latest version encryption components TTCCriptoAX (item 3);

  • Install a personal certificate (step 4).

  • Select tariff plan to work with Taxcom-Filer (for example, “Initial Tariff”) and pay for it.

  1. If you already have an electronic signature key issued by the CA Taxkom LLC or another CA that has been accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, you must receive an invitation to register from the System Administrator or your counterparty (System Subscriber) and click the “Register” button, select a tariff plan and pay connection.
After this, you will be able to accept, sign and send documents in the Taxcom-Filer system

Step 4. Log in and configure user data (step 5).

P.1. Obtaining an electronic signature certificate

To obtain a Qualified Certificate, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with Taxkom LLC (Agreement on Accession to the CA Regulations - hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).
1.1 Fill out the electronic form on the Taxcom website (cm.

When filling electronic form be sure to indicate:

  • the point of issue where you plan to receive the electronic signature certificate (select from the list provided);

  • address email for sending documents and invoices prepared on the basis of the order;

  • if necessary, indicate the need to purchase key media of the established type and CryptoPro CIPF in order for you to be issued the appropriate invoices.

  • select the tariff plan that suits you (for example, “Certificate for corporate EDI systems”)

1.2 Send the electronic form to Taxkom LLC.
Within 24 hours, to the email address you specified when filling out the form, you will receive:
− Application form for accession to the Regulations of the Taxcom LLC Certification Center, filled out on the basis of the order data for concluding the Agreement;

− Application form for the production of a signature key certificate, filled out based on the order data;
− list of documents (including rules for their execution) confirming the information contained in the signature key certificate:
− a Power of Attorney form issued to an authorized representative by a legal entity and the owner of the signature key certificate for the submission of documents and receipt of key information (in the case of submission of documents and receipt of key information by a non-certificate holder);
− invoice for payment of the order;

− invoice for payment for software and other products (if necessary);

− a memo containing information about further actions, rules for processing documents, etc.
1.3 Visit the department for processing contracts and issuing key information at the point of issuing the ES key certificate, in the region selected when filling out the electronic form (no earlier than 2 banking days after paying bills and completing all documents):
When visiting a Taxcom office or a representative office in your region (see. ) You need to have the following documents with you:
− passport or other identity document;

− completed documents for concluding the Agreement and obtaining a signature key certificate received from Taxcom LLC, including a power of attorney to receive additionally ordered products.
1.4 After concluding the Agreement you will receive:
− notice of the conclusion of the Agreement containing the details of the agreement;

− carrier of key information;

− a copy of the signature key certificate in the form of a paper document;

− certificate of acceptance and transfer of key information (1 copy);

− invoice (1 copy);

− certificate of services performed (1 copy);

− additionally ordered products and accompanying primary accounting documents (if ordered).

P.2. Obtaining a license and installing “CryptoPro CSP 3.6”

To purchase a license to use the CryptoPro CSP program version 3.6 or 3.9, you must:

2.1 go to"Online store" Taxkom LLC :

  1. “Information security tools and tokens” (located at the bottom of the page) select the desired license type and click the button"Add to cart";

  1. fill out the registration card and click the button"Send";

  2. await receipt of an invoice for payment and instructions for receipt serial number to the email address specified in the registration card.

2.2. Download and install the CryptoPro distribution CSP3.6"

The CryptoPro CSP program can be installed from the disk provided when connecting to the Taxcom-Sprinter system, downloaded from the developer’s website (after pre-registration on the website):

  1. Go to the website and register (downloading the product is possible only after preliminary registration)

  1. After you have registered, log in to the system and go to the “Download” section, where you select the “CryptoPro CSP” item.

  1. In the window that opens, download the program
The installation is carried out in accordance with the messages issued by the installation program. During the installation process you will need:

  • accept the terms of the license agreement;

  • enter the serial number of the CryptoPro CSP program from the license form for using the program;

  • select the installation type "Typical";

  • select the required support libraries (it is recommended to select those marked automatically);

  • left-click the button " Ready" to exit the installer;

  • restart your computer.
IMPORTANT! When entering the serial number, you need to pay attention to the case and keyboard layout switches (Russian/English).

