Vertical mouse. Ergonomic mouse: description, specifications, photo

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Probably every user modern computers and laptops, it would be difficult to do without a manipulator, with the help of which the cursor is controlled on the screen, as well as the execution of various commands and actions with objects.


A manipulator is a device that every new computer user needs to master one of the first, and the device without which it is almost impossible to fully work with modern programs. There are several types of such accessories:

  • mouse, trackball, joystick and gamepad, Graphics tablet- for a stationary PC;
  • touchpad and trackpoint - for laptops.

Despite a fairly wide number of solutions to the issue of controlling the cursor and performing other functions, the most common version of the manipulator today is the computer mouse.

Computer mouse

Everyone knows that as a tool that allows you to fully manage GUI modern operating systems, the familiar mouse is the first assistant. Looking at photos of mice on the pages of online stores or choosing a device, getting acquainted with the range of real stores, you can find a wide variety of options, sometimes very interesting. The wide distribution of the accessory has led to the emergence of a huge number of models, types and types. And the variety concerns not only the color of the case, the number of buttons and the type of connection. Among the newest developments in the industry, the vertical mouse, which will be discussed below, attracts attention.


Ease of use is an important factor for such an important accessory as a mouse, so manufacturers are constantly developing the device and bringing various innovations to the design. The classic case of a computer mouse is gradually being replaced on the market by ergonomic solutions that make the monotonous process of working with a manipulator more comfortable. Why genuine interest among buyers causes vertical Let's talk about the new product in more detail.

Comfort and safety

Probably, the creator of the design concept of the considered type of manipulator used an ordinary mouse for a long time and knew all the negative consequences arising from the use of an accessory in a classic case. The point here is that when using standard solution the human hand is in an unnatural position, which leads to discomfort, pain in the wrist and even a serious disease - carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) during prolonged use of a conventional mouse. It should be noted right away that the vertical mouse allows you to avoid this to some extent.

tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neurological disease that manifests itself in the form of prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers. The main reason why this disease can overtake everyone is the compression of the median nerve, located between the tendons of the muscles and the bones of the human wrist.

How to avoid unpleasant consequences

To prevent the disease, situations should not be allowed when the hand is in an unnatural position for a long time. Unfortunately, conventional manipulators offered by various manufacturers for use with modern PCs do not make it possible to fulfill the above recommendation, and carpal tunnel syndrome can be considered an occupational disease for many professionals who constantly use a computer in their work. It is for such people that a vertical mouse can be a real find.

Accessory from the future

Seeing for the first time a photo of a mouse, which is considered in the framework of this article, it is difficult to assume that we have a full-fledged replacement for the usual and familiar computer manipulator. Rather, such a solution resembles something futuristic, directly a device from the future. Of course, by choosing a similar mouse from one of the many manufacturers of these devices, you can make yourself and / or your loved ones a wonderful, unusual and, of course, a very useful gift.

Delux vertical mice

As mentioned above, the vertical concept in the design of computer mice is used by more than one manufacturer of computer accessories. One of the very first companies that began to offer such a solution to buyers from our country was Delux Technology. The range offered by the company has several solutions that differ in case color, connection type (wired and wireless) and some technical characteristics.

Most popular model

The Delux M618 mouse won the greatest recognition among buyers of Delux vertical manipulators. According to the manufacturer, the advantages of the manipulator are:

  • ergonomic design for maximum comfort when using;
  • the location of the user's hand in an anatomically correct form during operation;
  • a decrease in the force that must be applied by the user to comfortably grip the mouse;
  • the presence of a special tray that prevents friction between the hand and the surface of the table or mouse pad;
  • good and convenient arrangement of buttons.

Additional functions

TO technical specifications Delux M618, which allow you to further increase the level of convenience and comfort when using, should also include a changeable resolution of the laser sensor, which can be adjusted by pressing a special DPI button, thus speeding up or slowing down the movement of the cursor on the screen. Additional keys pressed by the user's thumb and allowing you to perform various actions in a wide variety of programs make the device more versatile.

This Monday I will talk about a mouse that helps to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Go!

Under the cut - a medical educational program about the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, how to avoid it, and of course, an overview of the vertical mouse.

