All social networks in one android application. How to collect all social networks in one application

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A large number of new programs appear on the application market every day. Applications for devices with operating system Android system at the same time, they occupy a significant share, partly due to the fact that it allows you to implement more functions on it compared to other platforms.

So that you don't get lost among the huge variety, website made a review of the most useful applications for Android that are really worthy of attention and space in your mobile device.

Save web pages for reading

There are plenty of messaging services. To the popular Viber, iMessage and Telegram, Facebook Messenger has also been added, the audience of which has already exceeded 200 million users. It features a minimalist design and excellent functionality: in addition to departure text messages, the application allows you to share photos, audio recordings and videos, as well as make and receive calls.


Waking up in the morning is easy for few people. We all, of course, set our alarms for right time, but as soon as it starts to ring, we put off the call again and again with the usual movement. The Puzzle Alarm Clock app, available on Android devices, will help you overcome this bad habit. To turn off the melody, it offers several options: solving puzzles, mathematical problems, unpleasant flickering of the flash, and, in especially severe cases, a monetary fine for each change in the alarm time!

Physical activity

Physical activity tracking services are gaining popularity. Here we go Google company launched its Google Fit application, which allows you to collect the activity statistics you need and monitor all indicators using sensors. The program keeps track of how far you have walked, run or cycled and counts the calories burned.

Increased Productivity

If you are familiar with the concept of procrastination, the Focus Lock app for Android can help you increase your productivity. It allows you to temporarily block all “harmful” applications that distract you and prevent you from focusing on important things. All you need to do is set the time intervals for work and rest, and the program itself will give a signal when you have the opportunity to use blocked services. If you try to launch a prohibited application, you will not succeed, and you will not be able to remove the lock in Focus Lock itself. For some, such a radical method can be a salvation.

Sync apps

The amazing IFTTT automation app is now available on Android. The service allows you to save your time by creating connections between actions in different applications. For example, you can duplicate all the photos you added to Instagram on Twitter, or save files received by mail to Dropbox. There are a huge number of recipes, you can find ready-made ones in the application, or you can create your own.


Now Android device owners have the opportunity to use the amazing weather app from Yahoo! - Yahoo Weather. It has one of the most beautiful interfaces: beautiful photos from Flickr are selected for each city and weather. In addition to air temperature, there is also animated data on wind strength, a city map, moon phase and the current position of the sun.

Convenient calendar

Mobile device users Android control They can use various applications to organize their day. This can be either a full-fledged calendar, planned out months in advance, or a simple to-do list containing simply a list of tasks. Accomplish combines both of these approaches: you can drag tasks directly from your to-do list onto your calendar and schedule when it's convenient for you to do each task.

Time management

One more thing useful application, allowing you to plan and organize your time. MyLifeOrganized will become your personal secretary, who is constantly next to you, keeps a list of tasks and promptly reminds you to complete them. Tasks can be combined into groups and the dependence of the implementation of some tasks on the execution of others can be established. There is even the ability to specify the location where the reminder should go off (for example, to remind you to buy batteries when you are in the store).

Learning new words

If you're tired of your usual routine life, the cool app Shuffle My Life will help you overcome boredom and bring a little spontaneity into your every day. The application will offer you to complete one of the random tasks, of which there are currently more than four hundred. For example, take a photo of five unusual objects on the way to work, read a new book, or write a speech on an arbitrary topic and record it on a voice recorder. The program controls the execution of tasks, so don’t try to cheat.

Task Manager

We are talking about Fuse, an application for iPhone in which you can simultaneously display, comment and publish content from several popular social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. Fans of Odnoklassniki and VKontakte will, of course, be disappointed; but we hope that among our readers there will not be too many of them.

The startup was launched by two developers; the result of their efforts was a beautiful aggregator application, with which you can quickly and conveniently view your feed of updates and statuses, respond to received messages and correspond in comments with other users of the most popular social networks on the planet. The idea is simple: one socially active person needs one universal application for social communication. No isolated social networks or switching between feeds: come in and see all correspondence, statuses, news, photos at once, share what’s new.

To get started, you need to download Fuse Social from the Apple AppStore and create a new account, or log in using your existing Twitter and Facebook account, giving the application access to your personal content publishing settings.

The general update feed here is standard: a text announcement, a picture (if any), a user avatar or brand logo, the number of “likes” and comments. You can scroll the feed up and down, at the top you see light gray buttons for publishing your own new post or going to the settings of your personal profiles on social networks.

The second tab on the left is mentions in the comments of posts you liked, posts where you commented, or where other users responded to you.

A separate tab at the bottom is responsible for personal messages: here, too, everything is done in uniform style, with round avatars and icons popular today.

An icon resembling a signpost is responsible for storing search queries on social networks and popular search topics.

Add new accounts from different social networks is quite easy here: just click on the gray icon with a silhouette of people in the upper left corner of the application - and a side tab opens where you can, by clicking Add Account, add your accounts from different social networks.