P.3. Installing the root certificate of the Taxcom LLC Certification Authority and the latest version of the TTCCriptoAX encryption component

To ensure automatic verification of the electronic signatures of participants in information exchange, it is necessary to complete the procedure for installing certificates of the Certification Authority (CA) Taxcom LLC. The certificate is installed automatically along with the TTCCriptoAX encryption component. To do this you need:

  1. Download the Automatic Configuration Utility (open via web browser only Internet Explorer version 7.0 and higher).

  2. A window will open in which you should click the "Run" button to run the file TaxcomWorkplace.msi.

  3. In the next window you need to click the button " Execute".

  4. As a result, the window " Installation Setting up the workplace"Taxi", in which you should press the button " Next" and wait for the setup to complete.

  5. If the Taxcom LLC CA certificates are not installed, a warning window about preparing to install the certificate will appear twice, as shown below, in which you should click the " Yes".

  1. After successfully checking and setting up the workplace, a window appears with the results of setting up the components, in which you should click the " Close":

In the next window, if necessary, check the option " Create a login shortcut"Taxi-Filer" and press " OK".

As a result, a window will open informing you that the workplace setup has been completed. You must press the " Ready".

p.4 Installing a personal digital signature certificate

To install a personal certificate, you need to run the CryptoPro CSP program (Start menu - Control Panel - CryptoPro CSP). After this, you need to go to the “Service” tab and click the “View certificates in the container...” button.

In the “Certificates in Container” window private key"You need to click the "Browse" button and select a container. After selecting the container, click on the “Next” button.

In the next window with the certificate data, you must click the “Install” button.

If a certificate has already been installed on this workstation, a message will appear that such a certificate is already in the store, after which you need to click “Yes” to replace it, and “Ok” in response to the message about successful installation, then “Finish "

These steps must be completed for each certificate. This completes the installation of the certificate.

P.5. Logging in and setting up user data

Before you start working with Taxk-Filer you must:
− indicate the details of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
− register an electronic signature certificate in order to be able to sign and send documents to counterparties.

To do this, on the website you need:

1. Log in to the user account using your login and password and indicate the details of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

3. Follow the link "Add certificate". A list of valid digital signature certificates installed on your computer will open.
4. Select a personal digital signature certificate.
5. As a result on the bookmark "Certificate Management" The owner's name and expiration date for the selected certificate will be displayed.


Taxcom has changed the scheme for the initial issuance of certificates

From November 1, 2017, Taxcom changed the procedure for the initial issuance of qualified certificates for reporting for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

Now HelpReport clients who want to obtain a certificate, you must:

1. Place an order in the online store, including your current email address.

Within a few hours the following will be sent to the specified e-mail:
- pre-filled package of documents;
- accounts;
- access card to the certification center with login and password for the “Certificate Issue Wizard”;
- a memo describing further actions.

2. Create a certificate request in the “Certificate Issue Wizard” at the workplace where it will be used. Important! Before creating a request, you need to make sure that you have this computer installed Crypto.Pro. You can download the program from the official website. Free license for 3 months.

3. Pay bills and provide relevant documents to the HelpReport office;

4. Obtain a certificate in the “Certificate Issue Wizard”, where a certificate request was previously created.


Qualified certificates that are issued only on removable media (“Certificate for EGAIS”, “Green Corridor”)

R2D2 Qualified Certificate

Non-qualified certificates (“Government Order”, “Defense Order”, SPbMTSB Exchange”).

The "Universal ++" kit is released according to two schemes- “Government order” - according to the old one; “Commercial bidding” - new.

UPD from November 27, 2012 I see that interest in this post does not subside, so I consider it my duty to warn that the post was written at the end of 2009, that is, three years ago. A lot could have changed during this time. Trust, as they say, but verify.