About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

As we know, carpal tunnel syndrome - it is also called CTS, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome (although those who translate this should be killed, this is even worse than alkaline. Carpal is just a brush), carpal tunnel syndrome, radiocarpal syndrome, in a common name RSI, Repetitive Strain Injury (chronic hand disease) is a lesion of nerve tissues (neuropathy) due to some unfavorable conditions. Strictly speaking, calling it a carpal tunnel syndrome is not entirely correct - carpal tunnel syndrome can manifest itself not only in the hand, while carpal tunnel syndrome, by definition, only in the wrist :)
Unfavorable conditions can be very different - usually it is the monotonous work of the brush or a long stay in unnatural positions. Accordingly, the risk group includes those people whose work or pastime involves prolonged wrist strain and / or prolonged work with a brush - forever alone, cyclists and bikers, assemblers, packers, musicians, artists, and of course, people working with a mouse and keyboard.

To make it clearer, look at the picture above. We are interested in the median and ulnar nerves - a bundle of nerves, the branches of which innervate most of the hand (shown in purple in the figure):

They are located next to a formation called the carpal tunnel:

This is a structure that holds the flexor tendons of the fingers relative to each other and the wrist - a tendon bag (in the figure - the blue part). It is located between several bones and ligaments - in the tunnel of the wrist joint.
What happens with a long bending of the joint, an uncomfortable position of the hands and a lot of monotonous movements?
Prolonged tension of the muscles of the hand leads to a deterioration in their blood supply, in violation of which destructive processes begin in the tendons and muscles. By themselves, they do not carry any harm yet, the body knows what to do - the blood flow through the damaged area increases, which ensures normal nutrition and timely removal of decay products. When the harmful effects stop, the unpleasant sensations will pass by themselves.
But if we continue to work with the brush in the same way (there are not very many painful endings, and it is problematic to notice the onset of the disease), continuing to strain the muscles, and at the same time reducing the lumen of the tunnel by bending the brush, then we get swelling of the muscles and tendons - the fluid is not excreted properly manner.
The developing edema presses on the median and ulnar nerves and adjacent vessels, causing hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and swelling of tissues and nerves. The nerve in this state cannot fully perform its functions, because of this, such unpleasant effects (paresthesias) arise as: decreased sensitivity, soreness, tingling in the fingers, weakness of the palm. The muscles of the hand and fingers, which are controlled by the nerve, gradually “relax” - the signals from the brain do not reach them completely, and they begin to atrophy. All this against the backdrop of pain that intensifies at night, and does not allow sleep.

Scary? Only with the help special, a vertical mouse, you can heal your hand... Just kidding, sorry. No, even the most expensive mouse will help you - the disease arises from several factors, which must be removed in a complex manner. In 90%, the simplest gymnastics performed regularly 10 minutes a day will remove all symptoms. You didn't miss a word regularly, Truth? If the only thing you do for symptoms is to buy a mouse, that won't save you, unless it delays their aggravation.

The main idea of ​​gymnastics is rest from harmful factors, but not from movement. Get up, walk around, wave your hands. Unclench-squeeze your hands, shake your brushes. Many problems come from monotonous movements - that's what you need to get rid of them by regularly making movements that are different from the usual ones. Everything is well described here.
I will tell you about getting rid of only one factor - the wrong position of the brush lying on the mouse.

Right or wrong?

Stand up, relax your arms, lower them down. What position did they take? The palms are turned inward, "toward yourself." Now, put your hand on the table without changing its position anywhere except the elbow. How does she lie? Elbow and edge of the brush on the table.
Now put it on the mouse. What happened? The hand turned relative to the elbow by almost 90 degrees. This position of the hand fits perfectly with the established paradigm of using a computer - left mouse button, right mouse button, middle mouse button, etc.

But it is not physiological - the muscles that provide inward rotation (pronators), arms and hands are constantly tense, and the arch supports (muscles that rotate "out"), on the contrary, are stretched. What does it lead to constant pressure muscles, I already wrote - swelling, and then on the rise.

For example, a square pronator - a muscle that rotates the forearm inward, is most tense when the hand is in the wrong position. And it is located at the very carpal tunnel, respectively - its swelling will first of all put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels, which will cause discomfort.

In the case of using a vertical mouse, the hand retains its “normal” position, in which there is no additional load on the supinators and pronators.