The application not only works as an aggregator of social content, but also makes it possible to publish your own materials on the selected social network. If you want to write a status update, post a photo, add a mention of other users or a geotag to it, just click on the gray icon in the upper right corner, a window will open in which you can enter a text note (an application tag is attached to it by default), attach a photo or leave other information. As soon as you finish typing, click on the Post button to send it to the social network.

You can also comment on your favorite post from other users or brand pages without leaving Fuse. Just tap a post in your shared feed and it will open in separate tab with a comment thread below it. This displays a small text lead and the title image of the post, a link to the entire news or post, an icon of the social network you are currently on, and the profiles of other users who have already commented on this post.

In general, the application - although I don’t like this hackneyed phrase - is pleasant, there is no other way to say it: there are no “lags” or slowdowns, the content loads quickly, switching between individual posts, tabs and links is smooth, the interface is minimalistic, the colors are calm - in short, everything that I like so much in applications is here. Not only owners of iPhones of previous generations can rejoice, but also iPhone 5: everything is adapted for both “old” and new screen diagonals. True, there is one “but”. Instagram and LinkedIn are connected here on a paid basis: collecting content and viewing it in Fuse, as well as the ability to publish your content, will cost the user 99 cents per social network.

There is no Russian-language version of the interface, but this does not pose any problem for the user: the controls here are so simple, and the icons so clearly indicate the purpose of each tab that it is unlikely that an avid user of social networks will have questions about what this or that icon means. Usability requirements for social clients are fully met in Fuse.

Cyrillic in the feed, headings, usernames and comments is displayed correctly, strange characters and “abracadabra” was not noticed.

Fuse is a good lightweight aggregator of content from social networks, as well as a convenient client for posting to the most popular of them. The lack of Russian language in the interface and support for Vkontakte, as well as the need to pay a symbolic amount for connecting Instagram and LinkedIn, may push some RuNet users away from this iOS client. But in general, the editors of ISH recommend Fuse at least as an alternative lightweight client for Facebook and Twitter (if you don’t even want to activate paid options).

I, like every normal Internet user, have more than one, or rather more than two, accounts on various social networks. In some places I am active, in others I limit myself to the role of an observer, and I have already conveniently forgotten about some of my call signs.

To keep yourself up to date with events in social networks, you need to open a separate window in the browser for each of them (this is if you are on a desktop PC or laptop) or a couple of applications (if you are on a mobile device). And then periodically return to these windows/applications so as not to fall out of the flow of news and events on the networks.

In principle, I do not lead a super active life on networks; there are people there to do this. Mostly I observe, absorb information from friends, from active users, from all sorts of communities, write private messages, and of course photographs, how could I do without this - to show my own and look at others’.

And if for news there have been RSS aggregators for a long time, then for social networks there has not yet been such a product that would be convenient. Bye…

Most recently, Belarusians launched the social networking aggregator into the public testing stage.

The resource interface is designed in Metro UI style. Everything is clear and accessible, but not without minor bugs. You log in using the aggregator in the social networks you need, give permission to access sections of information, and in one browser window you can simultaneously see all your accounts.

How does this work?
The use of this aggregator for social networks is, in principle, understandable; there is no inconvenience for the average Internet user. At first, you just need to get used to the fact that all the sources are in one place.

In total, you can currently use accounts in 10 networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, YouTube and Groupon.

You can manipulate information on by simply dragging news from one network to another and it will be published there on your behalf. If you need someone very urgently, you can send them a message simultaneously to all networks in which both you and your recipient are. You can view all the albums of the person you are interested in on various social networks. There is also a slide show function.

Match person”: on any friend’s tab, initially there is only his current social network feed, and on the right there is a panel that allows you to add all his accounts in various social networks. will do everything automatically, either offer you to choose from a list of friends, or use the search.

This procedure can also be done on the “ tab People” – by simply dragging a person from one social network to his own account in another (using the additional “arrow” button). In the same way, you can introduce one of your friends, for example, from VK to another friend, but in a different grid (tab “ Introducing”).

"Favorites" in the People section. Here you can add people you are interested in, so as not to waste time searching for them in the future. Sources of information from different networks will be collected in one tab for convenient further viewing of news. These may not necessarily be people who are in your friends, but simply interesting people or pages of news agencies.

Although does not contain all the functionality of social networks (which, in principle, is understandable due to the limitations imposed by the use of the public API), the resource is quite convenient. Save time and get maximum up-to-date information. Should be coming soon mobile application. In the meantime, the developers are collecting user feedback.

If recently it was fashionable to have dozens of different applications that essentially could be combined into one, now the trend is the opposite - aggregation has replaced separation. This time we will combine the most important thing: what you probably have on the first “home” screen of your smartphone. and messengers.