Those who have nothing to do with sending financial statements via communication channels should not read this post. This post is for those who had a situation of moving/changing a computer and all that stuff, and on the old computer there is the notorious Taxcom Referent. And the task is to transfer the submission of the organization’s reports and all the data about the reports already sent to a new computer.

1. Copy the ENTIRE folder C:\Dipost (I indicate the default path, you may have a different path) from the old computer to any convenient location - to a flash drive, disk or over the network. Just keep in mind that since Dipost contains a bunch of all sorts of small files, all of this is copied extremely slowly, so it’s better to archive it first and then transfer it.

2. Export the user certificate (there may be several of them if reporting is submitted to several organizations). To do this, you need to prepare a key floppy disk and copy the certificates to it. Launch the browser, go to Tools - Internet Options... then to the Contents tab - Certificates - Personal. A window will open in which you can view the installed personal certificates of users, confirm the required certificate, click Export...

Next, follow the instructions of the Certificate Wizard. To save, specify the path to the key floppy disk and select any name as the name. The certificate extension must be *.cer. We do the same with the rest of the necessary certificates (of course, there is no need to copy expired ones).

3. In the same way, export the key certificate of the Authority Center (it can be found on the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” tab) - this must be done in case this certificate is not “picked up” by the Update Wizard. By the way, the latest certificate must be valid until 2013.

Everything is here. Now you can move to a new computer and start working on it.

4. First of all, we install “Electronic Document Management Tools” from the disk provided to the new client by Taxcom. By the way, I also strongly recommend saving this disk after the initial installation. Installation does not present any problems, moreover, on the same installation disk You can find detailed information in the documentation folder. step by step instructions in pictures (for which many thanks to Taxcom technical support).

Then we install Crypto-Pro (if not already installed, because this cryptographic protection tool is the most popular cryptographic program today and is used for a hell of a lot of different needs, such as a client bank, e-commerce, and the like).

Installation of the "Taxpayer" program is optional. Some people use it, others prefer to create reports directly in 1C or similar programs, this is not the point.

5. Then launch the Update Wizard: Start - Programs - Taxcom - Sprinter - Update Wizard. Launches, enter your login and access password (it is indicated on the registration card that is given to each new client. Well, it makes sense to keep this card like the apple of your eye). Next, follow the instructions of the wizard.

6. After a successful update, close all the wizards and the Referent itself and simply copy the Dipost folder from the place where we hid it (see step 1) to the Dipost folder on the new computer. For all (!) comments that such and such a file already exists, we say “Replace”.

Up to this point, everything should happen in the mode Yes, Yes, OK, Hurray, I Agree, Yes..., i.e. without any problems, stupidly following the instructions of the relevant masters.

7. Now, if everything is done correctly, we have a fully configured mailbox in the Referent, saved mail, but reporting cannot yet be sent. To complete the setup, you need to install a working user certificate and bind it to the key floppy disk.

To do this, we import the certificates that we saved to the floppy disk in step 2. We act in exactly the same way as when exporting, just click the “Import” button and follow all the instructions of the certificate import wizard.

8. Now you need to link the key certificate and floppy keys. This is done through the CryptoPro program. Launch it Start - Settings - Control Panel - CryptoPro CSP, go to the Tools tab - Install personal certificate

Next, follow the instructions of the Personal Certificate Installation Wizard. IMPORTANT: if a password for the container was specified when creating the key, you will need to enter it at this step. There shouldn't be any special problems either.

9. Now we reboot, launch the Referent and conduct an Auto-test using the key floppy disk.

That's it! Maybe it will be useful to someone.

And also - remember passwords (or better yet, write them down and store them in an inaccessible place), store distribution kits and do not throw away registration information - all this can be useful.

When submitting tax and accounting reports by a representative of the taxpayer or within the same organization, but not by the head, an information message about the power of attorney is sent along with the reporting, containing data on the details of the power of attorney issued to the representative. To work with powers of attorney in the program " Referent"use the command menu item" Directories - Powers of attorney».