True, there are problems with the monotonous movements of the fingers - when pressing the keys and turning the wheel. Only a radical change in the principle of input will help you cope with this - a touchpad, a trackball (it is called to the thread that will talk about your experience with trackballs), jerky hotkeys or a graphics tablet.

As usual, I wanted to write briefly about the syndrome, but it turned out that the details make up most of the text. Wrote, showed to a friend, he asked about something, I had to add. Showed the doctor - he corrected a couple of inaccuracies, said a lot of smart words, which had to be explained ... Okay. About the mouse.

About the mouse.


Extremely strange packaging, getting the mouse out of it is quite problematic. We will have to deal with Velcro, adhesive tape, a cunning mouse and wire attachment system, understand the mental anguish of a Chinese box developer, torn between convenience and beauty. In the fight against these problems, I completely forgot to show you the back of the box, here it is:

Finally, we got the mouse.

What catches your eye is a thin but long wire, even with a filter at the end:

Very soft, bends well, and does not interfere with the movements of the mouse. Nothing more remarkable. Let's get back to the mouse:

The key on the end is a DPI switch (from 800 to 2400), which allows you to adjust the speed of the mouse movement to your needs.

On the right side, there are two buttons (“left” and “right”, heh), and a standard wheel. It does not swing to the sides, however, this function is performed by two buttons on the reverse side:

They are located next to the notch for the thumb, and to be honest, a couple of times I unintentionally touched them. Apparently, it is not necessary to hang functions with a hard-to-reversible action on them - deleting files, for example. I have them switching tabs in the browser.
The surface, on which most of the palm rests, is made of a rubber-like material, which is almost impossible to clean from dust particles and fabric fibers - they adhere remarkably to it even immediately after wiping. In fairness, I note that the rest of the pollution is washed off and erased from this surface quite normally. The rest is ordinary plastic, which has neither serious advantages nor critical disadvantages.

There is only a sensor on the bottom of the mouse:

Sliding legs are present in large quantities (6 pieces), and perform their function quite tolerably.

As the most attentive readers probably guessed, the “sole”, designed to take over the support of the brush, is detached. I am very comfortable with her, but suddenly.

Results of use

The first week was Very unusual. So unusual that I have several times thought about switching back to classic mice. Although I was able to fully work after a couple of days, for a few more days, every time I took it in my hand, I had to make an effort to remember which button was which. But a week later I used it quite calmly, and after two - the classic mice seemed strange and very uncomfortable, to the point that I didn’t want to take them in my hand.
Here's what the mouse looks like in your hand:

I especially liked, oddly enough, playing various shooter toys with such a mouse - almost like a joystick.
Another feature that I noticed is that you have to move the mouse not with your hand, but with your whole hand, due to the fact that the wrist is less flexible with such a grip. I understand that this is more useful for the brush, but still, a little unusual.
The DPI button was very useful - after getting used to it, DPI can be increased, the brush will have to be moved less.
The good news is that my arm doesn't hurt. But she never got sick before.


The mouse is ordered from BuySKU for $26.
Nearby in the catalog there is the same, but wireless, although its maximum DPI is lower - 1600. It costs a little more - $47. I doubted its convenience, so I bought a version with a wire, which I now regret - it would be somehow more convenient without wires.

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An ordinary computer mouse, no matter how harmless it may seem, may not be entirely healthy, especially if you use it more than 5 hours a day. Ordinary mice are absolutely not suitable for long-term use. To avoid injury, keep your hand in a comfortable position. This is achieved by an ergonomic mouse with a special design and structure that keeps your hand in a more natural state. It's time to save yourself and replace your old mouse with a new one. At first glance, an ergonomic mouse looks like a regular mouse, and even after looking closely, the difference is not obvious. The main advantage is that your fingers will be relaxed and will not overstrain, even with prolonged use. Surely you have noticed that after prolonged use of the mouse, there is an unpleasant itchy sensation in the wrist. There is an opportunity to take care of your health and instantly decide this problem. This review is dedicated exclusively to devices with high ergonomic properties.

Anker Vertical Ergonomic Mouse

This vertical mouse is very sensitive to movements and the most comfortable for your hands. Especially suitable for people who spend most of the day at the computer. This is the perfect mouse for those with hand problems. It is compatible with Windows (Vista, XP, 7, 8 and later), Linux and Mac OS X.