The idea is not new, and it’s hard to imagine how many attempts there have already been to create a universal “messenger”. However, few people decided to use social networks and instant messengers as an element of the new platform. Often, searching for a person on social networks (especially with a frequently occurring surname) turns into searching for a needle in a haystack. But what if you assign a unique ID to the user, with which you can immediately “exit” to all of his pages?

The OL PORTAL application works on this principle. When registering, each user is assigned a so-called OL number: all social networks and instant messengers are connected to it. In addition, since the number is short, it can be passed on to friends as a business card, because using this number a person will be able to immediately find you in OL PORTAL.

But the main idea - to unite all social services - has not gone away. For example, you need to write to a person, but you don’t know where he most often views messages. Send the same message to 2-3 instant messengers and the same number of social networks at once, and the recipient will respond most quickly. The same application is used to post new posts. A couple of clicks - and your photo or post immediately appears on Instagram, VKontakte, and Facebook.

“The cherry on the cake” is a news aggregator built into the application. Instead of first reading your Twitter feed, then liking Instagram, and then Facebook, it's easier to see all the news at once in one application. This is a great time saver, especially in the morning when you need to quickly get acquainted with the agenda.

It’s convenient that with OL PORTAL you can easily and quickly see all the social networks of your contacts on your phone. Convenient sorting and contact filters will make your search easier. But most importantly, with a unique number you won’t have to explain how to find you on social networks.

The application is available for free, Android version. iOS and browser versions are also on the way.

A modern active Internet user is registered in a dozen or two social networks and communicates more or less actively in a couple of them. Let's not talk about how long it takes - it depends on the degree of your Internet addiction. However, even if you are a follower of just 1-2 social networks, you know that despite their well-thought-out notification tools, it is not so easy to keep track of everything that happens on their pages.

Services that can be called social network aggregators. They all solve one problem - they help to read the content of several social networks at once on one page. Some of these web tools and mobile apps also allow you to update social media content. Having one all-in-one app for multiple social media platforms is a must for the busy and online active user.


The service allows you to collect content from more than a dozen of the most popular social networks on one page. Among them are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Flickr, Google+, Instagram and several others. To add an account, you simply need to confirm the social network’s permission to allow the Meople service to access your account. Content from each social network is presented in the form of a vertical column, which displays a feed of updates from the user, his friends and communities. It’s not very convenient that by default the width of each column is fixed, and if you add at least 3-4 of them, horizontal scrolling appears, making it difficult to view social network content. The service is free.

However, you can choose other options for viewing social network content - the combined view displays posts from different social networks mixed in the form of square blocks. The first and second viewing options can also be displayed as smaller icons, making the content easier to read on smaller screens. It is also possible to adjust the content display scale.

Using the "Me" section, you can view your own posts on social networks; the "Inbox" section will provide access to private messages received on various social networks. The “News” section will help you see news content published in supported social networks, while the service itself creates a list of content sources for news, simply adding accounts of popular online media (CNN, CBS, BBC, etc.) to it.


The service supports work with Facebook, Foursquare, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, support for Pinterest and Linkedin is expected. The service allows you to both read news from social networks and update their content. You can use Feedot for free for 30 days, after which users are asked to transfer 300 rubles “for server development.”

The application allows you to create channels (custom news feeds) and publish content there in accordance with certain hashtags. You can also post content from specific people, groups, or websites into channels. Thus, Feedot allows you to read the content of other sites, replacing a news aggregator.


The authors of this web tool promise to collect content from up to 35 different social networks on one page. The service can be called powerful system management of social networks - it allows you not only to read their content, but also to publish updates, scheduling their appearance at a certain time, to analyze the popularity of posts using statistics systems. Three online accounts can be managed for free, but if you need more, you'll have to pay from $8.99 per month. However, you can try the service for free during a 30-day trial period.

Social network aggregators on mobile devices (free)

Fuse (for iOS)

Allows you to collect several social networks in one place. The application allows you to read, comment and publish content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. In the Fuse app, content is grouped into different tabs that provide feed content, access to settings, private messages, and so on. There are search functions. The application allows you to update statuses on social networks and add comments.

1board (OneBoard) (Android and iOS)

The application combines the five most popular social networks - Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare (Swarm), Instagram and VKontakte. In the 1board application, you can read news from all accounts at once and publish updates in them, comment on the posts of others. It is noteworthy that the application allows you to publish content from one social network to another, for example, an interesting post from Facebook can be sent to Twitter with one touch of the screen.

Relevance (iOS)

The application can aggregate content from Facebook and Twitter - read materials from these social networks and update them. The application is able to determine user preferences and group posts into an aggregated social network feed and display posts that are interesting, in the opinion of the app developers, in first place.

Socialife (Android)

Sony has released its mobile application for aggregating social networks. In Socialife you can read both news collections and social media. The application can work with Twitter, YouTube, VKontakte.

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