Before creating a power of attorney, it is recommended to fill in the details of the authorized representative, which will later be used when filling out the power of attorney form. To do this, you need to sequentially select the items “ Directories - Powers of Attorney – Settings».

As a result, the “” window will open, in which you should click on the button. The "" window will open, then click the " Add" and select from the menu " Legal entity" or " Individual" Then fill out the following fields:

In order to fill out the field " List of authorized persons", click the button to add an entry. After clicking the button, the window “ List individuals ", in which you need to select the required individual. If the required individual is not in the list, then click the " Add" and fill out the "" window in the above manner. After that, click the button Save", then use the cursor to highlight the required line in the window " List of individuals" and press the button "Choose" To edit the data entered in the field " List of authorized persons", select the entry with the mouse cursor and press the button. To remove an entry from the list, use the button. You should also fill out the “field” by checking the boxes next to the required items.

NOTE. If the “ Authorized representative details", then to edit, click the button and make all the necessary changes.
To create a power of attorney, you need to sequentially select the items “ Directories - Powers of attorney – Create", as a result, a window will open with a form for filling out a power of attorney. In the window " Creating a power of attorney» you must enter the following data in the fields:

  • In field groups " Information about the authorized representative" And " Place of exercise of powers"The fields are filled in automatically if the settings have been previously made, which is available in the command menu item " Directories – Powers of Attorney – Settings» program window « Referent».

  • In the field group " Information about the powers of the representative» the corresponding powers of the taxpayer’s representative should be checked.

  • Field group " Add ID details" is optional.

If the principal is not the represented person, you should fill in an additional group of fields “ Add information about the principal" In this case, click on the button, then a form to fill out will open.

To view the created powers of attorney, you should sequentially select the items “ Directories - Powers of attorneyView" As a result, the window “ List of powers of attorney", which will display previously created powers of attorney. To view a power of attorney, double-click with the left mouse button on the desired power of attorney. To add a new power of attorney, click the " Add" To change or delete a power of attorney, select the desired power of attorney with the left mouse button and click the " Change" or " Delete».

NOTE. To import a previously created power of attorney using the program " Referent"at another workplace, to the program's power of attorney database " Referent"In the window of the list of powers of attorney, click the button " Import"or in the command menu perform the actions " Directories- Powers of attorney - Import", then select the previously saved power of attorney file in the explorer window that opens.

      1. Working with the directory “List of legal entities and individuals”

The list of legal entities and individuals is a directory that contains information about taxpayers and is used by the program “ Referent» for the formation of powers of attorney and requests to the tax office.

In order to open and start working with the list of legal entities and individuals, run the program " Referent»( StartProgramsTaxcomSprinterReferent"). In the section that opens " Output control" from the menu at the top, select " DirectoriesLegal and physical persons..." Next, the window “ List of legal entities and individuals».

To add data to the list, click the " Add" A menu will appear in which you must select the type of entity to be created:

  • Legal entity;

  • Phys. person / individual entrepreneur
Next, the corresponding window will appear: “” or “ Creation of information about an individual».

  • In the window " Create information about legal entity "The following fields must be filled in: " Organization name», « TIN», « checkpoint», « Address in the Russian Federation", as well as " Last name, first name, patronymic" for the head of the organization (if desired, fill in the fields " OGRN" And " Job title»).
When filling out the field " Last name, first name, patronymic"you need to use the button. When you click this button, the “ List of individuals", in which you need to select the required individual with the cursor and press the button " Choose" If in this list there is no required individual, then click the button " Add", and the window " Creation of information about an individual"You need to fill out this field and click the " Save"(after this it will be possible to select an individual for the organization).