The Anker Ergonomic Mouse is perfectly controlled and allows you to work tirelessly. Optical mouse with three different levels of sensitivity - 800/1200/1600 DPI. It is very convenient to surf the Internet with the next/previous buttons. The mouse is quite famous among many gamers and people who have to work long hours at the computer.

This vertical computer mouse fits quite well in the hand. When the mouse is left idle for several minutes, the power saving mode is activated, increasing the time battery life. The vertical mouse works with 2AAA batteries.

The mouse has five elegant buttons, they are quite functional and responsive. When using the hand is in a comfortable position, any discomfort from use is not observed. Anker 2.4 is an amazing mouse, it has a stylish design and great functionality. Price - within $25 .

Pros: light, vertical, combines simplicity and elegance, competitive price, cool design and many keys, compatible with all operating systems, one and a half year warranty from the manufacturer.

Minuses: in some cases, there are difficulties connecting to Mac OS X.

Microsoft Sculpt Mouse

This ergonomic mouse is simply superbly made, the design is solid and very comfortable to control. The mouse is specially designed for flawless precision. You can use, perhaps, any surface except glass.

She does not strain her fingers, it is very pleasant to work. Especially comfortable on the wrist, Microsoft Sculp is very ergonomic. For users of the windows operating system, there is a special key that provides instant access to the start menu, as they say, just one click and everything you need is in front of you.

Working with the most popular operating system becomes more comfortable. The BlueTrack technology used in the mouse very accurately tracks all your movements. The mouse is wireless, the battery is 2AAA, which lasts about a year, which is not bad at all. The signal from the mouse is transmitted at a distance of up to three meters, so that you can work at a distance from the computer. In addition to Windows, it is possible to connect to other operating systems such as Mac OS X and Android. Microsoft conducts quite a lot of various computer research, plus its desire to improve its products is widely known.

This mouse will not disappoint its customer and save his joints. Reasonable price - approx. $40 .

Pros: Wide compatibility, allows the hands to be in a natural position, reduces the risk of joint disease, long battery life.

Minuses: the windows button is not Mac compatible, some don't fit the height.

Logitech MX Master

This is one of the most popular mice in our review. It can boast of its versatility and versatility while maintaining, nevertheless, compactness. Connects to several devices at the same time, both with the help of a transmitter inserted into usb, and via bluetooth. To be more precise, it is possible to connect to three devices at once. Switching between them is very simple, there is a special key at the bottom. The mouse behaves well on different surfaces. Especially the gadget will please fans to customize everything for themselves.

If you download special software from the Logitech website, then you will see wide opportunities device customization. You can make it even more versatile. For example, you can change the assignment of function keys to switch pages, change programs, or you can even set different button behavior in different programs.

The battery does not last very long compared to some models, but it will last 40 days of continuous operation. The mouse looks very cool, it has a lot various functions, wide range of action. It is very dynamic and probably it would be appropriate to recommend it as the best mouse for gamers. But still, the most important advantage is the ability to reprogram the function keys for yourself. Price tag - order $100 .

Pros: wide range bluetooth, compatible with windows and mac os, connect to three computers at the same time, built-in lithium polymer battery accumulator battery.

Minuses: some people don't like to charge the battery every 40 days.

Microsoft ArcTouch

It's not often that several devices from the same company appear in the review of the best gadgets, but this mouse deserves it. A truly fantastic design, simply amazing, apparently the engineers from Microsoft do not give up and can still surprise us. It may not be suitable for everyone, but if you have problems with your fingers or wrist, then you should take this option into account.

The main feature of this mouse is its mobility, it can be bent, worked, and then straightened and put in a backpack. Another unique feature is that instead of the usual scroll wheel, a special strip with a motion sensor is installed here. Scrolling pages in the browser is carried out with a smooth sliding motion. Those who have not encountered such technology before will definitely have a lot of fun.

It is also possible here, after downloading the necessary software from the Microsoft website, to reprogram the function keys of the mouse. As for compatibility, everything is in order, it is possible to connect to the operating Windows system 8, 10 and Mac OS X v10.7x. The gadget is powered by two AAA batteries, which will last for about six months, although for many this parameter does not play a special role. In general, if you want an ergonomic mouse with a stylish design, then this device will be a worthy choice for $80 .