  • In the window " Creation of information about an individual" you must mark either the item " Individual entrepreneur", or " Individual" Next, fill in the fields “ Last name, first name, patronymic (separated by commas)», « TIN" (required for " Individual entrepreneur»), « OGRNIP», « Date of birth», « Citizenship», « Address in the Russian Federation" In the section " Document" fields are filled in by default " Document type" And " date of issue" This section should be edited if a record about an individual is used to create powers of attorney. Then you need to fill in the fields: “ Document type», « Series and number», « date of issue», « Issued by" And " Department code" In other cases, fill out the section “ Document» optional.
After entering the data, click the " Save».

NOTE. Fields marked in white are not required.

When filling out the fields " Address in the Russian Federation» use the button. Using this button, the window “ Editing an address" When you start entering data into the fields, a list of options will appear from which you can select the desired values. All values ​​are taken from KLADR. Fields " House», « Frame" And " Apartment» are filled in manually. When selecting a value in the " Street", the expected value of the field is set " Index"on a gray background. If you agree with this value, then you should press the button so that the value goes into the white field “ Index"(or set your value in the white field).

To make changes to already created records about organizations or individuals, you need to select the corresponding line with data and click the button “ Change"(or double-click on the line with the mouse). A window will open that already contains previously saved information. After editing the data, click the " Save" Accordingly, if you need to remove an organization from the list, then in the “ List of legal entities and individuals»select the line with the name with the cursor and press the button « Delete».

To make it more convenient to find the required organization, use the field “ Filter by type" You can filter the list by face type by checking the appropriate fields (“ Legal faces», « Phys. faces"And" IP"), or enter text in the search field, and then press the " Enter» on the keyboard.

After finishing working with the list of legal entities and individuals, use the button " Close».

      1. General settings

In general program settings " Referent» includes selection function mailboxes when starting the program and the ability to specify a login and password for authorization on the proxy server.

Function for selecting mailboxes when starting the program " Referent» is only available if the program « Referent» is configured to work with one or more mailboxes.

", further in the category " General» windows « Setting up the program» check the box « Show box selection window when starting the program" As a result, every time you start the program " Referent"A window for selecting mailboxes to be loaded into the program will open.

In the window " Referent-Drawer Selection"displays a list of all available program mailboxes" Referent».

In this window, you need to check the box for selecting mailboxes and click the “ Choose" All mailboxes marked with a checkmark will be loaded into the program for further work. To work with other mailboxes, you need to restart the program " Referent».

In the window " Referent-Drawer Selection» you can filter mailboxes by the following selection parameters:

  • mailbox name;

  • name of the organization.
To do this, in the field " Filter» you should enter the value of the corresponding parameter. To cancel the filtering mode, clear the “ Filter" This window also allows you to sort the list of mailboxes by columns “ Box name" And " Organization name" To perform sorting, you need to left-click on the column name.

Button " Select all» allows you to check off the entire list of mailboxes at once. Button " Clear all» allows you to uncheck all the boxes in the mailbox selection fields.

In order to specify the login and password for authorization on the proxy server, you need to fill in the fields “ Username" And " Password" in the group " Proxy server authorization settings» categories « General» windows « SettingsAprograms».

      1. Setting up automatic updates

This function allows you to automatically check and install available program updates when starting the program " Referent" And " 1C:Taxpayer» version 7.7.

To configure this function, select “ Options – Program settings", further in the category " Update" in the window " Setting up the program» check the boxes « Automatic update when starting the program" And " Check for updates 1C 7.7».

      1. Setting up test programs

This function allows you to use the CheckXML-UFA program to check the financial statements of the Pension Fund. To do this, you need to install the CheckXML-UFA program, current version can be downloaded at After CheckXML-UFA has been installed, to use it you need to check the “ Use CheckXML-UFA", and also specify the path to it (by default C:\Program Files\CheckUFA\Check.exe). To do this, use the button next to the “ Path to the checking program" and press the button " OK».

      1. Database setup

This function allows you to configure a connection to the database used by the program " Referent».

To connect to another database, go to the " DB name» enter a new database name. Then press the button “ Check connection" If the settings are correct, a message will appear

All created databases are saved by default in the directory " C:\Dipost\db"and have the extension *.FDB.

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