Pros: stylish and inexpensive, easy to operate, turn on by bending, portable, good compatibility.

Minuses: it is not completely clear whether it will be convenient in everyday use.

J-Tech Wired Ergonomic Mouse

Upright mice were designed specifically to take the strain off your wrist. In this design, the palm, as it were, wraps around the mouse, thereby relieving the load from the joint. This model does not have any extraordinary features, but it can prevent injuries. The main disadvantage is that this gadget is not wireless, neither wifi nor bluetooth will come to your aid. You will have to endure a tangled cable on your desk.

But it should be noted that the mouse is very ergonomic, fits well in the hand, there are forward and backward buttons, so that fans of surfing the Internet will be very comfortable. At the top is a DPI switch, with which you can change the sensitivity of the device within 600 / 1000 / 1600DPI. To make it clearer, this means that if you move the mouse one inch, the cursor will move 1600 pixels. The higher the DPI, the more sensitive the device.

The mouse is compatible with Windows 7/8/Vista/XP and Mac OS X. In some cases, the forward and backward buttons may not work, and even reprogram them using any software it will not work, but given the amazing ergonomics, it is still worth taking a closer look at this device. Price - $20-30 .

Pros: very ergonomic, sensitivity adjustment, good compatibility.

Minuses: there is no possibility to reprogram additional keys, under Mac they may not work at all, wire.

Adesso iMouse E9

Most mice on the market are made for right-handers. Adesso decided to correct this shortcoming and released the iMouse E9. This vertical model will be convenient for left-handers. Most of the functions of this device do not differ from the previous ones in this list. The main feature of this mouse is the ability to use it with your left hand. The design is cool and it looks great. The mouse allows the hand to be in a very comfortable position, which will later avoid wrist injuries.

Wide sensitivity range 800/1200/1600/2400 DPI, there is a special key for switching. The surfaces on which this mouse can work are represented by an extensive list, in which only glass will not be mentioned. For comfortable work with the browser, navigation keys. The mouse is quite large, so it may not be suitable for everyone.

Pros: perfect solution for left-handers, optical, sensitivity.

Minuses: not suitable for everyone due to their size.

TechNet Wireless Mouse

This is one of the best budget mice on the market. This gadget, in principle, got into this review due to its price. It is wireless with a nano receiver that barely protrudes from the USB socket. Runs on two AAA batteries. Despite the low price, the mouse does not look cheap, but on the contrary, the design is very cool. The mouse operates at a frequency of 2.4GHz, the signal is good, even from a distance of more than five meters.

Supports various operating systems, no compatibility issues were found. Five sensitivity modes are available, making this mouse very accurate. You can save time by using the navigation buttons. View documents or switch tabs faster. It's a great input device, but there's really no way to customize anything. This means that you will not be able to reprogram the keys. Great option if you do not spend most of the day at the computer and the price $10-12 .

Pros: excellent functionality for the money, does not require additional. programs, easy, convenient, navigation keys, wide sensitivity setting.

Minuses: not reprogrammable, not ergonomic enough to prevent hand diseases.

Sharkk Wireless Mouse

This mouse keeps your wrist in a natural position. The hand is located comfortably and the fingers do not strain. It is compatible with windows, mac and Linux. Of particular note is energy efficiency. This device uses advanced power saving technology, there is no need to constantly turn the mouse on and off, as it automatically enters sleep mode after eight seconds of inactivity.

There are also forward/backward keys for easier navigation. They will allow you to be more productive, and a comfortable hand position will not overstrain your joints. There are also three modes with different sensitivity, for more precise work with graphics or editing. The mouse is extremely comfortable and easy to use. It is designed exclusively for right-handers. The device does not require additional software, just insert the signal receiver into usb port and all.

The only disappointment is the lack of the ability to reassign buttons for yourself, like some other manufacturers. It's a good ergonomic mouse, with the right hand fit that takes care of your health, but no frills in the form of any additional functionality. Price - $25 .

Pros: comfortable body, ergonomic design, energy saving, good compatibility.

Minuses: The size of the mouse may not seem convenient to everyone.

Digital Point 6D

Ergonomic wireless mouse with an interesting design. There is support for the thumb, so that the hand is relaxed. It is comfortable to use, long hours pass without consequences, and without any signs of fatigue. Works on all surfaces correctly, without any complaints. Easily controlled without straining your fingers. Sensitivity is high, very accurate.

The mouse has a built-in rechargeable battery, which is charged via the USB cable that comes with the kit. The mouse works from a sufficient distance so that you can use it while you are away from your personal computer. Connects to Windows 8, 10, Mac OS X (v10.7-10.9), and Linux. There are also several DPI sensitivity modes. This is the most balanced device. Attractive price and ergonomics met here. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, but still avoid possible problems with joints, then this mouse will definitely suit you. Required to purchase $10-15 .

Pros: the ideal choice for people focused on a budget option, thought out the location of the thumb, rechargeable battery, good compatibility, a year and a half warranty.

Minuses: not a long battery charge time.

It has already become obvious that the time has come for serious changes in the market of computer manipulators. After all, the concept of a computer mouse has remained unchanged for decades!

Therefore, now I would like to introduce you to one new device that may soon enter the everyday life of many people. This is a vertical computer mouse. How did this device come about?

The first mouse was developed a long time ago - back in the 60s of the last century. The inventor was Douglas Engelbart. And until now, the shape of this device has not changed significantly, only the smoothness of the lines has been added to it. And why reinvent the wheel? After all, you can simply improve it technically in order to keep up with the times.

But time has gone far ahead!

So far this principle has worked perfectly. But this could not go on forever, finally needed a change. The first signal was the discussion of doctors about "tunnel syndrome" - a diagnosis that often began to be put to people who work a lot at the computer. The syndrome is manifested by pain in the wrist, shoulder and other unpleasant sensations.

In other words, the bike was good, but people stopped getting off the saddle. If a couple of decades ago we mostly encountered a computer at work, now we spend most of our free time behind it. Just think about the load our body is experiencing.

For many people today it is considered the norm to spend 17 hours a day at the computer with breaks only for a cup of coffee and food. True, you can have a snack without looking up from the computer.

This lifestyle forces manufacturers to change something, and they are increasingly beginning to listen to the opinion of doctors. And modern medical research shows that the constant work with the mouse is the cause of a huge load on the wrist. Regular use of a mouse for 10 hours a day sometimes leads to such serious violations that a person requires surgery on the wrist. The statistics say that this moment tens of thousands of such operations have already been performed. Doctors say that in terms of the load on the hand, working with a mouse is comparable to hard physical labor, for example, sawing firewood. And this has been going on for years!

Engineers thought and found a way out. It turns out that reducing the load is very simple. It is enough just to deploy the mouse buttons at a right angle to the table surface. This is how the vertical model was invented.

It is worth noting that the largest is presented on our website, where you can quickly order them.

Further more interesting - just recently I discovered a prototype of a new vertical manipulator. Hopefully this mouse will go on sale soon. We are talking about a model under the working title City Mouse. This latest marvel of technology functions in three dimensions, as it is now customary to say, in 3D. Here you can draw an analogy with a children's toy - a tumbler. The principle is the same. This vertical mouse is not moved along the plane, but swayed left-right, back-forward. That is, a new concept of a vertical mouse has already been developed.

This is the prototype, working title:
City Mouse - City Mouse - because you can immediately see - a male.

The main idea of ​​the mouse is that it allows you to work in three dimensions (in 3D, as it is now fashionable to say). Remember our tumbler (?), here it is, the same principle.

Today, in the assortment of many manufacturers of computer peripherals there are ergonomic mice for a computer, but not everyone knows about this. It is about him that we will talk today. It doesn't matter who you are, student, gamer, office worker or any other type of activity that requires work at a computer or laptop. If you have to sit with a computer mouse in your hands for a long time, you will appreciate the gadgets presented here. Why Are Ergonomic Computer Mice Better Than Regular Computer Mice? You will find the answer to this question.

1. Swiftpoint GT

This miniature gadget can be safely called the best ergonomic mouse for a computer in 2018. After all, Swiftpoint GT is a gadget, not from some famous brand, but which this year managed to find recognition on crowdfunding platforms and launch serial production.

By the way, Computex this year introduced a controller for VR games, which is also controlled by legs - . So maybe the era of Foot Gadgets is coming.

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